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View Full Version : New build with a very tight budget

04-18-2012, 01:19 AM
Some days ago my power supply literally burned. It was an LC-Power Hyperion, and it was good while it lasted.
When replacing the PSU, inadvertently I must have unplugged one of the screws of the southbridge water cooling block and water spilled on top of my GFX and then into the PCI-E slot... :cry:
With an hairdryer I managed to bring my GFX back to life but it was the end of the road for the mobo. Could have been worse.

Time for a forced upgrade, I thought.

Now, I have 200€ and I must buy a CPU, board and RAM. That's really all I can spare right now, not a dime more, unfortunately.

So, after thoroughly reading the usual suspects, I came across the conclusion my best call is to buy an AMD FX-4100 (on water cooling I can easily run it at 5.2ghz daily), 4GB Corsair Vengeance Blue and an Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 (http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_AM3Plus/M5A78LMUSB3/)

Any suggestions?

(Yeah, I know I should get an 2500k bla bla, but I can't afford it).

04-18-2012, 04:07 AM
It always seemed to me that anyone using water/water-based cooling on a computer (or any kind of electrical device for that matter) was just asking for trouble. (Or do people like the thrill of living on the edge?) Well, now I know :)

A somewhat obvious solution to the ever-present water hazard might be to just get dirt-cheap hardware, so there's no big loss the next time the PC's cooling system springs a leak.

I wonder though, are there not any acceptable non-electrically-conductive liquids that will work as suitable coolants in systems designed for water-based cooling? [Or does anyone make a waterproof MB? :P] I know that PCB (as in 'polychlorinated biphenyl'- not 'printed circuit board') is said to be the best substance ever known to exist for that purpose, but it seems the only places to find it these days would be to drain it from old power transformers and capacitors found in wildcat dump sites. (just try not to spill any on your lunch. ... Though I probably shouldn't laugh too hard, coming from a place that very well might have set the Guiness Book record for PCB dumping)

04-18-2012, 07:07 AM
Lots of things could potentially be equally hazardous as water inside of a computer chassis. Loose screws rolling around, stripped wires, overabundance of cooling paste etc etc. If handled correctly, water is a perfectly fine way to cool your equipment, assuming you know what you are doing.

As for an FX-4100, while I like AMD and would like them to get more business in the CPU-department, afaik you may have to go as low as an i3 2120 before the performance becomes equal or worse on the intel side*. So unless there's another reason to go AMD, or a difference in pricing in favour of AMD on mobos, Intel should still be worth looking at. With how it looks currently, I think there'd be more options for upgrades later on without having to change the mobo, if one went with Intel.

edit: *sans oc. If you oc the hell out of the FX-4100 now, it'll be faster ofc, but otoh you could get a K-series cpu in a few months or so without switching anything else, if money isn't as tight then.

04-18-2012, 08:45 AM
So, after thoroughly reading the usual suspects, I came across the conclusion my best call is to buy an AMD FX-4100 (on water cooling I can easily run it at 5.2ghz daily), 4GB Corsair Vengeance Blue and an Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 (http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_AM3Plus/M5A78LMUSB3/)

Any suggestions?

(Yeah, I know I should get an 2500k bla bla, but I can't afford it).

That processor is near mine in terms of performance (Phenom II X4 955 BE), and much better overclocked. I have a big ass heatsink air cooling system and it never goes over 41 C, that's during full load for 20 hours straight (encoding). So the 965 BE is slightly higher performing and right around the price of the FX-4100. However, I don't personally know the advantages/disadvantages between the current FX series and current Phenom II series, but I've never been disappointed in mine.

Corsair has taken several opportunities to disappoint me with regards to their RAM in terms of clock performance, compatibility, DOA, etc. I used to hold them in high regard say 8 years ago. Nowadays, I'd recommend the G.Skill hands down, e.g. one from the Ripjaw series.

I noticed you were going for a cheap one, but for just a little bit more you could go for the Asus M5A97 and get a jump on the newer UEFI BIOS (has 6 SATA ports).

I have this list, comes out to about $240 before shipping, I'm not going to even bother converting to Euro since I don't really know the prices for your electronics over there wherever you are.


04-19-2012, 02:11 AM
Sorry to hear about the leak Cabalo, an expensive glitch that one.
As far as the watercooling debate goes there are several closed loop watercooling solutions out now which are very low maintenance, quieter than the large after market fans and keep the CPU's for the most part alot cooler. Corsair, Antec,Asetek and Intel now offer closed loop water cooling and it is the recommended way to keep the new LGA 2011 processors cool. In fact the LGA 2011 CPU's aren't supplied with a cooler/fan you have to supply your own (preferrably a watercooled one).

04-19-2012, 02:15 PM
I've had this watercooling circuit for years, the only thing I ever needed to replace was the waterblock holder when I changed for a new kind of cpu socket. Never ever I had a problem and I wouldn't have had one if I didn't push the screw with my elbow. So, yes, water cooling is still very safe in my opinion, what happened is solely my fault.

So, I'm going to try the new bulldozer family of CPU's. Reviews aren't that great, but we have to keep in mind that AMD has easily the best ratio cost/performance, and at 100€ (roughly 140 USD) I get 5.2Ghz x 4 cores. Looks like a deal.

About the mobo, I have the option to buy a board with UEFI bios, but costs twice as much as the one I referred. It's a neat feature indeed, but I will have to pass a 5 second boot until my next gen board.


Hmmm, actually I found the M5A97 board for 83€, which is exactly those 99 USD you have there. Seems I'm going to quit a few packs of cigarettes and go for that one instead.

Thanks macky!

04-19-2012, 11:27 PM
I'm fucking jealous because I don't have any cause to swap out my MoBo.