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02-10-2012, 05:46 PM
Has it ever occurred to you that the ONLY reason you are even remotely of interest around here has to do with the fact that you were ONCE connected with Squeams. Beyond that, you are yesterday's toenail clippings. Period. :dry:

Then you should add me to your ignore list, so I don't have to keep reading the absolute shite you post in response to my posts.

No chance. You are a canvas in which others get to wipe filth on.

I'm re-watching the Hobbits, so I'll throw this analogy in: You are A LOT like the character Golem- that is, if each of the interesting, full characters took turns urinating, and wiping their asses on him. That, and Golem is portrayed as 1/10 as obsessed, and 20 times more mentally stable than the real you.

02-10-2012, 05:51 PM

02-10-2012, 05:53 PM
Oh! Good, so once I've abused chavis into running away and hiding again, I can have a go at you :)

Your post had nothing to do with Squeams, so I'm off. :yawn:

02-10-2012, 05:55 PM

02-10-2012, 06:00 PM

02-10-2012, 06:03 PM
Oh! Good, so once I've abused chavis into running away and hiding again, I can have a go at you :)

Your post had nothing to do with Squeams, so I'm off. :yawn:

Yeah, that'll happen, Dave.

As a matter of fact I'm typing this sealed in a spastic-proof bunker where the seeds of your poppycock find no purchase.

02-10-2012, 06:06 PM

02-10-2012, 06:14 PM
Nope, past events, especially recent ones have been very important, they've changed me dramtically, so I tend to try and keep track of them. Although it is possible that my intentions and reasoning are sometimes not explained fully, but then why would I care if they are, after all I'm only explain things to people like you, and you're of no importance. To me or anyone else I suspect.

Jebus, Dave, you're one impressionable little shrinking violet, aren't you. All these people changing you from week to week, rearranging your philosophies, redefining your existence.

You're plasticine, Dave, and the rest of the world are malicious chisellers, sculpting you into the stupid cunt you are now. Did you ever have a personality of your own, Dave?

02-10-2012, 06:17 PM
Your post had nothing to do with Squeams, so I'm off. :yawn:

Yeah, that'll happen, Dave.

As a matter of fact I'm typing this sealed in a spastic-proof bunker where the seeds of your poppycock find no purchase.

That was just Dave raising his oblivious level.

02-10-2012, 06:47 PM

02-10-2012, 07:06 PM

02-10-2012, 07:18 PM

Have a look at the video in my "Why" thread, it's a good video. A good tool to help you understand why you've behaved like a dick for decades, and to help you understand that you have to change into exactly the kind of person who has used, abused and fucked you over for years.

I don't think I will, Dave. I don't think anybody else will either. The last thing I ever want to do is understand you. I don't think anyone has ever used, abused, or for that matter, fucked me over. That kinda thing only happens in the heads of people like you, Dave.

It looks like 18 minutes of profit-garnering 'self-improvement'. Have you joined a cult, Dave?

02-10-2012, 07:20 PM
As a matter of fact I'm typing this sealed in a spastic-proof bunker where the seeds of your poppycock find no purchase.


I actually barked out loud

02-10-2012, 07:32 PM
A good tool to help you understand why you've behaved like a dick for decades, and to help you understand that you have to change into exactly the kind of person who has used, abused and fucked you over for years.

Weak people are affected by the world around them. Strong people shape it. If you're trying to imply that experience is meant to make you stronger, and that this is the culmination of your cognition, then I'm sorely disappointed.

02-10-2012, 07:36 PM

02-10-2012, 07:36 PM
Job interview at MIT in 2 weeks.

For the Americunts in the crowd, do I need to practice my southern accent?

For the Canadians in the crowd, box me up some snow.

For the Brits in the crowd, continue talking about Squeams. :shifty:

What accent does that Sheldon chap on Big Bang have? I would have tried that one.

Edited due to date issues i.e. I didn't notice the first post date

02-10-2012, 07:38 PM

02-10-2012, 08:08 PM
However for all my stupidity I have finally got the message.

If I thought for a moment you had actually got the message, I'd be changing my siggy about now.

02-10-2012, 08:20 PM

02-10-2012, 08:27 PM
If I thought for a moment you had actually got the message, I'd be changing my siggy about now.

Oh! I can assure you I have got the message loud and clear, scum like you and your mates kept telling me it, many of her friends also kept telling me it, but it took her to finally get it through to me. I accept you might not like the message that you've all contributed to me getting, but there you are, it's too late to go pretending you're decent people to someone who has finally come to understand you're all scum, and who has realise I can and should behave as you do.

I just watched the first couple minutes of your "Why" video, and it occurred to me how you think you are somehow enlightened through your experiences, but none of the people mentioned would stand up on a stage and blather about being fucked over, victimized, etc.

If anything, Squeams has only served to reveal what a pathetic, lowly little man you have always been AND continue to be. Both in real life AND online.

02-10-2012, 08:43 PM

02-10-2012, 09:48 PM
Reject, in the near future a group of scientists will be at your door fully garbed in stained off-white lab coats and over-sized Nitrile gloves. They will be escorting 2 confused individuals, an Asian man and some girl. I ask that you let these people into your home to indulge in your perversions of scientific debauchery. Become one with the centipede. Later, perhaps, start a blog. Maybe then I could assign a modicum of merit to your "science is destroying the planet" howls*.

*by planet, Dave is talking about Dave. When Dave talks about how women behave, or what shape the planet is in, Dave is talking about how women treat him, and what state his body is in. To further illustrate, here is Dave's "planet".


02-10-2012, 09:51 PM

02-10-2012, 09:57 PM

02-10-2012, 10:58 PM
given your history of the misuse of this measurement

I attended a seminar about predicting diabetic onset today. Their results were 79% metabolite increase for something they were testing +/- 58%. Their theory was that there might be two mechanistic onset due to this result. Reminded me of you and how silly you can be some times.


02-10-2012, 11:26 PM

02-11-2012, 06:55 AM
given your history of the misuse of this measurement

I attended a seminar about predicting diabetic onset today. Their results were 79% metabolite increase for something they were testing +/- 58%. Their theory was that there might be two mechanistic onset due to this result. Reminded me of you and how silly you can be some times.


You must excuse Dave, he tends to believe that all scientists are Bond villains in the making. It might have happened after he crossed paths with Dr. No Dave Her Tumor Isn't Benign.

02-11-2012, 10:07 AM

02-11-2012, 05:00 PM
No I just recognise that most of you are crap at doing science (you know use of ridiculous tolerance levels and the like to make it look like you've actually got some kind of conclusion, when in reality you haven't), and of course that your crapness has had a detrimental effect upon the planet. Like for example all them scientists who insisted scrapie couldn't jump the species barrier into bovine, and who caused millions of cows to be slaughtered, when their science was shown to have been completely wrong.

That's why peer review and experimental reproduction exist. Atypical scrapie is a special case. The research carried out on it couldn't have been faster due to its late discovery. You let me know when you can understand the detriments of a mechanism gone awry, instated over 250 million years of evolution, within 10 years.

As for why "tolerance levels" are so high, it's a problem inherent with how we calculate the world around us. It's not because science is bad. It's like saying "why isn't there a simple expression for elliptic operators?" Well, because Math is as much a language as English. You can't simply translate into the solution you need without going through the diligence.

But you know what, you're welcome to stop going to doctors period once you learn how much of what they do is random intuition based on "bad statistics". You're welcome to stop playing the stock markets, if you do so in the first place, based on how the same "bad statistics" are applied in portfolio management research. You're welcome to just sleep in a cardboard box down the street on accounts that the engineers who manufactured your building based their knowledge on stress handling, earthquake codes and circuit topology all based on the same "bad statistics."


I don't argue that most scientists aren't bad. I'm actually quite arrogant and believe that some countries just need to scrap their scientific funding all together (Scandinavian countries, and the Crownies being the worst offenders). But that doesn't mean that all science is broken. Some of the most important scientific discoveries in the past 100 years were reported as anomalies at first.

02-11-2012, 06:01 PM
No I just recognise that most of you are crap at doing science (you know use of ridiculous tolerance levels and the like to make it look like you've actually got some kind of conclusion, when in reality you haven't), and of course that your crapness has had a detrimental effect upon the planet. Like for example all them scientists who insisted scrapie couldn't jump the species barrier into bovine, and who caused millions of cows to be slaughtered, when their science was shown to have been completely wrong.

That's why peer review and experimental reproduction exist. Atypical scrapie is a special case. The research carried out on it couldn't have been faster due to its late discovery. You let me know when you can understand the detriments of a mechanism gone awry, instated over 250 million years of evolution, within 10 years.

As for why "tolerance levels" are so high, it's a problem inherent with how we calculate the world around us. It's not because science is bad. It's like saying "why isn't there a simple expression for elliptic operators?" Well, because Math is as much a language as English. You can't simply translate into the solution you need without going through the diligence.

But you know what, you're welcome to stop going to doctors period once you learn how much of what they do is random intuition based on "bad statistics". You're welcome to stop playing the stock markets, if you do so in the first place, based on how the same "bad statistics" are applied in portfolio management research. You're welcome to just sleep in a cardboard box down the street on accounts that the engineers who manufactured your building based their knowledge on stress handling, earthquake codes and circuit topology all based on the same "bad statistics."


I don't argue that most scientists aren't bad. I'm actually quite arrogant and believe that some countries just need to scrap their scientific funding all together (Scandinavian countries, and the Crownies being the worst offenders). But that doesn't mean that all science is broken. Some of the most important scientific discoveries in the past 100 years were reported as anomalies at first.

This is my last post as I have literally now been bored to death.........arrrhhhhh...uhhhhh.............
Thank God he didn't also sputter something in that Math language so at least I wasn't both killed and bx + ay = 1ed..........gasp.........

02-11-2012, 07:31 PM

02-11-2012, 09:14 PM

Take it easy old chap, I was only taking the piss out of Mary. I never seriously meant it.

Alrighty, then. Carry on.

Although: I have heard Cabalo is looking into taking action with your situation. If they deem you bannable then I'll miss you. I may have disagreed with pretty much everything you said, but you still entertained me, and seem like a nice enough fellow.

02-11-2012, 09:23 PM
Take it easy old chap, I was only taking the piss out of Mary. I never seriously meant it.

If only you could have managed some semblance of comprehension, you could have improved your chances of success, by like 25 % +/- 32 %.

02-11-2012, 09:27 PM
You know I thought I'd like Garth Sings ignoring me a lot more than I do.

02-11-2012, 09:32 PM
You know I thought I'd like Garth Sings ignoring me a lot more than I do.

Perhaps some patience Idol, you only gave him a 13-minute window to write his next reply after a 3 hour 13-minute windows. You should have given it 3 more hours.

02-11-2012, 09:49 PM

02-11-2012, 09:54 PM
You know I thought I'd like Garth Sings ignoring me a lot more than I do.

I feel cheated and betrayed. You picked Jacky to be your room-mate. Even though my relationship with her is amicable, I just don't feel comfortable with two scientists being in your life. I've therefore decided to stray far away.

I've decided to meet new people. I've decided to see new things. More importantly, I've also decided to come back one day. To come back as an experienced, weathered soul. To come back as an alpha male would to his tribe aeons ago, more resilient and wise than everyone who stayed within the confines of the village. I've decided to come back like Tupac risen from the dead, ready to be hailed as the greatest whoever lived; like our troops back from Iraq, heroes of children, mothers, and everyone who cares for them; like Lindsay Lohan with an imminent but sexy threat that she might go to rehab any moment, forcing people to hold on to her like a transient hope.

I've decided to come back and win you over from that woman's treacherous arms, one day, eye of the idol, one day.


And you thought you were bored. You have no idea. :happy:

02-11-2012, 09:55 PM
Anyway, it's all by the by now, I did what I came here to do, I treated chavis to his own treatment, and I won.

Define won.

02-11-2012, 10:01 PM
like our troops back from Iraq

You seem to miss the memo where we decided to sit that one out. Also mjmacaroon is a liar as anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't have anything to do with either sexual perverts or mustaches .

02-11-2012, 10:08 PM

02-11-2012, 10:12 PM
You seem to miss the memo where we decided to sit that one out.

That's the part you chose to discredit, as opposed to the Lohan comment? :no:

02-11-2012, 10:23 PM
I feel cheated and betrayed. You picked Jacky to be your room-mate. Even though my relationship with her is amicable, I just don't feel comfortable with two scientists being in your life. I've therefore decided to stray far away.

I've decided to meet new people. I've decided to see new things. More importantly, I've also decided to come back one day. To come back as an experienced, weathered soul. To come back as an alpha male would to his tribe aeons ago, more resilient and wise than everyone who stayed within the confines of the village. I've decided to come back like Tupac risen from the dead, ready to be hailed as the greatest whoever lived; like our troops back from Iraq, heroes of children, mothers, and everyone who cares for them; like Lindsay Lohan with an imminent but sexy threat that she might go to rehab any moment, forcing people to hold on to her like a transient hope.

I've decided to come back and win you over from that woman's treacherous arms, one day, eye of the idol, one day.


And you thought you were bored. You have no idea. :happy:



02-12-2012, 12:06 AM
That's the part you chose to discredit, as opposed to the Lohan comment? :no: I thought I'd spare you the embarrassment of highlighting your insanity.

like Lindsay Lohan with an imminent but sexy threat that she might go to rehab any moment, forcing people to hold on to her like a transient hope.


Don't get me wrong though she still isn't half bad looking for the three day old corpse of a fifty year old woman.
What she's like 25 and breathing ? Then ewwwwww.

Also you're insane and not in a good way.

02-12-2012, 07:12 AM
Also you're insane and not in a good way.

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black ! :blink:

02-12-2012, 08:37 AM
Although: I have heard Cabalo is looking into taking action with your situation. If they deem you bannable then I'll miss you. I may have disagreed with pretty much everything you said, but you still entertained me, and seem like a nice enough fellow.

If there was evar any doubt regarding Rings' proclivities...

02-12-2012, 09:01 AM
If there was evar any doubt regarding Rings' proclivities...

Squeams has spoken (in the public eye at least) with nothing but respect for who Reject is. She didn't shoot down his claims that he's very honest, nor did she discredit his misunderstanding of people as a negative attribute, and she herself acknowledges he's a pacifist. Even though he posted a death threat in satire, I don't think anyone took it seriously, not in the least the parties involved, especially.

If everyone wants to get their panties up in a bunch, go for it. If everyone wants to be the authority on Reject's mental health, you're all privy to that honour. But please, don't make my equally valid opinion sound crazy simply because you disagree with it.

02-12-2012, 09:04 AM
Also you're insane and not in a good way.

If you're going to ask for my man-part loyalty in wedlock, do it quicker, please?

02-12-2012, 09:04 AM
If there was evar any doubt regarding Rings' proclivities...

Squeams has spoken (in the public eye at least) with nothing but respect for who Reject is. She didn't shoot down his claims that he's very honest, nor did she discredit his misunderstanding of people as a negative attribute, and she herself acknowledges he's a pacifist. Even though he posted a death threat in satire, I don't think anyone took it seriously, not in the least the parties involved, especially.

If everyone wants to get their panties up in a bunch, go for it. If everyone wants to be the authority on Reject's mental health, you're all privy to that honour. But please, don't make my equally valid opinion sound crazy simply because you disagree with it.
I was just saying you and crazy boy could go get a room somewhere. You seem t be grooming him at the last minute... :idunno:

02-12-2012, 09:46 AM

02-12-2012, 12:12 PM
Also mjmacaroon is a liar as anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't have anything to do with either sexual perverts or mustaches .

I have other facial hair besides the mustache, and you know that. I'm not going to debate the pervert label, since I'm actually quite the honest man. Also, I seem to have forgotten to update my location, fixed now.

02-12-2012, 12:37 PM
Also you're insane and not in a good way.

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black ! :blink:

No need to get racist.

02-12-2012, 03:03 PM
Yes, that kettle is properly known as a cast iron-American.

02-12-2012, 03:12 PM
Cut him some slack Darth, his hero just did a flid and ran away to hide. He'll be missing him, suffering from feelings of 'rejection' (:lol:), and a deep sense of unease at seeing his mentor and guide lose it as he did... it can take a long time to recover from hero worship, especially when that journey involves realising what a complete spastic your ex-hero really was/is.

It's no surprise Chalice got fed up with you. Look at your track record:

Wife: check
Squeams: check
kids: probably
most of the site: check, check, check...

I temporarily took you off ignore to say goodbys. You are one truly confused little monkey, Dave.

Bored with your clinging to a former friend, and following her like a fucking psycho has got to end, Dave. Get a life.

02-12-2012, 05:09 PM

02-13-2012, 12:13 PM
Squeams has spoken (in the public eye at least) with nothing but respect for who Reject is. She didn't shoot down his claims that he's very honest, nor did she discredit his misunderstanding of people as a negative attribute, and she herself acknowledges he's a pacifist. Even though he posted a death threat in satire, I don't think anyone took it seriously, not in the least the parties involved, especially.

If everyone wants to get their panties up in a bunch, go for it. If everyone wants to be the authority on Reject's mental health, you're all privy to that honour. But please, don't make my equally valid opinion sound crazy simply because you disagree with it.

The sad truth is Reject has been banned or flounced from every single message board that I know of that he has frequented to any regular degree. The pattern is usually thus:

1) Reject is nice and friendly and everybody takes to him
2) Reject gets his knickers in a twist over some issue he has misunderstood
3) Reject goes completely OTT and alienates everyone
4) Self pity kicks in followed by obsessive demands for attention while he sorts through all the conflicting emotions in his head.
5) When everybody declines to enter into the dark, repetitive world of navel gazing he has created he becomes aggressive
6) Accuses people of lying/libelling him. At this stage the following may happen:
a) He may threaten board owners with some form of legal action, a form of attention seeking they can't ignore. If they're large enough scale or robust enough to call his bluff on this he will probably flounce from the board in a waft of acrimony or be banned
b) He will go straight to flouncing
7) He will attempt to rejoin the board under pseudonyms or as himself
8) Cycle repeats ad nauseum

To be honest I just got tired of his shit. The good times became drastically outweighed by the bad. I felt like I was an unpaid psychiatrist. His complete inability to have functional interpersonal relationships became my responsibility to help him through, and eventually when I failed to deliver the relationship I knew he wanted every conversation started with recriminations and accusations. I persevered with him for 5 years, but eventually, as the intervals between his petit mals became shorter he just emotionally drained me. I admitted defeat. I was the last person in his life to do so, and I was loathe to because I hate to give up on people, but the shutters just came down and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew that the only way I could remove him from my life was to starve him of attention. To cut him off completely. To not let him intimidate me like he had everybody else we knew and to stay strong and stand up to him.

Bottom line is, he entertains everyone. This car crash entertains everyone. That's the only reason he's still here. You all have it in your power to ignore him, or at the very least his diatribes. Every escalation of his behaviour in real life has been a result of attention he's been given on this board.

Really, we don't need to involve the mods in this. If you want to help, ignore the poor behaviour, reward the good. It's not difficult.

02-13-2012, 12:34 PM
The sad truth is Reject has been banned or flounced from every single message board that I know of that he has frequented to any regular degree. The pattern is usually thus:

1) Reject is nice and friendly and everybody takes to him
2) Reject gets his knickers in a twist over some issue he has misunderstood
3) Reject goes completely OTT and alienates everyone
4) Self pity kicks in followed by obsessive demands for attention while he sorts through all the conflicting emotions in his head.
5) When everybody declines to enter into the dark, repetitive world of navel gazing he has created he becomes aggressive
6) Accuses people of lying/libelling him. At this stage the following may happen:
a) He may threaten board owners with some form of legal action, a form of attention seeking they can't ignore. If they're large enough scale or robust enough to call his bluff on this he will probably flounce from the board in a waft of acrimony or be banned
b) He will go straight to flouncing
7) He will attempt to rejoin the board under pseudonyms or as himself
8) Cycle repeats ad nauseum

To be honest I just got tired of his shit. The good times became drastically outweighed by the bad. I felt like I was an unpaid psychiatrist. His complete inability to have functional interpersonal relationships became my responsibility to help him through, and eventually when I failed to deliver the relationship I knew he wanted every conversation started with recriminations and accusations. I persevered with him for 5 years, but eventually, as the intervals between his petit mals became shorter he just emotionally drained me. I admitted defeat. I was the last person in his life to do so, and I was loathe to because I hate to give up on people, but the shutters just came down and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew that the only way I could remove him from my life was to starve him of attention. To cut him off completely. To not let him intimidate me like he had everybody else we knew and to stay strong and stand up to him.

Bottom line is, he entertains everyone. This car crash entertains everyone. That's the only reason he's still here. You all have it in your power to ignore him, or at the very least his diatribes. Every escalation of his behaviour in real life has been a result of attention he's been given on this board.

Really, we don't need to involve the mods in this. If you want to help, ignore the poor behaviour, reward the good. It's not difficult.

That all seems in order, the list and paragraphs, though I feel step 1 is disputable in this case. Post #305 (yikes, makes one think there's a lot of concern over Darth's employment) probably could have capped the other thread which happens to have been dedicated to this issue. I haven't put reject on ignore, though I can't remember the last time I gave more than a glance to his whining diatribes. The guy really cares way too much about how people view him.

02-13-2012, 12:40 PM

02-13-2012, 12:43 PM

02-13-2012, 12:52 PM

02-13-2012, 12:55 PM
Squeams has spoken (in the public eye at least) with nothing but respect for who Reject is. She didn't shoot down his claims that he's very honest, nor did she discredit his misunderstanding of people as a negative attribute, and she herself acknowledges he's a pacifist. Even though he posted a death threat in satire, I don't think anyone took it seriously, not in the least the parties involved, especially.

If everyone wants to get their panties up in a bunch, go for it. If everyone wants to be the authority on Reject's mental health, you're all privy to that honour. But please, don't make my equally valid opinion sound crazy simply because you disagree with it.

The sad truth is Reject has been banned or flounced from every single message board that I know of that he has frequented to any regular degree. The pattern is usually thus:

1) Reject is nice and friendly and everybody takes to him
2) Reject gets his knickers in a twist over some issue he has misunderstood
3) Reject goes completely OTT and alienates everyone
4) Self pity kicks in followed by obsessive demands for attention while he sorts through all the conflicting emotions in his head.
5) When everybody declines to enter into the dark, repetitive world of navel gazing he has created he becomes aggressive
6) Accuses people of lying/libelling him. At this stage the following may happen:
a) He may threaten board owners with some form of legal action, a form of attention seeking they can't ignore. If they're large enough scale or robust enough to call his bluff on this he will probably flounce from the board in a waft of acrimony or be banned
b) He will go straight to flouncing
7) He will attempt to rejoin the board under pseudonyms or as himself
8) Cycle repeats ad nauseum

To be honest I just got tired of his shit. The good times became drastically outweighed by the bad. I felt like I was an unpaid psychiatrist. His complete inability to have functional interpersonal relationships became my responsibility to help him through, and eventually when I failed to deliver the relationship I knew he wanted every conversation started with recriminations and accusations. I persevered with him for 5 years, but eventually, as the intervals between his petit mals became shorter he just emotionally drained me. I admitted defeat. I was the last person in his life to do so, and I was loathe to because I hate to give up on people, but the shutters just came down and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew that the only way I could remove him from my life was to starve him of attention. To cut him off completely. To not let him intimidate me like he had everybody else we knew and to stay strong and stand up to him.

Bottom line is, he entertains everyone. This car crash entertains everyone. That's the only reason he's still here. You all have it in your power to ignore him, or at the very least his diatribes. Every escalation of his behaviour in real life has been a result of attention he's been given on this board.

Really, we don't need to involve the mods in this. If you want to help, ignore the poor behaviour, reward the good. It's not difficult.

Wait let me get this straight,there are other message boards? :cry:

02-13-2012, 01:11 PM

02-13-2012, 01:29 PM
I find it odd that a nasty piece of trash who sat next to me in my car and lied to my face, for the purpose of manipulating what I thought and felt, hasn't got the courage to talk to my face about her lies, but chooses to cut me dead, can come on a board and spread a whole load more lies about me.

However (and remembering that I don't lie) here are some more truths, about Squeamous.

Creating facebook hate pages is a nice thing according to Squeamous, proved by her defence of her friends right to do that.
Creating facebook hate groups is a nice thing according to Squeamous, proved by her defence of her friends right to do that.
Calling for someones real name to be used as a generic replacement for the word cunt, is a nice thing according to Squeamous, proved by her defence of her friends right to do that.
Seriously telling an entire board that someone is a paedophile is a nice thing, according to Squeamous, proved by her defence of her friends right to do that.

I could go on, but there are so many lies in that diatribe of hers, that it would take me at least one essay to address them all, and I can't be arsed.

Now I know you're a lying piece of trash, but I do intend to insist upon you living up to what you said you would do should I ever say "leave me alone"... please leave me the fuck alone. This exchanging of verbal abuse isn't serving any purpose, unless you're telling me you like me posting up facts about your disgraceful behaviour?

You do realise that every bit of invective in that diatribe was about somebody else, not Squeamous ?

Next point you have said repeatedly you want to be left alone, and have also said you will stop posting. Man up and fuck off, problem solved.

Another thing you should understand clearly, the members of this section are by and large fairly mature, we have all had relationships go tits up, some of them very messily, yet not a single other member here is boohooing about their past. You have spent months here bawling your eyes out you big girl for fucks sake grow a pair !!!!!!!

We really honestly to a member do not give a flying fuck about how you have been changed, how you have been made into the man ? that you are now, and repeating the same thing over and over and over again will not change anyone's opinion, quite the opposite in fact.

I know you will be offended by this, and take it as a sleight against your dignity, but the purpose of this post is to make you look at yourself and how destructive this cycle is, it is not meant with malice, but as a wake up slap. You really need to take stock of who you are and what you are doing.

02-13-2012, 01:30 PM
If Dave makes a stupid post that no one reads, he's still just as stupid. Fact.

02-13-2012, 01:44 PM

02-13-2012, 02:11 PM
Another thing you should understand clearly, the members of this section are by and large fairly mature, we have all had relationships go tits up, some of them very messily, yet not a single other member here is boohooing about their past. You have spent months here bawling your eyes out you big girl for fucks sake grow a pair !!!!!!!I agree, I've not been asking for you all to keep making everything I say about my past with her. In fact I distinctly remembering asking for some members to leave that subject alone completely.

We really honestly to a member do not give a flying fuck about how you have been changed, how you have been made into the man ? that you are now, and repeating the same thing over and over and over again will not change anyone's opinion, quite the opposite in fact.Which begs the question of why so many have battered me around the head with the same old subject for month after months. Even on threads which I created which had nothing to do with my past, members jumped in and made it about my past, and how it has changed me. If they didn't give a flying fuck they could have left it alone.

I don't want to confuse the issue by quoting the whole of your reply, the salient points are the two above.
The first quote deals with you bringing up your past with Squeamous and how it has changed you and made you into the bitter man that you are today. This is a constant theme in your posts, often one triggered by someone simply commenting that you seem bitter. You yourself keep on harping on about how you have been betrayed and lied to, guess what we all fucking have, and not a single one of us is here crying about it. That's boring, you repeating over and over and over again (I'm quite prepared to quote you if need be) is boring, we don't care, I personally have a problem with a middleaged man going on about how he has been betrayed and lied to. You must have led a very sheltered cotton wool life if this is the worst that has happened and the thing you can't get over.

The second point carries on from the first but you say so many have battered you around the head with the same old subject for months. Once again I am quite prepared to quote the many multiples of times you drag this subject up, or reference it, with the how you have been changed spiel. How do you think we feel, hearing the same thing over and over again? Guess what you were probably going to provoke a negative reaction on any internet forum going on about how you are a changed man because you have been lied to, people really don't want to hear that, so why are you surprised that people have reacted negatively? It was always going to happen, your very style of posting and your need to provoke guaranteed a reaction, yet you are shocked it happened ?

02-13-2012, 02:34 PM

02-13-2012, 05:00 PM

02-13-2012, 05:52 PM
If you want to help, ignore the poor behaviour, reward the good. It's not difficult.

start talking about something else, I tried to bring up other subjects...

So we are all in agreement here?

EDIT: I replied to your science thread before I saw Squeamous's reply, nor your "I have tried to bring up topics of discussion," post. MBM will be putting you on ignore like he said, and I don't think Jacky and I hold any malice towards you, so we'll be our usual foolish selves. I can't think of many other lounge regulars whose position isn't clear. I'll keep at the science thread, because it's a topic I love, even if it becomes derailed, stay active there if you truly want to avoid confrontation of this sort.

Take it upon yourself to ignore just as much of others as they would attempt to ignore of you. Mayhaps we can restore peace to these boards.

02-13-2012, 06:02 PM
yikes, makes one think there's a lot of concern over Darth's employment

This has been a gigantic success of a thread.

02-13-2012, 06:55 PM
That all seems in order, the list and paragraphs, though I feel step 1 is disputable in this case. Post #305 (yikes, makes one think there's a lot of concern over Darth's employment) probably could have capped the other thread which happens to have been dedicated to this issue. I haven't put reject on ignore, though I can't remember the last time I gave more than a glance to his whining diatribes. The guy really cares way too much about how people view him.

I'm glad you picked up on the format of the text rather than the content. Content is so over-rated!

So we are all in agreement here?

EDIT: I replied to your science thread before I saw Squeamous's reply, nor your "I have tried to bring up topics of discussion," post. MBM will be putting you on ignore like he said, and I don't think Jacky and I hold any malice towards you, so we'll be our usual foolish selves. I can't think of many other lounge regulars whose position isn't clear. I'll keep at the science thread, because it's a topic I love, even if it becomes derailed, stay active there if you truly want to avoid confrontation of this sort.

Take it upon yourself to ignore just as much of others as they would attempt to ignore of you. Mayhaps we can restore peace to these boards.


02-13-2012, 07:15 PM

Ultimately, Dave is just a parasite who follows you to each of your sites, and stirs up peoples' attention with the one good thing that happened in his pathetic existence. Whole story.

I hope you have learned a valuable lesson about bringing home sad, needy, lame, loner, losers. :console:

If you really want something that craves all of your time, attention, and emotional resources, consider adopting a Down's child. You will find both to be similar in A LOT of ways- they never fully grow up, never seem to learn from negative responses, and make a real mess of any kind of social life you once had. They will also follow you around till the end of your life out of neediness.

02-13-2012, 07:22 PM

Ultimately, Dave is just a parasite who follows you to each of your sites, and stirs up peoples' attention with the one good thing that happened in his pathetic existence. Whole story.

I hope you have learned a valuable lesson about bringing home sad, needy, lame, loner, losers. :console:

If you really want something that craves all of your time, attention, and emotional resources, consider adopting a Down's child. You will find both to be similar in A LOT of ways- they never fully grow up, never seem to learn from negative responses, and make a real mess of any kind of social life you once had. They will also follow you around till the end of your life out of neediness.

Funny you should say that, a leaflet dropped through my door the other day and for some reason I pinned it on the kitchen board and keep looking at it. It was a leaflet seeking foster parents in the area.

I just love this song so much I want to eat it. Sums up pretty much how I feel about this whole sorry spectacle:


Oh btw, you've been far nicer about and to me than I deserve, so thank you for that.

02-13-2012, 07:49 PM

02-13-2012, 09:14 PM
What I want to know is who the fuck is Darth Cicero and how did he manage to make nearly 3000 previous posts on this site without me noticing?

02-13-2012, 09:35 PM

02-13-2012, 09:39 PM
There is a Dave thread can we please confine our future remarks about how we all loathe/mistrust/can't get along with each other to that thread.

02-13-2012, 09:55 PM
I'm glad you picked up on the format of the text rather than the content. Content is so over-rated!

I'm glad you secretly acknowledged my affirmations on the content but shifted the context to obsessive attention to detail, definitely glad.

02-13-2012, 09:58 PM
and I don't think Jacky and I hold any malice towards you, so we'll be our usual foolish selves.

I will take up issue with you on this. I hold malice towards everyone who struggles with reason, I just have a variety of ways of showing it. I also hold malice to everyone else, which too manifest in a variety of ways.

02-13-2012, 10:04 PM

02-13-2012, 10:09 PM
There is a parasite on this board, it's not me though, it's not you either... it's not even chavis...

Don't be coy, it's me, I'm the the parasite. I eat all your good bacteria and leave you with worms and crabs. They do battle in your nether regions and I hold ceremonies for each battle's victors.

02-13-2012, 10:10 PM
There is a parasite on this board, it's not me though, it's not you either... it's not even chavis... but I'll leave your new best friend to explain how that nasty shitty thing to accuse someone of, relates to the active members of this site.

I shall be too busy being the man I said I was now when I first started posting here again, the one your friend created, who has come to understand that there are no consequences to treating other people like slabs of meat, whom I can use and discard without consequence. To suit my whims, and wants. Being an all round nice guy does at least mean I'm intent upon applying the lessons your friend taught me fairly to all women, not just to blondes. This of course is nothing to do with her... as I'm sure you'll agree... none of us are responsible for the effects our actions and behaviour have upon others... and so she can happily wander around for evermore knowing it wasn't her who caused me to behave towards woman as she behaved towards me.

Oh! You might like to ask her to explain to you how the man who has repeatedly asked her to stay completely away from him, is attempting to bring her down, especially given that he isn't aware of how it's possible to be any lower than she is, and of course that I remember her fondly... you must remember to mention that to her... it was important to her to think that one day I would remember her fondly... and I'm probably not going to actually get the chance to mention how fondly I'll remember her, ever again.

Have a nice life dickhead.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. You CONTINUE to come here day after day, after day, after day, repeating the same story over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over BECAUSE YOU WANT HER to COMPLETELY stay AWAY FROM YOU.

Guess what, (scientifically speaking) if YOU had not FOLLOWED HER here to a site SHE is WELL KNOWN on, NOBODY would know ANYTHING about your existence. Nothing. And, within a day of you ACTUALLY leaving, NOBODY will think twice about you. OIther than your extremely MENTAL displays here, there is nothing memorable about you. As a FUCKTARD OF THE WEEK/MONTH, you do win a BIG prize. Congratulations, you have managed to create a perfect FUCKTARD image of yourself, and not diminish Squeam's image or relationships here one tiny bit. She is still VERY much liked. If anything, you have managed to stick her with a label of "poor chooser of men". That's it.

Bad Squeams. Bad Squeams. Make BETTER choices in the men you spend time with. Some of them can be COMPLETELY mental and will follow you around FAR longer than they should. Spray them with mace, or something else. Call the cops if they show up at your residence. Post stories about them being complete losers, and fuckwits so we can all LAUGH at them.

Bad Squeams. Make BETTER choices, you naughty girl... :@

There, Dave. She has been duly punished in public. Move along so we can forget you.

One week after you quit posting:

Dave who? Oh, yeah, I kinda remember than nutcase. Sure hope he got some professional help, and is spending time with his wife and kids...

02-13-2012, 10:14 PM

02-13-2012, 10:20 PM

02-13-2012, 10:26 PM
What I want to know is who the fuck is Darth Cicero and how did he manage to make nearly 3000 previous posts on this site without me noticing?

I wrote a post every time you quit the site. :shifty:

02-13-2012, 10:27 PM
But, I was keeping my remarks in the thread where my character assassination took place, and I never said I couldn't stand her... I was lamenting the fact that I'll never get to tell her how fondly I remember her... I especially like the memory she left of herself, as she sat in my car looked me in the face, and bit her bottom lip as she lied through her teeth to me to manipulate my thoughts and feelings... god that is such a good memory... it inspires me and who I am now everytime I think of it.

You poor, poor child. Someone "lied" (you've shown no actual proof of this, but have repeated it to nauseum) to you. My kids will experience this when they attend kindergarten. It will be hard on them. Then, you know what? They will MOVE ON. They will learn and grow from the experience. They will realize that it is "not nice" to do to others, and will be a little more hesitant to outright believe stories told to them. In junior high school, they may even blog about it (other events- as they will move past previous situations). Their lives will continue.

The reason you are so invested in this one is because you were married, and CHEATING on your wife for 5 years. FIVE FUCKING YEARS of YOU LYING to YOUR WIFE and BETRAYING HER. Your wife is the one who should be running around SCREAMING at the top of her lungs about BETRAYAL and LIES, Dave. You were hoping to ABANDON your WIFE AND KIDS. That's why this is such a BIG deal. You didn't get to ABANDON your FAMILY.


This is the image you have created for YOURSELF, Dave.

02-13-2012, 10:31 PM

02-13-2012, 10:35 PM
Then your kids will come to understand more than some of your friends do.

You should have a chat with that specific friend of yours, we didn't cheat on our partners for five years, not even for one year, well OK I didn't only she did. So you should really redirect your SCUMBAG, LOSER, CHEAT, LIAR, CREEP line to where it more naturally sits.

2/10 Must try harder

SHE is not married. YOU are. The five years you spent were behind your wife's back. how many lies did you tell your wife and kids about where you were when you were spending time with Squeams and NOT them? You were running around TRYING to build a relationship with Squeams and DUMP your family. THAT's pure SCUMBAG. Pure LIAR. Pure CHEET. Pure CREEP. Pure DAVE.

02-13-2012, 10:41 PM

02-13-2012, 10:49 PM
Regardless, YOU ARE STILL MARRIED. She, at least, ended that relationship. YOU are still living the lie.

02-13-2012, 10:52 PM
Sorry to dissappoint Jacky, it's a reference to a rather prophetic nasty accusation which your friend and her friends decided to shove in my face at the time when her lies were all unravelling.

You know my female friends? How did you ever manage to enter conversational proximity?

02-13-2012, 10:57 PM

02-13-2012, 10:58 PM

02-13-2012, 10:59 PM
Were you her chauffeur or something?

02-13-2012, 11:00 PM

02-13-2012, 11:01 PM

02-13-2012, 11:02 PM
Were you her chauffeur or something?

Yeah I think I was.

Did you keep your car clean?

02-13-2012, 11:04 PM

02-13-2012, 11:09 PM
I'll let you in on a secret of mine MBM.

My usefulness as a slab of meat became apparent the moment she left her husband, she had decided that she would continue to use me to make herself feel good (everything will contunue as it is (her words)) after she left him. However I objected to the thought of her unilaterally deciding that she could use me to make herself feel good whilst going off out looking for a man to replace me. Someone she could have a proper relationship with. As I pointed out to her at the time, that wasn't on, and any man she did start seeing wouldn't be happy about that. I've said before about how it was me who told her that she couldn't continue to have close the intimate relationship she had with me anymore... well that was why. That was also when it became apparent that if I wasn't going to be providing her with what she had decided she would use me for, then I was of no use to her anymore... this was a woman who claimed to care about me.

And the secret... if I hadn't of sat in my car and supported what her best friend had advised her to do (leave her husband)... I would probably have continued to be used by her for fuck knows how many years... all whilst she never actually gave any kind of toss about me... as long as I was providing what she had decided I would provide to her.

Now don't take my word... go ask her... she's your friend. Then once you have you can stop throwing shit at me constantly.

This is the online world. No one who is participating in this conversation will EVER get "taken" by her in the manner in which you claim. We are all "protected" from her "evil" ways, and can enjoy her wit and stories without fear of her doing us ANY damage. you seek to defame her, and ruin her online relationships. You are fighting a losing battle. For all we care, she can tell stories of how she used you, and we can ALL LAUGH at your expense. Is that what you want, Dave?

Squeams is fun and interesting. Online people like that. It really doesn't matter what you say about her, you are forever the fool. Dance for us, Dave. Make us laugh, Dave. Tell us what a fool you are, Dave...

She took your money? She wrecked your life? She ruined your once-great marriage? It all just makes you the fool, Dave. Just a FOOL. Dance for us, Dave. Dance. :lol::lol::lol::glag:

02-13-2012, 11:12 PM
Hmmm clean might be stretching it as a descriptive term... you know after three hours on motorways, it was never really clean when I picked her up. Do you think that's what I did wrong?

You must also consider the attire Dave, colors and the like.

02-13-2012, 11:14 PM

02-13-2012, 11:16 PM

02-13-2012, 11:19 PM

02-13-2012, 11:21 PM
But she did use me, she did lie to me, and she did change me. If you don't like the man I am I don't care, anymore than I care if she likes the man she created. We are all the products of our experiences, and so I am the product of mine. Her refusal to accept that she (and her friends) created me is quite entertaining though, at least it entertains me.

So basically, you want us to adopt the viewpoint that you're such a weak personality, such a dearth of character, self-respect, pride, intuition, and grit, that you had no hand in the shaping of your wet ecru clayform? It's one of your stronger arguments, but I'm not quite yet convinced.

02-13-2012, 11:22 PM
I'll let you in on a secret of mine MBM.

My usefulness as a slab of meat became apparent the moment she left her husband, she had decided that she would continue to use me to make herself feel good (everything will contunue as it is (her words)) after she left him. However I objected to the thought of her unilaterally deciding that she could use me to make herself feel good whilst going off out looking for a man to replace me. Someone she could have a proper relationship with. As I pointed out to her at the time, that wasn't on, and any man she did start seeing wouldn't be happy about that. I've said before about how it was me who told her that she couldn't continue to have close the intimate relationship she had with me anymore... well that was why. That was also when it became apparent that if I wasn't going to be providing her with what she had decided she would use me for, then I was of no use to her anymore... this was a woman who claimed to care about me.

And the secret... if I hadn't of sat in my car and supported what her best friend had advised her to do (leave her husband)... I would probably have continued to be used by her for fuck knows how many years... all whilst she never actually gave any kind of toss about me... as long as I was providing what she had decided I would provide to her.

Now don't take my word... go ask her... she's your friend. Then once you have you can stop throwing shit at me constantly.

I'll say it again, ffs grow a pair, we all have had relationships fail, you are the only whiney bitch going on and on and on about something that is over, I don't care about who did what, I don't care that you have been hurt and changed and are bitter. I care that you are shitting all over this board with this endless repetition of a condition of life, a part of normal human interaction, something we all go through. Stop being a big fucking girl !!!!!!!

02-13-2012, 11:33 PM

02-13-2012, 11:34 PM

02-13-2012, 11:35 PM
She isn't evil.

You have been laughing at my expense for months MBM, even encouraging he to join in which she did with gay abandon.

She didn't ruin my marriage, it was fucked long before I met her.

But she did use me, she did lie to me, and she did change me. If you don't like the man I am I don't care, anymore than I care if she likes the man she created. We are all the products of our experiences, and so I am the product of mine. Her refusal to accept that she (and her friends) created me is quite entertaining though, at least it entertains me.

I lack a word for something literally beyond pathetic, but you are that. You are beyond words pathetic. :sick:

02-13-2012, 11:37 PM

02-13-2012, 11:38 PM
So basically, you want us to adopt the viewpoint that you're such a weak personality, such a dearth of character, self-respect, pride, intuition, and grit, that you had no hand in the shaping of your wet ecru clayform? It's one of your stronger arguments, but I'm not quite yet convinced.

In her character assassignation of me she referred to me being banned from websites... actually I was only ever banned from one.

It was one her friend owned.
I had left the board multiple times due to being verbally abused by her friend, but she talked me back into joining more than once.
I was banned because I pointed out that they had banned another man for a lie which exactly mirrored the lie one of her friend said about me... yeah I know I'm a naive twat. Far to trusting of other people...

Anyway, long story short the abuse of her friends continued after I had initiated my own ban.
She leapt to defend her friends right to slag me off all over the internet at every available chance.

Try being a person who is verbally abused for five years, only to find out that the person who talked you into going backl to get more abuse off of her friends was really opnly doing it for the laughs it was providing her with... as long as she was getting what she wanted she would say anything... that she never really gave any kind of fuck about you at all... it was all just about her.

See if after enduring five years of shit, much akin (OK it was much more nasty to be honest) to the kind of abuse her friends here have been slinging at me for a few months, changes you. I suspect it would. The culminating (and therefore final) influence being the complete betrayal of my trust by her.

I'm grateful to the admin/mod team here... on that other board her friend the owner, and her friends the admin team would have all piled in and joined in the abuse of me, as indeed they did whenever they could. Here I have been allowed a free voice to speak the uncomfortable truth, because the accusations of her friends have been held in account of the actual contents of my posts.


Is that the response you are hoping for, you mop? She is still liked here. You've just painted a picture of someone who DESERVES to get used. Who would blame her?

02-13-2012, 11:39 PM
Hello manker, hows are things?
Bad, actually.
I went away for the weekend with the missus and got some kind of face infection. I look like Rocky Dennis in the right hand side of my jaw and throat area.

All the painkillers I'm on have made this thread almost indecipherable.
Did you threaten to kill yourself or merely threaten to quit the bored again? I am unsure in this respect.

02-13-2012, 11:40 PM

02-13-2012, 11:42 PM

02-13-2012, 11:44 PM
So basically, you want us to adopt the viewpoint that you're such a weak personality, such a dearth of character, self-respect, pride, intuition, and grit, that you had no hand in the shaping of your wet ecru clayform? It's one of your stronger arguments, but I'm not quite yet convinced.

---Reassertion of my own summary, plus the additional bonus of inventing the word assassignation---
Assassignation (noun, ass uh si nay shen)
1. The act of designating which piece of ass goes to each candidate

As negatively as you've most certainly attempted to paint your situation, I've been through much worse than the particular one you choose to herald. How often have you heard me bitch about it? There are fleeting comments if you'd desire to be bothered with the search, but you'll find 0 +/- 0 times me publicly bitching about it.

02-13-2012, 11:49 PM
Bad, actually.
I went away for the weekend with the missus and got some kind of face infection. I look like Rocky Dennis in the right hand side of my jaw and throat area.

All the painkillers I'm on have made this thread almost indecipherable.
Did you threaten to kill yourself or merely threaten to quit the bored again? I am unsure in this respect.

What with the lesions and bulbous deformities, I've only been made aware of many unpleasant things about your superneckal area. Maybe just adopt a man hijab and never fuss with appearances again.

02-13-2012, 11:54 PM

02-13-2012, 11:58 PM
Fuck that's not nice, hope you get better soon.

All the painkillers I'm on have made this thread almost indecipherable.
Did you threaten to kill yourself or merely threaten to quit the bored again? I am unsure in this respect.

I think I probably did both, and I might have even managed to threaten to kill some other members, it's all got hazy recently. You know one boring repetition after another of the same old subject on every single active thread on the board.Thank you.

Don't worry about it being boring, it really isn't. I've read every single word on the topic with a decidedly macabre vigour.
It can't be doing you much good though.

I don't consider myself to be particularly obsessive but I sometimes find myself musing about your own situation and others that I've been PM'd about or read passively on FST. Once a week, maybe.
I don't think it's too much of a bold statement to say that you're more obsessive than I am and I'm not attacking you here or anything, but this stuff has to be on your mind an awful lot when you're not online.

I don't think it's a good thing, for you, personally.
I'm just saying.

02-13-2012, 11:59 PM
What I want to know is who the fuck is Darth Cicero and how did he manage to make nearly 3000 previous posts on this site without me noticing?

I wrote a post every time you quit the site. :shifty:

I don't give up on things ,things give up on me.:(

Also I could have sworn that I told reject and MBM to shut the fuck up already.

02-13-2012, 11:59 PM
I'm glad you picked up on the format of the text rather than the content. Content is so over-rated!

I'm glad you secretly acknowledged my affirmations on the content but shifted the context to obsessive attention to detail, definitely glad.

Aw, you realise now we have a 'thing' we 'say' that is 'amusing'. I think it's called an in-joke, and only the very best of friends and homosexual lovers have them :wub:

Bad, actually.
I went away for the weekend with the missus and got some kind of face infection. I look like Rocky Dennis in the right hand side of my jaw and throat area.

It's a mouth ulcer isn't it?

02-14-2012, 12:03 AM
Bad, actually.
I went away for the weekend with the missus and got some kind of face infection. I look like Rocky Dennis in the right hand side of my jaw and throat area.

All the painkillers I'm on have made this thread almost indecipherable.
Did you threaten to kill yourself or merely threaten to quit the bored again? I am unsure in this respect.

What with the lesions and bulbous deformities, I've only been made aware of many unpleasant things about your superneckal area. Maybe just adopt a man hijab and never fuss with appearances again.I was hoping that the menagerie of pills I'm taking would make this a very temporary thing. Your genuine concern is a comfort, however.

On the upside; I had to go outside my office to take a pile of invoices to a client today, only he sent his wife instead. She had her 3 young children in the car.
They'll be dreaming about me tonight :happy:

02-14-2012, 12:03 AM

02-14-2012, 12:05 AM
I'm glad you secretly acknowledged my affirmations on the content but shifted the context to obsessive attention to detail, definitely glad.

Aw, you realise now we have a 'thing' we 'say' that is 'amusing'. I think it's called an in-joke, and only the very best of friends and homosexual lovers have them :wub:

Bad, actually.
I went away for the weekend with the missus and got some kind of face infection. I look like Rocky Dennis in the right hand side of my jaw and throat area.

It's a mouth ulcer isn't it?

A blocked and infected salivary gland, apparentement.

02-14-2012, 12:18 AM

02-14-2012, 12:25 AM
A blocked and infected salivary gland, apparentement.

Whatever bitch. Mouth ulcer. Punch in the face from the wife should fix it.

02-14-2012, 12:33 AM
Sorry I've just re-read what you said, and my answer makes it sound like I think of nothing but her, that's not the case at all, I have a very busy life, but I do still think about her every day... it's a habit I got into, one that is proving difficult to break. That's what I meant.Reckon if I was you, I'd want to break the cycle.
If I was too stubborn to stop posting on a message board that she posted on and there were a lot of sneaky people (like me when I'm of a mind) who try to lure you into posting about her anyhow - then I'd stop my fingers typing about it. I'd purposely ignore every reference made to her and, even if I got ignored completely, I'd wouldn't let that interfere with my new-found mental toughness.

02-14-2012, 12:34 AM
A blocked and infected salivary gland, apparentement.

Whatever bitch. Mouth ulcer. Punch in the face from the wife should fix it.Same thing :dabs:
don't make me fuck some science into you.

02-14-2012, 12:36 AM

02-14-2012, 12:37 AM
and also, I'm not married.
Why does everyone assume so. It must be because what with the beard and the witty insouciance I carry with me at all times, people assume I've been ensnared by a devious female.

02-14-2012, 12:39 AM
Reckon if I was you, I'd want to break the cycle.
If I was too stubborn to stop posting on a message board that she posted on and there were a lot of sneaky people (like me when I'm of a mind) who try to lure you into posting about her anyhow - then I'd stop my fingers typing about it. I'd purposely ignore every reference made to her and, even if I got ignored completely, I'd wouldn't let that interfere with my new-found mental toughness.

That approach doesn't work, I tried it.You gave up too easily :smilie4:

02-14-2012, 12:43 AM

02-14-2012, 12:44 AM

02-14-2012, 12:49 AM
Interstingly the approaches I would never consider doing are the ones my female friends have told me I should do. I've had advice from women all the way upto going and angrily confronting her... to let her know how I feel... how angry I am... how betrayed I feel, etc. etc.

I'm sure that men and women see these things completely differently. To me as a man that just seems like completely the wrong thing to do.Wasn't that your express intention when you drove for 3 hours to the other end of the country to get to her.
Rhetoric above, btw. You said it was.

Also, I had no idea you didn't live nearby, I had assumed relative proximity. I don't even want to think about your carbon footprint, fascist.

02-14-2012, 12:57 AM

02-14-2012, 01:16 AM
Wasn't that your express intention when you drove for 3 hours to the other end of the country to get to her.
Rhetoric above, btw. You said it was.

Also, I had no idea you didn't live nearby, I had assumed relative proximity. I don't even want to think about your carbon footprint, fascist.

Good god no, I specifically stopped and checked exactly what I was feeling before I knocked her door. I was simply going to ask her to show me a small amount of respect and stop joining in with you all laughing at me. Them posts I referred to her making. From where I'm sitting it's not right for her to be laughing at me, when she is the creator of all of this, and yes I know that sounds like me blaming her again, but there's no way of putting it which doesn't sound like that. I know it was my own naiviety which allowed her to get away with what she did. All she really did was exercise selfishness, and we're all capable of that. I've just never realised or felt that degree of selfishness myself... but I'm changing that, putting myself and what I want first as much as possible now.

If I'd have stood there before her in angry intimidatory mode, I would have expected her to slam the door in my face, and probably to call the police. I'm a fairly big bloke, that's not the way to present yourself to anyone, man or woman.
Ehh, I duno. You sound sincere enough.
I got the impression when you said that you were going to tell her what you thought of her, some anger would have been involved. Given your previous.

btw, I just re-read the bit of the thread where you said it and it seems as if you got there and back in 2 hours :smilie4:

02-14-2012, 01:27 AM

02-14-2012, 01:30 AM
Same thing :dabs:
don't make me fuck some science into you.

Not with AIDS in your mouth you don't!

and also, I'm not married.
Why does everyone assume so. It must be because what with the beard and the witty insouciance I carry with me at all times, people assume I've been ensnared by a devious female.

No, it's because you always talk about your girlfriends with the careworn manner of a man who has lost the will to live.

02-14-2012, 01:34 AM
Ehh, I duno. You sound sincere enough.
I got the impression when you said that you were going to tell her what you thought of her, some anger would have been involved. Given your previous.

btw, I just re-read the bit of the thread where you said it and it seems as if you got there and back in 2 hours :smilie4:

I work across that side of the country an awful lot, I was stopping in a hotel that night. Oh! And the second post was made on a mobile, so it was made immediately after I had actually knocked on her door. That was how our 'friendship' was possible in the first place. I have several friends over that side of the country, they all insist on taking the piss out of me about all of this as well. One of them even takes the piss by telling me she reads the local paper to check if I've been arrested for doing something about this.

I don't suppose this will make much sense to you, but there are members here to whom it will. I was in the Army, I hurt people, badly hurt people in that job. One of the effects that has upon most blokes who have done that, is it makes you realise that hurting anyone is something you really... and I can't stress that really enough... don't ever want to do again.

On top of that there's the small factor of me caring about her... as friends go I was stupid enough to allow her closer to me than I had ever allowed anyone... emotionally closer. She made it to the top of my list of close friends, that's why what happened hurts so much and why I will never be able to stop caring for her, even if she never cared for me.

Trust me, she is as safe from me, as any person on this planet and I include my kids in that. She knows that, she said it in one of her posts.
That makes sense to me, and I believe you.

You should try posting in this manner more often. Except about other stuff :lookaroun

02-14-2012, 01:35 AM
Not with AIDS in your mouth you don't!

and also, I'm not married.
Why does everyone assume so. It must be because what with the beard and the witty insouciance I carry with me at all times, people assume I've been ensnared by a devious female.

No, it's because you always talk about your girlfriends with the careworn manner of a man who has lost the will to live.There is that :lol:

But worry ye not, I won't fuck you with my mouth. I'm with my black brethren on this.

02-14-2012, 01:46 AM

02-14-2012, 01:48 AM
Night, dewd.

02-14-2012, 02:11 AM
There is that :lol:

But worry ye not, I won't fuck you with my mouth. I'm with my black brethren on this.

You're such a catch! So what is it you do exactly that keeps the serial monogamy engine ticking over.

02-14-2012, 02:19 AM
I'm an excellent bridge partner.

02-14-2012, 02:40 AM

02-14-2012, 04:55 AM
Aw, you realise now we have a 'thing' we 'say' that is 'amusing'. I think it's called an in-joke, and only the very best of friends and homosexual lovers have them :wub:

I participated at least once before, and was proud of it, the narcissist that I am. It went completely ignored amongst a mass sea of reject vs. reason drivel and I became agitated, no one could be near me for a few hours. The proof is in the fact that I am now recalling the date as 12-15-2011 @ 18:36

She had her 3 young children in the car.
They'll be dreaming about me tonight :happy:

That's pretty hot, you lucky man, care to share more?

which is why I always leap to defend her

If you were my defense attorney, I'm sure I'd be hanged for jaywalking.

02-14-2012, 09:03 AM
Fuck that's not nice, hope you get better soon.

I think I probably did both, and I might have even managed to threaten to kill some other members, it's all got hazy recently. You know one boring repetition after another of the same old subject on every single active thread on the board.Thank you.

Don't worry about it being boring, it really isn't. I've read every single word on the topic with a decidedly macabre vigour.
It can't be doing you much good though.

I don't consider myself to be particularly obsessive but I sometimes find myself musing about your own situation and others that I've been PM'd about or read passively on FST. Once a week, maybe.
I don't think it's too much of a bold statement to say that you're more obsessive than I am and I'm not attacking you here or anything, but this stuff has to be on your mind an awful lot when you're not online.

I don't think it's a good thing, for you, personally.
I'm just saying.

OK, now I feel like a bit of a douche for the comments I have made in this thread manker, with you being magnanimous 'n' all, but it seems that half the new posts in the lounge are someone commenting on this melodrama or rOA having to refute that comment or explain how he feels, and it has gotten exceedingly tedious and I guess it finally pissed me off, I had always stayed very clear of the threads because I think that reject/Dave has some very real problems.

To reject/Dave, the point of my posts is quite simply that you need to get past this, posting here is not going to help, (at least for now) take awhile away and move on, living in the past means that you cannot enjoy the now.

If this keeps repeating I can't promise that I'm not going to get pissed off again, I like this board, I like the people here, this drama underwhelms me though. I kind of liked your posts when you first started posting a few months ago, trolling they were, but with wit and humor instead of the usual argumentative mongs, but this present situation is helping no-one and the only one who can really resolve this is you.

02-14-2012, 01:13 PM
I participated at least once before, and was proud of it, the narcissist that I am. It went completely ignored amongst a mass sea of reject vs. reason drivel and I became agitated, no one could be near me for a few hours. The proof is in the fact that I am now recalling the date as 12-15-2011 @ 18:36

You realise I have an opening for a man who is older than me, married and has an obsessive attention to detail? Also I hear you once chaufeurred?


02-14-2012, 01:25 PM
You realise I have an opening for a man who is older than me, married and has an obsessive attention to detail? Also I hear you once chaufeurred?

I know you mentioned an opening and all. But you're still going to have to be more discreet than this when it comes to Macky. The stories I've heard about his reaction to getting hit on involve an instantaneous instinctual neuronal trigger preceding his response that imparts upon him the opinion that the propositioner is indeed a very dirty girl (or guy) and he'll shy away and respond immediately with something stupid like, "Well, I'm meeting a friend at Starbucks".

Subtlety will give him the wrong ideas. Explicitness will make him think you're an easy mark.

That'll be 5 bucks for the guy advice, but I accept tits.

02-14-2012, 01:36 PM
You realise I have an opening for a man who is older than me, married and has an obsessive attention to detail? Also I hear you once chaufeurred?

I know you mentioned an opening and all. But you're still going to have to be more discreet than this when it comes to Macky. The stories I've heard about his reaction to getting hit on involve an instantaneous instinctual neuronal trigger preceding his response that imparts upon him the opinion that the propositioner is indeed a very dirty girl (or guy) and he'll shy away and respond immediately with something stupid like, "Well, I'm meeting a friend at Starbucks".

Subtlety will give him the wrong ideas. Explicitness will make him think you're an easy mark.

That'll be 5 bucks for the guy advice, but I accept tits.

I was just going to strew rose petals in my car boot and shove him in. I can't be arsed with all that seduction fannying about.

02-14-2012, 01:44 PM
I know you mentioned an opening and all. But you're still going to have to be more discreet than this when it comes to Macky. The stories I've heard about his reaction to getting hit on involve an instantaneous instinctual neuronal trigger preceding his response that imparts upon him the opinion that the propositioner is indeed a very dirty girl (or guy) and he'll shy away and respond immediately with something stupid like, "Well, I'm meeting a friend at Starbucks".

Subtlety will give him the wrong ideas. Explicitness will make him think you're an easy mark.

That'll be 5 bucks for the guy advice, but I accept tits.

I was just going to strew rose petals in my car boot and shove him in. I can't be arsed with all that seduction fannying about.

You would probably get better results strewing Rubik's cubes throughout your boot....

02-14-2012, 01:46 PM
I was just going to strew rose petals in my car boot and shove him in. I can't be arsed with all that seduction fannying about.

You'll just be giving him memories of him doing the same to high school girls. You don't want him to think that you're someone exacting revenge, or karma is biting him in the ass. You want the specimen in a calm enough mood to fulfil all the duties you have in mind. I find chloroform and IV-delivered tadalafil put my subjects in their best mood. The IV-delivery isn't because I just want to see them bleed, though, it's to make sure that their throats have some time to become really dry, at which point I know they'll accept any form of moisture, including my tongue down their throat, as a form of help.

My my, this post started off as advice for you, but ended up being about me. Egocentricity. :snooty:

02-14-2012, 01:48 PM
You'll just be giving him memories of him doing the same to high school girls. You don't want him to think that you're someone exacting revenge

Why, Darth! That is obviously the most subtle way of saying Squeams looks younger than she is! You dog, you, not even Manker on his best day could be that good.

02-14-2012, 01:50 PM
So it's valentine's day then... Are you crazy kids gonna bury the hatchet and get back together now? :coffee:

Also, let's not talk about squeam's "opening"....

02-14-2012, 01:59 PM
I participated at least once before, and was proud of it, the narcissist that I am. It went completely ignored amongst a mass sea of reject vs. reason drivel and I became agitated, no one could be near me for a few hours. The proof is in the fact that I am now recalling the date as 12-15-2011 @ 18:36

http://filesharingtalk.com/images/buttons_fst/viewpost-right.png (http://filesharingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=3636167#post3636167) Just helping.

02-14-2012, 05:19 PM

02-14-2012, 05:46 PM
I participated at least once before, and was proud of it, the narcissist that I am. It went completely ignored amongst a mass sea of reject vs. reason drivel and I became agitated, no one could be near me for a few hours. The proof is in the fact that I am now recalling the date as 12-15-2011 @ 18:36

You realise I have an opening for a man who is older than me, married and has an obsessive attention to detail? Also I hear you once chaufeurred?


I know you mentioned an opening and all. But you're still going to have to be more discreet than this when it comes to Macky. The stories I've heard about his reaction to getting hit on involve an instantaneous instinctual neuronal trigger preceding his response that imparts upon him the opinion that the propositioner is indeed a very dirty girl (or guy) and he'll shy away and respond immediately with something stupid like, "Well, I'm meeting a friend at Starbucks".

Subtlety will give him the wrong ideas. Explicitness will make him think you're an easy mark.

That'll be 5 bucks for the guy advice, but I accept tits.

I was just going to strew rose petals in my car boot and shove him in. I can't be arsed with all that seduction fannying about.

This could be a hard sell, but I believe there is a significant difference between Squeamous and your average street walker. She has worked up a rather extensive rapport by now in comparison, and it's likely I'm in for the take.

That being said, I seek an opening of a girl who is younger than me, and those are all the details I can provide at this time.

02-15-2012, 03:40 PM
I was just going to strew rose petals in my car boot and shove him in. I can't be arsed with all that seduction fannying about.

You would probably get better results strewing Rubik's cubes throughout your boot....

You're like Dr Love or something else

You'll just be giving him memories of him doing the same to high school girls. You don't want him to think that you're someone exacting revenge, or karma is biting him in the ass. You want the specimen in a calm enough mood to fulfil all the duties you have in mind. I find chloroform and IV-delivered tadalafil put my subjects in their best mood. The IV-delivery isn't because I just want to see them bleed, though, it's to make sure that their throats have some time to become really dry, at which point I know they'll accept any form of moisture, including my tongue down their throat, as a form of help.

My my, this post started off as advice for you, but ended up being about me. Egocentricity. :snooty:

Funny but I find the egocentricity the least alarming thing about it :huh:

This could be a hard sell, but I believe there is a significant difference between Squeamous and your average street walker. She has worked up a rather extensive rapport by now in comparison, and it's likely I'm in for the take.

That being said, I seek an opening of a girl who is younger than me, and those are all the details I can provide at this time.

Remind me never to ask you for a cigarette!

02-16-2012, 05:14 AM
Remind me never to ask you for a cigarette!

Even if you did, I'd scoff and say something negative and incoherent about menthol.