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03-25-2012, 06:17 AM
You're annoying me. I like to play this game with Ron (one of my many personalities, he's sweet), where we both guess what people work as. We're both stuck on you.

You know your hardware specs rather well, understand circuit topology/history of development, and know the ins and outs of operating systems.
Had you struggled with basic syntactic grammatical structure, I would have put you down for programmer, systems admin, or a database guy. But there's a stark lack of {, :: and // in your posts.

Confused, I am.

03-25-2012, 11:50 AM
You're annoying me. I like to play this game with Ron (one of my many personalities, he's sweet), where we both guess what people work as. We're both stuck on you.

You know your hardware specs rather well, understand circuit topology/history of development, and know the ins and outs of operating systems.
Had you struggled with basic syntactic grammatical structure, I would have put you down for programmer, systems admin, or a database guy. But there's a stark lack of {, :: and // in your posts.

Confused, I am.

Didn't you know, he went from guarding strippers to being one. He then retired (Botox and steroids eventually have diminishing returns) on a ranch in NZ. Living the dream...

03-25-2012, 12:00 PM
You see a thread asking for info,I see a hand tenuously reaching out in the darkness in the hope of finding a warm embrace.

03-25-2012, 12:15 PM
I was denying him that- much like his parents all other mammals.

03-25-2012, 12:39 PM
While he's not here let's use the opportunity to talk about him behind his back.
I for one don't know how he can possibly do all the things he says he does unless there are 53 hours in a day and he's 108 years old.

03-25-2012, 01:07 PM
I would assume the split personalities he talks about are good at multi-tasking, but I have yet to see him present anything resembling a personality... :mellow:

03-25-2012, 01:43 PM
I see what you did there, Idol. Got me to talk bad about him while he was gone, then you left. Great. Now, I'll have 12 of his emotionally kneedy "personalities" sending me PMS all day. :ermm:

03-25-2012, 01:49 PM
I see what you did there, Idol. Got me to talk bad about him while he was gone, then you left. Great. Now, I'll have 12 of his emotionally kneedy "personalities" sending me PMS all day. :ermm:

I guess it's safe to assume that one of these personalities is female then? I didn't realize it was possible to mentally transmit cramps/bloating/etc...

03-25-2012, 01:52 PM
While he's not here let's use the opportunity to talk about him behind his back.
I for one don't know how he can possibly do all the things he says he does unless there are 53 hours in a day and he's 108 years old.I'm more of a half-full kinda guy.

Instead of taking this opportunity to deride the side of himself he's shown already, maybe we can encourage him to retire those dull personalities and bring the brighter and more eloquent ones to the fore.

03-25-2012, 01:52 PM
I see what you did there, Idol. Got me to talk bad about him while he was gone, then you left. Great. Now, I'll have 12 of his emotionally kneedy "personalities" sending me PMS all day. :ermm:

I guess it's safe to assume that one of these personalities is female then? I didn't realize it was possible to mentally transmit cramps/bloating/etc...

I can assure you, he effectively transmits headache, nausea, and mood swings.

03-25-2012, 01:57 PM
I see what you did there, Idol. Got me to talk bad about him while he was gone, then you left. Great. Now, I'll have 12 of his emotionally kneedy "personalities" sending me PMS all day. :ermm:

I guess it's safe to assume that one of these personalities is female then? I didn't realize it was possible to mentally transmit cramps/bloating/etc...Not mentally transmit, no, but I think I posted the other day that these pesky hormones tend to leak out of the mouth of the afflicted and bestow suffering upon those whose ears it befalls.

btw, i think mbm was calling darky a big girl.

03-25-2012, 02:02 PM
btw, i think mbm was calling darky a big girl.

That's the polite way to put it.

03-25-2012, 02:03 PM
I for one don't know how he can possibly do all the things he says he does unless there are 53 hours in a day and he's 108 years old.

My next post will detail my 108-year plan to world domination. I'm going to have "ride a bike that has no handlebars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA)" in there, just to spite at you.

Instead of taking this opportunity to deride the side of himself he's shown already, maybe we can encourage him to retire those dull personalities and bring the brighter and more eloquent ones to the fore.

You want Martha. She's kindof like Mary, but her life isn't a downward spiral of couriering trichloromethane between the university and the local daycare.

03-25-2012, 02:07 PM
I thought he just used the standard unmarked white van & assorted candies?

03-25-2012, 02:10 PM
I thought he just used the standard unmarked white van & assorted candies?

That's for his weekend "Hi, ma'am, George from the CDC here. Your daughter was exposed to a dangerous chemical at school today. We'll be sending over an agent to transport her over to the quarantine," ploy.

03-25-2012, 02:10 PM
My next post will detail my 108-year plan to world domination. I'm going to have "ride a bike that has no handlebars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA)" in there, just to spite at you.

Instead of taking this opportunity to deride the side of himself he's shown already, maybe we can encourage him to retire those dull personalities and bring the brighter and more eloquent ones to the fore.

You want Martha. She's kindof like Mary, but her life isn't a downward spiral of couriering trichloromethane between the university and the local daycare.:lol:

How did you know about Mary's helter-skelter journey with unconscious toddlers :stalker:

03-25-2012, 02:18 PM
How did you know about Mary's helter-skelter journey with unconscious toddlers :stalker:

I drive her back from "work", like. She's got such a frail side to her, that taking on six or seven two year olds has her out of energy for the rest of the day.

You should see her stumble into my car. Some times she'd forget her shoe inside, and she'd be too exhausted to go back into get it.

Against all my better warnings like "Are you sure you want to leave DNA evidence in there?" and "What if one of your targets trips and dies on it, won't you feel bad for reducing your singles mingle pool?" Mary usually keeps a steady opinion such as "I'll just be back tomorrow for it."

Also, if you're wondering why the shoe comes off in the first place, it's because Mary can only transport so much chloroform in one day.

03-25-2012, 02:25 PM
Ah, I thought you were building up to some kind of Cinderella analogy. That would have been pretty cool.


And also, for the hard of thinking, downward spiral/helter skelter.
I give you people gold. Gold, I say.

03-25-2012, 02:29 PM
And also, for the hard of thinking, downward spiral/helter skelter.
I give you people gold. Gold, I say.

I caught that. Decided to leave the cookie of discovery untouched for the next person to come along.

"Why did Manker use an old Beatles song name? Oh."

03-25-2012, 02:29 PM
I'm going to guess what Arty's job is, given that it's pretty slow and my alternative is going for an oxymoronic 'nice walk' as suggested by teh missus.

I think he does something sciencey. Possibly engineering on a micro scale with stuff that reacts with other stuff.
No punchline. That's about the best I can come up with.

03-25-2012, 02:32 PM
And also, for the hard of thinking, downward spiral/helter skelter.
I give you people gold. Gold, I say.

I caught that. Decided to leave the cookie of discovery untouched for the next person to come along.

"Why did Manker use an old Beatles song name? Oh."Sometimes you just have to blow your own trumpet.
Waiting for someone else to do can result in your tuba getting backed up.

03-25-2012, 05:37 PM
Sometimes you just have to blow your own trumpet.
Waiting for someone else to do can result in your tuba getting backed up.

Speaking of blowing, how's the end of your weekend?

03-25-2012, 05:52 PM
ironically, it sucks.
i'm in work :dabs:

03-25-2012, 06:56 PM
I see what you did there, Idol. Got me to talk bad about him while he was gone, then you left. Great. Now, I'll have 12 of his emotionally kneedy "personalities" sending me PMS all day. :ermm:

I decided to leave before he came back and proceeded to bore me to death. Seeing how the thread played out prescient decision on my part apparently.

03-25-2012, 07:11 PM
I'm going to have "ride a bike that has no handlebars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA)" in there, just to spite at you.

That song basically proves the adage that there's no accounting for taste.I'd hit you with a Campy Record 53/42 crank if I had one handy.

03-25-2012, 08:14 PM
I'm going to have "ride a bike that has no handlebars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA)" in there, just to spite at you.

That song basically proves the adage that there's no accounting for taste.I'd hit you with a Campy Record 53/42 crank if I had one handy.

You might scratch it :o

Something Else
03-25-2012, 08:22 PM
I know what Art does for work. Nobody has got near yet.

03-25-2012, 08:58 PM
I know what Art does for work. Nobody has got near yet.

Professional Congo dancer or second in command at some sort of cult where they worship:blink: are my guesses.

Something Else
03-25-2012, 10:25 PM
Your first is the closest yet. True story.

03-25-2012, 10:27 PM
Snake charmer.

03-25-2012, 10:28 PM
Butter churner.

Something Else
03-25-2012, 10:28 PM
Snake charmer.

Now that is damn close. Do you know already. :eyebrows:

03-25-2012, 10:35 PM
No, I just onomatopoeically went on from congo dancer.
I'm pretty sure you don't know but I'm going to carry on anyway.

Pipe layer.

03-25-2012, 10:37 PM

Something Else
03-25-2012, 10:40 PM
Unless he's been lying to me for years, I most definitely do know. :snooty:

He's not an uphill gardener, and he doesn't putt from the rough afaik, so don't bother with those.

Something Else
03-25-2012, 10:41 PM
I'm going to bed. Got early works. I'll let Art tell you for himself.

03-25-2012, 10:46 PM
Alrite, mate. Nighty night.

Arty's been gone all day. It's not like him, not like him at all.
Maybe he's been struck down in the line of duty. By one of the animals he keeps in Auckland zoo.

03-25-2012, 11:13 PM
And also; Mary's been gone all day :eyebrows:

03-25-2012, 11:19 PM
And also; Mary's been gone all day :eyebrows:

A plus in the Mary column; a minus on the Art side. The day balances out...

03-25-2012, 11:32 PM
That's a bit harsh, can you imagine what calamity must have befallen Mary such that her routine be interrupted to this extent.
It has to be incarceration of some description.

Arty probably went out for a few leisurely Sunday beers and only just got up in time for work on Monday morning. It's about half one in the afternoon with him, I imagine he'll be home shortly after feeding the bats or w.e.

03-26-2012, 12:06 AM
Mary doesn't strike me as the "taken alive" category of fugitive. And considering he's frequently got small, sleepy human shields with him, he may be able to hold the authorities off for a fair while.

One could imagine a scenario in which he is in flight to a Art's home land in a Leerjet where upon landing, Art will (while still mounted upon whatevar form of 4-legged steed they have down there) within seconds, apprehend a jetlegged and fully-spent Macky, and add "International Hero" to his day's list of job titles...

03-26-2012, 12:40 AM
If Leerjet was intentional, it was fantastic :lol:

It all makes sense. Arty's probably given refuge to Mary underneath an eyrie with a particularly sturdy tapir at the ready for escape to the hinterland as dusk falls.

03-26-2012, 12:56 AM
Oh if only my history were so colorful....I'm blushing now. I wish had taken the opportunity to try some of the exciting vocations you guise dreamed up for me. The uphill gardner sounds particularly stimulating, and a professional congo dancer oh the dream......

Ben does know my ckrit identity ofc, but after a couple of careers dealing with real life people I found I don't really like them and want to shake them violently while yelling 'harden the fuck up' at the top of my lungs. So I changed to animals, I can yell at them at the top of my lungs and threaten to kill them and noone calls the A.O.S. (our S.W.A.T.) which is very satisfying.

03-26-2012, 01:01 AM
Immigration control. Nice.

03-26-2012, 01:08 AM
The people who live in my computer are an exception ofc....well most of them are. :blink:

03-26-2012, 01:22 AM
I can yell at them at the top of my lungs and threaten to kill them and noone calls the A.O.S. (our S.W.A.T.) which is very satisfying.Immigration control. Nice.


03-26-2012, 11:09 AM
No, I just onomatopoeically went on from congo dancer.
I'm pretty sure you don't know but I'm going to carry on anyway.

Pipe layer.

Since there is apparently an appropriate song for everything I've decided to stop trying to punctuate correctly and converse exclusively via music video from this point on.


03-26-2012, 11:15 AM
So I changed to animals,.....



03-26-2012, 11:25 AM
I've decided to stop trying to punctuate correctly and converse exclusively via music video from this point on.Please don't. My mam does that and you aren't her. I just don't think you could pull it off.

And also, I've never clicked one of your music links owing to suspecting they'll be shite.
I clicked the mewvie trailers tho' :happy:

Perhaps you could converse using them instead.

03-26-2012, 11:37 AM
I've decided to stop trying to punctuate correctly and converse exclusively via music video from this point on.Please don't. My mam does that and you aren't her. I just don't think you could pull it off.

And also, I've never clicked one of your music links owing to suspecting they'll be shite.
I clicked the mewvie trailers tho' :happy:

Perhaps you could converse using them instead.

I would but I'm afraid that certain topics might require the use of Michael Bay.

03-26-2012, 11:39 AM
And also, I've never clicked one of your music links owing to suspecting they'll be shite.

Wise decision I can see now why they made you a Mod.

03-26-2012, 12:05 PM
And also, I've never clicked one of your music links owing to suspecting they'll be shite.

Wise decision I can see now why they made you a Mod.Aural circumspection is desirable trait, it also lends itself to prose.
I suspect that the pre-existing team needed a mod who would wield the hammer based solely upon apostrophe abuse.

03-26-2012, 12:07 PM
Please don't. My mam does that and you aren't her. I just don't think you could pull it off.

And also, I've never clicked one of your music links owing to suspecting they'll be shite.
I clicked the mewvie trailers tho' :happy:

Perhaps you could converse using them instead.

I would but I'm afraid that certain topics might require the use of Michael Bay.
If someone evokes such an emotion which might provoke this response, immediately put them on ignore sine die.
You know it makes sense.

03-26-2012, 12:10 PM
Michael Bay got his start directing music videos and Playmate video shoots.Who'd have guessed?

03-26-2012, 12:20 PM
I would since I had to imdb him to understand why you hated him.

03-28-2012, 10:32 AM
I always thought Art dug holes in the dirt and permed sheep, and then when it was too dark to dig holes and perm sheep, he'd go in and mess with computer stuff. No purpose for the holes though.

03-28-2012, 12:49 PM
Since there is such confusion (and mirth) over what I did/do for a crust I will explain the careers that lead to a general dislike of people and an urge to shake them violently.
I stupidly studied psychology at university (and less stupidly philosophy and other subjects ending in y)and did what you merkins would call an internship working for a multidisciplinary addiction center. It sounds lovely, but I discovered a simple fact, most people enjoy their problems, they feel it is what makes them unique and they hang on to them no matter how fucked up they are, in short after dealing with lots of Daves it was taking an emotional toll and they were all still quite happily fucked up - hence the wanting to shake them violently.
I wasn't cut out for it simple and walked away.
I ended up doing some courses in low level logic control, PLC programming and microprocessor control and was hired for a project by ECNZ the Electrical Corporation at the time putting in SCADA control to the power stations. So to answer Darthy's question why yes, yes I do have a background in computing. It started out with Xenix (an X86 port of UNIX) and designing the interface for the SCADA system. I moved on from there and ended up doing CRM as a technical manager for a large local retailer, so in other words by the time they talked to me they were furious. This is where the wanting to yell harden the fuck up at people comes from. Then I moved on to network support for small businesses using specific packages in the automotive/servicing and medical industries.
Now I have a sideline with some small business clients that I kept and support them. Most of the time is spent rehoming horses. These are either ex-racehorses which would normally be shot ( a sad end for an animal often 3 or 4 years old) or those that have behavioral problems and have gotten away from their owners.
Oh and there was the looking after strippers thing while I was at uni, that was fun :naughty:

03-29-2012, 06:20 AM
That was all very detailed, but I couldn't find the part about you being a mole man.

03-29-2012, 06:34 AM
That was all very detailed, but I couldn't find the part about you being a mole man.


03-29-2012, 06:41 AM
Dammit Art, don't be such a tease.

03-29-2012, 06:43 AM

03-29-2012, 06:45 AM
It looks like it's just me and you tonight, quite the ironic turn of events. However, it'll never work if you're going to be such a prude. Shall I be the one to undress first? I thought we could do it together.

03-29-2012, 07:01 AM
You're the one wearing the ass chaps. :blink:

03-29-2012, 07:23 AM
You're the one wearing the ass chaps. :blink:

So say something witty and we can get this 2 person orgy started.

03-29-2012, 07:37 AM

03-29-2012, 07:45 AM
I'm confused and my cock has softened. Would you like to restart from your last save?

03-29-2012, 10:20 AM
I'm up for it.
You're britney and you may call me bloodninja.

03-29-2012, 10:27 AM
I'm up for it.
You're britney and you may call me bloodninja.

My original reply was going to be "both references are lost on me". However, google has shown me that they are one in the same reference :slap:
I'm going to give it a quick read and see if it was worth using on your part. You're being graded now.

03-29-2012, 10:56 AM
I think he was possibly the first evar cyber-satirist.
Maybe I over-estimated you cus recent events have shown me that you aren't as good at the internets as I first assumed.

03-29-2012, 11:02 AM
Definitely an A+ reference. http://ohinternet.com/Bloodninja Brings back some good laughs. :happy:

03-29-2012, 11:39 AM
I'm up for it.
You're britney and you may call me bloodninja.

My original reply was going to be "both references are lost on me". However, google has shown me that they are one in the same reference :slap:
I'm going to give it a quick read and see if it was worth using on your part. You're being graded now.

You seriously can't be an internet stalker, satirist, sodomite or rhinoceros without knowing who Bloodninja is. So whoever you must be, please give Mary her account back.

03-29-2012, 11:52 AM
I think he was possibly the first evar cyber-satirist.
Maybe I over-estimated you cus recent events have shown me that you aren't as good at the internets as I first assumed.

I don't really know what ever gave you the impression that I'm good particularly with the internet memes. I've only recently discovered ones that occurred 10 years ago. During high school I really spent most of my time trying to cyber up some girls on AOL, and I continued it through college, and that's when I wasn't trying to hunt down porn or using it as a resourceful tool. I think porn is so easy now, it gives me time to do other things like post on forums and expose myself to memes.

Speaking of cybering, I have this HTM file of an AIM convo from like 2004. It's between myself and another girl I would pseudo-cyber with that I knew from my high school days and we would just kind of keep in touch afterwards. It's one of those documents that I have no idea why I still have it, but since it's persisted through so many hard drive and computers, I just feel like it would be wrong to delete it. It might reveal a lot about me, maybe too much, but you know what... fuck it. I assume it should long enough and probably boring enough that most won't even bother.

Warning, this spoiler will span the length of 15 desktops, and since vB doesn't allow us to collapse spoilers, will permanently ruin this page temporarily.

mjmacky: alright now
mjmacky: how's moody
muti***: yes?
mjmacky: moody is doing yes
muti***: i'm busy doing hw actually
mjmacky: alright fantastic
mjmacky: i was depending on you
muti***: for...?
mjmacky: somebody's watching gilmore girls
muti***: good show
mjmacky: this body doesn't like watching non-dvr tv
mjmacky: it's horrible
muti***: i see
mjmacky: i have a rather small buddy list, you are 1 of 4 people I would ever talk to on AIM, and you're the only one of them on. Do you see my dependency problem
muti***: Yes...you should seek medical attention
mjmacky: but no, further your education if you have to, work on making your future better, my present doesn't care
mjmacky: medical seeks my attention
mjmacky: hey one quick question
muti***: ok
mjmacky: Why do you sign online while doing homework? Isn't it distracting with people IMing you? I mean doesn't it multiply the amount of time to complete the task at hand. You know... a one hour assignment extended to 4 hours because of rampant long message typers (much like me). So why sign on?
muti***: I'm always on
mjmacky: Or maybe this isn't even true. You know you could always go, "Mike I'm not really in the mood for your type of conversation, my carpals and metacarpals are sore." I'm not sensitive, I can handle it, I'm a real man
muti***: well i figured i'd let you talk for a bit, and if you were really distracting i would have done so without hesitation
mjmacky: oh
mjmacky: well let me jump into my thoughts about business etiquette
muti***: no thank you
mjmacky: good thing I didn't start typing yet
mjmacky: i waited
mjmacky: what are you working on?
muti***: Ethics reading, then I need to start studying for a psych test
mjmacky: PSYCH
mjmacky: GOTCHA
muti***: funny
muti***: wish the exam was a joke lol
mjmacky: ha
mjmacky: it would be if I were a professor
muti***: well maybe you should look into that
mjmacky: just once though, you can't take advantage of a comedic opportunity more than once
mjmacky: ruins the joke
mjmacky: maybe your professor already did it in 1996
muti***: i think he's a bit young for that
mjmacky: well it was in his head
mjmacky: so my plan was to kind of sit here and distract you until the Talkmore Girls were over
muti***: well i need to be getting back to reading
muti***: i'll probably be on later
mjmacky: damn you cut me off short
mjmacky: don't you know how sensitive I am
mjmacky: i'm going to go cry into the bathtub
muti***: suck it up
mjmacky: eww im not gay
mjmacky: i'll leave myself on, talk to you later if I don't forget I signed on
muti***: ok byebye
mjmacky: IDIOT! Hell no I won't marry you, GOSH!
Auto response from muti***: Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. Or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no! It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken.
mjmacky: Sounds like Shakespearean syntax
muti***: It is
mjmacky: here's a quote I found on a friend's info:
..... "it's the good girls who keep the diaries, the bad girls never have the time" .....
mjmacky: You've been writing less lately
muti***: You don't know I've been writing less...I just don't make post of my posts public as of lately
muti***: :-P
mjmacky: still a good girl then
muti***: ;-)
mjmacky: only good girls use smileys
mjmacky: bad girls send their drunken naked photos
muti***: hahaha
muti***: glad i've convinced you
mjmacky: i've been convinced?
mjmacky: i don't even know what I was swayed about
muti***: oh i guess not
mjmacky: ???
mjmacky: means please explain
muti***: what?
mjmacky: stop it
mjmacky: you started it
muti***: You are confusing me
mjmacky: i want to hit your head
muti***: lol
muti***: gee thanks
mjmacky: of course you did it for me
mjmacky: right?
muti***: did what?
mjmacky: when I find you one day
mjmacky: you're going to have a story to tell
muti***: I will most likely be just as confused then
mjmacky: I was hoping more like knocking sense into you
muti***: ah
mjmacky: oh don't be scared
mjmacky: i'll be gentle
mjmacky: i can't believe you still managed to avoid explaining what you conviced me of
muti***: I thought you were accusing me of being a "bad girl"
mjmacky: oh i see how you were thinking
mjmacky: there's only one adjective for you
mjmacky: I forgot to type the adjective, but I bet you were wondering
muti***: yes...i am...lol
mjmacky: was it complimentary? Perhaps intelligent, charming, sweet, pretty...
or was it insulting? Perhaps retarded, mean, self-absorbed...
mjmacky: i'm going to go with...
mjmacky: Moody
muti***: :-P
mjmacky: you honestly didn't see that coming?
muti***: nope
mjmacky: i'm not so bold yet to give you definitive adjectives
muti***: i see
mjmacky: you have no comment
mjmacky: if you give more real comments I can assign them
mjmacky: but don't let that be an invitation or anything
muti***: Alright ;-)
mjmacky: you have no idea how difficult you are
mjmacky: i think i sign on for the challenge
muti***: oh i know. hehe
muti***: I like giving you a hard time
mjmacky: time=on
mjmacky: marisa you dirty bird
muti***: i think you are the dirty one lol
mjmacky: That was inspired by Peter Saarsgard
muti***: awesome
mjmacky: "Name 3 things I can find up your ass Barb"
"Jump rope, weights, and medicine balls."
"You're a dirty bird Barb"
muti***: weird
mjmacky: he was talking to the TV
mjmacky: the welcoming message at a hotel
mjmacky: it was stuck on that channel and started to drive him crazy. It was so great I still think about it to this day... 6 days later
mjmacky: you still haven't caught that preview for "Date Movie" have you
mjmacky: i just saw it again, did you see the quote earlier
muti***: I saw it on TV today actually
mjmacky: YES
mjmacky: well actually a little sad, because now I can't really talk about it anymore
muti***: haha
mjmacky: hey what do you think of this
mjmacky: a guy who carries around a notarized certification that he is officially a "catch"
muti***: weird
mjmacky: so it would creep you out?
muti***: yes
mjmacky: what if it was signed by his wife?
muti***: it seems like he's trying to convince himself more than a potential girl
mjmacky: i mean isn't that credibility
muti***: why would his wife need to certify something like that..why would he really need it?
mjmacky: this idea sprung out of a convo ivana and I had last night
muti***: ah
mjmacky: She sits at school thinking how lucky she is, and that she thinks I'm a catch, so I said we should go to the notary public to get it notarized. And I could carry it around as certification. I'm too lazy to "show" my catchiness
muti***: i see
mjmacky: now just looking for a little feedback
mjmacky: I have to find a date this summer
mjmacky: to keep me company
mjmacky: brb
muti***: Huh?
mjmacky: this summer i'm going to hit up the local St Pete night spots
mjmacky: and advertise myself to find some company while Ivana's in Serbia
muti***: is she ok with that?
mjmacky: that's why she agreed to notarize
mjmacky: to help me out
mjmacky: didn't you already know about our relationship
mjmacky: strong bond, flexibility
mjmacky: like a C=C bond
muti***: yeah..i forgot you guys were weird lol
mjmacky: you say weird, we say curious and horny
mjmacky: in other words human
mjmacky: but that's more of a philosophy subject
muti***: lol
mjmacky: she'll be getting action probably on the coast
mjmacky: she's always got the opportunities without having to think about it... for a guy there seems to be a lot of work involved... and money too
muti***: so how much action are you guys allowed?
mjmacky: it doesn't work that way
mjmacky: it's like...
mjmacky: if there's an opportunity, exciting, tickling the insides, either one of us can act on that opportunity while keeping the other informed
mjmacky: we can talk through it, but there's no consequence based on the fact that our relationship is not something based on simple friendship and sexual intimacy, but of deep connection (much like a close brother/sister)
mjmacky: but not in the incestual way
muti***: ok...
mjmacky: how did this evolve
mjmacky: you may ask
muti***: sure lol
mjmacky: It's basically a product of the way we feel about our relationship. To us it's comparable to gravity... a matter of simply being true, unshakable. We never concern on the stability of it, it's guaranteed, and because of that everything is out in the open
mjmacky: no secrets, hidden regrets, harbored feelings
muti***: So you could be sexual with another person and it would be ok as long as you told her about it?
mjmacky: if you want to simplify it to that extent, yes
mjmacky: but i like my complex explanation better
mjmacky: but it's all encompassing
muti***: alright then
mjmacky: let's say for example ivana's on the coast with her friend. Her friend meets a guy who has a friend and they stay with them at their house. Whether there's a sexual encounter or not, I don't have to worry about the agonizing jealousy
mjmacky: even if nothing happens you still can get extremely jealous
muti***: ok...
mjmacky: you see what I mean, flexible plan, understanding
mjmacky: i don't like to be secret about how our relationship functions but it's nothing her parents would be comfortable with, but mine don't know either
mjmacky: none of our friends can identify either
muti***: I see
muti***: So, why do you choose to tell me about it?
mjmacky: I told you about the plan while it was in development
mjmacky: don't you remember
muti***: Uh....yes?
mjmacky: doesn't matter
mjmacky: i talk about it whenever a relevant subject comes up, i've told others but just about everyone thinks it's weird
muti***: Ah
mjmacky: I have a desire to get a serious conversation going with someone who has other input
mjmacky: i doubt it would be you
mjmacky: haha
muti***: You are right lol
mjmacky: but it helps me understand it more when I have the opportunity to articulate it... for sometimes I need the whole explanation to explain my actions to others
mjmacky: I wouldn't take off my wedding ring to hit on a girl, you know what I mean
mjmacky: well I don't really hit on girls, but you get the point
muti***: Yeah I understand
mjmacky: so far it's only worked out this way...
mjmacky: she has her fun, that fuels my fantasies
mjmacky: my sexual universe exists in the mind, not so much in the physical realm
muti***: so you haven't done anything with anyone else yet?
mjmacky: nope
mjmacky: I'm very very picky
mjmacky: when I say there's been no opportunities I mean none to my standard
mjmacky: I had a friend, Nenad, who knew of our arrangement, we went out in Ybor and he found a girl... I thought her friend was cute
mjmacky: we get outside where there was light, and it was a whole other story, a very very scary story
mjmacky: she barely knew english and I used my spanish to supplement at least what was common with portuguese
muti***: hahaha
mjmacky: yeah, but I don't feel the need to search for those types of entertainment
mjmacky: Ivana does
mjmacky: not so much now as she did 2 years ago
muti***: interesting
mjmacky: i have a motto for it
mjmacky: Just a young couple fighting to survive
mjmacky: that was a better one than Brother and sister involved with lewd incestual acts
mjmacky: cause we are sometimes like siblings
muti***: but not thank goodness lol
muti***: so what about me? am i up to your standards? lol
mjmacky: Yep, I tested the waters around you a couple of years ago if you recall
muti***: How did you test the waters?
mjmacky: i tried to bumrush your house that one day
muti***: lol
muti***: oh yeah
muti***: but i wouldn't tell you where i lived
mjmacky: i knew where you lived
mjmacky: having you tell me was the test
muti***: oh
mjmacky: well I didn't know, but I'm sure I could have figured it out
muti***: and i passed it because i didn't tell you?
mjmacky: no i left it alone because you didn't tell me
mjmacky: i remember most your drive situation and your general neighborhood, I have great analytical skills
mjmacky: driveway*
muti***: i see
mjmacky: it went street to street on an intersection
muti***: so, what exactly is it about me that was up to your standards compared to other girls then?
muti***: if you are so picky...
mjmacky: well being pretty will only get you so far
mjmacky: this is where most girls veer off course
mjmacky: and i can't describe it, but there's something that always enticed me
mjmacky: you're like a mindtease or something
mjmacky: and the fact that I can't articulate it drive me more nuts
muti***: hahaha!
mjmacky: so i honestly have no clear answer, if I did, I'm sure I could fill a page
mjmacky: or at least a text message
mjmacky: that all depends on how tangential I'm feeling
mjmacky: Speaking of a tangent, I was trying to think on the correctness of saying tangential
muti***: hey i make up words all the time
mjmacky: you took awhile to respond, I already verified it, it's in existence, I don't have to worry about having used it
muti***: lol
mjmacky: also i was thinking of something else
muti***: yes?
mjmacky: and whether or not I should describe it
mjmacky: you already know how open I am, but the other thing I restrained from saying, I believed, might make you feel awkward
mjmacky: if you don't already feel that way
mjmacky: it involves disclosing personal routines
mjmacky: relating only to myself
muti***: I'm not sure there is much more you could possibly say that would make me feel weirder than you already have haha
mjmacky: alright, i'm not in the type of mode tonight to push the limits
mjmacky: is was something poetic though, just a thought that entertained me
muti***: Well now you have me quite curious
mjmacky: well kittens don't always get to empty the grocery bags
muti***: lol
muti***: nice analogy
mjmacky: i loved it too
muti***: Kittens are cute
mjmacky: i want kittens permanently
mjmacky: but they grow up and pee
mjmacky: you've seen my old kittens right
mjmacky: i have it on MySpace
muti***: yes i believe so
muti***: kittens are awesome...until they have worms and are confined to your bedroom....ew...
mjmacky: it's really cute when you wake up and they're sleeping on your chest
mjmacky: but it's not so cute to find that they took the pleasure of soaking your clothes with urine
mjmacky: the clothes that you were still wearing
muti***: hahaha
mjmacky: and the blanket you were still under
muti***: it's not cool to wake up to the sensation of kittens racing across your face either because they are chasing each other
mjmacky: on that one I'll have to disagree. I can honestly say that I love having kittens play so much, I will endure 15 scar-inducing face scratches
muti***: not while i'm trying to sleep
muti***: i had to throw away my bedskirt because they tore it up so bad lol
mjmacky: now your bed is just wearing a thong
mjmacky: if you are still curious I thought of a way to describe while still being quite safe from being creepy
muti***: ok go for it
mjmacky: alright here it goes
muti***: ok...
mjmacky: I sometimes plan to provide entertainment for myself while hanging out with my attached buddy. Usually it's about 30 minutes to an hour of softcore internet porn, then I finish with a nicely inspired fantasy. That might be a great feeling, but sometimes I jump on AIM and get a convo going with you eventually creates a feeling that tops the usual physical pleasures
mjmacky: only a small percent of convos that is, don't believe it happens most of the time, you're not that good
muti***: LOL
mjmacky: was I safe from creepy
mjmacky: oh for the sake of comedic art, I should have added "you have stiff competition
mjmacky: "
muti***: hahaha
muti***: yeah that wasn't creepy at all
mjmacky: alright then, i was developing a scale in case it was
muti***: haha
mjmacky: so far the only 2 markers were Janitor and homeless guy that follows you around without saying anything
muti***: hahaha
muti***: nice
mjmacky: but that's all I had, thank god i wasn't creepy
muti***: lol
mjmacky: so marisa, any thoughts
mjmacky: something of commentary relationship i can feed more responses to
mjmacky: relation*
muti***: It's somewhat flattering
muti***: Even though I'm "not that good"
muti***: ;-)
mjmacky: that has to be a first
mjmacky: "He said I was not that good, but I was sooo flattered"
mjmacky: oh sorry
mjmacky: you said somewhat
muti***: I said somewhat, not "sooooo" lol
muti***: yeah lol
mjmacky: beat you to the bunch
muti***: don't let your head get too big....no pun intended
muti***: haha
mjmacky: i wrote sooo because i was writing in the perspective of a blonde girl
mjmacky: don't ask why
muti***: ha
mjmacky: you're wondering what the beast is up to?
mjmacky: he's tamed in his cage
muti***: that's because i'm not giving you anything to work with
mjmacky: no, it's because the brain has to wrestle most of the match, then the beast gets tagged in
mjmacky: only when a tag team match is scheduled
mjmacky: of course if I was a little more manipulative I wouldn't have given you a cop out opportunity, I could be like, hey give me more material
mjmacky: but the one problem is, you probably don't even know what your material is
mjmacky: you don't necessarily know what it is that I "work with"
muti***: true
mjmacky: it's the atmosphere
mjmacky: the thoughts induced by it, im still figuring it out myself
mjmacky: i have an intriguing question
muti***: shoot
mjmacky: Not in any competitive way, but is that more flattering than Alan was able to accomplish
muti***: No
muti***: lol
mjmacky: damn
mjmacky: because I lied, I am competitive
muti***: He's gooood ;-)
muti***: haha
mjmacky: him saying hello to you could have won you the highest favor for all I know
muti***: true
muti***: but no
muti***: lol
mjmacky: physical flattery doesn't count in this case
mjmacky: it's no fair
mjmacky: i'm handicapped
muti***: Alan has flattered me with words too though
mjmacky: how much of this flattery can one do before it's considered pursuit or courtship
muti***: oh it's passed flattery lol
mjmacky: Alan pursued, therefore he need not limit his flirtations, as you said he's past it
mjmacky: i was wondering how I measured with a handicap
mjmacky: Or perhaps I focus on such mundane comparisons because I feel insecure
muti***: perhaps lol
muti***: i think everyone compares themselves though no matter what the situation
mjmacky: insecurity that only rises due to what I don't know, and how much I decide to reveal
mjmacky: well usually I'm always #1
mjmacky: on the speed dial of my phone, I hit it and it goes to my voicemail
muti***: lol
mjmacky: i think i wanted to sign on because it feels like your off the market
mjmacky: that makes me feel safe
muti***: LOL
muti***: Were you in danger of me hunting you before?
mjmacky: you're no hunter
mjmacky: you're the prey
muti***: oh really...lol
mjmacky: but hunting a deer, or... a hoe... is easier then grabbing a porcupine
mjmacky: oops
mjmacky: it's a doe
muti***: are you callnig me a hoe? lol
muti***: *calling
mjmacky: i've made that mistake literally dozens of times
mjmacky: orally
muti***: Oh damn
muti***: lol
mjmacky: huh?
mjmacky: i don't think I meant it the way you interpretted
muti***: that sounds really funny hahaha
mjmacky: obviously
muti***: LOL
mjmacky: my fault for leaving words stranded
mjmacky: but you got the point all in all? I don't get my hands poked this way
mjmacky: moody has no quills
mjmacky: even though she told alan no commitments
muti***: :-P
mjmacky: i'm more like a bird watcher, never was ready for the hunting game
mjmacky: i am a terrible dater
muti***: i don't think i'm very good at it either
muti***: i always go for the douchebags
muti***: and apparently when i finally find a good guy i can't commit
mjmacky: i don't know, sounds like your fault
muti***: i think honestly...it's my heart that isn't ready
mjmacky: you let the douchebags in, meanwhile I see this happen all the time
mjmacky: so much douche, where's room for me
mjmacky: that's how I saw it when I was on the prowl
muti***: yeah...
muti***: I don't intentionally go for the douches...actually this past year, they found me first..and i let them deceive me until their true douchiness came out
mjmacky: oh i see
mjmacky: I meant "guys like me" not simply me alone
muti***: then i quickly broke it off
muti***: yeah i gotcha
mjmacky: well deception is something in continuously forget about
muti***: did i send you this link already? www.flickr.com/photos/*****
mjmacky: nope
mjmacky: what is it?
mjmacky: photos primarily but for what?
mjmacky: 121 photos, quite an online collection
muti***: just for fun
mjmacky: what made you think of it?
muti***: We took choir pictures today and on of them is my desktop now...so i was just thinking of pictures
mjmacky: i see
mjmacky: you have pictures involving you on your desktop?
muti***: It's of my choir
mjmacky: you're not in your choir?
muti***: yes i am
mjmacky: you just left me with a HUGE smartass opportunity
muti***: do it...lol
mjmacky: you have pictures INVOLVING you on your desktop?
mjmacky: you should have guessed
mjmacky: it wasn't that clever
muti***: oh lol
mjmacky: now i feel like a dork
mjmacky: didn't reach expectations
mjmacky: is alan in one of these?
muti***: no actually
muti***: I don't have a picture with him as of yet
mjmacky: didn't know your type
mjmacky: i saw on the first page a picture posted this month with you and this white kid
mjmacky: he's so white
muti***: is he in a maroon shirt?
mjmacky: not skin tone, just his face says... I have such a white personality
muti***: lol
mjmacky: no 1st page
mjmacky: 3rd pic
muti***: OH I have them seperated into albums too. Is he wearing a dark blue jacket or something?
muti***: He's considerably taller than me?
mjmacky: yes i would strongly consider that to be taller
mjmacky: blue shirt and either a sweater or jacket
muti***: Ew..yeah that's good ol' Ross
muti***: He's a douche lol
mjmacky: oh god!
mjmacky: such a WHITE NAME
muti***: haha Ross Hoksbergen
muti***: He's from michigan
mjmacky: no
mjmacky: he's from Whitey, Whitenton in Whiteland
muti***: lol
mjmacky: his parents emigrated from germany
mjmacky: you know i never really liked Ben
mjmacky: just thought I would tell you
muti***: I hear that a lot these days
mjmacky: only because it's safe to say
muti***: i'm like thanks guys for not saying anything to me before lol
muti***: Well, what were your reasons for not liking him?
mjmacky: not fond of christian rock bands
mjmacky: his look said dirty
muti***: Hmm
mjmacky: and i never really heard of him being remotely interesting
muti***: lol
mjmacky: that last reason would be the primary one
muti***: yeah i was very naive
mjmacky: i can say it with more confidence now after reading the long ass thing you sent me
muti***: ha...yeah
mjmacky: oh there's another album
mjmacky: i just realized that
muti***: Yup
mjmacky: wait just those 2 right?
muti***: That's why I was like which guy? lol
muti***: Um...there might be a third
muti***: yes there are three
mjmacky: oh hold up
mjmacky: i can't see so well with the glasses
mjmacky: ok n/m
mjmacky: i've seen all 3
mjmacky: but not separated into albums
mjmacky: i was on a page that said 12 pages and 121 photos
mjmacky: I didn't find any of your softcore porn, but your swimsuit shots, well they receive a check +
mjmacky: \/ +
muti***: lol
muti***: I can't put my softcore porn ones up there lol
muti***: my friends would think i was weird
muti***: only select few get to see those pictures
mjmacky: The ones who know that's not weird
muti***: They've all been guys too lol
mjmacky: What do you do about your friends who think it's weird to NOT have those photos up there
mjmacky: have you been advertising?
muti***: I don't think they think about having pictures like that lol
muti***: I should go to bed soon
mjmacky: so should I
mjmacky: did i ever tell yo
mjmacky: u
mjmacky: that the last time i stayed up on a weekday with you i showed up 4 hours late
muti***: It's going to be hard not to cancel gym time with my friend tomorrow morning for the 3rd day in a row lol
muti***: Oh really??
muti***: Uh oh haha
mjmacky: yeah i know
mjmacky: you don't need any more gym time
mjmacky: you look delicious
muti***: Oh really? ;-)
mjmacky: chewable
muti***: You wanna naw on me? lol
mjmacky: i want to bite your hips
muti***: My hips, huh? lol
mjmacky: have you ever been bitten on your hip?
muti***: Hmm, not on my hip...
muti***: :-D
mjmacky: i don't know what the grin is for, but maybe one day someone will
muti***: It means i've been bitten in other places :-P
mjmacky: i would do it myself, but that's no way to greet someone you haven't seen for at least 5 years
mjmacky: plus i still have to hit your head
muti***: lol
mjmacky: thanks for the mental tantric orgasm
muti***: Hehe
mjmacky: you were good one way or another
mjmacky: meaning we don't know how or why
mjmacky: and as always, laku noc
muti***: Are you going to bed?
mjmacky: yeah
mjmacky: ?
mjmacky: you seem surprised
muti***: No, I was just making sure I understood lol
muti***: I'm about to head their myself
mjmacky: ?
muti***: your bed that is... ;-)
muti***: j/k lol
mjmacky: you mean what I wrote in serbian
muti***: there not their
mjmacky: i know what you meant
mjmacky: but you were understanding what?
mjmacky: oh here we go again
mjmacky: this cycle might not end
muti***: that laku noc meant good night
mjmacky: oh yes, that's true
mjmacky: i could type many things in serbian
mjmacky: you don't have any translator friends do you?
muti***: nope
mjmacky: ajde ribo, idem
muti***: yeah..no idea...
mjmacky: znam, ja bih voleo da te jebem
muti***: nope
mjmacky: good
mjmacky: don't find anyone to translate that
mjmacky: you'll wish you hadn't, haha
muti***: is polish close to serbian?
mjmacky: don't talk to your polish friend either
muti***: I have a french friend at school who translates polish ;-)
mjmacky: they'll know about 5 words
mjmacky: including the 1 that would get me in trouble
muti***: hahaha
muti***: tell me what it says!
mjmacky: no chance
muti***: pweeeeeeease!
mjmacky: maybe it's made up
mjmacky: wow you never beg
muti***: I'm in a playful mood ;-)
muti***: Does that turn you on?
mjmacky: heariing you say it like that
mjmacky: well yeah
muti***: hehe
mjmacky: i'm sensing aggression
muti***: what do you mean?
mjmacky: you know
mjmacky: role reversal
muti***: i don't know what you could be referring to... ;-)
mjmacky: now you seem like the one in control, metaphorically you're holding the whip
muti***: I like that
mjmacky: real S&M lovers know that the one getting whipped is the one in control
muti***: I never said I liked S&M. I just said I liked being in control ;-)
mjmacky: i know
mjmacky: i was metaphorilizizing
muti***: there might have been too many izes in there lol
mjmacky: i hold the cards because your polish friend won't translate this for you
muti***: why's that?
mjmacky: because if he has any sympathy for the way of man, he'll read it and tell you it's afrikaans
muti***: hahaha
mjmacky: when i'm playful i like to leave you in the dark, with mystery
mjmacky: because i usually give everything up anyways
muti***: you do that too often
mjmacky: but i always explain
mjmacky: not this time, believe it
muti***: Fine I shall head to sleep then :-P
mjmacky: i'll give you one thing
mjmacky: i called you a fish
mjmacky: ajde ribo, idem
muti***: ribo
mjmacky: yeah
mjmacky: riba is fish
mjmacky: but do you know the context
muti***: that's iteresting i knew that
muti***: I think the polish word is similar
mjmacky: that's how you say... like foxy lady
mjmacky: hot momma, foxy lady, all use riba
mjmacky: but in serbian is not so corny
muti***: interesting
mjmacky: i used to use that word wrong and will never forget
mjmacky: i used to think it was a nickname for women in general
mjmacky: so jokingly i used it for ivana's 13yearold cousin
mjmacky: how embarassing
muti***: oh goodness lol
mjmacky: i thought i was saying, hey you chick when really i was hitting on her
mjmacky: but no worries, the age of consent is much younger there
mjmacky: 15 yo dating 25yo is commonplace
mjmacky: just another interesting thing for you
mjmacky: seriously i need to find the bed
muti***: me too
muti***: you will tell me one day what u called me :-P
mjmacky: i told you
mjmacky: what i said would get me in trouble for another reason
mjmacky: but i didn't call you anything
mjmacky: just ponder on that for a little more confusion
muti***: would ivana kill you?
mjmacky: probably for like 5 minutes
mjmacky: then she would let me live
muti***: lol
muti***: so did you say something explicitly sexual?
mjmacky: Da
muti***: Yes
mjmacky: Da
muti***: lol
mjmacky: that was last clue
muti***: Grr...
mjmacky: you'll have to sleep on it and hope it comes to you in a dream
muti***: You're mean. Alright, sleep for both of us!
mjmacky: i'll sleep for a ward of comatose patients
mjmacky: night
muti***: night!

03-29-2012, 12:04 PM


I'll keep it for ron.
Response later :smilie4:

03-29-2012, 12:15 PM
ron... ron... what's ron?

03-29-2012, 12:42 PM
So many things to say, so little time, so I'll get the obvious out of the way:

What makes you think holding on to a conversation from 2006 is special? I've held on to chat logs from the 90's.

Next, you have just given me way more material to work with locating you in the vast lands of the American barrens.

Now, I'm intrigued with your and Ivana's relationship. At first I found it completely dull and uninteresting, boy meets girl, boy thinks he might get some propositional tail, boy admits him and girl aren't him and girl, boy says him and girl live together. I found it intellectually impossible to live with an Ex, so I knew she couldn't be that, but to find out that you would explicitly state you drifted away, after saying you're in an open relationship to so many people, leaves me with two conclusions. One, you think none of us are smart enough to parse through the things you say: how insulting. Two, you were always telling the truth. And that interests me. Go on, moar personal stuffs.

Almost finally, on what fucking planet is C=C flexible? Here, let me help you. Try having sex starting off in the C=C position and see how many positions you can end up experiencing. I win. :snooty:

Second-to-final finally, I really do hope "Moody" didn't put out for you, or if she gave you the opportunity, you never took it up. She sounds hollow beyond her meninges.

Finally, I singled out this part because it had me in tears. You gave me such a gigantic morning laugh, I'm not sure I can now look forward to anything else for the rest of my day:

mjmacky: how did this evolve
mjmacky: you may ask
muti***: sure lol
mjmacky: It's basically a product of the way we feel about our relationship.

03-29-2012, 01:19 PM
What makes you think holding on to a conversation from 2006 is special? I've held on to chat logs from the 90's.

Umm it wasn't that I had the conversation, it's that I somehow still have that file even though I've had at least 2 catastrophic hard drive failures (without backup) solutions. Other than that, I have no other files from before 2007 or 08 I think. That particular one is from 04, it's a bit of an anomaly.

Next, you have just given me way more material to work with locating you in the vast lands of the American barrens.

You know you could just ask me, right? Couldn't you tell how candid I am, despite obvious blatant reservations? Obviously, anyone with interest would just need to do a little mining, I am really not that hard to find. Just don't come crying to me after you've read my dating profile.

Now, I'm intrigued with your and Ivana's relationship. At first I found it completely dull and uninteresting, boy meets girl, boy thinks he might get some propositional tail, boy admits him and girl aren't him and girl, boy says him and girl live together. I found it intellectually impossible to live with an Ex, so I knew she couldn't be that, but to find out that you would explicitly state you drifted away, after saying you're in an open relationship to so many people, leaves me with two conclusions. One, you think none of us are smart enough to parse through the things you say: how insulting. Two, you were always telling the truth. And that interests me. Go on, moar personal stuffs.

Lets put it this way, the story of my relationship with Ivana is ongoing (since like 97 or 98), but it won't have a happy ending. The romance is as alive as Dave's humor, but we get along pretty well as far as plutonic cohabitants, shared financing, interests and pretty much everything else.

Almost finally, on what fucking planet is C=C flexible? Here, let me help you. Try having sex starting off in the C=C position and see how many positions you can end up experiencing. I win. :snooty:

You've blindered yourself on this one, flexible not as in bending and stretching, but as in possibilities of interaction. I had to reread it to understand the context, but I could easily deduce why I used that analogy. You introduce other parties and the C-C remains. And you call yourself a researcher. Your month is almost up, consider the items on the macky existence bucket list.

Second-to-final finally, I really do hope "Moody" didn't put out for you, or if she gave you the opportunity, you never took it up. She sounds hollow beyond her meninges.

I've had many other "productive" conversations with her that were much more interesting and playful, I never saved them. We had also spoken many times on a more intellectual level, I was always tantalized by her wit during those. I honestly don't even know why I saved this one. One thing though, I wish she had put out. She was a prude beyond imagination. I was a christian when I met her, but an agnostic/atheist when I tried to get into her panties, and I never tried so hard to convince anybody the pointlessness in christian values than this girl, through subtlety of course.

Finally, I singled out this part because it had me in tears. You gave me such a gigantic morning laugh, I'm not sure I can now look forward to anything else for the rest of my day:

mjmacky: how did this evolve
mjmacky: you may ask
muti***: sure lol
mjmacky: It's basically a product of the way we feel about our relationship.

I feign humility and politeness often. She knew it was pointless to try to shut me down. Old habits die hard.

03-29-2012, 02:06 PM
You know you could just ask me, right? Couldn't you tell how candid I am, despite obvious blatant reservations? Obviously, anyone with interest would just need to do a little mining, I am really not that hard to find. Just don't come crying to me after you've read my dating profile.

It's nothing but a game for me. My entire forumular activity is usually a veiled game. A game of deprecation, a game of guessing, a game of hunting, so on and so forth. Asking you removes the game part, which is the actual goal. Couldn't tell you how I annoyed I was when I threw my hands up in the air about Art. One day he's driving a horse, the next day he's talking about the FreeBSD stability, and the following some deep intriguing psychoanalysis of Dave. I'd never taken him for a genius, so he couldn't just be randomly reading this information to feed his thirst for knowledge. Therefore it had to be acquired as a job. Similarly, your self-lauding admission that you're a great researcher, working in a mass spectrometry position, contemplating teaching so on and so forth. It all connects in a weird way that has me interested. I'll let you know when and if I can articulate it any better.

Lets put it this way, the story of my relationship with Ivana is ongoing (since like 97 or 98), but it won't have a happy ending. The romance is as alive as Dave's humor, but we get along pretty well as far as plutonic cohabitants, shared financing, interests and pretty much everything else.

One day I'll ask you about this in more detail. I've always entertained the thought of open relationships, and thought them to be the best thing since sliced bread. Upon my highest of recommendations to a fundamental change to the relationship between me and my fiance, I was met with resounding refusal. We are yet to talk about it again since, but I always like to think that one day I will get the approval, regardless of how many wrinkles she thinks she owns on me at that time.

You've blindered yourself on this one, flexible not as in bending and stretching, but as in possibilities of interaction. I had to reread it to understand the context, but I could easily deduce why I used that analogy. You introduce other parties and the C-C remains. And you call yourself a researcher. Your month is almost up, consider the items on the macky existence bucket list.

As a researcher, I now think Chemists are out to set the world on fire. Reactivity, polarity, exclusivity, and compulsiveness are not the same as flexibility. The first three don't make you a great sexual partner. The last one, however, makes you a carbon copy of every great porn star.

I've had many other "productive" conversations with her that were much more interesting and playful, I never saved them. We had also spoken many times on a more intellectual level, I was always tantalized by her wit during those. I honestly don't even know why I saved this one. One thing though, I wish she had put out. She was a prude beyond imagination. I was a christian when I met her, but an agnostic/atheist when I tried to get into her panties, and I never tried so hard to convince anybody the pointlessness in christian values than this girl, through subtlety of course.

See, from the way she talks she reminds me of my high school fling (if you can call it that). Exactly the same kind of person, the same way of talking, the same prude, and the same confusing ideology. She'd call me while she's celebrating St. Patty's day with her then boyfriend and tell me she misses talking to me, but then she'd skip an entire class to avoid sitting next to me. She'd ask a good friend of mine out to Prom to cockblock me, then be okay with getting stood up as long as I don't dance with her out of pity. She'd give me roses on Valentine's and graduation "to remember her by", but then the only time she'd talk to me thereafter is my birthday (three months later). Finally, one day she decides to put out, she orchestrates festivities on a scale I've never witnessed before, has a friend give us a ride, convinces that friend's crush to sleep with him just so we could use his house, gets me into a room, slips under the sheets and invites me in. At that point, the only fuck I gave was when I was going to get to leave, so I decided to leave before I hopped into the bed. I'm not sure if there's any solace in this for you, Macky, but if you're anything like me, you probably wouldn't have enjoyed her company if it got any more complicated than AOL/LOL talk. You'd only think she was witty/interesting until you realize you're stuck with her. There's a certain allure to shoulder-length distance with bubbly girls.

I feign humility and politeness often. She knew it was pointless to try to shut me down. Old habits die hard.

It wasn't that, it was her desperation to end the conversation, her multiple pleas to the gods for some relaxation after the multiple episodes of extraneous Macky, only to be met with yet another explanation. Had me in stitches, I tell you.

Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.

03-29-2012, 02:33 PM
Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.

I see Darth Plagiarist makes a return, that's my patented multiquoted retort move (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/433617-Know-of-any-good-Christian-torrent-tracker-sites?p=3645547&viewfull=1#post3645547) right there, having done it more than twice now. I just was able to theme yours with a bit of context.

As for everything else, I'm just going to give a listed reply
-Maybe you need realer mysteries, I don't understand the hobby
-I'm still for the idea of open relationships. However, the concept of honest people has escaped me and left me with a bit of a Catch 22 situation. It should work, but just doesn't. We're not a monogamous sort, just polygamist liars.
-You're going to make me explain flexibility again. Flexbility---options should be the key idea here, did someone revoke your poetic license? How long is the suspension? Is it your first time, is there a 3 strikes law where you live?
-There aren't that many girls who I yearned to bone beyond a fleeting thought, so letting that opportunity dissipate is not a satisfactory outcome.

K I found a pic, the asiany one on the left. In fact, may be the very same pic to which I referred in the dialogue.


03-29-2012, 03:21 PM
Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.

I miss Darth Insinuate. You're not him, are you. He was a quality Darth.


03-29-2012, 04:48 PM
Hoi Artemis ,are you as disappointed as to how this thread turned out as I am?

03-29-2012, 04:51 PM
More stuff for ron :mellow:

If you look closely at Mary's pic just up there, you can see a stalker in the background. Just above the blonde girl that's cuddling her 12 year old Asian boyfriend.

03-29-2012, 07:04 PM
Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.

I miss Darth Insinuate. You're not him, are you. He was a quality Darth.

ino, rite.

Sometimes, tho', I like to sort of squint and look at one of Mary1's posts. Some of the better ones could be Doris's. Also, there's even a chinese connection :schnauz:

03-29-2012, 07:06 PM
I miss Darth Insinuate. You're not him, are you. He was a quality Darth.

ino, rite.

Sometimes, tho', I like to sort of squint and look at one of Mary1's posts. Some of the better ones could be Doris's. Also, there's even a chinese connection :schnauz:

That is actually high praise FYI, Mary.

03-29-2012, 11:27 PM
ino, rite.

Sometimes, tho', I like to sort of squint and look at one of Mary1's posts. Some of the better ones could be Doris's. Also, there's even a chinese connection :schnauz:

That is actually high praise FYI, Mary.

I don't know who Doris is, but I'm sure paying me any type of compliment would have caused one great suffering, me being the insufferable type.

03-29-2012, 11:30 PM
More stuff for ron :mellow:

If you look closely at Mary's pic just up there, you can see a stalker in the background. Just above the blonde girl that's cuddling her 12 year old Asian boyfriend.

That blonde turned into a real cutie by the way. I don't really usually go for blondes, but she's one in two from my past that I definitely would, and she has this adorable gap between her teeth.