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View Full Version : [Request] looking for a invite to fux0r or pornbits

03-01-2012, 02:24 AM
hi anyone got a invite to fux0r its a torrent porn site or to pornbits that can help me out with :(

03-01-2012, 02:27 AM
Are you the mike160 that uploads porn to IPT?

03-01-2012, 02:39 AM
pm sent to your ?

03-01-2012, 02:50 AM
I asked you a simple question which I feel didn't necessitate a PM so forgive my not messaging you back and choosing to answer here instead.

Re : Are you the mike160 that uploads porn to IPT?
PM reply
yes why ?
Because I asked.:mellow:

Re. other PM
May I offer the suggestion that it's a secret needing protecting and you don't want anyone to be asking you about it then you probably should consider not using the same username on other sites. Rumour has it that there are people both considerably smarter and less "nice" than I am on the internet and if I could put 2 and 2 together I'm sure they would have no difficulty doing so as well.
Also if you wanted/needed me to be silent on the subject then maybe you should have explained that in the initial PM and I probably then would have had no problem being so.And that would have saved you PMing me again to tell me how "not nice " I seem to be.

Apologies for not putting this in a PM but frankly not being able to speak openly pisses me off.

03-01-2012, 03:49 AM
yeah what ever man :lol: nice to know there is a member like you on ipt and to start off the thread was looking for a invite to fux0r or pornbits if you did not have any invite to fux0r or pornbits why even post on this thread or ask any ? dont have anything better to do ? :angry: by the way thats not me on ipt :P i respect that you are a retired staff here but there were no need in disrespecting me

03-01-2012, 10:01 AM
why do you feel disrespected? because of a simple question?

03-01-2012, 11:10 AM
no thats not why its becaues he ask a ? which i reply back to him in a pm caues i did not wanted it to be posted here or anywere and he still went ahead and posted my reply to him in a pm here not cool but its all good

03-01-2012, 12:17 PM
yeah what ever man :lol: nice to know there is a member like you on ipt
Thanks though sometimes I worry that I (thread appropriate and vaguely sexual Biblical reference)may be casting my pearls before swine.

and to start off the thread was looking for a invite to fux0r or pornbits if you did not have any invite to fux0r or pornbits why even post on this thread or ask any ? dont have anything better to do ? :angry:

Possibly because I felt like it and as unlike some other people who's names I am too polite to mention I don't spend most of my idle time watching porn and masturbating so basically no.I could watch American Idol but I'm sure everyone would agree that isn't a better thing for anyone to do.
by the way thats not me on ipt :PObviously as that person appears to be a lot less annoying than you.
i respect that you are a retired staff here I can't possibly see why. I means thanks I wish more people felt that way.:)