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View Full Version : Looking to buy a new phone , Any suggestion ?

04-12-2012, 06:55 AM
My first choice will be HTC One X


Any Suggestion will be great , Thanks :)

04-12-2012, 12:09 PM
I heard the new Nokia Windows phone is ace.

People should probably buy that instead of iPhones or other phones :smilie4:

04-12-2012, 12:20 PM
Got a spare kidney?

I hear you can get an iPhone AND an iPad for one of those. :blink:

04-12-2012, 12:21 PM
I heard the new Nokia Windows phone is ace.

People should probably buy that instead of iPhones

I'm with you that far^

The one that has the shell from the n9 is looks and feels like quality. But then again, that's mostly because the n9 is fantastic.

Thing is, tho, I'd only go windows-phone if you use a lot of stuff from microsoft, ie messenger, x-box live, hotmail and what have you. If most of your stuff sits in google's cloud, something android should be better.

Ofc, by the same logic, if you use a mac at home, and all of your media is on itunes or whatever, use an iphone. You're beyond saving then, anyways.

04-12-2012, 12:25 PM
I got it because of the built in MS Office which lets me do invoicing on my phone. And that's brill.
Also probably because it looks nice.

It's the Nokia Lumia, btw. I didn't realise that there were others tbh :3

04-12-2012, 08:18 PM
I just think the whole Windows phone OS looks shit. I've never tinkered with one tho'.

I tried an Android phone before buying my 4S. I tried the Galaxy S II. I liked the screen and all, but overall I guess I just didn't want to change.

Quickoffice on the the iPhone is a staple app for me for Office docs.

04-12-2012, 09:12 PM
I just think the whole Windows phone OS looks shit. :snooty:

I was going to get an iPhone but the salesman pulled out his cock and said he was going to stuck it right in my ass. I asked him if it would be possible to buy an iPhone without being a complete faggot and he said; 'no, son, these are strictly for those who like to have a penis inside them'.
So I went with Nokia.

Enjoy your aids and being a disappointment to your parents.

04-12-2012, 09:19 PM

04-12-2012, 09:24 PM
Ironic indeed because I did go for a maddoxy theme with my post.
idk if i quite pulled it off, but still.

04-14-2012, 01:58 AM
Thanks all for helping me guys , Any other suggestion will be great

04-14-2012, 07:09 AM
Thanks all for helping me guys , Any other suggestion will be great

I typed your query as a question on my Samsung Galaxy and all the results on the first page were about android phones (I think Google are trying to take over the world between you and me) so what can you do? The choices are all unpalatable really, be anally raped in order to be cool and have an iPhone, become one of the great unwashed and join the android army, or try Microsoft's latest 'attempt' but you have to remember software developers HATE Microsoft so there will be bugger all software out there for the platform. :idunno:

04-15-2012, 01:09 AM
Thanks all for helping me guys , Any other suggestion will be great

I typed your query as a question on my Samsung Galaxy and all the results on the first page were about android phones (I think Google are trying to take over the world between you and me) so what can you do? The choices are all unpalatable really, be anally raped in order to be cool and have an iPhone, become one of the great unwashed and join the android army, or try Microsoft's latest 'attempt' but you have to remember software developers HATE Microsoft so there will be bugger all software out there for the platform. :idunno:

Looks like phone with android is the best for now , But what phone should i get is the question , Any suggestion will be great

04-15-2012, 02:49 AM
Can't go wrong with "The Panasonic KX-TG6512".

04-15-2012, 08:20 AM
Can't go wrong with "The Panasonic KX-TG6512".

I had forgotten that cordless phones pass for mobile phones in residential neighborhoods where nobody has to be anywhere but within their community.

04-15-2012, 08:24 AM
Is ziggy supposed to be a troll that survived here for 8 years? Why is he still so goddamn awful at trolling, then?

04-15-2012, 08:26 AM
Is ziggy supposed to be a troll that survived here for 8 years? Why is he still so goddamn awful at trolling, then?

Hey Darth, wanna cyber? I am feeling gay this morning.

04-15-2012, 08:34 AM
Hey Darth, wanna cyber? I am feeling gay this morning.

Harsh me the right way to convince me to feel like I need to prove something to you, and I just might.

04-15-2012, 08:44 AM
Hey Darth, wanna cyber? I am feeling gay this morning.

Harsh me the right way to convince me to feel like I need to prove something to you, and I just might.

I'm at my least at the moment, you could take total advantage of me you curious bastard.

04-15-2012, 08:58 AM
I'm at my least at the moment, you could take total advantage of me you curious bastard.

Curiosity only works on the opposite gender. I already know everything about your body through introspection. And clever use of mirrors.

04-15-2012, 09:02 AM
I'm at my least at the moment, you could take total advantage of me you curious bastard.

Curiosity only works on the opposite gender. I already know everything about your body through introspection. And clever use of mirrors.

I give you the chance to rape me, and you use a polished aluminum finish to examine your taint. I'm really disappointed, man.

04-15-2012, 09:08 AM
I give you the chance to rape me, and you use a polished aluminum finish to examine your taint. I'm really disappointed, man.

So what you're really saying is, tonight, and only tonight, Apple design language does not resonate with rape?

04-15-2012, 09:10 AM
You're pitching this the wrong way. There's no way anyone on these boards will sleep with you out of necessity for coitus or love.

You have to remind me of all the times a comment of yours made me ram something up your ass. A good start would be a list of fine moments to be remembered, akin to my signature.

04-15-2012, 09:15 AM
You're pitching this the wrong way. There's no way anyone on these boards will sleep with you out of necessity for coitus or love.

You have to remind me of all the times a comment of yours made me ram something up your ass. A good start would be a list of fine moments to be remembered, akin to my signature.

I'm going to give you something real good. You're going to love this, one of those fine moments was a fake account. I'm way too fucking honest and I don't frakkin' care.

04-15-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm going to give you something real good. You're going to love this, one of those fine moments was a fake account. I'm way too fucking honest and I don't frakkin' care.

Given your propensity for toying with Idol using nothing but simple words, I have to ask, in order not to fall into the same trap.

Are we talking a forumular account, or an account that files under the definition for recount?

04-15-2012, 09:22 AM
I'm going to give you something real good. You're going to love this, one of those fine moments was a fake account. I'm way too fucking honest and I don't frakkin' care.

Given your propensity for toying with Idol using nothing but simple words, I have to ask, in order not to fall into the same trap.

Are we talking a forumular account, or an account that files under the definition for recount?

I am the one that decided to bring a pale white man to the fore for humiliation :/

He is real, I just thought I'd extend him here for amusement purposes. I'm too fucking lazy to extend it any further... and I forgot the password :(

04-15-2012, 09:24 AM
I am the one that decided to bring a pale white man to the fore for humiliation :/

He is real, I just thought I'd extend him here for amusement purposes. I'm too fucking lazy to extend it any further... and I forgot the password :(

If this is an admission that PlusDosage is a troll account of your's, then we definitely aren't sleeping together.
One can only fake stupidity so well, before falling back on experience.

04-15-2012, 09:30 AM
Admittedly I didn't get the plus dosage thing, I was talking about the right link.

04-15-2012, 09:35 AM
Admittedly I didn't get the plus dosage thing, I was talking about the right link.

You trojan horse of a trojan condom user, you.

You let me believe for months that somehow miraculously this guy who was here to pwn people after being a low-level linux junkie fucked the fuck off at the homely reception we had for him. And to think I had my doubts about what possible reason someone might be into Rats, Linux, FST and Poetry all at the same time.

But more than my anger needs to be vented.

My curiosity needs to be satiated. What did he do for you to bring him to the forefront?

04-15-2012, 09:49 AM
Admittedly I didn't get the plus dosage thing, I was talking about the right link.

You trojan horse of a trojan condom user, you.

You let me believe for months that somehow miraculously this guy who was here to pwn people after being a low-level linux junkie fucked the fuck off at the homely reception we had for him. And to think I had my doubts about what possible reason someone might be into Rats, Linux, FST and Poetry all at the same time.

But more than my anger needs to be vented.

My curiosity needs to be satiated. What did he do for you to bring him to the forefront?

Nothing really, I just came across his posts on another forum once and thought he was a retarded fucking prick. Decided to vet him out here. Don't fret though, he is into rats, linux and poetry, just not FST.

04-15-2012, 11:42 PM
Is ziggy supposed to be a troll that survived here for 8 years? Why is he still so goddamn awful at trolling, then?

I'm very vague and only boarder line homosexual.unlike full blown aids mjMcKay.i also only go after the strong.

04-15-2012, 11:57 PM
Why doesn't mjMcKay ever post anything here? I'm sure if he and I used similar avatars we could both go posting into the same threads and really whisk up some double duty nonsense.