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08-02-2012, 04:01 PM
I've now finished season 4 and am trying to decide whether or not to continue.
The main problem I have is that the prison staff is so unrelentingly stupid/oblivious.

How many murders remain unpunished as the warden says he can't do anything because he lacks "proof"?
Who thinks it's a good idea to let warring prisoner coalitions build power bases via the job allocations (the Mob runs the kitchen, the Aryans run the mail, etc.)?
Why is there no comprehensive video surveillance of the prison (there seem to be no end of hidden spots for illicit activities to occur)?
Where does all the cash the prisoners flash come from?
Do the CO's have an actual job description or is "standing around/taking bribes" it?

Having sunk this much time into the series, it's inevitable I'll finish it off.
Sucks being a completionist.

08-02-2012, 04:14 PM
By all means, I encourage you to finish it, and relish the result of what happens when writing gets right the fuck out of control.

This was HBO hardcore drama in its infancy after all, and following series took note from that absolute fucking shambles.

08-02-2012, 04:25 PM
How can I resist logic like that?

08-05-2012, 10:24 PM
Cowboys vs Aliens is on TV and I gave a shot watching it until I realized I will hopefully never be that bored in my life to bother sitting through the whole thing.

I am now sitting in the dark listening to paint dry and find that much better.

08-08-2012, 07:01 AM
I believe Partly Cloudy is worth 6 minutes of your time to watch. Enjoy!


08-08-2012, 10:20 AM
One for Idol :flowers: :


08-08-2012, 10:29 AM
Cowboys vs Aliens is on TV and I gave a shot watching it until I realized I will hopefully never be that bored in my life to bother sitting through the whole thing.

I am now sitting in the dark listening to paint dry and find that much better.

Olivia Wilde is nearly nude in it.

Her real name is Olvivia Jane Cockburn, btw. I can't imagine why she's not using it.

08-08-2012, 10:44 AM
One for manker :duelist: :


08-08-2012, 10:56 AM
For anyone ['Merkin and] married:


08-08-2012, 11:12 AM
Cowboys vs Aliens is on TV and I gave a shot watching it until I realized I will hopefully never be that bored in my life to bother sitting through the whole thing.

I am now sitting in the dark listening to paint dry and find that much better.

Olivia Wilde is nearly nude in it. Nearly nude is another way of saying clothed.:(

Her real name is Olvivia Jane Cockburn, btw. I can't imagine why she's not using it.

Maybe it didn't roll off her tongue properly or she had trouble spitting it out.

I had a friend named Heath Cockburn,pronounced it Coburn and didn't get half the grief that young Master Stephen Bates did.

08-08-2012, 11:31 AM

"Olvivia" :pinch:

08-11-2012, 04:32 PM

Seems like after the misstep of Quantum of Solace and some serious injection of talent,the Bond franchise is back on track.
Definitely a "bigger seeming" more traditional Bond film.

08-11-2012, 09:20 PM
The trailer got my attention. Can't say I've been thrilled with the new incarnation as of yet. Maybe this one will pull it off...

08-11-2012, 09:23 PM
Two words you're ghey Javier Banderas .

05-04-2013, 11:44 PM
Watched Parker last night. Overall I'd give it a 6/10 it was entertaining, but I did get the feeling I've seen this story many times before.

05-05-2013, 12:14 AM
Watched Parker last night. Overall I'd give it a 6/10 it was entertaining, but I did get the feeling I've seen this story many times before.

Thanks kanine! I'm watching it tonight. :)

05-05-2013, 12:34 AM
Watched Parker last night. Overall I'd give it a 6/10 it was entertaining, but I did get the feeling I've seen this story many times before.

Thanks kanine! I'm watching it tonight. :)

I'll save you the trouble.It was shit and I can say this with supreme confidence although I've never seen it because it stars Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez.

05-05-2013, 12:50 AM
I'll save you the trouble.It was shit and I can say this with supreme confidence although I've never seen it because it stars Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez.

Are you saying that they're both such fine actors its inevitable that they cancel each other out. Like Deniro and Pacino in "Righteous Kill."

05-05-2013, 01:19 AM
I'll save you the trouble.It was shit and I can say this with supreme confidence although I've never seen it because it stars Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez.

Are you saying that they're both such fine actors its inevitable that they cancel each other out. Like Deniro and Pacino in "Righteous Kill."

You mean like cancel as in "come to a point in their career that all the really good roles go to younger people and so basically they no longer give a fuck and are willing to whore themselves out to utter shit for money"?
If so then basically no.

I guess I suppose should just be grateful that it was Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez and not John Cena and Beyonce.:mellow:

Btw Beyonce and Jay-Z's combined worth now makes them entertainment's first billion dollar couple which relates to Parker in no way other than the thought of both things make me a little queasy.

06-17-2013, 04:45 PM
Man of Steel movie http://www.welovemoviesmorethanyou.com/2013/06/15/man-of-steel-spoiler-free-review/

Alternately the teen wasteland that is IMDB rates it a 8.2 mostly because there's a lot of CGI and stuff blows up really loudly.

Zach Syder is just a more pretentious Michael Bay. If he'd only stuck to cinematography and left the directing to people who can actually tell stories.

06-18-2013, 03:09 AM
Agreed, action so intense that the plot got blown to shit.

06-18-2013, 03:54 AM
Man of Steel movie http://www.welovemoviesmorethanyou.com/2013/06/15/man-of-steel-spoiler-free-review/

..... mostly there's a lot of CGI and stuff blows up really loudly.

Went and saw it in 3D... don't know why... I guess I fell for the hype... I found that when I removed my glasses the screen was brighter and just as clear... I think I am done with 3D... The thrill is gone...

Some of the action scenes were just too long and pointless really. I think we are becoming desensitized to the special effects... mundane and repetitive. The story was moving well in places and yet there was no real build up or tension. It just felt like you already knew the outcome and the plot lines were all formality...

It wasn't that it was bad... It just wasn't good/great/have to see it cinema. With that said... Maybe (as action/superhero films go) The Avengers was just that good... and the standard it set, not easily met.

06-19-2013, 06:07 PM
Superman also isn't suppose to be dark or angst ridden. That worked with Batman because the doom and gloom is intrinsic to that character.
Superman on the other hand is suppose to be the best and brightest of what we aspire to.He never has to make any hard choices because for him the only possible choice is to do what's right.

Anyway fuck Smallville (the series) and what it's helped turned Superman into.

06-19-2013, 07:01 PM
Man of Steel movie http://www.welovemoviesmorethanyou.com/2013/06/15/man-of-steel-spoiler-free-review/

I almost get the feeling you wrote that, Idol. If it weren't for proper punctuation, I'd say you were a movie critic... :O

06-20-2013, 11:49 AM
I almost get the feeling you wrote that, Idol. If it weren't for proper punctuation, I'd say you were a movie critic... :O

I write from my heart and apparently my heart's illiterate.

Btw my heart wants to tell you to go fuck yourself but my brain is suggesting that you've probably been watching the ghey porn and just did.:mellow:

06-20-2013, 01:48 PM
Man of Steel movie http://www.welovemoviesmorethanyou.com/2013/06/15/man-of-steel-spoiler-free-review/

I almost get the feeling you wrote that, Idol. If it weren't for proper punctuation, I'd say you were a movie critic... :O

It had none of Idol's writing style. When I was playing Assassin's Creed III, all of those historical excerpts they give you through the game very heavily resembled his style. There was even poor punctuation.

On the other hand, I can't shake the memory that Idol used to communicate with proper grammatical technique. Then, it was followed by an intentional distortion of that purity to make some kind of statement, after which he got in too deep and will forever be a heavy abuser.

06-20-2013, 09:46 PM
I almost get the feeling you wrote that, Idol. If it weren't for proper punctuation, I'd say you were a movie critic... :O

I write from my heart and apparently my heart's illiterate.

Btw my heart wants to tell you to go fuck yourself but my brain is suggesting that you've probably been watching the ghey porn and just did.:mellow:

Illiterate heart and your head's filled with ghey porn. That has been the suspicion for quite some time. :yup:

09-18-2013, 10:57 PM
I watched this new series called Sleepy Hollow and let me tell you,Manker would love it .:)

Considering The Vampire Diaries and Bones though whether that is a good or bad thing is still open for debate.:mellow:

Also when I say "open to debate" I'm obviously not talking about here at FST as I'm only delusional to a point.

11-20-2013, 01:20 PM
I would comment on some TV shows I've been watching but sadly I now know that it would only be wasted effort and so I've decided to use that energy to so something more worthwhile like floss my carpets.

11-21-2013, 12:01 AM
I would comment on some TV shows I've been watching but sadly I now know that it would only be wasted effort and so I've decided to use that energy to so something more worthwhile like floss my carpets.

What is your take on "Almost Human"? Yay or Nay?

(I haven't watched it yet.) :alien:

11-21-2013, 12:24 AM
What is your take on "Almost Human"? Yay or Nay?

(I haven't watched it yet.) :alien:

It's actually pretty OK if a little too "networky" to be considered good.

The best parts about it are the cast and the near future tech stuff they incorporate and I (sacrilege,cover your ears) don't even really like sci-fi.
The worst parts are that you've basically seen most everything it has to offer before and mostly better.That and as I sort of implied,cable has raised the bar on entertainment and kid appropriate,conveniently resolved in 42 minute dramas just don't really cut it for me anymore.

In short,there's something there(especially Karl Urban even though he's redoing his Judge Dredd to a large extent ,which isn't entirely a bad thing) but it's vanillaed up to the point of being a lot less appetizing than it could be..

11-21-2013, 03:44 AM
What is your take on "Almost Human"? Yay or Nay?

(I haven't watched it yet.) :alien:

It's actually pretty OK if a little too "networky" to be considered good.

The best parts about it are the cast and the near future tech stuff they incorporate and I (sacrilege,cover your ears) don't even really like sci-fi.
The worst parts are that you've basically seen most everything it has to offer before and mostly better.That and as I sort of implied,cable has raised the bar on entertainment and kid appropriate,conveniently resolved in 42 minute dramas just don't really cut it for me anymore.

In short,there's something there(especially Karl Urban even though he's redoing his Judge Dredd to a large extent ,which isn't entirely a bad thing) but it's vanillaed up to the point of being a lot less appetizing than it could be..

I'll look forward to it then! :) (Ears covered!) Perhaps an afternoon mini-marathon this weekend. Thanks! :)

(I have been also spoiled by the cable series especially GoT (favorite!), BWE, Homeland, SoA, Justified, TWD, etc, etc & just seem to fall back in love, as she had me hooked in "The Postman Always Rings Twice" with the multi-talented Jessica Lange in the latest version or reincarnation of AHS: Coven

(I hear she's leaving after this season.) {sigh} :(

11-21-2013, 01:22 PM
i see manny tv serie, manny good, manny bad, i have ca 500 to 600 tv serie in my server, more to go, so i dont tell what its my fav of tv serie, someone like that tv serie someone like move, someone like porno, dog porno osv

11-21-2013, 01:45 PM
i see manny tv serie, manny good, manny bad, i have ca 500 to 600 tv serie in my server, more to go, so i dont tell what its my fav of tv serie, someone like that tv serie someone like move, someone like porno, dog porno osv

Thanks for sharing absolutely nothing with anyone.

Other than your juvenile attempt to impress I mean.

As for Jessica Lange,I doubt that many who watch AHS have the slightest idea that they are watching one of the most celebrated actors of the last 50 years.
For one brief moment in history she was basically "the" female star in Hollywood.
For the show itself,I'm surprised that you're a masochist to the same extent I am and willing to still watch the campy dredge it has become.

Actually as a whole the series has been anywhere approaching good since 3/4's of the way through the first season.
Season 2 went off on so many pointless tangents and resolved very poorly and with Coven Ryan Murphy has unfortunately let his ghey flag really fly with besides the "camp", not a male character to identify with anywhere to be found.

I think once again someone in Hollywood gets too powerful and then everybody else is afraid to tell them how badly they are fucking up.

11-22-2013, 12:27 AM
Well Said! :)

I'm in total agreement, (...yet still we watch eh?) with the above statement. Even the first two lines. :wacko:

('nuff said.) :alien:

11-23-2013, 01:06 AM
I forgot to mention "Strike Back" and a few others... another one that this season left me a bit lacking.

I still love that theme song though! :)

(As i mentioned in some other post somewhere; at least for those that can wait... I find watching it 2 episodes back to back, bringing the current mission to it's inevitable conclusion, but moving along the stories main season "mission" until the season finale.) :cool:

(...or like in the vernacular of the "Boardwalk Empire" fans... "You've got more ideas Stehle then "Chalky White" has lives!" I still miss John Porter.. 'nuff said.) :alien:

02-07-2014, 01:00 AM
I could have sworn there was a Walking Dead thread.

I would create another one but,well,you know. :spam:


Anyway,Sunday,penises members.

02-07-2014, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the heads up (...or is that heads splattered?) I do get out of touch with the new seasons ahead. :unsure:

I'll look forward to it this weekend! :)

(I figure a decent download that night with TD.) :alien:

03-17-2014, 05:48 PM
Clearly network TV still doesn't get it.
Watched Resurrection,Believe and Crisis and someone still seems to think that ridiculous convoluted non-sustainable plots, fleshed out by soap operaish side stories and absurdly unrealistic characters ,are going to find any significant fanbases beyond retards and teenage girls.
It hardly helps that all play like watered down versions of previous seen movies.

If nothing else at least have the grace to cast better or minimally,more watchable actors that actually suit the part.
Yeah frail girly 20 something FBI agents put in charge of important stuff,that happens all the time in what world?

03-17-2014, 08:13 PM
I kind of like Believe (a definite Touch rip off) because sometimes they make me cry. :cry:

(Then again perhaps it's just mood thing... or definitely related to my type or level of medication.) :alien:

03-17-2014, 08:27 PM
I totally get that and I thought the premiere started off pretty well,with a bit of style and unusual characters but it ended up veering far too soon into the usual formulaic crap which TV hopes will pass for entertainment.
I'm also a sucker for the sentimental stuff which is why I found the second episode sort of offensive as the promos made it look like it was going to be about the girl,Bo and the sick kid and it was almost entirely about running from the cops and that extremely lame assassin.Btw what happened to Sienna Guillory who was much,much,much better?

To tell the truth all the shows have some merit and potentially intriguing stories which is why I hate them all the more for their lack of ambition.
Bad may be bad but wasted opportunity is downright criminal.

I kind of like Believe (a definite Touch rip off)

More Firestarter isn't it?Crisis is totally a Due Hard ripoff.

Words to the contrary, I want so much for something to succeed but it's almost always woulda,coulda,shoulda.

03-18-2014, 02:50 AM
...I'm also a sucker for the sentimental stuff which is why I found the second episode sort of offensive as the promos made it look like it was going to be about the girl,Bo and the sick kid and it was almost entirely about running from the cops and that extremely lame assassin.

To tell the truth all the shows have some merit and potentially intriguing stories which is why I hate them all the more for their lack of ambition.
Bad may be bad but wasted opportunity is downright criminal.

I kind of like Believe (a definite Touch rip off)

More Firestarter isn't it?Crisis is totally a Due Hard ripoff.

Words to the contrary, I want so much for something to succeed but it's almost always woulda,coulda,shoulda.

Okay thanks for the warning. (Haven't watched the 2nd episode yet.)

Yes, I can see the "Firestarter" scenario now... but you know how many of Stephen King's brilliant ideas grab me. :)

I will say this on the positive side though Season 3 of "Continuum" 1st episode grabbed me today! :) I long thought even my active scifi lusts couldn't resurrect that turd, but low and behold they deviated from their normal passe shoot'um up format to some thing that vaguely (...and I mean vaguely!) reminded me of the whole Dr Who premise of time travel, time paradoxes and meeting oneself in another time. "Correcting the time continuum" as it were... represented by a changing "tree of time stream hologram"... makes you have a brain, (albeit a small one, but a brain none the less!) but we will see! Followers or fans of the show should be pleased by the change. :yup:

As I remember scifi is not one of your genres of much enthusiasm, but one never knows what he future holds. ;)

(...or can be changed to.) :alien:

03-19-2014, 05:50 PM
As I remember scifi is not one of your genres of much enthusiasm, but one never knows what he future holds. ;)

(...or can be changed to.) :alien:


I did a quick peruse of upcoming movies and this is the one that most caught my eye.

It's not so much that I dislike Science Fiction per se as I'd get rather the humanity of a situation and not the technology of a situation be the main focus.
I even found reason to like Oblivion because of that and Lord knows it was no great movie.

03-19-2014, 06:05 PM

I did a quick peruse of upcoming movies and this is the one that most caught my eye.

It's not so much that I dislike Science Fiction per se as I'd get rather the humanity of a situation and not the technology of a situation be the main focus.
I even found reason to like Oblivion because of that and Lord knows it was no great movie.


03-20-2014, 12:25 AM
...talking about turds... Dion you could fuck up a wet dream. :pinch:

(...'nuff said.) :alien:

Thanks for the preview Idol! :)

(I'll put that down with Mr Mercedes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Mercedes) on my June wish list.) ;) :alien:

03-20-2014, 12:25 PM
I've seen his house and I'm still not buying that Stephen King isn't some kind of futuristic writing computer capable of output far exceeding mortal man.

03-22-2014, 04:28 PM

I did a quick peruse of upcoming movies and this is the one that most caught my eye.

It's not so much that I dislike Science Fiction per se as I'd get rather the humanity of a situation and not the technology of a situation be the main focus.
I even found reason to like Oblivion because of that and Lord knows it was no great movie.

2 seconds too many of Tom Cruise on my phone screen. I refused to watch any more of the trailer for whatever that was sinceI am that judgmental.

03-22-2014, 04:59 PM

03-22-2014, 08:06 PM
This was also found in Mary's possession... :no:


03-22-2014, 09:00 PM
Along with a 7 year old girl dressed in a Sailor Moon outfit.

There was also the remains of what policeman believe may have been an attempt at a confession which read "I only really like them small because by contrast my penis looks HUGE!!!!!!!!!"

03-26-2014, 01:24 AM
I've seen his house and I'm still not buying that Stephen King isn't some kind of futuristic writing computer capable of output far exceeding mortal man.

His son is not bad either (Joe Hill), but perhaps more laid back style... give him time me thinks. :)

03-26-2014, 05:25 AM
Given the first four episodes of the season, I'd like to put in as saying Hannibal is the best thing going on network tv at present. I challenge anyone to find a better looking show on the schedule at the very least. It's a shame it's relegated to the Friday night death slot where I hear it's doing abyssmally. I can't think of a show that I find more visually graphic, while simultaneously making me legitimately hungry. Best praise I can heap on it.

(inb4 Justified--that's cabletv)

03-26-2014, 05:48 AM
I'll give Hannibal a shot. Have grabbed both Mother (tried to watch it the other night, but ran into some issues with the subs, so I went to sleep) and Host. Both are poised and ready.

Got some enjoyment out of 13 Sins (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2059171/), which is a 'Merkin remake of a 2006 film called 13 Beloved. Since most reviews agreed the ending was botched on the original, I took the remake route. Mark Webber does a great job of creating a sympathetic, down on his luck lead. The trailer gives away too much, so if the IMDB page seems enticing enough, just dive in.

Anyone who likes animated raunchy humor who hasn't given the Archer (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1486217/) series a try is seriously missing out. I'm into season 2, and was laughing so hard in the middle of the night that my wife got up to see if I was having a nervous breakdown. True story. Definitely hit my funny bone last night. :)

03-26-2014, 06:07 AM
Meg let me know how Mother & Host work out for you. Curious about your thoughts. Did an imdb on 13 Sins, had me at Ron Perlman & Pruitt Vince!

FYI if you start Hannibal, do it from the S1 beginning. If you aren't sold after 4-5 episodes w/ Mads Mikkelson as THE Hannibal I guess give up. I was just captivated at an early point, and kept going, "how the fuck is this on network television?" Still don't get it.

03-26-2014, 06:21 AM
I am grabbing season 1 of Hannibal right now. Kinda nice to miss some of these great shows then be able to binge watch a season or more without waiting. Since it's sitting at an 8.5 with 26k votes on IMDB, I think it is a safe bet. :D I think I skipped over it because it was a network show and the premise makes it sound kinda like a quirky cop duo.

03-26-2014, 12:28 PM
Since it's sitting at an 8.5 with 26k votes on IMDB, I think it is a safe bet. :D
At this point I feel the need to point out that Shawshank Redemption still sits atop it's ratings poll and last time I checked that film wasn't on many, if any actual critic's "Best" lists (http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000.htm)

Seriously, IMDB is basically to film what Top 40 radio is to music.If you are basing what you watch/listen to by those then ever you are a tween girl or mentally deficient.

Anyway,Hannibal is OK but only really stands out as it tends to be less formulaic than almost all of the other crap on TV. Then again I was never a big fan of psychological thrillers and prefer the simple pleasures of tits and ninjas misunderstood heroes on white bicycles horses.

I guess what I'm really saying is that a funny thing happened on the way to the forum and I have come to the conclusion that enjoyable is almost always more important than good.

04-11-2014, 07:23 PM
Saw Captain America:The Winter Soldier and anyone that thinks this is what constitutes a "great" movie,seriously needs to have their head examined.
It starts out well but quickly gets way too busy and unfocused.

Whereas something like Elysium which I also just saw,whatever it's shortcomings, does a terrific job of establishing legitimate stakes, which WS for all the fighting and explosions and saving the World never really does.
Also please for the love of fucking God,no more Stan fucking Lee cameos,like ever or at the very least until I've dead and buried for several millennium.

What I won't argue argue the fact that Chris Evans is near perfect in the role though,which seeing he's not English or Australian and as someone who has seen Not Another Teen Movie,findsbasically a miracle and obviously some casting director is getting canonized in the very near future.

04-11-2014, 08:25 PM
No appreciation for running gags. Stan Lee has long served as a front man for popularizing comic books and has a passion for it. Unless he's been up to some nefarious deeds, I don't really get the detested response to his usually silly roles. The Marvel universe is full of running gags, so it fits.

As far as the Captain America movie goes, it was OK I guess. I've never really been a fan of the hero, but they did some cool shit with his vibranium shield.

Redford leads Hydra... interesting. Oh yeah, spoiler.

04-11-2014, 09:17 PM
My garage has some cool shit and didn't make $142 million dollars it's opening weekend so obviously I'm marketing it wrong. :unsure:

As for Stan lee popularizing/ whoring. Potato/potahto.

04-12-2014, 04:02 AM
They could homage him without whoring. I've seen enough of him to change my opinion from "That's cool to see him" to "WTF, not again!" :pinch:

I'm current on the Hannibal series. Kinda excited to see tonight's episode. Wonder if next (potential) season will involve a Lechter manhunt...

04-12-2014, 12:11 PM
I'm current on the Hannibal series. Kinda excited to see tonight's episode. Wonder if next (potential) season will involve a Lechter manhunt...

Hannibal is a good show maybe even a great one.In fact I watched the entire first season when it aired.Funny thing though is that I couldn't work up enough enthusiasm to as of yet partake of the second.
I think the problem lies,and by it teetering on the edge of cancellation I'm apparently not lone in this belief,is that it's just or was too unceasingly dark.

I may be mistaken but a night sky is a lot more interesting with the occasional star and even the biggest fan of black sees value in sometimes contrasting it with another colour.
In other words for fuck sake give me someone to empathize with.

Then again you liked Se7en so fuck you.

04-12-2014, 01:53 PM
I'll probably be sorry for asking this but, What's wrong with Se7en? :blink:

04-12-2014, 03:09 PM
...and what is wrong with all black? :emo:

04-12-2014, 05:42 PM
I'll probably be sorry for asking this but, What's wrong with Se7en? :blink:

Nothing in terms of quality but I suppose it depends on how you define entertainment and since I'm literally a dictionary...


noun\ˌen-tər-ˈtān-mənt\: amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc.

So by finding Se7en "entertaining" I'm guessing that you are either an extreme sadist, an ancient Roman,a teenager who doesn't understand the difference or you have a lot of pent up rage from being sexually impotent*.

Hey I get that makes me limited and uncool but you will have to forgive me for wanting my movies to have good triumphing over evil as I get plenty of the other way around in real life.


PS I don't mind good getting beaten to a bloody pulp just as long as it wins.

04-12-2014, 06:56 PM
So...You you're saying you are prejudiced against me, just because I happen to be an extremely sadistic ancient Roman, who happens to be sexually dysfunctional?

Racist :ermm:

Seriously though, I do actually like that movie. I've always been into the crime drama and horror/thriller genre, & always thought Se7en was one of the best of either. Good story line & great acting...& I don't even like Brad Pitt.

07-11-2014, 12:01 PM
I attempted to watch the premiere of The Amazing Race Canada .Yeah whatever, homos.

It was literally and I'm not even exaggerating, the most annoying piece of mindbogglingly awful crap that it's ever been my misfortune to witness. Or at least for 7 minutes because even on multiple attempts that's all I could stand.

Whoever directed/edited it seemed to think that rapid cuts of a bunch of incredibly unlikable people running around screaming with next to no storyline or concern for location or character deserves to minimally be fired or preferably be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.

Again and I'm not exaggerating, I was so offended by this supposed entertainment that for the first time in my life I was moved to write an email to the network voicing my disgust.
And remember my taste runs so low to begin with that I actually tried watching the Amazing Race.:mellow:

07-11-2014, 07:53 PM
7 minutes of watching Canadians. Television has reached its low point... :fear:

07-11-2014, 08:33 PM
7 minutes of watching Canadians. Television has reached its low point... :fear:

A brief rundown of the teams

2 were stunt cast with one a couple of Gold medal winning women's hockey players and the other a famous gay ,flamingly gay ballet dancer and his fiancee.So both pandering and uncomfortable.
1 team consisted of a couple of twin Quebecois who ran an abattoir and when flirtingly asked by an all female team what they did for a living they charmingly responded smiling "We kill animals". If I had been there I literally would have hit him and fuck the prize money.
Another team were a brother and sister Hindi because here in Canadian one cannot be too politically correct who immodestly boasted about spending their time travelling the World.
There was also a married lesbian team see previous "can't be too politically correct" a pair of long haired slacker best buds who were clearly playing roles rather than being themselves(dude),a bi-racial couple(PC) ,a single mother and irritating teenage son named "Cormac"(again PC) a redneck husband and wife who now doubt rode Harelys and two male coworkers who might have been the lone team to represent the audience if not for the fact that the bio of one lists him as a former Mr Gay Canada.:mellow:

So basically pandering and political correctness and somebody forgot that the paying customers need a voice in something like this to actually invest in what happens.

07-14-2014, 06:37 PM
So I watched the premiere episode of The Strain.

It had it's moments and by moments I mean enough gore to make The Walking Dead by comparison look like Marry Poppins but it broke a fundamental rule of good horror,it wasn't paced very well.
Also after seeing the first episode and having read the books,I think any enjoyment will come from the villains as the heroes are a serious bunch of putzes.

They also adhere to the "do the dumbest thing in the face of possible danger" trope.

I also hate people who post movie?/TV related stuff in the Lounge .
I mean what's the fucking point of having sections and making so a big deal about being "off-topic" then?


07-14-2014, 08:21 PM
I was actually thinking of making a movie fred in the lounge, thereby never having to peruse 'endless moronic list land' ever again, your obvious disdain for the concept makes it doubly tempting.... :yup:

07-14-2014, 08:28 PM
I swear to God when I'm reinstated to my rightful place as Supreme Mod here, you will be the second one after Skiz that I ban.

07-14-2014, 08:34 PM
Awwww shucks :blushing:

06-30-2015, 04:13 PM
The new season of True Detective is sort of good if you don't count Vince Vaughan.

The two new Syfy shows Killjoys and Dark Matter are painfully bad.

Penny Dreadful season 2 is probably the best thing on TV.

06-30-2015, 04:57 PM
I'm teetering on doing a Dreadful binge. I made it through Daredevil, so I obviously I am capable of pressing 'next' like a cocaine-addicted rat. :idunno:

06-30-2015, 05:03 PM
To fully appreciate it you need to watch the whole thing to fully understand characters.Thus the second season is a lot better than the first.It's also a lot more focused.

Or you could watch Strike Back because they blow shit up and there's tits.:smilie4:

06-30-2015, 05:23 PM
I planned to start over from the beginning.

You do make a very compelling argument for Strike Blacks, though.

06-30-2015, 05:43 PM
It's funny that the two stars of Strike Back both have "high concept" shows premiering on NBC this fall.
Obviously NBC has more faith in Blindspot because they've been promoting the fuck out of it.

06-30-2015, 06:16 PM
Lady Sif! Pretty, but I don't know if I would base a show around her...

06-30-2015, 07:39 PM
Don't know if I'd base a face around Lizzy Caplan's nose either but somehow she still makes it work. :smilie4:

Anyway I put "high concept" for a reason because high concept if not outright shit usually means unsustainable.

Basing a series around a singular premise is probably not the best of ideas.

06-30-2015, 09:41 PM
I wasn't familiar with the term "high concept", but it is a good one to know. Look at the success of Lost, and all of the wonderful network tricks we've seen since- like half-seasons, and 3 episodes followed by repeats for 6 weeks, then 3 more episodes (while taking a week off for a national holiday, of course...

We were quite intrigued with The Hatch, and the number sequence, and Sawyer's dark past, then the other members on the other island... :O

Don't underestimate viewers' ability to get suckered in to lame, pointless stories. :no:

06-30-2015, 09:53 PM
Been waiting a few weeks to start True Detective this season. Prob gonna binge it in two sittings.

Gonna watch Ballers too when I get some time. Looks tits but it has The Rock in it and I'm pretty sure everything he's ever done has been "B" level shite, so not getting my hopes up.

I might enjoy a spin off show with Ari Gold from Entourage tho.

06-30-2015, 10:22 PM
Been waiting a few weeks to start True Detective this season. Prob gonna binge it in two sittings.

Gonna watch Ballers too when I get some time. Looks tits but it has The Rock in it and I'm pretty sure everything he's ever done has been "B" level shite, so not getting my hopes up.

I might enjoy a spin off show with Ari Gold from Entourage tho.

Colin Farrell is good and Raquel McAdams is OK if only because she playing the strong sexy female cop thing.
As you'd expect , Taylor Kitsch is underwhelming but the truly bad thing is Vince Vaughan who thinks he's doing King Lear or something.
The story,such as it is so far is interesting in a Raymond Chandler, depressing as fuck sort of way.

They're sort of endanger of the atmosphere becoming the plot in place of an actual plot though.

Ballers is decent if only for the Rock who is the single likable character in the entire cast.

There is also The Brink which I'm hoping will end up actually going somewhere other than Jack black running around being annoying. Seriously if you want a mix of comedy and politics, Veep is like forty times better.

I wasn't familiar with the term "high concept", but it is a good one to know. Look at the success of Lost, and all of the wonderful network tricks we've seen since- like half-seasons, and 3 episodes followed by repeats for 6 weeks, then 3 more episodes (while taking a week off for a national holiday, of course...

We were quite intrigued with The Hatch, and the number sequence, and Sawyer's dark past, then the other members on the other island... :O

Don't underestimate viewers' ability to get suckered in to lame, pointless stories. :no:

Network executives like high concept because it's easy to pitch.

Scorpion,it's about this group of misfit geniuses see, who go around saving the World because they're smarter than anyone.
Fill in the blanks with a bunch of stereotypical characters and a bunch of bland uninspired but comfortably familiar stories and you're go to go.

I planned to start over from the beginning.

Thing about Penny Dreadful beyond the creator having planned out how the entire series will play out beforehand so everything feeds on itself, is that it understands that most every monster is born of tragedy.So with the revulsion there's also always a tinge of sympathy accompanying it.
Conflict is the basis of drama.

06-30-2015, 11:14 PM
Raquel McAdams is the strong sexy female cop

She looks damn good in this role, tbh.

Vince Vaughan who thinks he's doing King Lear or something.

Not too bad a description, but I'm glad to see him staying away from his chummy buddy schtick for once.

Scorpion,it's about this group of misfit geniuses see, who go around saving the World because they're smarter than anyone.

The premise sounded good, then I learned it was a puffed-up vanity piece. Have not given it a second thought.

Thing about Penny Dreadful beyond the creator having planned out how the entire series will play out beforehand so everything feeds on itself, is that it understands that most every monster is born of tragedy.So with the revulsion there's also always a tinge of sympathy accompanying it.
Conflict is the basis of drama.

I don't think I gave it a true shot before. Eva Green has nice perfect tits, so there is no real risk of loss here...

06-30-2015, 11:25 PM
Veep. Has it gotten better? I watched the pilot episode and it was about as funny and interesting as a brick.

07-01-2015, 12:01 AM
Primetime Emmy Awards 2014

Primetime Emmy
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Home Box Office (HBO)
For playing "Vice President Selina Meyer".

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Tony Hale
For playing "Gary Walsh".

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Anna Chlumsky
Home Box Office (HBO)
For playing "Amy Brookheimer".

Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series
Simon Blackwell
Tony Roche
Armando Iannucci
For episode "Special Relationship"

Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Gary Cole
Home Box Office (HBO)
For playing: "Kent Davison".

And they managed that without any of their characters being overtly gay.

To be honest though more the snickering , that was witty kind of comedy as opposed to the laugh out loud kind. They try for the absurd but I don't know if that's even possible with politics the way they are.

Vince Vaughan who thinks he's doing King Lear or something.

Not too bad a description, but I'm glad to see him staying away from his chummy buddy schtick for once.

Therein lies the problem.He's trying too hard to divest himself of that stuff and it shows .


The trick to good acting is to look like you're not acting.

07-01-2015, 02:54 AM
Gotta give Vaughn credit for that scene, though. He nailed acting like any other jerkoff you'd ever see in public that pushes you to the very edge of punching him in the face.

I suspect he's got years of fine-tuning that scene. :yup:

07-02-2015, 03:53 AM
Gotta give Vaughn credit for that scene, though. He nailed acting like any other jerkoff you'd ever see in public that pushes you to the very edge of punching him in the face.

I suspect he's got years of fine-tuning that scene. :yup:

Every scene he's in just ruins my suspension of disbelief. And that's telling when Colin Farrell's bon mots are the show's hightlights.

Vaughn might have worked if cast along side Owen 'wow' Wilson. Or Jon Favreau, if he still acted.

07-02-2015, 05:37 AM
Vaughn might have worked if cast along side Owen 'wow' Wilson. Or Jon Favreau, if he still acted.

HBO tagline for that version: You get the show you deserve.