View Full Version : Does everyone use header groups, or NZB?

04-02-2012, 03:40 PM
This would be for all music albums.

What everyone prefer the old by subscribing to groups then downloading headers? Or would everyone prefer downloading from NZB?

Which clients does everyone use if they do download large headers at a time?

I know GrabIt has a bug for large headers. Would that ever be fixed, so it could support large headers? Or what's the workaround for it?

04-02-2012, 04:49 PM
I use headers pretty much exclusively. Have about 100 gigs worth going back about 1300 days. Newsbin does 1300 days pretty easily. You can load the groups up one month at a time or any kind of time span you want. With compressed headers from Astra, Giga or Supernews, I get header download speeds over 400 Mbps over a 100 Mbps pipe. Some servers do lie about how many headers they maintain. Like easynews. They only have a couple months of headers for a busy group.

I use headers because I'm a browser. I never know what I'm going to download, I just hunt around looking for interesting things. Music groups really aren't that big. I'd use headers for music and pictures.

04-02-2012, 05:12 PM

Thank you very much for that info.

I could be wrong about what I am thinking, so please correct if I am off.

Does it work like this? Get a header client something like Forte Agent, or XNews. Make sure the ISP supports Newsgroups. Configure the client, download the groups, subscribe to some, retrieve the headers.

I mean I might be off by my wording, but would that method still be good these days?

I know I'm 30 years old, and about 10 years ago my Uncle showed me how, but I didn't understand, so I went with torrents.

I'm asking questions if that method would still be good? Or how does it work?

04-02-2012, 05:20 PM

Thank you very much for that info.

I could be wrong about what I am thinking, so please correct if I am off.

Does it work like this? Get a header client something like Forte Agent, or XNews. Make sure the ISP supports Newsgroups. Configure the client, download the groups, subscribe to some, retrieve the headers.

I mean I might be off by my wording, but would that method still be good these days?

I know I'm 30 years old, and about 10 years ago my Uncle showed me how, but I didn't understand, so I went with torrents.

I'm asking questions if that method would still be good? Or how does it work?

Yeah that's how it works if you want to go with downloading headers. I think most people (including myself) go with the free third party nzb search engines like mysterbin.com, nzb.su and even nzbmatrix.com, because IMO it's simpler that way.

04-02-2012, 06:11 PM
Get a header client something like Forte Agent, or XNews. Make sure the ISP supports Newsgroups. Configure the client, download the groups, subscribe to some, retrieve the headers.

Sort of. ISP's don't do newsgroups any more so, you need to get yourself a real server. Numerous news clients that do binaries also do headers. I'd not use Forte or Xnews unless you plan on reading the newsgroups.

04-02-2012, 06:20 PM
Really? I was following a tutorial, and I was able to download the groups such as alt.binaries. I was using XNews, but I wasn't sure how to download the headers.

I have PTD as a provider, and they offer 10 gigs/month for Usenet.

Get a header client something like Forte Agent, or XNews. Make sure the ISP supports Newsgroups. Configure the client, download the groups, subscribe to some, retrieve the headers.

Sort of. ISP's don't do newsgroups any more so, you need to get yourself a real server. Numerous news clients that do binaries also do headers. I'd not use Forte or Xnews unless you plan on reading the newsgroups.

I don't know if this will help. This is coming from my Usenet Stats. I'm surprised that I even have it, but either way I'm keeping it. It's cool that PTD does offer it. I remember Verizon dropped it. That is one that comes to my mind.

The site for PTD is ptd.net

This page allows you to view the total amount of Usenet (newsgroup) data that you have transferred during the current monthly usage period.
Usenet Transfer Statistics
Current Transfer: 0.0151 Gigabytes
Date of Sample: Mon Apr 02 14:12:02 EDT 2012
Allowed Transfer: 10.0 Gigabytes
Counter will reset on: 5/1/12
Please note that if you exceed your transfer limit before the end of the current usage period, you will not be permitted to download any additional newsgroup data from the news server until the next monthly usage period begins.

04-02-2012, 11:38 PM
Current Transfer: 0.0151 Gigabytes
Date of Sample: Mon Apr 02 14:12:02 EDT 2012
Allowed Transfer: 10.0 Gigabytes
Counter will reset on: 5/1/12

10 gigs limit. I did that last night. I'm glad you have a server though. Perhaps I should have said "most ISP's have stopped Newsgroups". You know that as long as you have the server, any news reader will work right? If this limit includes header downloads, that's another reason to use NZB files. I use Xnews from time to time. I don't find it to be the most intuitive program on earth. In Newsbin you double-click the group name to download headers and display the group.

In Xnews and any app that does groups, you probably want to download the complete groups list first. Out of 100,000 or so groups, less than 3000 have content I wouldn't bother with any group that doesn't have "Binaries" in the name.

04-03-2012, 12:23 AM

Thank you for your replies!

How do I find out if that 10 gig limit includes headers, or not?

Also, are you able to provide how you have your XNews setup including downloading headers like too, and the configuration files? Or what tutorials did you first follow?

Thank you again!

Current Transfer: 0.0151 Gigabytes
Date of Sample: Mon Apr 02 14:12:02 EDT 2012
Allowed Transfer: 10.0 Gigabytes
Counter will reset on: 5/1/12

10 gigs limit. I did that last night. I'm glad you have a server though. Perhaps I should have said "most ISP's have stopped Newsgroups". You know that as long as you have the server, any news reader will work right? If this limit includes header downloads, that's another reason to use NZB files. I use Xnews from time to time. I don't find it to be the most intuitive program on earth. In Newsbin you double-click the group name to download headers and display the group.

In Xnews and any app that does groups, you probably want to download the complete groups list first. Out of 100,000 or so groups, less than 3000 have content I wouldn't bother with any group that doesn't have "Binaries" in the name.

04-03-2012, 02:37 AM
I'm fine with giving advice but, not for stuff you can just google yourself. I'm sure there are XNews tutorials around.

As for the 10 gig thing. Download headers from a group and then check your limit. If it changed then they're counted.

04-03-2012, 08:12 AM
nzb... keep it simple

04-03-2012, 08:59 AM

Yes, I'm sure we're aware of the level things need to be on for you to relate.

04-03-2012, 04:32 PM

Out of own preference, does everyone recommend this site for XNews tutorials? Or does everyone recommend something more better. The link I'm going to provide. They are actually several links to tutorials. Will someone please take a look by telling me what preference of tutorials you guys would chose? I hope you guys can give me some recommendations in the next replies.
