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View Full Version : alot of incompletes on giganews

04-14-2012, 10:28 PM
alot of incompletes on giganews, is it just me or is anyone else getting alot of incompletes on giganews on files 800days+ in the past week.... wtf

04-15-2012, 12:38 AM
I tested something from 855 days ago and it was pretty incomplete on giga. Random incomplete, not DMCA. Astra filled in all the blanks.

04-15-2012, 08:08 AM
alot of incompletes on giganews, is it just me or is anyone else getting alot of incompletes on giganews on files 800days+ in the past week.... wtf

It's just you. Giganews has seen your representation of grammar and spelling and is appropriately hoping you discontinue your contract with them.

04-16-2012, 02:14 AM
People still use them?

04-16-2012, 10:50 PM
People still use them?

Are you surprised when you see who's the OP?

04-17-2012, 04:04 AM
alot of incompletes on giganews, is it just me or is anyone else getting alot of incompletes on giganews on files 800days+ in the past week.... wtf

I purchased one of the Astraweb 1TB accounts for $50 as a block backup. All's peachy since then.

alot of incompletes on giganews, is it just me or is anyone else getting alot of incompletes on giganews on files 800days+ in the past week.... wtf

I purchased one of the Astraweb 1TB accounts for $50 as a block backup. That should last me just about forever. All's peachy since then.

04-18-2012, 05:09 AM
Are you surprised when you see who's the OP?
Actually I am. I thought he'd be sticking with one of this ultra-secret, insane retention, free servers that he swears he has but won't share because everyone but him that uses newsgroups is a leech. I didn't know he actually paid for Usenet. Let alone uses Giganews.

04-18-2012, 07:45 AM
Are you surprised when you see who's the OP?
Actually I am. I thought he'd be sticking with one of this ultra-secret, insane retention, free servers that he swears he has but won't share because everyone but him that uses newsgroups is a leech. I didn't know he actually paid for Usenet. Let alone uses Giganews.

I found the answer, he gets free Giganews accounts.

04-18-2012, 11:59 AM
Ah. Go figure. I should have guessed since it seems like people throw free usenet access his way left and right...

04-18-2012, 08:46 PM
Ah. Go figure. I should have guessed since it seems like people throw free usenet access his way left and right...

That's why they have to charge so much to their other customers, to provide free access to their cohort of pimps.

04-20-2012, 08:49 AM
i dont pay for usenet, just use referral links. if you monkeys took a few minutes to apply yourself instead of dick riding my cock you could actually accomplish something instead of floating on gay ass trials

04-20-2012, 10:05 AM
i dont pay for usenet, just use referral links, and a high count of unique ad views per day doesnt hurt either. if you monkeys took a few minutes to apply yourself instead of dick riding my cock you could actually accomplish something instead of floating on gay ass trials

Maybe you're trying to tell us that you have some kind of arrangement at least remotely similar to nntpjunkie, who presumably does not pay for usenet either (in fact, quite the opposite!). But if that were the case, it would appear to be at odds with the things you were claiming in the past.

And please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't "gay ass trials" the very essence of referral links?

04-20-2012, 10:38 AM
im gay for justdose

http://www.abload.de/img/4e713d4f.x120q8qj4.gif welcome to the hangin on my nutz club. /ignored

04-20-2012, 12:58 PM

04-20-2012, 01:38 PM
welcome to the JustDOSE Comes Out Of The Closet club.

I knew you would build up the nerve to do it sooner or later. Good for you!!! Now you can display those rainbows with pride!

04-20-2012, 09:17 PM
i dont pay for usenet, just use referral links. if you monkeys took a few minutes to apply yourself instead of dick riding my cock you could actually accomplish something instead of floating on gay ass trials

You're missing the point that you're the butt of the joke. Also, shouldn't we point out that pimping is pretty easy and to find it to be otherwise is basically a representation of falling far short of mediocrity.

04-21-2012, 12:05 PM
Oh justdose, don't ever change.

04-22-2012, 09:11 PM
Wanted to get the new ufc event. It went up on giganews and got taken down in less then a few hours i think if not less. :dry:

04-23-2012, 12:23 AM
i dont pay for usenet, just use referral links, and a high count of unique ad views per day doesnt hurt either. if you monkeys took a few minutes to apply yourself instead of dick riding my cock you could actually accomplish something instead of floating on gay ass trials

i dont pay for usenet, just use referral links. [ ] if you monkeys took a few minutes to apply yourself instead of dick riding my cock you could actually accomplish something instead of floating on gay ass trials

You're missing the point that you're the butt of the joke. ....

@mjmacky - since you often criticize JustDOSE for his habitually bad spelling, grammar, punctuation, and general lackadaisical attitude toward accuracy of any kind, maybe its about time you gave JustDOSE a commendation for effort, since he at least took the time to go back and correct an old post hours later (right after I had already quoted it). I missed it originally, but the fact of its removal caused me to take a second look.

The removed part, "and a high count of unique ad views per day doesnt hurt either" is somewhat of a misnomer, since usnet affiliate programs care nothing about "unique ad views" or click-throughs --they pay commissions only on actual *paid* signups-- and I, for one, would like to thank JustDOSE in his newfound fastidiousness, as demonstrated in his ostensible attempt at possibly avoiding even more ridicule.

Wanted to get the new ufc event. It went up on giganews and got taken down in less then a few hours i think if not less. :dry:

That's got to be the fastest I've EVER seen a takedown (and unlike HBO's limp-wristed strikes, this one is a complete knockout). Those UFC guys certainly don't mess around! :w00t:

But the original post can still be found on free Dutch providers like Just4today, and it's apparently been re-posted already.

04-23-2012, 07:23 AM
The removed part, "and a high count of unique ad views per day doesnt hurt either" is somewhat of a misnomer, since usnet affiliate programs care nothing about "unique ad views" or click-throughs --they pay commissions only on actual *paid* signups-- and I, for one, would like to thank JustDOSE in his newfound fastidiousness, as demonstrated in his ostensible attempt at possibly avoiding even more ridicule.

He just can't help from being ridiculous, can he? I'd feel bad for him if I wasn't so insensitive towards his obvious developmental retardation. I think I've been too accommodating, I even rewrote some of his posts to show him how to be taken seriously instead of sounding like a fumbling idiot. I realize I was overshooting there, the boy finds pimping a difficult and overly complicated venture. I should have known better.

04-25-2012, 01:10 AM
But the original post can still be found on free Dutch providers like Just4today

Anyone else besides J4T?

04-27-2012, 09:15 PM
^^^ Since other freebies XSusenet and Binload feed off the same backend (XLned) I would assume that completion should be identical. I'd be surprised if any of the other Dutch servers were hit, but that's just a guess

04-27-2012, 11:04 PM
The removed part, "and a high count of unique ad views per day doesnt hurt either" is somewhat of a misnomer, since usnet affiliate programs care nothing about "unique ad views" or click-throughs --they pay commissions only on actual *paid* signups-- and I, for one, would like to thank JustDOSE in his newfound fastidiousness, as demonstrated in his ostensible attempt at possibly avoiding even more ridicule.

He just can't help from being ridiculous, can he? I'd feel bad for him if I wasn't so insensitive towards his obvious developmental retardation. I think I've been too accommodating, I even rewrote some of his posts to show him how to be taken seriously instead of sounding like a fumbling idiot. I realize I was overshooting there, the boy finds pimping a difficult and overly complicated venture. I should have known better.

All I got to say is thanks for making me laugh today, I needed it! Anyway on to another beer on this Friday...

04-27-2012, 11:20 PM
^^^ Since other freebies XSusenet and Binload feed off the same backend (XLned) I would assume that completion should be identical. I'd be surprised if any of the other Dutch servers were hit, but that's just a guess

For that post and related posts J4T is my last man standing, they were removed from XSusenet.

04-29-2012, 05:20 AM
That's my mistake, I had mixed up the backends, a tracert just now shows a completely different path.

I hope this is not a sign of the future, the way this release was hit, with such speed and thoroughness. Maybe we were growing lazy when the only takedowns typically were with Giganews and Highwinds and no one else (even if these 2 companies together made up the vast majority of the [long-retention] binaries market) and even then, easily fixed by pars or a fill-server.

Usenet posts flew under the radar during all the previous enforcement sweeps - FTP and "personal websites" in the 1990s, then Napster, Morpheus, Kazaa, eDonkey, Limewire, Bittorrent, and one-click file hosts in the 2000s - but has now started to become a primary target of the anti-P2P enforcers, and it the enforcement grows and spreads we might need to start developing new strategies.

But so far The Pirate Bay still ignores (except to ridicule) all takedown requests, so it might be the only truly safe place left for the foreseeable future. (Just make sure to use a trustworthy proxy, as UFC could easily launch another mass torrent lawsuit.)