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View Full Version : Does anyone know about Scenetime.com?

01-12-2012, 01:58 PM
Does anyone know about scenetime.com and what is there release group.

someone told me that Kingdom release group and lots of other good release group are releasing in that site.

is it a new site or something ?

01-12-2012, 05:05 PM
Looks like its open signup, why not just register and check for yourself?

Unless you are trying to advertise for them by making this thread... which is a good possibility seeing that you made your account here just to ask that question.

01-12-2012, 05:16 PM
is it a new site or something ?

It's not new, I've seen it mentioned for a while now. According some screenshots sharky posted, it has (or used to have) a shocking resemblance to TorrentD4y.

I second what gamesover said, really. They even have delacct.php, so you can kill your account if you don't like the place.

01-12-2012, 06:04 PM
I dont have account with them .
i got there address from TPB . i am not sure if they are good or not good i don't want my ip address all over P2p network that is why i ask this question.

if the site really deserve to get registered .:)

01-12-2012, 06:57 PM
That's all fine and dandy, but here's the kicker...

01-12-2012, 07:45 PM
Nice adv!

01-22-2012, 07:09 AM
Do you think so?

there is no problem as long they are good tracker , muwahhahahah evil lough

01-22-2012, 07:29 AM
If memory serves correctly, Darkside RG is the home of Kingdom. Take it from someone who's climbed the BitTorrent ladder - don't bother with Scenetime, find an iPTorrents invite instead.

01-23-2012, 05:09 AM
Thanks TONiC, nice advice ,

IPT is good but scenetime.com is good as well i have joined them , i must say they are nice people over there.

01-23-2012, 06:30 PM
Thanks TONiC, nice advice ,

IPT is good but scenetime.com is good as well i have joined them , i must say they are nice people over there.

Great profile page bro.

01-23-2012, 06:33 PM
Thanks TONiC, nice advice ,

IPT is good but scenetime.com is good as well i have joined them , i must say they are nice people over there.

Great profile page bro.

But it's so fluffy...

01-23-2012, 10:52 PM
Thanks TONiC, nice advice ,

IPT is good but scenetime.com is good as well i have joined them , i must say they are nice people over there.

Great profile page bro.

He would of put Scenetime under gender but that might be misinterpreted as him meaning that he's Gay.

01-24-2012, 05:16 AM
Great profile page bro.

He would of put Scenetime under gender but that might be misinterpreted as him meaning that he's Gay.

lastnight it was great sleeping with your sister. it was nice pretending gay that night . lol


01-24-2012, 05:25 AM

01-24-2012, 12:38 PM
He would of put Scenetime under gender but that might be misinterpreted as him meaning that he's Gay.

lastnight it was great sleeping with your sister. it was nice pretending gay that night . lol

I find it hard to believe that my sister would have sex with you as she has never been attracted to girls .:mellow:

01-24-2012, 01:28 PM
lastnight it was great sleeping with your sister. it was nice pretending gay that night . lol

I find it hard to believe that my sister would have sex with you as she has never been attracted to girls .:mellow:

key of success , you never know . :p

01-24-2012, 05:56 PM
I find it hard to believe that my sister would have sex with you as she has never been attracted to girls .:mellow:

key of success , you never know . :p

I can't help but notice: Did the movement go smoothly?

01-25-2012, 04:03 AM
key of success , you never know . :p

I can't help but notice: Did the movement go smoothly?

smooth ? what smooth ? she was sooooooooo damn hot man . couldn't play the gay game for a long so did what a man needed to do . ;)

01-25-2012, 01:25 PM
I can't help but notice: Did the movement go smoothly?

smooth ? what smooth ? she was sooooooooo damn hot man . couldn't play the gay game for a long so did what a man needed to do . ;)

So 14 year olds are considered men in whatever backwater country you happen to be from?

01-25-2012, 03:25 PM
So, I guess the site is a piece of junk.

01-25-2012, 05:37 PM
So, I guess the site is a piece of junk.

Even worse, it may have links to a certain place known for being very truthful with their peer stats.

01-25-2012, 06:53 PM
Great profile page bro.

kicker has not made any friends yet

Not much different from who he is in real life innit.

01-27-2012, 10:36 PM
So, I guess the site is a piece of junk.

Even worse, it may have links to a certain place known for being very truthful with their peer stats.

:blink::blink::blink: alarming who might that be

01-27-2012, 11:02 PM
I could tell you, but my posts are the reason the guy who comes troll these threads regularly has stopped posting here :(

06-24-2012, 10:04 AM
I am a member of scenetime but never go on there and use it. It is always one of the last to get the good torrents uploaded and the admin and mods behave like overlords and gods looking down on everyone with disdain and contempt. About as friendly as a kick in the you know whats.

06-24-2012, 04:51 PM

Go go go, before m3rw4i5 reads this post. ;)

06-25-2012, 09:29 PM
So here's the thing: I have a file that downloaded as a a torrent to a folder with what I assume are multiple pieces of a file called things like:
the rest of the pieces have extensions like .ro5 etc. Unfortunately for some reason having done this there is NO explanation provided for what to do anywhere and of course these are not real file types. My best guess is that one should replace the .r04 with an alternative extension but how one guesses this is anybody's guess and I cant find a way to find out what file type it is or what to do. This kind of BS really pisses me off can someone who's dealt with this just tell me what to do. Thanks guys.

oh, btw the connection is taht this was from scenetime!

06-25-2012, 09:40 PM
So here's the thing: I have a file that downloaded as a a torrent to a folder with what I assume are multiple pieces of a file called things like:
the rest of the pieces have extensions like .ro5 etc. Unfortunately for some reason having done this there is NO explanation provided for what to do anywhere and of course these are not real file types.

They're the many parts of a split RAR archive. Download 7-Zip, and use it to open the first part, which in this case would be called "crownies.109-bwb.rar". Extract the actual file(s) somewhere, and then you can do as you please with them.

In the case of a movie or TV episode, you can also use Dzioba's RAR Player or VLC to watch it without decompressing.

06-25-2012, 09:47 PM
STOP! Thanks guys but I figured it out: bad file!!! I have other files/downloads that were PROPERLY done in the above way and -- yes anon you star -- pressing .rar part of folder turned it into a proper playable file that - hopefully - I can export into a usable .avi file for another player. Thank you!!!!

06-28-2012, 02:51 AM
I can clear this up real easily, guys. I am a Sub-Administrator on SceneTime, and I assure you, this is a very good site. I do not just say that because I am on the Staff there, I say that because we not only have a great Staff, awesome Members, and great crystal clear, fast and virus free downloads, but because our community amongst the Staff and Membership is unmatched on The Scene. The Kingdom RG paid us a visit and joined the site, but they do not upload there anymore; their home site of Kingdom-KVCD got shut down, but they are still active on a sister site that you can find by searching for UKB-KVCD on Google. They still can be found at Demonoid, though too.

As for SceneTime having their own release group, yes, we have the "Those Of The Unlight Release Group", or which I am proud to say I myself am a Member. I do upload on SceneTime, as do many of my friends there who are not Members of the TTU RG. One of our better uploaders are who sent me here to answer this thread for you.

We do have a great deal of really great content, so in answer to your original question, yes, SceneTime is a great site, and they are Invitation only. We have a SceneTime FaceBook Page and a SceneTime FaceBook Group Page as well. I am an Administrator on both of those pages also. Anyone who is interested in joing SceneTime can join the SceneTime FaceBook Group Page and as we get to know you better, there is a good chance that one of us may send you an invitation! :whistling:

I hope this answers the post to your satisfaction, guys?

Your Friend, The DragonRider

06-28-2012, 01:04 PM
join the SceneTime FaceBook Group Page and as we get to know you better

How does that work exactly?

06-30-2012, 12:16 AM
Well that is pretty self-explanatory, I would have imagined? I am not clear as to your rules about posting links here, but if you have a FaceBook Account, log in and search on FaceBook for "SceneTime" and you will see "SceneTime Group" or "SceneTime Community". You can join the SceneTime Community by clicking the "Like" Button, and you can send a request to join the SceneTime Group Page. (One of the Mods will check your profile and see who you are and more than likely accept you in the group. Unless you have ridiculous or too much undesirable posting on your page)

My point is that if you post on the SceneTime Group page and are active and friendly amongst the Membership and Staff there, then this will increase your chances of someone from the site (perhaps even possibly myself) sending you an invitation to join the site. If you are argumentative or Spam our page, or "Demand" an invitation, I assure you this will get you nowhere.

I like this Forum, by the way, you guys have a good thing going here, but this site needs more poularity as well. So I will personally blast the link for your Community here on my own FaceBook Profile Page. (Compliments of The DragonRider).


06-30-2012, 01:32 AM
Well that is pretty self-explanatory, I would have imagined?

I was curious to know the exact criteria you use to invite people through Facebook.

I've always thought that piracy and social networking sites don't mix - a bit unwise to openly associate your real-life identity with BitTorrent and trackers.

06-30-2012, 01:32 AM
Your Friend, The DragonRider

Well that is pretty self-explanatory, I would have imagined? I am not clear as to your rules about posting links here, but if you have a FaceBook Account, log in and search on FaceBook for "SceneTime" and you will see "SceneTime Group" or "SceneTime Community". You can join the SceneTime Community by clicking the "Like" Button, and you can send a request to join the SceneTime Group Page. (One of the Mods will check your profile and see who you are and more than likely accept you in the group. Unless you have ridiculous or too much undesirable posting on your page)

My point is that if you post on the SceneTime Group page and are active and friendly amongst the Membership and Staff there, then this will increase your chances of someone from the site (perhaps even possibly myself) sending you an invitation to join the site. If you are argumentative or Spam our page, or "Demand" an invitation, I assure you this will get you nowhere.

I like this Forum, by the way, you guys have a good thing going here, but this site needs more poularity as well. So I will personally blast the link for your Community here on my own FaceBook Profile Page. (Compliments of The DragonRider).

I don't get it? If we are in fact friends ,why then are you making me jump through hoops?

Also I don't belong to Facebook as I view such things as wank so will that significantly hurt my chances of becoming part of whatever this thread is about?

Before you answer remember that we are apparently friends.:)

06-30-2012, 02:03 AM
Well, if you consider what you are doing as "Piracy", then yes, by all means I would expect you to conceal yourself as much as possible.

But we consider what we do as creating a mutual friendship amongst the Membership and Staff on SceneTime, a community of people who help each other in many ways, none of which I would deem as illegal or "Piracy", as you put it. Do you consider what you do here on this site as Piracy? Or do you consider this Forum as a community of people who have a purpose of helping each other?

The mixture of personal lives in a social networking site and The Scene is growing less and less risky as the people are demonstrating that they do not want censorship or personal rights limited in what they can and cannot share amongst their friends. SOPA and PIPA did not pass, and these kinds of laws will never prevail over the will of the people or the Members of The Scene. There is no need to hide, there is no need to deny involvement in our community.

We do not make anyone "Jump through hoops", either. How do you get an invitation to private tracker sites such as Demonoid, or TorrentDay? You either know someone who will let you in or you do not get invited, right? Well, instead of making people scurry around and try to find someone in the shadows who can invite them to one of the private registration sites, we made it very very easy for you by having a Social Networking Page where you can meet us and not only can we see who you are and what criteria you fit into, but you also have the chance to see who we are and ask yourself if you wish to become part of the community as well. It is the fairest means we could present to you to join the best torrent community on the internet. If you view such social opportunities as "wank", then I am afraid that the chances of you gaining admittance into our site are extremely small, my friend.


06-30-2012, 02:04 AM
I can't imagine that there is anyone stupid enough on the internets to join up to this with their real Facebook.
That's actually a lie. I can, but still ... what the fuck. Why bait stupid people? It mostly isn't their fault.

Is this some kind of social experiment.
If so, it's cruel and you should stop unless the staff decide to put up their own real and actual Facebook pages to make it fair.

You should also stop referring to your internet handle in the third person. It's pretentious and portends bad luck in most Eastern European countries.

06-30-2012, 02:28 AM
But we consider what we do as creating a mutual friendship amongst the Membership and Staff on SceneTime, a community of people who help each other in many ways, none of which I would deem as illegal or "Piracy", as you put it.

Most people will want to join so they can snatch your files. That is (or should be, looking at the trading section here) the main attractive of attaining a membership on a torrent tracker. I'm guessing most of the people who are active in your community also download torrents.

The mixture of personal lives in a social networking site and The Scene is growing less and less risky as the people are demonstrating that they do not want censorship or personal rights limited in what they can and cannot share amongst their friends. SOPA and PIPA did not pass, and these kinds of laws will never prevail over the will of the people or the Members of The Scene. There is no need to hide, there is no need to deny involvement in our community.

That's a pretty optimistic viewpoint. The FBI won't be going after the average Joe, but I don't think anyone in the warez scene would want to openly announce their activities.

06-30-2012, 03:46 AM
You should also stop referring to your internet handle in the third person. It's pretentious and portends bad luck in most Eastern European countries.

Seriously? I should? Wow. If I ever decide to listen to someone say something that makes no sense whatsoever to me, I promise, your post will be the first place I look! :rolleyes:
I am not in a European country, and I have no intention of letting someone in a Forum I am growing less and less impressed with give me instructions on how to conduct my conversation here.

Speaking of which, as far as I am concerned, my participation in this conversation has more than likely served its purpose, in the means of answering the original poster's questions about our site.

What it boils down to, ladies and gentlemen, is that SceneTime is a Private Tracker with Invitation only registration. There are many who think it is a great site, and anyone who knows anything about torrents can definitely appreciate the quality of the releases on our site as well as the community and Forums that we publish on SceneTime.

You see, I say "We" because I represent a Staff of Members who dedicate a great deal of time and effort to making sure that we have a great site. You see, the inflammatory comments you see on your site would not be allowed by the Moderators on mine. Members who intentionally provoke other Members (or Staff, for that matter) are given a couple of chances to behave themselves, or they will be removed from the site. There have been several posts in this thread since I tried to help you where the Membership has been allowed to post inflammatory comments and provocative remarks. This would not be allowed on SceneTime. Have a nice day, guys!

06-30-2012, 06:18 AM
Just Relax Guys!!! You guys don't know a thing about manners, somebody is helping you don't drive him crazy... you know what never mind... Here are the links.. you guys better not act like these in our scentime page or site!!! i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!


06-30-2012, 08:23 AM
You should also stop referring to your internet handle in the third person. It's pretentious and portends bad luck in most Eastern European countries.

Seriously? I should? Wow. If I ever decide to listen to someone say something that makes no sense whatsoever to me, I promise, your post will be the first place I look!
I am not in a European country, and I have no intention of letting someone in a Forum I am growing less and less impressed with give me instructions on how to conduct my conversation here.

Hey hope you don't mind. I just conducted a social experiment on you.
You listed what you expect stupid people to do for no good reason (sign up to your site using Facebook without them seeing your real Facebook page).

So I decided to ask you to do something stupid for no good reason.
You declined to do so, and that's fine. I would expect this and from the results of my experiment, I feel qualified in advising this site's members not to sign up for any torrent/warez site, including SceneTime, by using their real Facebook page.

It's fucking retarded.

06-30-2012, 09:55 AM
And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .

Let me tell u anon the mod there are so many sites who gave invitations through facebook
for u r kind information let me tell u some thing


now comming on to the game releasers
skidrow the best cracking group
skidrow two fb pages

is this enough or u need more if u need then u can mail me to know more releasing site which have there fb pages

and huun do u r site has any fb page ................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! naa how can u be that fucking intelligent.

06-30-2012, 11:21 AM
Hey sorry about the wait for your post to be approved. We have a filter in place that automatically catches anything that looks like complete pish.
You can obviously see the reason for the delay.

Clearly English isn't your first language, so I'm not going to dwell on that, instead I'll try to decipher what you're trying to say.
Apart from the last line. Like seriously, wtf.

What my posts were about is warning people not to sign up with their real Facebook IDs. There are a load of impressionable 14 year olds (and stupid people) who use this site and they might be tempted to join using their real IDs. Which would be fucking retarded.

There is no issue if they join using a fake one.

I think illegal sites like yours which use Facebook as a medium have a duty of care to its potential members, and should warn them that staff do not use their own real Facebook pages and neither should the users.
But, of course, you don't because you don't really give two fucks about them.

So, I reiterate:
Anyone thinking of joining a warez/torrent site via Facebook should not use their actual Facebook page. They should use a fake one.
You see, if there is nothing to be worried about, like Dragonballz said earlier, then he would use his real Facebook page - but he doesn't and never will.

06-30-2012, 11:47 AM
We do not make anyone "Jump through hoops", either. How do you get an invitation to private tracker sites such as Demonoid, or TorrentDay? You either know someone who will let you in or you do not get invited, right? Well, instead of making people scurry around and try to find someone in the shadows who can invite them to one of the private registration sites, we made it very very easy for you by having a Social Networking Page where you can meet us and not only can we see who you are and what criteria you fit into, but you also have the chance to see who we are and ask yourself if you wish to become part of the community as well. It is the fairest means we could present to you to join the best torrent community on the internet. If you view such social opportunities as "wank", then I am afraid that the chances of you gaining admittance into our site are extremely small, my friend.

I see that you miss my point entirely but this being bt and the tendency generally being toward stupidity then I'm hardly surprised.

If and I'm assuming it must be true since you said it repeatedly ,I am your "friend" ,then why not just give me an invite here and now?
Afterwards maybe we could take in a movie and maybe chat about stuff like I dunno ,how "friends" are forgiving , nonjudgmental and do things for reasons other than gain.

Seriously? I should? Wow. If I ever decide to listen to someone say something that makes no sense whatsoever to me, I promise, your post will be the first place I look! :rolleyes:
I am not in a European country, and I have no intention of letting someone in a Forum I am growing less and less impressed with give me instructions on how to conduct my conversation here.

Speaking of which, as far as I am concerned, my participation in this conversation has more than likely served its purpose, in the means of answering the original poster's questions about our site.

What it boils down to, ladies and gentlemen, is that SceneTime is a Private Tracker with Invitation only registration. There are many who think it is a great site, and anyone who knows anything about torrents can definitely appreciate the quality of the releases on our site as well as the community and Forums that we publish on SceneTime.

You see, I say "We" because I represent a Staff of Members who dedicate a great deal of time and effort to making sure that we have a great site. You see, the inflammatory comments you see on your site would not be allowed by the Moderators on mine. Members who intentionally provoke other Members (or Staff, for that matter) are given a couple of chances to behave themselves, or they will be removed from the site. There have been several posts in this thread since I tried to help you where the Membership has been allowed to post inflammatory comments and provocative remarks. This would not be allowed on SceneTime. Have a nice day, guys!

See generally the problem with that statement is it generally shows that you are entirely full of yourself and not able to even consider the possibility that you may be wrong.People are entitled to their own opinions and except in countries that you probably wouldn't want to live in ( and internet sites run by mongs) the right to voice them.

Also as I've tried to get you to understand "friendship" isn't based on someone imposing power over someone else.

Just Relax Guys!!! You guys don't know a thing about manners, somebody is help you don't drive him crazy... you know what never mind...

I'm "relaxed" and polite.I'm not the one acting like a power mad Bond villain expecting people to bow to my will or suffer the consequences.

All I have to do is sign up at Facebook and then I have to do is tow a apparently very fine line nebulously decided upon by people who can say "The Scene" without a hint of irony to have the privilege of associating with people that I will by in large need to pretend to like.

Lucky,lucky me .

you guys better not act like these in our scentime page or site!!! i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .

Oddly you have no such problem being a childish insulting idiot here when there is nothing in it for you.I can only assume that is your true self and "being nice" on Scenetime is all an act to curry favour.

06-30-2012, 05:33 PM
You see, the inflammatory comments you see on your site would not be allowed by the Moderators on mine. Members who intentionally provoke other Members (or Staff, for that matter) are given a couple of chances to behave themselves, or they will be removed from the site. There have been several posts in this thread since I tried to help you where the Membership has been allowed to post inflammatory comments and provocative remarks. This would not be allowed on SceneTime. Have a nice day, guys!

The "inflammatory comments" are actually one of the reasons I have kept on visiting this forum. I'd prefer a place where everyone can speak their mind freely (and this "inflammatory" discussion is pretty tame compared to other threads), over one where comments staff don't sympathize with get deleted, as you state is the norm on SceneTime.

i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!

If I weren't so reluctant to change my signature, this would be on it right now. :happy:

And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .

Let me tell u anon the mod there are so many sites who gave invitations through facebook
for u r kind information let me tell u some thing

*snip links*

Sorry, I forgot that if many people do something, it's automatically OK and loses all its disadvantages.

now comming on to the game releasers
skidrow the best cracking group
skidrow two fb pages

Those are obviously fake pages made by people with no affiliation to the group, that seek to promote their own interests (in this case, ad revenue from the sites they link to).

On a sidenote, someone submitted your place to the WTO, under the "TV & Movies" category. Would that be correct, or should I change it to general/0-day?

06-30-2012, 05:42 PM
I can clear this up real easily, guys. I am a Sub-Administrator on SceneTime, and I assure you, this is a very good site. I do not just say that because I am on the Staff there, I say that because we not only have a great Staff, awesome Members, and great crystal clear, fast and virus free downloads, but because our community amongst the Staff and Membership is unmatched on The Scene. The Kingdom RG paid us a visit and joined the site, but they do not upload there anymore; their home site of Kingdom-KVCD got shut down, but they are still active on a sister site that you can find by searching for UKB-KVCD on Google. They still can be found at Demonoid, though too.

As for SceneTime having their own release group, yes, we have the "Those Of The Unlight Release Group", or which I am proud to say I myself am a Member. I do upload on SceneTime, as do many of my friends there who are not Members of the TTU RG. One of our better uploaders are who sent me here to answer this thread for you.

We do have a great deal of really great content, so in answer to your original question, yes, SceneTime is a great site, and they are Invitation only. We have a SceneTime FaceBook Page and a SceneTime FaceBook Group Page as well. I am an Administrator on both of those pages also. Anyone who is interested in joing SceneTime can join the SceneTime FaceBook Group Page and as we get to know you better, there is a good chance that one of us may send you an invitation! :whistling:

I hope this answers the post to your satisfaction, guys?

Your Friend, The DragonRider
With so many superlative adjectives, we can only consider your reply unbiased.

Just Relax Guys!!! You guys don't know a thing about manners, somebody is help you don't drive him crazy... you know what never mind... Here are the links.. you guys better not act like these in our scentime page or site!!! i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!

Please grow up some pubes, kid playing the tough guy on the internet.

You just did a terrible PR job for the site now. Not that I care.

06-30-2012, 06:35 PM
Dragonballz said earlier, then he would use his real Facebook page - but he doesn't and never will.

"Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

When you do not know what you are talking about, it really makes you look like an idiot to say something (with "authority", as you put it") and then have someone prove you completely wrong.


Now tell me again that I do not use my real FaceBook Page..?

I am a Sub-Administrator (..and yet your site has me listed as a NooB, that is so laughable!)

Oh, and Furian forgot that ISO Hunt also has a FaceBook Page too though...

All the "Games" and mind-plays, testing or what the hell esle you guys chose to do with this post is completely unnecessary, and I assure you, it chases people away from your site. You can shit-talk our site all you wish, and we would actually rather not have people like you as Members on our site, but we do have many hundreds of thousands of Members who adore the time they have in our community, knowing very well that we do not allow people to mistreat them the way you people do.

06-30-2012, 06:51 PM
from what I've seen on THIS site, apparently rudeness and belligerence is what determines who is being "themselves" and determines the quality of the site? and anyone whom you (those that frequent this site) don't know should be jumped on like a pack of rabid dogs. but honestly, how can you enjoy a site whose main purpose is to insult one another? doesn't make a lot of sense.. and I can understand why your site doesn't get anywhere. you misunderstood Dragon when he said we don't allow this on scenetime... it's not so much that mods are quick to delete such posts.. it's simply the membership doesn't really do that.. we've no need to behave like a pack of undisciplined adolescents. our purpose isn't to see who can toss out the best insult.. trust me, I'm as mean and rude as they come, I'm the same person online as I am in real life, something I doubt most of you could say.. I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life. but I don't feel it necessary to pounce just because I feel superior to whatever "new guys" show up... I'm above that sort of childish behavior. perhaps you guys should rethink your philosophy about this site...

06-30-2012, 07:20 PM
The bottom line, Raijjn is that this site sucks.

You people asked about our site and we came here to talk to you and answer questions and possibly get to know you. We were polite and respectful and even helpful, giving you information that you did not have. I see no less than four SceneTime Members and Staff posting here from SceneTime, yet I only see rude and disrespectful Staff (and Retired Staff) posting here in response. On SceneTime we do not flood our Forums with posts from the Staff so the Membership cannot get a word in edgewise, and when a Member or Staff is rude and disrespectful on SceneTime, it is dealt with immediately. This is not because we are Power-Happy, but because our Members do not want to see a bunch of lame bickering on our site. Apparently your Membership does, but then living in your Mom's basement can probably get pretty boring and this throwing insults at people who try to be polite makes you feel powerful...?

06-30-2012, 07:21 PM
from what I've seen on THIS site, apparently rudeness and belligerence is what determines who is being "themselves" and determines the quality of the site? and anyone whom you (those that frequent this site) don't know should be jumped on like a pack of rabid dogs. but honestly, how can you enjoy a site whose main purpose is to insult one another? doesn't make a lot of sense.. and I can understand why your site doesn't get anywhere. you misunderstood Dragon when he said we don't allow this on scenetime... it's not so much that mods are quick to delete such posts.. it's simply the membership doesn't really do that.. we've no need to behave like a pack of undisciplined adolescents. our purpose isn't to see who can toss out the best insult.. trust me, I'm as mean and rude as they come, I'm the same person online as I am in real life, something I doubt most of you could say.. I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life. but I don't feel it necessary to pounce just because I feel superior to whatever "new guys" show up... I'm above that sort of childish behavior.

Apparently not so much.

Anyway forgive my childishness but how does voicing a contrary opinion translate into "rudeness and belligerence?"

Fine you don't like what was being said ,either choose to agree or disagree or simply ignore. Is that so difficult?

When you start pretending that you are suddenly somehow superior because your heavy-handedness promotes silence and subservience ,not loyalty or (laughingly) "friendship" then forgive me but I beg to differ.

Anyway if you want to continue to delude yourself that those wonderful members of yours actually give a hoot (I'd like to say fuck but as we all know words are bad and may lead to law breaking by minors or something) about each other or your gentile sensibilities one centimetre beyond how they can profit your site then more power to you.

For myself I honestly prefer a site where someone is free to insult me if they wish rather than smile in my face while hating me in their thoughts.

Also Raijjn "I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life".
Seriously dude, people who spout off like that are usually the ones who absolutely couldn't.

06-30-2012, 07:23 PM
Oh, and by the way, not only do I use my Real FaceBook Page, because I am not scared, hiding my identity, but also when I joined your site, if you look at my profile, there is my real location as well. If you choose to live in fear and enjoy disrespecting people, then that is your choice, but being a scared little bitch is not my way. Perhaps that is why I am Staff on the best site on the internet and you are not...

06-30-2012, 07:25 PM
Also Raijjn "I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life".
Seriously dude, people who spout off like that are usually the ones who absolutely couldn't.

usually..... but not in this case.. I'm as real as it gets..

06-30-2012, 07:33 PM
The bottom line, Raijjn is that this site sucks.

I like this Forum, by the way, you guys have a good thing going here

People have the actual affront to disagree with you and suddenly you have a completely different opinion all in the course of a few posts?
Gee if I didn't know any better I might think you aren't really to be trusted.

living in your Mom's basement can probably get pretty boring and this throwing insults at people who try to be polite makes you feel powerful...?

That would work better if I didn't feel that tirade was entirely self directed.

Btw correct me if I wrong but youse peoples are the ones doing most of the insulting.:unsure:

Also Raijjn "I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life".
Seriously dude, people who spout off like that are usually the ones who absolutely couldn't.

usually..... but not in this case.. I'm as real as it gets..

I'm willing to go for it if you are as I haven't suffered a good beating by anyone in God knows how long.
Call me perverted but I actually miss the blood running down my face and the urine pooling in my underwear.

To stack the odds even more in your favour I'll even let use use Dragonrider as a shield since I'm fairly certain he'd be useless at anything else.
OK I lied I think he's probably ace at those MMO things and running away.

Come on that's the spirit.

Btw ironically I don't have a "mean" bone in my body* and that's why I unlike you can laugh off anything posted here.

*I do on occasion have one in your mum though.

Anyway I'm got to sign off for a while and go create a fake Facebook account so I can then trick you into admitting me into whatever that site is that this is all about .:)

06-30-2012, 08:07 PM
Anyway I'm got to sign off for a while and go create a fake Facebook account so I can then trick you into admitting me into whatever that site is that this is all about .:)

Sounds Good Enough :naughty: That should do it :yes:

06-30-2012, 08:46 PM
I am a Sub-Administrator (..and yet your site has me listed as a NooB, that is so laughable!) A Sub-Administrator... really!!? How many years of training does that take? Do you specialize in any particular kind of subs, or are you a general practitioner? Do you work for a chain, or are you a freelancer? My favorite is the meatball subs from SubWay (http://www.subway.com) I hope to become a donut technician one of these days... I doubt I could ever attain the level of Sub-Administrator like you... In Awe... P2PDog

06-30-2012, 08:57 PM
A Sub-Administrator... really!!? How many years of training does that take? Do you specialize in any particular kind of subs, or are you a general practitioner? Do you work for a chain, or are you a freelancer? My favorite is the meatball subs from SubWay (http://www.subway.com) I hope to become a donut technician one of these days... I doubt I could ever attain the level of Sub-Administrator like you... In Awe... P2PDog

sounds like you just like meat balls... hmmm.. given that you hope to achieve do nut technician one day, I can only confirm that you will never achieve the level of administration that Dragon Rider has. best thing I could advise you of, is keep in chasing your tail and licking your butt.. that's undoubtedly the apex of your evolution... although, it is quite possible you could one day grow up to be a moose chaser, but that too is unlikely as you're too busy with your endeavors to do nuts & balls. so sit back, stay in awe, dig fleas and lick your butt...

07-01-2012, 07:47 PM
A Sub-Administrator... really!!? How many years of training does that take? Do you specialize in any particular kind of subs, or are you a general practitioner? Do you work for a chain, or are you a freelancer? My favorite is the meatball subs from SubWay (http://www.subway.com) I hope to become a donut technician one of these days... I doubt I could ever attain the level of Sub-Administrator like you... In Awe... P2PDog

sounds like you just like meat balls... hmmm.. given that you hope to achieve do nut technician one day, I can only confirm that you will never achieve the level of administration that Dragon Rider has. best thing I could advise you of, is keep in chasing your tail and licking your butt.. that's undoubtedly the apex of your evolution... although, it is quite possible you could one day grow up to be a moose chaser, but that too is unlikely as you're too busy with your endeavors to do nuts & balls. so sit back, stay in awe, dig fleas and lick your butt...

Sub-administrator is one of those inflated titles liked "sales associate" or " food server" or "flight attendant" that the people in charge assign to their lackies in hope that they are so stupid that they will think that their jobs are now to be taken seriously.

Also let us be real here and at this stage of bt ,the only reason that people create and staff sites is in the hope of welding power over somebody.

So am I surprised that the boys from scenetime proved to be such utter dicks?Hardly.

07-01-2012, 08:03 PM
Sub-administrator is one of those inflated titles liked "sales associate" or " food server" or "flight attendant"

Don't forget "sanitation engineer" :happy:

07-01-2012, 08:17 PM
sounds like you just like meat balls... hmmm.. given that you hope to achieve do nut technician one day, I can only confirm that you will never achieve the level of administration that Dragon Rider has. best thing I could advise you of, is keep in chasing your tail and licking your butt.. that's undoubtedly the apex of your evolution... although, it is quite possible you could one day grow up to be a moose chaser, but that too is unlikely as you're too busy with your endeavors to do nuts & balls. so sit back, stay in awe, dig fleas and lick your butt...

I'd attempt a comeback for that, but unlike you I'm past my teen years, so I won't bother.

Sub-administrator is one of those inflated titles liked "sales associate" or " food server" or "flight attendant" that the people in charge assign to their lackies in hope that they are so stupid that they will think that their jobs are now to be taken seriously.

Also let us be real here and at this stage of bt ,the only reason that people create and staff sites is in the hope of welding power over somebody.

So am I surprised that the boys from scenetime proved to be such utter dicks?Hardly.

I get a kick out of how they come here under false pretenses hoping to recruit members for their shitty site, then when they don't get the virtual BJ's they were hoping for and everyone doesn't bow in awe of their awesome staffing positions, their true personalities shine through :D

07-01-2012, 09:28 PM
Dragonballz said earlier, then he would use his real Facebook page - but he doesn't and never will.

"Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

When you do not know what you are talking about, it really makes you look like an idiot to say something (with "authority", as you put it") and then have someone prove you completely wrong.


Now tell me again that I do not use my real FaceBook Page..?

I am a Sub-Administrator (..and yet your site has me listed as a NooB, that is so laughable!)

Oh, and Furian forgot that ISO Hunt also has a FaceBook Page too though...

All the "Games" and mind-plays, testing or what the hell esle you guys chose to do with this post is completely unnecessary, and I assure you, it chases people away from your site. You can shit-talk our site all you wish, and we would actually rather not have people like you as Members on our site, but we do have many hundreds of thousands of Members who adore the time they have in our community, knowing very well that we do not allow people to mistreat them the way you people do.
I stand corrected. You have proven me completely wrong because I honestly didn't think anyone would use their actual Facebook for this kind of thing.
Especially if they're one of the ringleaders in what amounts to organised crime. Sorry for the melodrama but it is what it is.

Even when I clicked the link, I expected it to be a fake profile but I looked at the pic and realised that it has to be real because I can't imagine anyone pretending to be you.


Play much WoW?

07-02-2012, 07:10 AM
Manker, now i know you rely love :love: that picture, haha you even posted his picture, do you want his contact number? I have his cell number. you might want to take it. but the thing is, i like these fucking site only be cuz of the trackers ( what tracker offer ) you have there. but as for the members hehe I FUCKING HATE THE MEMBERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you guys are gonna take my fucking statement and gonna turn it around like we are the fucking losers right? well fuck it!!!!!! be cuz i cant stand sing so meany fucking losers just blabling away. you guys are so fucking mean it just gets to me.... you know something fuck it!!!! you guys just suck!!!! yea P2PDog you should rely go to collage for some social skills and yea i tottely mean it. like the other guy said before. you can say your mind freely. freedom of speech ok well here it is. you guys got it, i cant control my self anymore. yea i am having a bad day today and letting it out here... hahaha brats that just dont care about others............

07-02-2012, 10:43 AM
Kinda manic with the lurching from one emotion to the next. I'm not sure you could have put 'hehe' in a more inappropriate place but I'm glad you've found it helpful to vent. I sure enjoyed reading it in a detached and professional srs bzns internets kind of way.

Anyway. Yes. I'm not much of a phone guy but I would love to have any and all Skype addresses that you can give me. Including yours.
I'm more than adept with that medium and could probably give you some tips on relaxation when all that teenage angst wells up inside of you.

If you have a sister or an amenable mom, then all the better :)

07-02-2012, 11:47 AM
Manker, now i know you rely love :love: that picture, haha you even posted his picture, do you want his contact number? I have his cell number. you might want to take it. but the thing is, i like these fucking site only be cuz of the trackers ( what tracker offer ) you have there. but as for the members hehe I FUCKING HATE THE MEMBERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you guys are gonna take my fucking statement and gonna turn it around like we are the fucking losers right? well fuck it!!!!!! be cuz i cant stand sing so meany fucking losers just blabling away. you guys are so fucking mean it just gets to me.... you know something fuck it!!!! you guys just suck!!!! yea P2PDog you should rely go to collage for some social skills and yea i tottely mean it. like the other guy said before. you can say your mind freely. freedom of speech ok well here it is. you guys got it, i cant control my self anymore. yea i am having a bad day today and letting it out here... hahaha brats that just dont care about others............

I hope this doesn't come of as too mean or immature but I don't hate anyone.

I toyed with the idea with several serial killers and the people behind the 9-11 attacks but what stopped me is my belief that to hate them would open myself to the possibility of becoming like them.
Now all my true loathing is reserved for concepts like auto-tune and soccer.

Anyway I appreciate your input into helping me understand why the people at whatever site it is we are fighting about are generally nicer and more reasonable than the people here.:)

07-02-2012, 12:45 PM

my fucking statement

well fuck it!!!!!!

so meany fucking losers

so fucking mean

you know something fuck it!!!!


07-02-2012, 01:15 PM
At first, I thought 'utter-douche'; but these guys are great.
If internets torrent admin rode around in The Mystery Machine, these blokes would be Shaggy.

Hey, man. We're, like, awesome and we might let you hang out with us if you think we're awesome.
What ... wait. You guise are mean and nasty and don't tell me how awesome I am. WTF. I don't understand, I am system admin on the internets why don't you respect that - we're not doing anything wrong just playing WoW and helping people steal stuff from corporations, it's not morally wrong so I'm going to show everyone my face because I'm chilled out to the max and the police won't care because I'm so awesome and I think they're awesome, too, in a policey way.
What's that you say? Irony and sarcasm? LOL wtf is that Greek or something. You guise are mean and we don't want you on our awesome site. h8rz.

I truly hope that Dragonballz and co. post more.

07-02-2012, 02:11 PM
Manker, now i know you rely love :love: that picture, haha you even posted his picture, do you want his contact number? I have his cell number. you might want to take it. but the thing is, i like these fucking site only be cuz of the trackers ( what tracker offer ) you have there. but as for the members hehe I FUCKING HATE THE MEMBERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you guys are gonna take my fucking statement and gonna turn it around like we are the fucking losers right? well fuck it!!!!!! be cuz i cant stand sing so meany fucking losers just blabling away. you guys are so fucking mean it just gets to me.... you know something fuck it!!!! you guys just suck!!!! yea P2PDog you should rely go to collage for some social skills and yea i tottely mean it. like the other guy said before. you can say your mind freely. freedom of speech ok well here it is. you guys got it, i cant control my self anymore. yea i am having a bad day today and letting it out here... hahaha brats that just dont care about others............
Does that mean you won't invite us to your 13th birthday ?

07-02-2012, 03:08 PM
Manker, now i know you rely love :love: that picture, haha you even posted his picture, do you want his contact number? I have his cell number. you might want to take it. but the thing is, i like these fucking site only be cuz of the trackers ( what tracker offer ) you have there. but as for the members hehe I FUCKING HATE THE MEMBERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you guys are gonna take my fucking statement and gonna turn it around like we are the fucking losers right? well fuck it!!!!!! be cuz i cant stand sing so meany fucking losers just blabling away. you guys are so fucking mean it just gets to me.... you know something fuck it!!!! you guys just suck!!!! yea P2PDog you should rely go to collage for some social skills and yea i tottely mean it. like the other guy said before. you can say your mind freely. freedom of speech ok well here it is. you guys got it, i cant control my self anymore. yea i am having a bad day today and letting it out here... hahaha brats that just dont care about others............


Thank you for the best laugh I've had all day, avrumi :D

07-02-2012, 09:25 PM
How funny these sounds i am glad i posted that one, i read all the comments and o yea i was laughing my head off. but yea i have to agree to all you guys you all got a point :yes:

Kinda manic with the lurching from one emotion to the next.

Yea its funny but true. sorry for that

I'm not sure you could have put 'hehe' in a more inappropriate place but I'm glad you've found it helpful to vent. I sure enjoyed reading it in a detached and professional srs bzns internets kind of way.

Thee hehe was form the mix feelings i had then, lol i drank bear some bear so i just said whatever i had in my mind then

Anyway. Yes. I'm not much of a phone guy but I would love to have any and all Skype addresses that you can give me. Including yours.
I'm more than adept with that medium and could probably give you some tips on relaxation when all that teenage angst wells up inside of you. If you have a sister or an amenable mom, then all the better

Hmm i have to thing about it, the thing is like these, i care for you, i know your scared of the FBI i dont want you to call me be cuz the FBI can track us both.....


Anyway I appreciate your input into helping me understand why the people at whatever site it is we are fighting about are generally nicer and more reasonable than the people here.

I know you where joking, but i am starting to think that maybe some of you guys are nice ( including you :yes: ) lol i hate to admit it after all these but yea. haha look at me after doing all these shity things by these site you do have the right to say things, but i guess your a good guy ;)

At first, I thought 'utter-douche'; but these guys are great.
If internets torrent admin rode around in The Mystery Machine, these blokes would be Shaggy.

Hey, man. We're, like, awesome and we might let you hang out with us if you think we're awesome.
What ... wait. You guise are mean and nasty and don't tell me how awesome I am. WTF. I don't understand, I am system admin on the internets why don't you respect that - we're not doing anything wrong just playing WoW and helping people steal stuff from corporations, it's not morally wrong so I'm going to show everyone my face because I'm chilled out to the max and the police won't care because I'm so awesome and I think they're awesome, too, in a policey way.
What's that you say? Irony and sarcasm? LOL wtf is that Greek or something. You guise are mean and we don't want you on our awesome site. h8rz.


Quote Originally Posted by avrumi View Post
Manker, now i know you rely love :love: that picture, haha you even posted his picture, do you want his contact number? I have his cell number. you might want to take it. but the thing is, i like these fucking site only be cuz of the trackers ( what tracker offer ) you have there. but as for the members hehe I FUCKING HATE THE MEMBERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you guys are gonna take my fucking statement and gonna turn it around like we are the fucking losers right? well fuck it!!!!!! be cuz i cant stand sing so meany fucking losers just blabling away. you guys are so fucking mean it just gets to me.... you know something fuck it!!!! you guys just suck!!!! yea P2PDog you should rely go to collage for some social skills and yea i tottely mean it. like the other guy said before. you can say your mind freely. freedom of speech ok well here it is. you guys got it, i cant control my self anymore. yea i am having a bad day today and letting it out here... hahaha brats that just dont care about others............
Does that mean you won't invite us to your 13th birthday ?


Thank you for the best laugh I've had all day, avrumi


yea i know i deserve it. but hey man crazy mood yesterday.

i don't think it waled be a grait idea hanging out. to much work to do. and sorry no time :(

Does that mean you won't invite us to your 13th birthday ?

maybe just you if you rely want. btw ask dragon, he might give you my cell number after all


Thank you for the best laugh I've had all day, avrumi

HAHA I WAS LAGHING HARDER Theses post rely made me in a good mood today.



07-02-2012, 09:45 PM
I'm feeling teh lurve.

You were my favourite anyway, avrumi, with your "i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!" being possibly the best thing I've ever read this week.

Does Dragonballz always take himself so seriously, btw?
I bet he's just a bundle of kittens and glitter-candy underneath that white polar-neck tank top.

07-02-2012, 09:47 PM


I'm a sucker for humility so I will accept your apology if you have any good looking female relatives that you are willing to pimp out.


Does Dragonballz always take himself so seriously, btw?
I bet he's just a bundle of kittens and glitter-candy underneath that white polar-neck tank top.

Cult leader? Sex therapist?New Age guru?

With a look like that I figure the career possibilities are extremely limited.

07-02-2012, 09:54 PM
I'm a sucker for humility so I will accept your apology if you have any good looking female relatives that you are willing to pimp out.
I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life but I'm pretty sure I asked first so back the fuck off.

07-02-2012, 09:57 PM
I'm a sucker for humility so I will accept your apology if you have any good looking female relatives that you are willing to pimp out.
I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life but I'm pretty sure I asked first so back the fuck off.

Let me stay at your place for the Olympics and during our down time we could have the fisticuffs.

07-02-2012, 10:10 PM
I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life but I'm pretty sure I asked first so back the fuck off.

Let me stay at your place for the Olympics and during our down time we could have the fisticuffs.You'd be more than welcome.

A pitched duel would suit me in lieu of fisticuffs. However, I'm a little suspicious of 'our down time'.
Like, what do you have in mind for 'our up time' :eyebrows:

07-02-2012, 10:19 PM
You'd be more than welcome.

A pitched duel would suit me in lieu of fisticuffs. However, I'm a little suspicious of 'our down time'.
Like, what do you have in mind for 'our up time' :eyebrows:

Normal British stuff like silly walking around wearing bowlers and carrying umbrellas,going to the local pub ,getting phished and putting the Doc Martens to unwary immigrants and if there's time maybe avoiding going to the dentist.

07-03-2012, 12:17 AM
I'm feeling teh lurve.

You were my favourite anyway, avrumi, with your "i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!" being possibly the best thing I've ever read this week.

Lol but Thanks Man :)

Does Dragonballz always take himself so seriously, btw?
I bet he's just a bundle of kittens and glitter-candy underneath that white polar-neck tank top.

Nea he is a nice guy he helps everyone there, and yea trust me when i say that i mean it ;) what then? as a staff member from scenetime you cant act crazy to the users. why is that? well there are several resin for that. 1 we want our users to be happy, 2 if users see staff members fighting or stuff, the users don't like it, it makes the site look bad you know :( do you know as a fact we don't take anyone as a staff member, we look after the guys that wants to help. ( we don't need anyone just saying hey i am a staff i can do whatever i want now ) ... there are meany reason why we do that.

i don't know how you look at us me or dragon but one thing you should know Dragon is a real nice and helpful person in scenetime. if you waled know that guy you will see what i mean... hope these answers your question :) best regards :)

Btw guys i will be leaving for some time. so i can only reply today. going away for the summer... see yea guys :)

07-03-2012, 09:27 AM
I wasn't doubting that he's a good sub-moderator or whatever, I just wondered if he ever had a bit of a giggle with people on the internets.
I think you answered though.

Also, I don't know if the members at scenetime wouldn't like to see some staff having an argument. Conflict is fun! Having said that, I haven't had occasion to argue with any member of staff here. They seem like decent spuds - all the troublesome staffers have been sacked now, like Idoleyes for example. To be quite frank I'd have liked him completely banned but Skizo has a soft spot for him.

Get me saying things like 'staffers'. Sounds pretentious as fuck. Anyway, have a great summer.

I just noticed in a different thread that sign-ups to scenetime are open on July 14th. Is there any truth to this rumour?
Like there was no way I was going to do the FB thing but I might join to see Dragonballz in action if this does indeed transpire to be the case :happy:

07-03-2012, 11:46 AM
Also, I don't know if the members at scenetime wouldn't like to see some staff having an argument. Conflict is fun! Having said that, I haven't had occasion to argue with any member of staff here. They seem like decent spuds - all the troublesome staffers have been sacked now, like Idoleyes for example. To be quite frank I'd have liked him completely banned but Skizo has a soft spot for him.

The actual truth is that I quit because I was fed up with how juvenile and mean you all are.
I now Mod at a fabulous WOW discussion site.

07-03-2012, 12:13 PM
Your face is juvenile and mean.

07-03-2012, 12:15 PM
I know you are but what am I?

07-03-2012, 12:26 PM
Your mom.

07-03-2012, 01:30 PM
You can join this tracker by donating.

07-03-2012, 03:48 PM
Your mom.

I would expect a gay virgin who lives in his parents basement like you do to say something like that.

Get a life,loser.

07-04-2012, 09:27 AM
What a bunch of Mother fucker in filesharingtalk . unluckily they are all staff of the site .

shame on you guys .

07-04-2012, 11:17 AM
What a bunch of Mother fucker in filesharingtalk . unluckily they are all staff of the site .

shame on you guys .
I guess it's true what they say:

If you're too stupid for a job.
Join the army.

Read between the lines, idiot.

07-04-2012, 12:50 PM
What a bunch of Mother fucker in filesharingtalk . unluckily they are all staff of the site .

Some are regular users.

07-04-2012, 01:08 PM
What a bunch of Mother fucker in filesharingtalk . unluckily they are all staff of the site .

shame on you guys .
I guess it's true what they say:

If you're too stupid for a job.
Join the army.

Read between the lines, idiot.

Run Forrest,run.

Anyway before you start calling people motherfuckers ,remember that shit happens.

07-04-2012, 01:52 PM
IdolEyes787 is a stupid.
Please ignore IdolEyes787's comments. he is just a stupid nigga :P

And Anon please stop helping this stupid nigga, i am tired of him disturbing every single member in here.

IdolEyes787, SHUT UP and GTFO !!

IdolEyes787 Retired? Who the F**k allowed you in staff ? I am sure they demoted you, not retired. LoL
You are retired, why you are still here? bitching around? Please continue and read my signature whenever you miss me ;)

07-04-2012, 01:57 PM
Us gay-virgins can be veird sometimes. those days in a mounth...

07-04-2012, 02:06 PM
IdolEyes787 is a stupid.
Please ignore IdolEyes787's comments. he is just a stupid nigga :P

And Anon please stop helping this stupid nigga, i am tired of him disturbing every single member in here.

FST wouldn't be half as fun as it is now without the stupid nigga. Fact. :smilie4:

07-04-2012, 02:07 PM
The truth of the matter is that Idoleyes got demoted because he kept posting pics of merwais' mother sucking his cawk in Team Chat.

Don't be too quick to judge her, Idol has a pretty nice dick.
It's just that we were too professional to let the matter continue and relegated him back to peon status.

07-04-2012, 04:53 PM
IdolEyes787 is a stupid.
Please ignore IdolEyes787's comments. he is just a stupid nigga :P

And Anon please stop helping this stupid nigga, i am tired of him disturbing every single member in here.

IdolEyes787, SHUT UP and GTFO !!

IdolEyes787 Retired? Who the F**k allowed you in staff ? I am sure they demoted you, not retired. LoL
You are retired, why you are still here? bitching around? Please continue and read my signature whenever you miss me ;)

Please continue so the site can be treated to your more of your intelligence and less of my stupidity.:mellow:

Btw my friend Alfonzo would like to meet, as he put it " that motherfucking little white pussy " , who thinks anonymity on the internet gives he allowance to be racist.

07-06-2012, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the Avy, Drag'nNutz.

Reason #1 why you should not post your FB page: Avatar use.

07-06-2012, 11:10 AM
Make fun all you want but I'm pretty sure he's the guy that invented warp drive.

07-06-2012, 11:21 AM
Make fun all you want but I'm pretty sure he's the guy that invented warp drive.

That's only due to his need to travel back in time 4 or 5 decades where he'd be treated as "hip" and "groovy".

07-06-2012, 01:01 PM
Reason #1 why you should not post your FB page: Avatar use.

I thought it was Photoshop contests. :fear:

07-06-2012, 11:04 PM
Reason #1 why you should not post your FB page: Avatar use.

I thought it was Photoshop contests. :fear:

I let him off easy this thyme. Kinda like a warning shot... :sly:

07-07-2012, 12:37 AM
Warning shot right between the eyes.

07-07-2012, 01:02 AM
Warning shot right between the eyes.

That way he'll remember it for the rest of his life.

07-07-2012, 04:22 AM
Thee hehe was form the mix feelings i had then, lol i drank bear some bear so i just said whatever i had in my mind then

You are the bravest man I know. Fighting a bear is one thing, but drinking bear cum implies that you stuck around after he had his orgasm and is therefore irritable in the presence of a heterospecies.

I can now fully associate Scenetime with Torrentday. By the way, there is no bigger insult I could apply to Scenetime.

07-07-2012, 09:49 AM
Warning shot right between the eyes.

I had to separate him from the mullet. Obviously, it has been in control for some time now.

06-07-2013, 05:03 AM
Does anyone know about scenetime.com and what is there release group.

someone told me that Kingdom release group and lots of other good release group are releasing in that site.

is it a new site or something ?

Im not a member but I tried to download a movie from their torrent site... been downloading for 2 days...it got to 90 % & quit...lol ! there is a message in a file to go to http://www.scenetime.com & join for speedy downloads... but its just a login... Im not downloading anything just to register myself. I guess they get you to 90% then cut you off so you have to download to register then maybe you finish...lol