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View Full Version : Broadband Connection

11-18-2003, 03:21 AM
I leave my computer on constantly, and for about a week now, if I leave my computer idle for a while, like while I sleep, the connection releases. I have to restart my computer to get the connection to reestablish, I'm not sure if its a software problem or what, but I'm baffled by it. Anyone know what could be causing the problem, and why it never happened before?

The Kiler
11-18-2003, 03:44 AM
Use something that sends useless packets. AKA keep connection alive

11-18-2003, 03:46 AM
just try restarting the modem

11-18-2003, 04:12 AM
it does that to mean sometimes too. sometimes i have to disable the connection RESTART then turn of the modem, then turn back on after 15 seconds, then enable the connection again.

11-18-2003, 05:02 AM
Oh, I know how to temporarily fix the problem, I just want to know what could cause this to happen, so as I may have a permanent solution. The fact that this only started happening recently is what bothers me.

11-18-2003, 10:32 AM
maybe your isp is disconnecting you after a long time of inactivity. always on 24/7 my arse.

just go to a command prompt and try

ipconfig /release

that should do the trick without restarting.

11-18-2003, 11:50 AM
Shouldn't that be /renew?

Anyway, try ipconfig /all. You'll see "Lease Obtained" and "Lease Expires" at the bottom. What's the time difference between the two? Mine's 4 days, but I've never left my computer on that long.

11-18-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Cl1mh4224rd@18 November 2003 - 05:50
Shouldn't that be /renew?

Anyway, try ipconfig /all. You'll see "Lease Obtained" and "Lease Expires" at the bottom. What's the time difference between the two? Mine's 4 days, but I've never left my computer on that long.
No, 4play had it right.

You have to release the old ip before you can get a new one from the dhcp server. :)

11-18-2003, 10:43 PM
Well, Thanks for the tips there guys! Will try them when I have the problem again.

11-18-2003, 11:50 PM
Hey, I'm sort of drawing from this thread here, cuz uh.. it's similar, only I have some sort of virus. I don't feel like looking for a forum for this.
Here's the deal, tho:
I have done housecall, many times, no result.
However, my computer just randomly restarts.
Well, I think it may be whenever it goes idle... but I notice that when it has a heavy load, when it slows down REALLY bad, then it just *clicks* off and restarts and u know how there's that part of the boot up where it looked for the boot drive, the hard drive? well it tries to boot from a CD for some reason.
So i have to turn off the computer, and then start up again, and it works fine.

but i can't get many k-lite dls anymore, since it turns off overnight (every mornin, it is at the blank boot screen "cannot find CD drive "something something" please instert disk..")
It does it when i am gone at school too.

god. seriously, ALL :nuke: VIRUS :nuke: MAKERS OUT THERE!
Why do you DO this to me??
all the freakin time, except this time it is worse cuz i can't find it.
but geez. :w00t: If you're going to use your knowledge for evil, then hack my computer, or get something that steals credit card numbers.. BE PRODUCTIVE... It really pisses me off that someone creates something like this, and it serves no purpose other than to annoy its victim.
Okay, rant over.

any help would be nice.
sorry for the innapropriate placement of this entry.

11-19-2003, 12:38 AM
So with ipconfig/all in cmd where it says lease obtained and lease expires when it expires is when I have to restart the modem.(Mine says obtained the 18 and ends the 21) My internet tends to turn itself off a bunch like i have to restart router and modem for shit to get backing working again. Sometimes i go with weeks without doing this and sometimes its like every other day. Also the problem keeps coming back. I have my router with DMZ enabled and i have port forwarding for bittorrent on and I have sygate pro running normal.

11-19-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by the-ninja69@18 November 2003 - 18:38
So with ipconfig/all in cmd where it says lease obtained and lease expires when it expires is when I have to restart the modem.(Mine says obtained the 18 and ends the 21) My internet tends to turn itself off a bunch like i have to restart router and modem for shit to get backing working again. Sometimes i go with weeks without doing this and sometimes its like every other day. Also the problem keeps coming back. I have my router with DMZ enabled and i have port forwarding for bittorrent on and I have sygate pro running normal.
Instead of manually unplugging or restarteing the modem just go to netowrk connections and right click on the connection icon and disable and then reenable it and that should keep you from having to unplugging the router and plugging it back in, worked for me. Although I only have that problem when I travel. According to the aggreement my isp has with static ip addresses if your not using the ip address for more 5 days a week then they kill the connection to save bandwitdh on the backbone of their network.

I get to keep a static ip address because all my computers here generally stay online an average of 22 hours a day, seven days a week. But if I go out of town or home to vist then I have to call them up and tell them.

11-19-2003, 01:51 AM
The problem seems to be growing and it only affects windows systems in my experience. For some reason, the IP is released during reboot and DHCP doesn't renew it. Occasionally the IP is dropped while refreshing a page.
I've seen this same problem posted a lot lately. Some new MS bug? A hot fix fuckup again maybe?

11-19-2003, 02:50 AM
I use the internet every single day for 3 hours+ so I am using the IP plenty. Also it becomes a very big nuisance since my hardware firewall only allows single entrys for port forwarding so when I restart modem and router i get new IP so i have to go back to each entry and change that one number and i have like 15 something entries. Big pain in the ass. Also i know there is tempory fixes which I have been using for awhile now but I would like to have a pernament one. To make sure everyone knows what I mean the internet just stops while I am doing shit. THen I have to do all that crap. Also sometimes its very stubborn and I have to f*ck with it tad bit more to getting working fully again. Also I don't think it could be router problems considering it is in DMZ so all connections are allowed but it could be.