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View Full Version : How To Resume Dl In Bt

11-18-2003, 03:20 AM
Maybe this has been answered before but
how do u resume a DL if ur not finished w/0
having to find the same link on suprnova again?

cause sometimes finding the exact link again can be a b*tch

anyone know a link for halflife that has a good amount of seeds?
I can't complete the dl cause my link has none and I'm at 89.4% :angry:

11-18-2003, 03:39 AM
Well, to do it this time u will have to go back to suprnova and right-clik on the .torrent and the clik save targe as...... then save it to your comp then when u want to resume just open the torrent. Simple ;)

11-18-2003, 03:36 PM
There are some clients that automatically save the torrentfile when it's opened.
Azureus has that option and I believe Burst now has that also.

But Gre1 suggestion is the easiest and most effective