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View Full Version : [Giveaway] Why NO UnGive-Away This Year, Idol?

12-22-2011, 06:47 PM
Looks like I'll have to take over the tradition this year, until Idol hijacks my thread.

If you don't know how it goes, look up last years Un-Give-Away. Basically, requesters posts what they would like, and other members here can offer to help, if they have invites available. There's no guarantees, but a few good invitees usually end up with some sites they wouldn't normally start a thread about, and the rest of us toast SPAM by the flames.

Jokes, videos, music, and just seasoned humor is all fare game...

Happy holidaze to all! :)

12-22-2011, 06:53 PM
Just searched google and strangely enough I didn't find a single "I need HDBits is my dream" Christmas video

12-22-2011, 07:15 PM
If you don't know how it goes, look up last years Un-Give-Away.

There's been more than one, I think. Idol's "I have a dream" was my favorite. :)

12-22-2011, 07:36 PM
There's been more than one, I think. Idol's "I have a dream" was my favorite. :)

I was kinda surprised Idol hadn't started one already. Hopefully, he'll take over so I don't actually have to work it can be done right. :shifty:

12-22-2011, 08:28 PM
Looks like I'll have to take over the tradition this year, until Idol hijacks my thread.

If you don't know how it goes, look up last years Un-Give-Away. Basically, requesters posts what they would like, and other members here can offer to help, if they have invites available. There's no guarantees, but a few good invitees usually end up with some sites they wouldn't normally start a thread about, and the rest of us toast SPAM by the flames.

Jokes, videos, music, and just seasoned humor is all fare game...

Fare game ? Is that something taxi drivers play?

Anyway if there exists such a thing as bt world then I am officially bt world-weary, hence my current lack of a charitable attitude towards bt world inhabitants that basically don't and never will give a fuck about me.
Btw I don't extend this callousness to real life and the folks that regularly accost me asking for money since I'm operating under the assumption that people still need food/shelter/medicine unlike the frivolities being offered here.

I would add here "Please invite me to HDbits if the slightest chance existed that watching M.I.:Ghost Protocol in crystal HD would make it less a steaming piece of dog excrement" :) but really I don't see much possibility of that and even less likelihood of anyone actually getting/appreciating the joke.

Other than that I could use some heavier rubberized dumbbells (> 60lbs) and another pair of New Balance Minimuses size 10.I would probably go with the Minimuses since the shipping cost on the weights would be a bitch.
In lieu of those a donation to your local animal shelter would be nice.

Merry Festivus Louis.

12-22-2011, 08:42 PM
I've almost given up hope on finding someone I'd feel comfortable inviting anywhere these days :(

12-22-2011, 08:45 PM
sp1m gentlemen!

12-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Idol, the threads you have created in the past had far more to do with the spirit of sharing (in terms of getting together with all of the online friends here) than just the handing out of invites. Your past un-give-aways have been closer to an online holiday party than anything else. Please help me get this party started. :)

And nothing says partay like a dictionary C&P...

fare noun

1.the price of conveyance or passage in a bus, train, airplane, or other vehicle.

2.a person or persons who pay to be conveyed in a vehicle; paying passenger.

3.a person who hires a public vehicle and its driver.

4.food; diet: hearty fare.

5.something offered to the public, for entertainment, enjoyment, consumption, etc.: literary fare.


sp1m gentlemen!

Hi bijoy, I got you a new PC for Christmas, hope you don't already have one just like it... :whistling


12-22-2011, 10:37 PM
Fare game ? Is that something taxi drivers play?

But I appreciate you're awesomeness which is a lot more important.


12-23-2011, 01:17 AM
I've almost given up hope on finding someone I'd feel comfortable inviting anywhere these days :(

How about invitation to Mingin?

12-23-2011, 01:56 AM
I've almost given up hope on finding someone I'd feel comfortable inviting anywhere these days :(

How about invitation to Mingin?

Eh? Who? What?

12-23-2011, 03:14 AM
Perhaps if everyone reading this thread sends Idol a PM wishing him a happy un-giveaway, he'll get in the spirit... :naughty:

12-23-2011, 03:26 AM
The way I see it, all pretty respectable people, in the sense that you have no qualms about inviting them to a site, are already members of sites they want to be in. There is the occasional existence of a site that was just unknown to us, so perhaps some recommendations are in order. I myself have 9 unused invites to AHD, and would gladly invite people I knew if they wanted in. I am only active there and at BTN, nowhere else on account of Usenet filling in all the other gaps. Only problem is, I can't invite anyone to BTN :(

12-23-2011, 04:25 AM

You could use an invite code, for the invite application.

12-23-2011, 05:49 PM
BTW, I've got TL, IPT, GFXNews, Deli.sh, and perhaps a couple more. Anyone?

12-23-2011, 06:35 PM
But I appreciate you're awesomeness which is a lot more important.


That's proper English if your Canadian.

BTW, I've got TL, IPT, GFXNews, Deli.sh, and perhaps a couple more. Anyone?

I have extremely low standards considering that I'm the person who invited mjmacky to BTN.
He only used it to download Louis and Sailor Moon.:(

Anyway since any "cool" sites because of the obvious fact that they're run by a bunch of unreasonable ,power mad,l33tist teenagers cool sites don't hand out invites to plebs such as myself I may or may not have some invites that I may or may not be willing to part with to some really shitty sites that sadly don't feed anyone's ego and only give access to all the movies,music and games that you are ever going to reasonably need.

Apply by stating what you are interested in and why I should consider giving it to a person with such a poor command of the English language and who has also historically been such a shite member of this site.
No serial killers ,she-males or cartoon characters please.

12-23-2011, 06:53 PM
I have a few invites to a few places that a few people might give me fewer reservations about inviting them to, just give me a few words on why you want them and I'll speak up if I can accommodate you. It's no christmas ham, but few should complain. Hell, complain all you want if it'll make you feel better, it won't change my demeanor in the least.

12-23-2011, 07:13 PM
I will be a good cum-unity 'member' - i will stay for very long, like 9 inches i mean 9 years and I enjoy getting hard i mean getting into hard sites (like vagina but its impossible). I will take a very hands-on approach and circle jerk with all other cum-unity members for being in such a hard elite site were everyone will be getting uploads right up the ass. So plz invite me.

12-23-2011, 07:18 PM
I will be a good cum-unity 'member' - i will stay for very long, like 9 inches i mean 9 years and I enjoy getting hard i mean getting into hard sites (like vagina but its impossible). I will take a very hands-on approach and circle jerk with all other cum-unity members for being in such a hard elite site were everyone will be getting uploads right up the ass. So plz invite me.

you changed your nick, I no longer trust you to cum into my munity.

12-23-2011, 07:33 PM
So what you're really saying is that an Anarkial by any other name still basically stinks.

12-23-2011, 07:38 PM
So what you're really saying is that an Anarkial by any other name still basically stinks.

I won't say malodorous, but when he breathes, skunks run away. It's harsh, I know, but toothpaste is a luxury item in some places I guess... :S

12-23-2011, 08:28 PM
I will be a good cum-unity 'member' - i will stay for very long, like 9 inches i mean 9 years and I enjoy getting hard i mean getting into hard sites (like vagina but its impossible). I will take a very hands-on approach and circle jerk with all other cum-unity members for being in such a hard elite site were everyone will be getting uploads right up the ass. So plz invite me.

You're alive! Best Christmas present ever.

Also, I know it's not BT, but I'd be willing to trade three blowjobs and a wife swap to anyone who gets me into the Diablo III beta. :shifty:

12-24-2011, 02:35 AM
Perhaps if everyone reading this thread sends Idol a PM wishing him a happy un-giveaway, he'll get in the spirit... :naughty:

I have a special filter that prevents all PMs not involving discussion of either overthrowing of the current regime or cats to be blocked.
Last one I got was over two years ago and had something crazy idea of turning Russian Blues into suicide bombers.Fool didn't understand that Persians are the best breed for that sort of thing.Russian Blues you obviously employ as spies.

12-24-2011, 03:53 AM
I have a special filter that prevents all PMs not involving discussion of either overthrowing of the current regime or cats to be blocked.

Then you must be enjoying the latest in movie trailer technologies...


12-24-2011, 07:00 AM
I have extremely low standards considering that I'm the person who invited mjmacky to BTN.
He only used it to download Louis and Sailor Moon.:(

They have Sailor Moon?! I didn't know these things, man. I can't verify now as I don't feel like logging in from a different computer, but I'm guessing it's probably English language version, ptooey.

I did download some episodes of the new Thundercats. That first episode made me think the show could turn out to be good, but then I got disappointed multiple times and eventually gave up. Nostalgia brings punishment.

12-24-2011, 06:08 PM
Another one for cat-lovers. (Basically, that mean Idol.)


12-24-2011, 07:03 PM
All in all I think it's better than War Horse. Less cloyingly manipulative at least.If I could find a good HD encode I'd rate it a 9.


I have a few invites to a few places that a few people might give me fewer reservations about inviting them to, just give me a few words on why you want them and I'll speak up if I can accommodate you. It's no christmas ham, but few should complain. Hell, complain all you want if it'll make you feel better, it won't change my demeanor in the least.

It's a long shot but do you have an invite to a site where everything is written in inverse iambic pentameter?
"Now is the upload of Shrek part seven."

Reason (besides the obvious underlying greed and general feelings of self entitlement I guess you mean) is that life is too short to settle for anything less than what truly makes you happy.:) To wit I' m currently in the process of converting my 2003 Pontiac Aztek into a working replica of the Batmobile. :)

Anyway THX in advance and Merry Brandybuck.
Also a very Happy Gilmore.:)

PS I would ask MBM but frankly we've been "friends" for years and he hasn't done fuck all for me.:ermm:

PPS If you don't want to help I understand perfectly since it's already apparent that you're basically a heartless motherfucker.:)

12-24-2011, 10:05 PM
Idol, although I do not have an invite to the site you requested, I have been granted with over 20,000 invites to a site run by fans of the literary giants Stephanie Meyer, J. K. Rowling, authors of the Harlequin series, Dan Brown, and others. Yes, you guessed it, I am recruiting for Twilluminati Potterishot, where you can download exclusive fanfics such as "I took a Caca on Harry Potter's Face then he and Edward made beautiful sex with me"

Since many of the files are so big, such as the .docs ranging from over 2GB in size to the collections of Hard-Drive dumps, I can instantly grant you Super-Power-Awesome User status so you can be in with the cool kids club instantly.

I promise you will be happy.

P.S. Darth Rings, this offer goes to you too because I sadly do not have an invite for Diablo III. My computer is stuck with the Ascii-graphic version of Diablo .75.

12-24-2011, 11:03 PM
Since many of the files are so big, such as the .docs ranging from over 2GB in size to the collections of Hard-Drive dumps, I can instantly grant you Super-Power-Awesome User status so you can be in with the cool kids club instantly.

I promise you will be happy.

What if I'm not? What if all I really want is an honest wage for an honest day's work ,a roof over my head , some food on the table ,a little hard earned respect and the love a good woman? Huh?Huh?

Also you said dumps.http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d142/hoozieg/Smilies/Happy/handovermouth2.gif

On top of that I don't like your looks.You have a sallow complexion and beady little ferret eyes that dart unnervingly from side to side.

If I was the sort of person given to paranoia I might think that you were some sort of evil Nazi or possibly Soviet sleeper agent sent to bring about the destruction of all that I hold dear.
Thankfully I'm not subject to those sort of crazy delusions and so I'm guessing that you're merely some sort of benign shape-shifting space alien.

12-25-2011, 08:47 AM
To wit I' m currently in the process of converting my 2003 Pontiac Aztek

You know that little saying or gimmick you use to frighten kids into always wearing clean underwear? If you don't, it goes something along the lines of wear clean underwear in case you get into an accident, I guess it's to avoid being seen in dirty underwear while at the hospital. Anyways, I would rather smear myself in feces and walk around with my underwear around my head than to be found in a Pontiac Aztec. If I am in an Aztec, and it crashes, not only do I hope it kills me, but that there's not enough evidence left behind to identify my body.

I find myself feeling the same way about the PT Cruiser, which I accidentally had to drive once. It was the worse thing I had ever driven besides a Ford Focus rent a car 7 years ago. What's wrong with the Whites and their vehicular preferences anyway?

12-25-2011, 09:16 AM
You have now both soiled my thread with mention of the Pontiac Aztec. May you each receive one for Christmas... in bright yellow- with the tent/inflatable mattress package permanently installed. :dry:

12-25-2011, 09:21 AM
Having never heard of a Pontiac Aztek (not being a merkin 'n all) I went away and googled said P.O.S. and came away with the impression that you IdolEyes have very poor taste, or no taste, or did you win it in a raffle because damn, that is one deeply fugly car brah!

I would be :bag: and hunched down, or tinting the shit out of the windows so that no one could actually see what a massive loser I was, cruisin the main in that, the batmobile modifications even if only 30-45% completed, with steel hanging off at odd angles would be an improvement (not as much of an improvement as a molitov cocktail, but an improvement nonetheless).

Maybe smearing yourself with feces as mjm has suggested would be an effective ploy, since the smell would hit them and they would look away, hopefully before recognizing you, as you got out of the car.

Any further comments you make which include comments on style will now have to be taken with a grain of salt, since you obviously are deeply lacking in that department. Damn man! The only real conversion I can see that would be any success would involve a wrecking ball and a crusher, maybe turning your pride and joy into something more helpful like a public urinal.

12-27-2011, 01:24 AM
Thanks to those who joined in. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! :happy: