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View Full Version : Soundbytez , is it down forever ?

01-20-2012, 07:02 PM
i ve been unable to get to soundbytez in some long time .

Since its a private/invite site , i cant google any info .

When they went down and changed their url a few years

ago , i got an email . But no notice this time


02-16-2012, 03:36 PM
Hi deadskinmask.


The tracker was underused and our family commitments had taken center stage, so I taught a few people to communicate telepathically and we now exchange cake recipes at weekends and have the occasional barbecue.

We haven't moved, we've closed. There was no email, but a notice was put on the website for a couple of months beforehand and we sent a couple of chaser DMs too.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us, and just remember that if we are fated to be together our paths will cross again.