View Full Version : How to prevent News Hosting x64 from stopping download ?

03-20-2012, 08:50 AM
My internet tends to go flip on and off occasionally and every time it does my News Hosting client stops all downloads until I click the pause button. I am wondering if there is a way to set my client so it will just keep downloading when the internet is back up instead of requiring me to manually do it.

03-21-2012, 12:47 AM
Switch to SABnzbd instead, you'll be happier.


03-21-2012, 02:52 PM
My internet tends to go flip on and off occasionally and every time it does my News Hosting client stops all downloads until I click the pause button. I am wondering if there is a way to set my client so it will just keep downloading when the internet is back up instead of requiring me to manually do it.

Are you sure you have to pause it (have you waited 10+ minutes to see if it resumes)? When I accidentally disconnect my computer because I switch to VPN or something my Newsbin also takes some time to get connected again because the connections to the servers still "hangs". When you don't shut down the client or disconnect the right way the servers still thinks you are connected for a little while (you get some erros msg in the log about already connected or something).
If your client is unable to retry (check the settings) after a set time you might want to try some other client.

03-22-2012, 07:18 AM
SABnzbd also have the option force disconnect

03-23-2012, 05:32 AM
How long does this delay last for?

a few seconds?
a few minutes?

Setting the maximum number of connections can be expected to cause a short delay, since there are no spare ones left when all the available connections are stuck in "half-open/half/closed" positions awaiting a reply.

It's also possible that the Newshosting client, being of recent design, simply cannot handle internet disconnects. A bug, basically.

I know that older clients like Grabit and Newsbin worked well on poor line conditions and frequent disconnects. Most dialup-internet connections only lasted a limited amount of time (having both hard limits and soft limits) so it was expected on an overnight download to disconnect/re-connect several times before the file finished -- and most software of that era (AOL excepted) worked around the limitations of dialup internet.

03-25-2012, 07:53 AM
Thanks everyone, and especially Zot. The issue was that I was limiting my connections. Now I am downloading without any errors.

03-25-2012, 02:20 PM
I know that older clients like Grabit and Newsbin worked well on poor line conditions and frequent disconnects. Most dialup-internet connections only lasted a limited amount of time (having both hard limits and soft limits) so it was expected on an overnight download to disconnect/re-connect several times before the file finished -- and most software of that era (AOL excepted) worked around the limitations of dialup internet.

Wifi has sort of replaced dialup for shitty connection quality. There are lots of reasons not to use max connections when you talk to the news server. All news servers are slow to release connections after a disconnect. If say you leave 1/2 of your connections unused, during this slow disconnect time you still have connections you can make while the old ones timeout on the server. I get max speed with 10 connections so, there's not much reason for using more than that AND I never get too many connections errors because I leave a buffer of unused connections.

You can set timeout intervals in Newsbin. Say you have crappy connection quality or a server that stalls from time to time. You can reduce the timeout period so, it gives up on the connection sooner and creates a fresh connection.