View Full Version : How do I use an NZB indexing site?

03-13-2012, 04:41 AM
Hey everyone,

I would like to try to get full music albums, music box sets, vids, ect from NZB indexing sites.

I believe that indexing sites are completely free with no limit unless I don't go over my daily limit with my provider? I also think sites outside of indexing has a daily limit, and some require a paid subscription?

I have a 10 gig limit a month with my provider which is PTD.net. I'm not going to pay for a site. PTD is email, and they support the Usenet, and I have a 10 gig limit. Once I use it I can't download until the next month. I'm looking for sites where I could download everything for without paying for the site.

Would indexing be the choice? I find it confusing because the files are split in parts, and I'm not sure which files to download. How do I download?

I also would like to use SABnzbd. Is it a good choice?

Please reply back!

03-13-2012, 08:18 AM
There are hundreds of free sites out there to use. The best ones do have daily limits or require you pay a very low fee to subscribe and help support their site/server costs. nzb.org is great for free use and sabnzb but for album searches your going to have to pay a tiny sum for the search engine it's self. Sites like nzbmatrix or gingadaddy to name a few have great search capabilities allowing you to use "wild cards" in your searches and separate categories for all music, music videos and flac releases. Even though I am fairly new to NZBs I found it the same on torrent sites also. In order to find a site with all your needs your going to have to pay a subscription fee at least once every 10 years because the sites server is not running off a free or low grade setup. Allowing for better functionality enabling you more from a UI point of view.

03-13-2012, 01:47 PM
I don't have any online form of payment plus I refuse to pay. I shouldn't have to pay. I was hoping that I could get albums for free. Torrents are free, so why does Usenet have to pay? They are greedy. I refuse to pay. So, I can't use one of those free NZB sites?

03-13-2012, 02:14 PM
Use a raw search like Mysterbin.com. Free and I have practically found all of my music that way.

03-13-2012, 06:21 PM
I don't have any online form of payment plus I refuse to pay. I shouldn't have to pay. I was hoping that I could get albums for free. Torrents are free, so why does Usenet have to pay? They are greedy. I refuse to pay. So, I can't use one of those free NZB sites?

You are greedy, not them. Just buy your music off itunes or amazon if you don't understand why usenet (indexing) servers cost money to run. Some indexing sites choose to use advertising, some charge their users to fund their operations. There are many ad-supported newsgroup indexing sites around.

Kids these days...

03-13-2012, 06:26 PM
I think rocky is bitching about the usenet service.

rocky fails to see the cost burden of high throughput bandwidth, but then again he's just a yearling in discovery of the world.

03-13-2012, 09:29 PM
Back to torrents then. The good stuff is never free. Why do you think torrents are so slow and depend on seeders and leechers? Usenet has the file it costs money to provide and maintain it and thousands of other GB's of data. You do have to pay. Cheap bastard.

03-13-2012, 10:17 PM
Have you guys ever thought that I live in a home, and they keep track on every penny? Does anyone want to come over, and check it out?

Does anyone think I don't handle my own funds myself? Why? It has nothing to do with cheap. If I handle my funds by getting a credit card, my credit will be shot. I have one hell of a cell phone bill. Why? I don't control what I spend on. I am on a fixed income, and I think I'm rich. I picked up chewing tobacco today. I for sure didn't get the cheap kind. These people ask me why is my bill over $200, or more a month? I don't have the answer, so they don't get the answers. If I had the money I'll spend every penny. I just looked at my cell bill, and the payment made was $235. I can't afford it, but I do it anyway.

03-14-2012, 12:56 AM
Honest question, how old are you rocky? 12?

03-14-2012, 11:17 AM
if you don't like how usenet works then don't use it . Just download torrents from public tracker .

Anyway there are sometimes ways to use usenet for free , if you are patient

03-14-2012, 03:43 PM
Sounds like a train wreck to me. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself. Usenet is what it is and so is your phone bill. Unlucky!
:phone: :chris: :wank:

03-14-2012, 05:34 PM
Use a raw search like Mysterbin.com. Free and I have practically found all of my music that way.

I agree with this one. Most of the time I use bittorrent/soulseek for my music, but everytime I have turned to Usenet for albums I've found pretty much all I've needed with sites like mysterbin/binsearch. I wouldn't use an indexer for music, raw engines are much better in my experience.

Anyways, rocky, if you honestly don't see why Usenet providers charge for their services, then you shouldn't be using it. There's a reason that it's not free(for the most part). Sticking to bittorrent instead would probably be best for you as well all the others that have the attitude that "piracy should be free".

03-14-2012, 06:12 PM
I was going to stop replying to this thread.


I'm not going to use the Usenet. Since torrents are a problem in my country dues to the SOPA, PIPA, and OPEN laws. I might use them once in a while. I am going to be using more of filestube.com with jDownloader. There is another site. I might have it bookmarked.

I would like to use more DDL sites. If anyone wants to post some good ones then honestly I won't have a problem with that. The reason for this thread was to move out of torrents.

I'm looking for some good DDL sites.

Thank you,

Use a raw search like Mysterbin.com. Free and I have practically found all of my music that way.

I agree with this one. Most of the time I use bittorrent/soulseek for my music, but everytime I have turned to Usenet for albums I've found pretty much all I've needed with sites like mysterbin/binsearch. I wouldn't use an indexer for music, raw engines are much better in my experience.

Anyways, rocky, if you honestly don't see why Usenet providers charge for their services, then you shouldn't be using it. There's a reason that it's not free(for the most part). Sticking to bittorrent instead would probably be best for you as well all the others that have the attitude that "piracy should be free".

03-14-2012, 06:50 PM
Hmmm ...
- why do torrent-trackers get bashed for 'selling' invites for donations?
- why is it that we are shocked when people that pirate games, music or movies sell them to others?
- why do we condemn people that sell invites to private trackers?

The question that actually puzzles me is why do those same people find it normal that we have to pay for Usenet-indexers ?
Do you really think abhdtv, nzbmatrix, nzbsr'us and the likes don't earn money ???

03-14-2012, 10:35 PM
Hmmm ...
- why do torrent-trackers get bashed for 'selling' invites for donations?
- why is it that we are shocked when people that pirate games, music or movies sell them to others?
- why do we condemn people that sell invites to private trackers?

The question that actually puzzles me is why do those same people find it normal that we have to pay for Usenet-indexers ?
Do you really think abhdtv, nzbmatrix, nzbsr'us and the likes don't earn money ???
I actually think that abhdtv gets bashed quite often here for uploading passworded shit.

Torrent users = freetards, "sharing is caring" mentality. Usenet users = paytards, willing to spend money on something that is free elsewhere.

03-14-2012, 11:31 PM
Hmmm ...
- why do torrent-trackers get bashed for 'selling' invites for donations?
- why is it that we are shocked when people that pirate games, music or movies sell them to others?
- why do we condemn people that sell invites to private trackers?

The question that actually puzzles me is why do those same people find it normal that we have to pay for Usenet-indexers ?
Do you really think abhdtv, nzbmatrix, nzbsr'us and the likes don't earn money ???
I actually think that abhdtv gets bashed quite often here for uploading passworded shit.

Torrent users = freetards, "sharing is caring" mentality. Usenet users = paytards, willing to spend money on something that is free elsewhere.


I pay a (very) small fee each month for Usenet. I pay that fee for a few reasons:

Nearly all Bittorrent sites that release TV and movies are 0-day sites. Once something is a few months old it's nearly dead. Want to download a season of that show that aired last year? Good luck. You may very well find it at one of the exclusive TV sites, but it may also take you a month or two to download it from the only remaining seeder (if you're lucky enough to get one). And if you can't seed it back, then you've dumped 30+ gigs off of your ratio and you risk some 20 year old kid with nothing better to do booting you off the site. No thanks.

My news provider gives me nearly 4 years of retention. That means all my content still comes in at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself. When I get home and want to watch my shows, Usenet has gone out on it's own using RSS and found my shows, downloaded and extracted them, so all I need to do is grab the remote and open XBMC and there they are, ready to view. So that's new and old content, at max speed, with every single file I download. And no need to upload. I find that worthy of my $10.

03-15-2012, 01:50 AM
I actually think that abhdtv gets bashed quite often here for uploading passworded shit.

Torrent users = freetards, "sharing is caring" mentality. Usenet users = paytards, willing to spend money on something that is free elsewhere.


I pay a (very) small fee each month for Usenet. I pay that fee for a few reasons:

Nearly all Bittorrent sites that release TV and movies are 0-day sites. Once something is a few months old it's nearly dead. Want to download a season of that show that aired last year? Good luck. You may very well find it at one of the exclusive TV sites, but it may also take you a month or two to download it from the only remaining seeder (if you're lucky enough to get one). And if you can't seed it back, then you've dumped 30+ gigs off of your ratio and you risk some 20 year old kid with nothing better to do booting you off the site. No thanks.

My news provider gives me nearly 4 years of retention. That means all my content still comes in at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself. When I get home and want to watch my shows, Usenet has gone out on it's own using RSS and found my shows, downloaded and extracted them, so all I need to do is grab the remote and open XBMC and there they are, ready to view. So that's new and old content, at max speed, with every single file I download. And no need to upload. I find that worthy of my $10.

ok cool story bro.

I agree with you, (almost all) private trackers are worthless waste of time. I would position maself somewhere between the ratio-cheating freetard an the giganewz paytard. 90% of the stuff I want is available at speeds maxing out my humble 24 mbit pipe on public trackers, the 10% I leech off usenet with teh $6.99 $100GB blocknews account I purchased a year ago.

03-15-2012, 02:03 AM
willing to spend money on something that is free elsewhere.

I'm willing to spend money on the service usenet servers provide, I'm not willing to spend the money on production companies' current methods of content distribution. Disks and DRM, nope. I do and will continue to pay for a Netflix subscription. As for going for it completely free, I'm just not willing to play the bt game for everything, I have no qualms about what services I have paid for.

03-15-2012, 11:21 AM
Hmmm ...
- why do torrent-trackers get bashed for 'selling' invites for donations?
- why is it that we are shocked when people that pirate games, music or movies sell them to others?
- why do we condemn people that sell invites to private trackers?

The question that actually puzzles me is why do those same people find it normal that we have to pay for Usenet-indexers ?
Do you really think abhdtv, nzbmatrix, nzbsr'us and the likes don't earn money ???
I actually think that abhdtv gets bashed quite often here for uploading passworded shit.

Torrent users = freetards, "sharing is caring" mentality. Usenet users = paytards, willing to spend money on something that is free elsewhere.

What about those who uses usenet for free without paying ? What are they called ? Binloatards?

03-15-2012, 11:28 AM
What about those who uses usenet for free without paying ? What are they called ? Binloatards?

Makes me want to say bin Laden

03-15-2012, 11:54 AM
My statement, or questions if you like is not about Usenet-providers, like Astraweb, Highwinds, Eweka and the likes, but about nzb-indexers.
After all a nzb-indexer like nzb'rus and nzbmatrix is rather similar to a Bittorrent-tracker.
The only thing a Usenet-indexer does is pointing to content that has been uploaded by others.
That's what a tracker does too ... it relies on it's members that upload content and in some cases they even provide their own tracker with content.

So why do we bash trackers for making profit, but we condemn the OP for not willing to pay for an nzb-indexer ???

Ipv6-cheapo's ?

03-15-2012, 12:21 PM
So why do we bash trackers for making profit, but we condemn the OP for not willing to pay for an nzb-indexer ???

The OP is confusing indexing sites with premium newsgroup providers as far as I can tell. I'm bashing him for not understanding why premium NSPs couldn't work as a free service.

03-15-2012, 06:16 PM
So why do we bash trackers for making profit, but we condemn the OP for not willing to pay for an nzb-indexer ???

The OP is confusing indexing sites with premium newsgroup providers as far as I can tell. I'm bashing him for not understanding why premium NSPs couldn't work as a free service.

Thanks for clarifiing ... and yes you should bash him ;)