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05-11-2012, 11:33 AM
Sometimes you want to comment on something but there is no appropriate pre-existing thread and it's really not worth it to make a new one.
Even though I just did.:mellow:

The new Dark Shadows movie is suppose to suck(no pun intended).I wonder if having seen some of the original series will make me like/hate the film any more or any less?

If you don't already know there are two additional scenes after the credits in The Avengers one apparently castingThanos as the next villain.Also the megasuccess of the movie has already led to a greenlighting of a new Hulk film.Maybe third time's a charm.

Also Matthew McConaughey has a new movie coming out called Killer Joe and the studio behind it has taken the very rare stance of not contesting the rating and letting the NC-17 stand.


Dark looking stuff indeed.

05-11-2012, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the heads-up, Idol. Love dark films. :happy:

05-11-2012, 08:48 PM
Yes I am well aware that you have serious mental problems.

When I grow up I want to be Don Draper.


05-11-2012, 09:30 PM
The new Dark Shadows movie is suppose to suck(no pun intended).I wonder if having seen some of the original series will make me like/hate the film any more or any less.

I might see it on sunday. I'll do a review if I remember and don't have owt better to do, if so.

05-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Argo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1024648/) * (2012) Political, "history", Afleck. Either you like those 3, or you don't...

As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA 'exfiltration' specialist concocts a risky plan to free six Americans who have found shelter at the home of the Canadian ambassador.


Looks interesting enough for me to steal. :idunno:

*(found via related clips following Idol's post).

05-11-2012, 09:51 PM
The Canadian Caper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Caper) was a major deal in Canada with Ken Taylor being hailed as some sort of hero even though it was later shown (hopefully in this movie ) that everything was organized and basically carried out by the CIA.
Anyway afterwards Taylor got to pick his next post (Consul-General to New York City.wank) and received the Order of Canada and the Congressional Gold Medal both of which a lot of brave permanently disabled young soldiers received neither of .:mellow:

I might see it on sunday. I'll do a review if I remember and don't have owt better to do, if so.

Either thanks or thanks for nothing to be determined later.

05-11-2012, 10:23 PM
was a major deal in Canada111988

05-11-2012, 10:37 PM
Evil Peter Parker.Worst Spider Man movie twist ever.

Emma Stone will need to get naked in the next one to erase the lingering bad memories of that.

05-11-2012, 10:48 PM
Oh, is that who it is. I always thought that pic was that perennially tortured soul Peter Petrelli from heroes.

One lives and one learns.

05-11-2012, 11:26 PM
Oh, is that who it is. I always thought that pic was that perennially tortured soul Peter Petrelli from heroes.

Can't be I'm pretty sure that I willed him to death.

05-11-2012, 11:28 PM
What did you think of Heroes?
I really liked the first series. Thought the second was bawls and then got some hope that it was going to be good again at the start of the third. Then I gave up completely at some point during the fourth series.

05-11-2012, 11:46 PM
What did you think of Heroes?
I really liked the first series. Thought the second was bawls and then got some hope that it was going to be good again at the start of the third. Then I gave up completely at some point during the fourth series.

I liked the first season quite a bit with the high point being the episode "Company Man" .After that it unfortunately all went rapidly downhill,becoming increasingly silly and losing connection with what made the characters so appealing in the first place.
Actually the Season one finale after so much build up was so underwhelming in presentation that it sort of portended how bad the ensuing season would be.I think I watched only a few episodes of 2 and not any full episodes of 3 and 4.

All TV shows have a zenith and then start to fall apart but this was so swift and dramatic it's like they stuck the thing in lye.:mellow:

I'm sort of really like the show Person of Interest right now.It's not rocket science but it's well written and the characters have real chemistry and appeal. Although it's episodic there's a definite arc and like a lot of shows you need to wade through several episodes to get the full effect.

05-12-2012, 12:23 AM
What did you think of Heroes?
I really liked the first series. Thought the second was bawls and then got some hope that it was going to be good again at the start of the third. Then I gave up completely at some point during the fourth series.

I liked the first season quite a bit with the high point being the episode "Company Man" .After that it unfortunately all went rapidly downhill,becoming increasingly silly and losing connection with what made the characters so appealing in the first place.
Actually the Season one finale after so much build up was so underwhelming in presentation that it sort of portended how bad the ensuing season would be.I think I watched only a few episodes of 2 and not any full episodes of 3 and 4.

All TV shows have a zenith and then start to fall apart but this was so swift and dramatic it's like they stuck the thing in lye.:mellow:

I'm sort of really like the show Person of Interest right now.It's not rocket science but it's well written and the characters have real chemistry and appeal. Although it's episodic there's a definite arc and like a lot of shows you need to wade through several episodes to get the full effect.Ah, well. You were right to get out when you did. Nothing I saw subsequent to series one was worthy of my time. Thinking about it I agree, too, about the climax to series one. The start of series two with Hiro in the past in Japan was possibly the most disappointing event in TV history.
Stuck with it as I do tend to have endurance with TV shows, for example, I watched almost three series of Bones because I liked Angel so much.

I would like to say I'll watch that show you mention because underneath it all, I suspect you're quite discerning and don't offer up a recommendation lightly. However, I get dictated to a lot with the tellybox in exchange for watching as much sport as I like. I'll try to sell it but idk.
Do you think it would appeal to a woman in her twenties who likes romantic fiction, Vampire Diaries and Reality shows :unsure:

05-12-2012, 12:47 AM
Do you think it would appeal to a woman in her twenties who likes romantic fiction, Vampire Diaries and Reality shows :unsure:

I like watch some reality shows unscripted dramas.
This board is basically made up entirely of women and gheys and everyone uniformly loves it. http://survivorsucks.yuku.com/topic/82964/Person-of-Interest-Two-Men-and-a-Baby?page=1#.T62uBcWBo3g

There's no romance per se but the engine that drives the character is the loss of his one true love that and being a cool super assassin betrayed by the government.
The leads are (for the person who controls your TV) former Gap model turned movie hunk Jim Caviezel and for the geek in you Michael Emerson aka Benjamin Linus on Lost who I find even better in this than on that.

The best thing about the show is that there is a definite progression to the story while at the same time still finding time to develop the characters. Also guns and ninja type fighting and maybe diaries.
If they would only work in tits I'd be tempted to buy advertising time myself.

05-12-2012, 02:21 AM
You've made it sound good. Almost too good :eyebrows:

She loved Ben in Lost and I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind staring at decent looking chaps, this should be easy - plus it's almost the end of series one so I'll be able to steal the lot and line them up.

05-12-2012, 05:54 PM
You've made it sound good. Almost too good :eyebrows:

She loved Ben in Lost and I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind staring at decent looking chaps, this should be easy - plus it's almost the end of series one so I'll be able to steal the lot and line them up.

If you do decide to watch it just be aware that it's not an instant slam dunk right out of the chute sort of thing and it takes a few episodes for things to establish and really start falling into place .
I should also mention that while it progresses forward it also moves backward in time to slowing shed light on the characters.... among other things. While the show is on one level action there are several on going plot lines and more than one mystery to be solved. Also with the exception of Caviezel none of the characters feel particularly "safe" and I'm constantly worrying that one of them is going to be "offed" around the next corner.

05-12-2012, 06:49 PM
So. You've made it sound like Lost sans the island but with ninjas and guns.

Fuck yeah I'm gonna watch it.

05-13-2012, 06:50 AM
Get the Gringo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1567609/) (2012) Mel Gibson playing a solid role (I thought he was done, myself) in a good film. It has been a popular download, does not appear to have been officially released*, and is sitting with an 8+ rating on IMDB.

Watch it, or something else.

EDIT-* Looks like it was released as VOD in the US on May 1, 2012. It is in theaters around the world, though. IMDB has release dates.

05-20-2012, 10:48 PM
i bought a couple Logitech Revue units after the prices dropped below $100. If you can find one refurbished, they make a heck of a media player- that is, with the exception of playing media directly (you need to set up a media server for that. I use a WD media player and the two work very nicely together).

Anyway, one of the apps available for Google TV is called Redux. You can watch the same shows on your PC, but this app is meant to be sort of a TV replacement. It has "channels" that have various content selected by a channel "editor" of sorts. A couple of the clips I felt had substantial merit- especially being low or no budget projects. IMO, there are some extremely talented individuals/small groups out there, and they are capable of producing shorts like these:




A modern take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I this film, Red finds empowerment and takes matters into her own hands. The wolf is clearly unprepared for this little girl!

¨Based on a true fairy tale¨
As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.
RED is an animated short film, which presents a new version of the classic tale ¨Little Red Riding Hood¨ by Charles Perrault. The directors Jorge Jaramillo and Carlo Guillot explore more thoroughly the drama, horror and realism of the story. A journey of feelings and moments, with visual and musical elements existing only to carry a clear and strong narrative.
In RED the directors based on traditional shadows animation, giving it a new perspective by using technology to create a new concept, while maintaining the visual and narrative force of the classic technique.
The production of the film was done almost entirely by the two directors and musician/composer Manuel Borda, who completed the story by reinforcing all emotions through it.


Anyway, a couple of interesting shorts I found. Enjoy. Or something else.

05-20-2012, 11:28 PM

I was going to post something insulting but I changed my mind as I was afraid that you might take it the wrong way.
Hopefully I won't end up getting indigestion from all that repressing.

05-20-2012, 11:29 PM
Meet me in the woods, Idol... :whistling

05-23-2012, 04:11 AM
Been catching up on some "must see TV" lately.
Gobbled up all five seasons of The Wire, which might in fact be the best series ever.
Justified is consistently entertaining.

From Denmark (and Sweden), The Killing and The Bridge are both fascinating and feature two of the most original female leads I can recall.

Haven't seen too many movies (few interest me lately), the latest being God Bless America, which starts off well and then just gets stupid (which may be ironically intentional).

Wilfred returns next month, so there's that to look forward to and Breaking Bad starts again soon thereafter.

It's hard work trying to drown out the political noise.

05-23-2012, 05:21 AM
i bought a couple Logitech Revue units after the prices dropped below $100. If you can find one refurbished, they make a heck of a media player- that is, with the exception of playing media directly (you need to set up a media server for that. I use a WD media player and the two work very nicely together).

Anyway, one of the apps available for Google TV is called Redux. You can watch the same shows on your PC, but this app is meant to be sort of a TV replacement. It has "channels" that have various content selected by a channel "editor" of sorts. A couple of the clips I felt had substantial merit- especially being low or no budget projects. IMO, there are some extremely talented individuals/small groups out there, and they are capable of producing shorts like these:




A modern take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I this film, Red finds empowerment and takes matters into her own hands. The wolf is clearly unprepared for this little girl!

¨Based on a true fairy tale¨
As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.
RED is an animated short film, which presents a new version of the classic tale ¨Little Red Riding Hood¨ by Charles Perrault. The directors Jorge Jaramillo and Carlo Guillot explore more thoroughly the drama, horror and realism of the story. A journey of feelings and moments, with visual and musical elements existing only to carry a clear and strong narrative.
In RED the directors based on traditional shadows animation, giving it a new perspective by using technology to create a new concept, while maintaining the visual and narrative force of the classic technique.
The production of the film was done almost entirely by the two directors and musician/composer Manuel Borda, who completed the story by reinforcing all emotions through it.


Anyway, a couple of interesting shorts I found. Enjoy. Or something else.

This should really go in the hardware section (maybe) but you seem to have an ever increasing selection of boxes scattered around the landscape in your attempts to NOT have a mediacenter PC. So how is that working out for you? My only screw-up so far is I chose a motherboard with two teensy little oversights, one being a lack of SATA ports (4) which after I put in a SATA BD-Rom left me with little wiggle room. So sadly I have to upgrade :D . A nice B75 chipset board with six SATA ports an Ivybridge i5 3450 and 8G DDR3 1333 RAM should solve that little hiccup, but I digress, your box extravaganza. WTF are you doing? :blink:

05-23-2012, 06:35 AM
This should really go in the hardware section (maybe) but you seem to have an ever increasing selection of boxes scattered around the landscape in your attempts to NOT have a mediacenter PC. So how is that working out for you? My only screw-up so far is I chose a motherboard with two teensy little oversights, one being a lack of SATA ports (4) which after I put in a SATA BD-Rom left me with little wiggle room. So sadly I have to upgrade :D . A nice B75 chipset board with six SATA ports an Ivybridge i5 3450 and 8G DDR3 1333 RAM should solve that little hiccup, but I digress, your box extravaganza. WTF are you doing? :blink:

My thoughts were a bit rambled in that post. Mainly, I meant to point out the clips (which I like quite a bit), but also mentioned how I came across them. The Revue box actually contains an Atom processor, and has a slick Bluetooth keyboard. I do have a HTPC setup in the bedroom. Honestly, I prefer the boxes for their ease of use and the fact that they either produce little noise (the Revue has a fan), or no noise. And never require wake-up.

Even with a pairing of the Revue and the WD, the total comes to ~$170 to $200 depending on sale price. I've never been able to build a PC for that especially including a keyboard option. The Revue (Google TV) has a growing number of app-like channels (which include the one I mentioned) which are pretty cool and easy to navigate.

Perhaps you are thinking I have all these devices in one room. I have the office computer which acts as my downloading source, and storage. A living room with full surround sound, Logitech Revue, LCD TV, and Seagate Media player. Dedicated media room with Revue, WD Media player, surround, projector, etc. And the bedroom with HTPC and LCD TV. All rooms are connected to office computer via wi-fi or Cat 5e.

I do apologize for mixing the topics. This being a "catch all" for TV/Movies, I should have kept the post focused on the clips themselves. :)

05-23-2012, 09:11 AM
Rather than go totally off the reservation I will create a fred in the hardware section to discuss this. Since it will involve Linux & XBMC expect the sounds of mary clomping towards the party, but the main theme will be the word 'cheap'.

05-23-2012, 11:07 AM
Been catching up on some "must see TV" lately.
Gobbled up all five seasons of The Wire, which might in fact be the best series ever.
Justified is consistently entertaining.

From Denmark (and Sweden), The Killing and The Bridge are both fascinating and feature two of the most original female leads I can recall.

Haven't seen too many movies (few interest me lately), the latest being God Bless America, which starts off well and then just gets stupid (which may be ironically intentional).

Wilfred returns next month, so there's that to look forward to and Breaking Bad starts again soon thereafter.

It's hard work trying to drown out the political noise.


05-23-2012, 09:03 PM
Finally got around to Mad Men. I just hadn't been bored enough to watch it before. The premise and slickness of the trailers being ample repellent. After having watched every fucking thing in the entire fucking universe, I settled in recently to Mad Men, reluctantly acknowledging its persistent appeal.

Kinda immediately arresting, but dipping throughout, it's rich, retrospective writing and fantastic character play. Some proper noice burds, too. I know I'm late in coming to it, still I don't hang on it. Don Draper gets too much sex and should pound the fuck outta Betty's vagina until she recognises the error of her personal geography, and solution to her unbecoming vastness, in my humble.

Every scene is thick with reference, which I do flit to, but when there's not a flicker of a chance of a robot invasion, knowing history to an extent, these people, I'm almost sure, won't save the universe with their advertising grease slicks.Which is a shame, cos I'd really dig on the irony of an ad exec saving the universe. Perhaps I'll write it.

No, wait.

05-25-2012, 01:56 PM
Ah, good to know that nothing has changed here.
Four pages of shit from some asshat making his post count bones.

05-25-2012, 03:44 PM
Ah, good to know that nothing has changed here.
Four pages of shit from some asshat making his post count bones.

Who are you calling an asshat?:@

05-26-2012, 02:33 PM
Ah, good to know that nothing has changed here.
Four pages of shit from some asshat making his post count bones.

Who are you calling an asshat?:@

He obviously has you pegged there buddy. :D

05-26-2012, 04:43 PM
If the asshat fits.:idunno:

I watched Never Cry Werewolf last night .It starred Nina Dobrev from the Vampire Diaries .

The only 3 things that anyone has to know about the movie are
1. It wasn't horrible
2. The comments on IMDB are right and it's almost exactly the original Fright Night if you substitute werewolf for vampire and good actors for bad ones.
3.Nina was 19 when she made this strips down to a sports bra and runs around that way for 10 minutes at the end.

05-26-2012, 05:20 PM
Making the internets aware of Dobrev's work makes you a prince amongst men in my book and I'm appalled to find the clockster opining to the contrary.

05-26-2012, 05:55 PM
If the asshat fits.:idunno:

I watched Never Cry Werewolf last night .It starred Nina Dobrev from the Vampire Diaries .

The only 3 things that anyone has to know about the movie are
1. It wasn't horrible
2. The comments on IMDB are right and it's almost exactly the original Fright Night if you substitute werewolf for vampire and good actors for bad ones.
3.Nina was 19 when she made this strips down to a sports bra and runs around that way for 10 minutes at the end.

We (the wife, the daughter, and I) are all currently working through The VD's right now. We've concluded that Dobrev is about as hot as can be, but lacks dramatic range. That's alright, she's watchable as a good dwarf porn, she is. :w00t:

05-26-2012, 06:13 PM
We (the wife, the daughter, and I) are all currently working through The VDs right now[I]. A wise decision :smilie4:

At the start of the series three finale, there's a flashback involving Dobrev waking up, dancing to the mirror in a vest top and putting her hair on top of her head (like wiminz do when they want to show off their bewbs), she then throws her pom-poms (which she is suddenly holding) onto her cheer-leading outfit and the scene cuts to her skipping down the stairs in said outfit to meet Bonnie - who also happens to be in her cheer-leading outfit and is displaying excellent bewb shapes.

I should have turned it off right there.
TV just doesn't get any better.

05-26-2012, 06:53 PM
We like the fact that in that whirled, it's acceptable to drink at school functions, at bars while only 17, and everyone is either having seks, or is doing some kind of drug while having seks. Pretty much blows its load in the face of any socially responsible TV show that's ever existed. :happy:

05-26-2012, 07:54 PM
We (the wife, the daughter, and I) are all currently working through The VD's right now. We've concluded that Dobrev is about as hot as can be, but lacks dramatic range.

More have watched more than a few shite things because there was a hot woman in them so I don't really get your point.

Edit: Queer.

Also I think the whole story of cheerleaders and tits is a fabrication created to try and trap me into watching this tripe.

05-26-2012, 09:06 PM
You know I love myself some Zooey Deschanel and some Krysten Ritter, but you can't force me to sit through more than 2 episodes of their shallow comedies, New Girl and Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23.

05-26-2012, 10:53 PM
That's because you're basically asexual.

Enquire within if you'd like clarification of why I used the term asexual when there are so many more, seemingly, fitting descriptors.

05-26-2012, 11:05 PM
I'd like to inquire why you used enquire? It's a boot thing isn't it?

05-27-2012, 12:30 AM
I'd like to inquire why you used enquire? It's a boot thing isn't it?

it's a correct English thing. Some people are sticklers.

05-27-2012, 12:36 AM
I'd like to inquire why you used enquire? It's a boot thing isn't it?

it's a correct English thing.

Like crumpets?

05-27-2012, 01:00 AM
BTW, downloaded the Werewolf thing.

05-27-2012, 01:06 AM
I once told mary he had the sex drive of a tree sloth, although he objected to the reasoning, he did not object to at all to having his procreation drive linked to that of a sloth. :whistling

05-27-2012, 01:15 AM
BTW, downloaded the Werewolf thing.

Tell me how it ends.It got too scary right around the point Kevin Sorbo attempted to act and I had to turn it off.

Except for Teen Wolf obviously best werewolf movie ever.


05-28-2012, 08:44 PM
Evil Peter Parker.Worst Spider Man movie twist ever.

Emma Stone will need to get naked in the next one to erase the lingering bad memories of that.

I'm sorry, but you're just wrong about that movie, damned wrong.

Once I was a philistine like you, but then this review totally opened my eyes. (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/179542-i-have-seen-spiderman-3-today?highlight=spiderman) read it and weep.

05-28-2012, 08:49 PM
He's Egyptian , probably anything that doesn't directly have to do with his country seems wonderful.
That reasoning also applies to the British and palatable food and Mexicans and anything that doesn't smell of fresh donkey shit.

05-28-2012, 08:56 PM
Pretty weird avatar he's got, there.
Even Mary doesn't advertise it that much.

05-28-2012, 09:03 PM
Pretty weird avatar he's got, there.
Even Mary doesn't advertise it that much.

That was from lyke 2007, she's gotta be around nearly 8 now. :lookaroun

05-29-2012, 12:54 AM
Pretty weird avatar he's got, there.
Even Mary doesn't advertise it that much.

That was from lyke 2007, she's gotta be around nearly 8 now. :lookaroun

And she has kept her vow of silence.

05-29-2012, 11:27 PM
I watched Abduction and I am not exaggerating at all when I say this movie is what The Bourne Identity would have been if The Bourne Identity had been made by 13 year old girls.
So idiotic and devoid of sense that Adam Sandler movies shine in comparison.

If nothing else it proved that no matter how many Teen Choice Awards he may win ,Taylor Lautner will never be a star. He has like two emotions,sullen and sullen.

05-29-2012, 11:32 PM
I watched Abduction and I am not exaggerating at all when I say this movie is what The Bourne Identity would have been if The Bourne Identity had been made by 13 year old girls.
So idiotic and devoid of sense that Adam Sandler movies shine in comparison.

If nothing else it proved that no matter how many Teen Choice Awards he may win ,Taylor Lautner will never be a star. He has like two emotions,sullen and sullen.

0/2, I've never heard of the movie or the actor you mention at the end. These are probably good things I guess.

05-29-2012, 11:34 PM
Only if you aren't a 13 year old girl.

At least now though you know what to rent for your next date.

05-29-2012, 11:37 PM
Only if you aren't a 13 year old girl.

At least now though you know what to rent for your next date.

One of the benefits of rape is that it doesn't need terrible movies.

05-29-2012, 11:39 PM
Other benefits of rape being?

05-29-2012, 11:40 PM
Other benefits of rape being?

Being the rapist.

05-30-2012, 01:43 AM
Other benefits of rape being?

It's good cardiovascular exercise (especially if there is a chase first). :blink:
It stimulates the fight of flight response, releasing adrenalin, known to be beneficial in offsetting Alzheimers.
The release of endorphins is a nice all natural high, perfectly legal, and you don't need to inject yourself with heroin so your saving yourself about $50 into the bargain. :idunno:

So if you can look past the initial shock and mental trauma, there are some definite medical pluses to rape. :blink:

05-30-2012, 04:08 AM
Looks like the law firm of Beelzebub, Lucifer and Mephistopheles is hiring.

05-30-2012, 11:06 AM
Other benefits of rape being?

It's good cardiovascular exercise (especially if there is a chase first). :blink:
It stimulates the fight of flight response, releasing adrenalin, known to be beneficial in offsetting Alzheimers.
The release of endorphins is a nice all natural high, perfectly legal, and you don't need to inject yourself with heroin so your saving yourself about $50 into the bargain. :idunno:

So if you can look past the initial shock and mental trauma, there are some definite medical pluses to rape. :blink:

I'm giving up on creating threads.:mellow:

05-30-2012, 02:06 PM
I've just realised that the dimple on the end of Anna Torv's nose and the way she scrunches up her face when she's being mean to someone but softening it with a smile is the only reason I watch Fringe.

Pacy just annoys me. I can't think of an actor less suited to play the part of the thoughtful son of a flawed genius. Walter's eccentricies were quite novel at first but have really began to grate - as has the complete and utter lack of complexity in any of the characters. With the possible exception of Nina Sharp.

It hasn't really taken me this long to realise the show sucks, it's just that Olivia's nose kinda masked the effect.

05-30-2012, 04:17 PM
I've just realised that the dimple on the end of Anna Torv's nose and the way she scrunches up her face when she's being mean to someone but softening it with a smile is the only reason I watch Fringe.

Pacy just annoys me. I can't think of an actor less suited to play the part of the thoughtful son of a flawed genius. Walter's eccentricies were quite novel at first but have really began to grate - as has the complete and utter lack of complexity in any of the characters. With the possible exception of Nina Sharp.

It hasn't really taken me this long to realise the show sucks, it's just that Olivia's nose kinda masked the effect.

Nina Dobrev has the same effect only apparently more powerful.

05-30-2012, 05:35 PM
It's good cardiovascular exercise (especially if there is a chase first). :blink:
It stimulates the fight of flight response, releasing adrenalin, known to be beneficial in offsetting Alzheimers.
The release of endorphins is a nice all natural high, perfectly legal, and you don't need to inject yourself with heroin so your saving yourself about $50 into the bargain. :idunno:

So if you can look past the initial shock and mental trauma, there are some definite medical pluses to rape. :blink:

I'm giving up on creating threads.:mellow:

Didn't turn ghey... :idunno:

05-30-2012, 07:34 PM
Watching Iron Sky. Thus far it's good in a kitschy not very serious sort of way.

05-30-2012, 07:36 PM
Watching Iron Sky. Thus far it's good in a kitschy not very serious sort of way.

I downloaded it a couple of days ago but haven't yet worked up the interest to watch it.

05-30-2012, 08:38 PM
Welp, it's got awesome space battles and shit. And if you don't take it too seriously, I think you might like it too.

I did, like, a lot.

05-31-2012, 11:14 PM
I copied this off of a tracker forum to remind myself why I post here.

MiB 3 - 8/10

Expected it to be cheesy and disappointing but it was awesome instead!

After that:

Project X - 9/10

Awesome fun!

And after that at home (the first two at a cinema at the same night):

Gone: 8/10

A fine thriller with some nice twists and turns.

05-31-2012, 11:21 PM
Where do you copy and paste comments from our startup traders?

05-31-2012, 11:23 PM
Where do you copy and paste comments from our startup traders?

I would answer if I had the slightest idea what you were talking about.

05-31-2012, 11:24 PM
Where do you copy and paste comments from our startup traders?

I would answer if I had the slightest idea what you were talking about.


05-31-2012, 11:28 PM
I would answer if I had the slightest idea what you were talking about.


No don't be sad it's only because I don't speak spastic I'm not very bright.

06-01-2012, 04:36 AM

No don't be sad it's only because I don't speak spastic I'm not very bright.

I wouldn't feel bad if I didn't coin the term startup traders

startup traders- children who post inane and disconnected comments in the attempt to build up their post count for access to the trade section.

06-01-2012, 09:04 AM
No don't be sad it's only because I don't speak spastic I'm not very bright.

I wouldn't feel bad if I didn't coin the term startup traders

startup traders- children who post inane and disconnected comments in the attempt to build up their post count for access to the trade section.:eyebrows:

Yeahh, everyone understood that term.
It's just that the rest of the words aren't in any kind of order which could possibly make sense outside of your cranium.

06-01-2012, 09:26 AM
I copied this off of a tracker forum to remind myself why I post here.

MiB 3 - 8/10

Expected it to be cheesy and disappointing but it was awesome instead!

After that:

Project X - 9/10

Awesome fun!

And after that at home (the first two at a cinema at the same night):

Gone: 8/10

A fine thriller with some nice twists and turns.

I give those reviews 5.5/11, but only because they're written by a tit.

06-01-2012, 10:31 AM
I wouldn't feel bad if I didn't coin the term startup traders

startup traders- children who post inane and disconnected comments in the attempt to build up their post count for access to the trade section.:eyebrows:

Yeahh, everyone understood that term.
It's just that the rest of the words aren't in any kind of order which could possibly make sense outside of your cranium.

I just can't see the mixup, so I can't help but feel condescending in the following breakdown.

I posed, in jest, a question to Idle. This query was designed to have him reveal where else he posts. Specifically, the query proposes that Idle copies inane and disconnected comments from users here at FST, and posts them elsewhere. He does this using a paste function in the text boxes of other forums. The very nature of copy and paste usually infers there is a difference in location between origin and destination of the text.

06-01-2012, 10:55 AM

06-01-2012, 12:13 PM
I copied this off of a tracker forum to remind myself why I post here.

MiB 3 - 8/10

Expected it to be cheesy and disappointing but it was awesome instead!

After that:

Project X - 9/10

Awesome fun!

And after that at home (the first two at a cinema at the same night):

Gone: 8/10

A fine thriller with some nice twists and turns.

I give those reviews 5.5/11, but only because they're written by a tit.

That particular person has 6 forum posts ,5 of which contain the word awesome at least once.
I think that's pretty awesome all things considered.

I posed, in jest, a question to Idle. This query was designed to have him reveal where else he posts. Specifically, the query proposes that Idle copies inane and disconnected comments from users here at FST, and posts them elsewhere. He does this using a paste function in the text boxes of other forums. The very nature of copy and paste usually infers there is a difference in location between origin and destination of the text.

The last time I posted on another forum was 2 months ago and that was only to answer a poll question "Why don't you post in this forum ?" because frankly irony demanded it.

About a month ago a wrote a long and involved comparative analysis of Wes Anderson movies for a "serious" film site but I figure you are only talking non-ghey here.

06-01-2012, 01:05 PM
About a month ago a wrote a long and involved comparative analysis of Wes Anderson movies for a "serious" film site but I figure you are only talking non-ghey here.

You're right, imdb comments section excluded.

Bad ketchup.

06-02-2012, 01:16 AM
Watching Iron Sky. Thus far it's good in a kitschy not very serious sort of way.

I downloaded it a couple of days ago but haven't yet worked up the interest to watch it.
I finally got around to watching Iron Sky and thought it was wonderfully entertaining.
Completely batshit insane- a plot description would sound like gibberish- but the cast and production crew go all in to sell it and in the end I was happy to buy.
I have to assume it was a very low budget but the overall effect was convincing and fun.

Perfect summer entertainment.

"Oh my God, he must have the smallest dick in the universe!"

06-02-2012, 01:26 PM
About: Iron Sky

I don't usually like blondes, but that blonde was hot and had an incessantly sweet voice in either language. I thought there was plenty of room to make the Albino Negro more badass and over the top though...

06-02-2012, 03:58 PM
Superman The Musical in its full seventies wank regalia. Hard to come by. Not hard to figure why. Prolly won't be up for long...


06-02-2012, 09:47 PM
Iron Sky (6 / 10)
It had some funny...ish moments in it but definitely a watch-once-and-then-delete-movie.

The Grey (5 / 10)
I never got around to watching the last 30 minutes of it.

Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair (9 / 10)
3hrs 50mins of blood, revenge, one gorgeous Uma Thurman and typical cool Tarantino dialogue and story telling. Kill Bill (1 & 2) are not his best efforts but it was fun to watch both movies cut together as one.

06-02-2012, 10:06 PM
The Grey (5 / 10)
I never got around to watching the last 30 minutes of it.

It got really,really ,really ,reallllllllly good near the end (spoiler.The wolves turn out to be locked in a millennial long war with a group of sexy vampires ) so maybe consider giving it a 5.5.

06-02-2012, 10:08 PM

06-03-2012, 02:37 AM
Other Greys:
Gets a 5.8


06-03-2012, 01:16 PM



Somewhere between 0 and 10 with 0 being Superman the Musical as performed by Adam Sandler and 10 being A Man for All Seasons remake with added ninjas, zombies and gratuitous nudity by a young Kate Beckinsale.

06-04-2012, 06:40 PM
I'm watching some Farscape. It's srs muppets in space (still).

Always found it surprisingly engaging.

06-04-2012, 06:44 PM
@manker: I watched The Duelists last night. I can't fault anything in the movie, or story itself, and I enjoyed it. However, I wasn't left loving it. I'd rate it a 7.5 for all its merits, but its pointlessness throughout is its weakness. For all that (watching, and the life of the protagonist), there should have been more of a lesson.

06-04-2012, 06:49 PM
@manker: I watched The Duelists last night. I can't fault anything in the movie, or story itself, and I enjoyed it. However, I wasn't left loving it. I'd rate it a 7.5 for all its merits, but its pointlessness throughout is its weakness. For all that (watching, and the life of the protagonist), there should have been more of a lesson.
I thought the pointlessness was the point, and therein lies the lesson.

06-04-2012, 07:30 PM
@manker: I watched The Duelists last night. I can't fault anything in the movie, or story itself, and I enjoyed it. However, I wasn't left loving it. I'd rate it a 7.5 for all its merits, but its pointlessness throughout is its weakness. For all that (watching, and the life of the protagonist), there should have been more of a lesson.
I thought the pointlessness was the point, and therein lies the lesson.

I'm happy I explained that well enough. Typing it was a bit awkward.

I just felt that was a bit flat compared to all the rest of the work that went into the film. Scenes, costumes, lighting, camera work, sets- all amazing. For pointlessness?!!!

06-04-2012, 07:45 PM
If there was a good reason for Feraud's decades long feud with D'Hubert they would have called the movie Medieval Star Wars.

Or Napoleonic.

06-07-2012, 07:56 PM

New season starts Sunday.Sort of lost interest in it as none of the characters are especially endearing and the show itself just seems to be spinning it's wheels by it's Summer and there's not a lot else on worth watching.

Continuum (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954347/) isn't terrible if a little too much cops and robbers and a little too little Sci-fi stuff.

06-07-2012, 08:05 PM
Continuum (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954347/) isn't terrible if a little too much cops and robbers and a little too little Sci-fi stuff.

I very strongly disagree. It was very terrible, yet another example of how bad writing can fuck with what could have been a pretty cool concept. All the lines and consequential scenarios are so obvious in their scripted nature, nobody really has any room to act. I actually stopped 3-5 minutes before the end of the 1st episode because I couldn't suffer the torture for another second. I am not sure if I want to blame the Canadians yet.

06-07-2012, 08:12 PM
Continuum (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954347/) isn't terrible if a little too much cops and robbers and a little too little Sci-fi stuff.

I very strongly disagree. It was very terrible, yet another example of how bad writing can fuck with what could have been a pretty cool concept. All the lines and consequential scenarios are so obvious in their scripted nature, nobody really has any room to act. I actually stopped 3-5 minutes before the end of the 1st episode because I couldn't suffer the torture for another second. I am not sure if I want to blame the Canadians yet.

I feel the same way about just about every program made in Canada so I don't know why everyone's so on about Eureka.

06-07-2012, 08:33 PM
I feel the same way about just about every program made in Canada so I don't know why everyone's so on about Eureka.

The last time I saw an episode of Eureka was over 5 years ago. Obviously, I wasn't smitten and I don't really care why at this point.

06-07-2012, 08:35 PM

06-07-2012, 08:36 PM
Continuum (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954347/) isn't terrible if a little too much cops and robbers and a little too little Sci-fi stuff.

I very strongly disagree. It was very terrible, yet another example of how bad writing can fuck with what could have been a pretty cool concept. All the lines and consequential scenarios are so obvious in their scripted nature, nobody really has any room to act. I actually stopped 3-5 minutes before the end of the 1st episode because I couldn't suffer the torture for another second. I am not sure if I want to blame the Canadians yet.
Whatever. I'd do her.

06-07-2012, 08:42 PM
And no higher praise can be heaped on a series.

06-09-2012, 09:23 PM
Unbelievably a movie superior even to Ninja Zombies.


06-10-2012, 12:35 PM
Unbelievably a movie superior even to Ninja Zombies.


I still have the IMDB entry in my browser to remind me to grab it. I ended up watching this trailer after the other one cinephilia posted and thinking, "how can this possibly suck". Wait, so have you watched it yet?

06-10-2012, 04:03 PM
Bring back mah Outcasts!

06-10-2012, 10:26 PM
Unbelievably a movie superior even to Ninja Zombies.


I still have the IMDB entry in my browser to remind me to grab it. I ended up watching this trailer after the other one cinephilia posted and thinking, "how can this possibly suck". Wait, so have you watched it yet?

I have and it's honestly pretty hilarious in a very infantile way in parts .They even manage to work in zombies of a sort and they deliver one of the funniest lines I've heard lately.
That is if you can get past the incredibly bad camera work.I swear the whole thing must have been done on a hand-held without even the benefit of a steady-cam mode.

Anyway it's fun ,the stunts are decent and the chick is hot so you could definitely do worse.

Actually if you've seen Alien Resurrection you have done worse.

06-11-2012, 02:20 AM
Actually if you've seen Alien Resurrection you have done worse.

Watching tonight. I've seen AvP Requiem, I'm thinking that was also worse, I'll know later.

06-11-2012, 12:12 PM
Actually if you've seen Alien Resurrection you have done worse.

Watching tonight. I've seen AvP Requiem, I'm thinking that was also worse, I'll know later.

Out of all the Alien and Predator movies there have been like what 21/2 good ones? I wish I had a machine that could turn shit into money.

06-11-2012, 02:17 PM
So 10.5? That sounds like a lot.

06-11-2012, 04:15 PM
So 10.5? That sounds like a lot.

Everyone's a ckrit.

06-11-2012, 07:14 PM
Don't I know it.

06-11-2012, 09:38 PM
Alien vs. Ninja was pretty damn good and I don't know why. It had hilarious choreography, though not really executed in perfect fashion, but at the same time just cool fucking non-silly choreography executed relatively better. The music choice always seems strange yet perfectly fitted. It made it feel like it was all on purpose. Nothing really felt conventional, so I guess that may be why I can't tell the reason I loved it. Kind of reminds me of watching Predator the first time without an overbearing sense of familiarity. And the scene with them speaking English, wtf? :lol:

How about a scene?


06-11-2012, 11:46 PM
Watching tonight. I've seen AvP Requiem, I'm thinking that was also worse, I'll know later.

Out of all the Alien and Predator movies there have been like what 21/2 good ones? I wish I had a machine that could turn shit into money.

Well you can blame Brandywine productions for interfering with, and murdering the Alien sequels (excepting Aliens). It was quite the reverse, interference by the production team strangled the golden goose, despite the cult following Alien had engendered. That being said so many people have told me AVP requiem is awful that I haven't actually seen it.

06-11-2012, 11:51 PM
That being said so many people have told me AVP requiem is awful that I haven't actually seen it.

It is unreal god awful. I still haven't seen the entirety of the original AvP even though I've been meaning to for a few years. I think I'm just afraid to watch it all the way through just to find out it sucked.

06-12-2012, 01:19 PM
IIRC AvP: Requiem is characterised by a remarkable lack of imagination coupled by a desire be scarier than the earlier movies.

"Aliens land in a small town, and then, uh, they...kill people?"

The end result is that I remember exactly one thing clearly* about it, after maybe two years since seeing it last. (Saw a bad rip the first time, which was missing the end, so had to see how it ended just in case it suddenly turned around and got good, only it was so shit up until the missing bit that I couldn't be arsed for a long time.)

*The maternity ward.

I don't remember the plot, what the predators did or what actors were in it.

It's basically a big blank, possibly involving humvees, guns, maybe sewers, some teenager getting bullied and...fireworks?

06-12-2012, 09:27 PM
IIRC AvP: Requiem is characterised by a remarkable lack of imagination coupled by a desire be scarier than the earlier movies.

"Aliens land in a small town, and then, uh, they...kill people?"

The end result is that I remember exactly one thing clearly* about it, after maybe two years since seeing it last. (Saw a bad rip the first time, which was missing the end, so had to see how it ended just in case it suddenly turned around and got good, only it was so shit up until the missing bit that I couldn't be arsed for a long time.)

*The maternity ward.

I don't remember the plot, what the predators did or what actors were in it.

It's basically a big blank, possibly involving humvees, guns, maybe sewers, some teenager getting bullied and...fireworks?

At some point hopefully someone will figure out that to actually care about what happens to a character they have to be a little more than a nondescript cardboard cutout with all the character development of simply having a name attached to it.
I watched The Wolfman movie that starred Benicio del Toro.It was a pretty well done homage to the old matinee stuff of the 50's-60's* until a truly God-awful third act which unnecessarily played to modern summer blockbuster sensibilities irretrievably ruined it.
Anthony Hopkins character should have been done in early as (except for the God-awful movie spoiling showdown) he was extraneous to the real story -that of a good if flawed man who is enable to escape his fate.

*In the right light /right angle del Toro even reminded me of Lon Chaney Jr.

06-13-2012, 06:31 PM
Alien vs. Ninja was pretty damn good and I don't know why. It had hilarious choreography, though not really executed in perfect fashion, but at the same time just cool fucking non-silly choreography executed relatively better. The music choice always seems strange yet perfectly fitted. It made it feel like it was all on purpose. Nothing really felt conventional, so I guess that may be why I can't tell the reason I loved it. Kind of reminds me of watching Predator the first time without an overbearing sense of familiarity. And the scene with them speaking English, wtf? :lol:

How about a scene?


After watching the clip, I get a strong feeling that the cheesy movie caught you in just the right frame of mind/mood for it. Personally, I love it when that happens. Cheap laughs, and good thymes. :)

06-14-2012, 12:18 AM
Oh the clip is still up? I'm surprised.

06-16-2012, 11:00 PM
How about a scene?


There s only slightly less sexual innuendo in that clip than the time when mjmacky tried to get me to come over to his place for as he put it, "a game of hide the hotdog".:ermm:

06-17-2012, 06:00 PM
Your memory does a disservice, I'm sure I said all beef frankfurter.

06-18-2012, 09:00 PM
Alien vs. Ninja was pretty damn good and I don't know why. It had hilarious choreography, though not really executed in perfect fashion, but at the same time just cool fucking non-silly choreography executed relatively better. The music choice always seems strange yet perfectly fitted. It made it feel like it was all on purpose. Nothing really felt conventional, so I guess that may be why I can't tell the reason I loved it. Kind of reminds me of watching Predator the first time without an overbearing sense of familiarity. And the scene with them speaking English, wtf? :lol:

How about a scene?

http://vimeo.com/44201929Holyshit. That's some excellent trash.

06-18-2012, 10:43 PM
Alien vs. Ninja was pretty damn good and I don't know why. It had hilarious choreography, though not really executed in perfect fashion, but at the same time just cool fucking non-silly choreography executed relatively better. The music choice always seems strange yet perfectly fitted. It made it feel like it was all on purpose. Nothing really felt conventional, so I guess that may be why I can't tell the reason I loved it. Kind of reminds me of watching Predator the first time without an overbearing sense of familiarity. And the scene with them speaking English, wtf? :lol:

How about a scene?

http://vimeo.com/44201929Holyshit. That's some excellent trash.

Agreed. Tasty trash truck juice!

06-22-2012, 08:25 PM

God help me but I'm a sucker for movie bad asses.

06-22-2012, 08:55 PM
^ fuck yes.
who didn't like Taken, honestly. girls and homosexuals, that's who. and even some girls probably liked it.

And also, I'll take your movie bad asses and raise it to tv series bad boys.

06-22-2012, 08:59 PM
I beginning to suspect that you subscribe to Tiger Beat.

06-22-2012, 09:06 PM
I beginning to suspect that you subscribe to Tiger Beat.If this is some kind of Canadian men-only gym where everyone wears crotchless lycra, then nope and stop coming on to me.

06-22-2012, 09:17 PM
I beginning to suspect that you subscribe to Tiger Beat.If this is some kind of Canadian men-only gym where everyone wears crotchless lycra, then nope and stop coming on to me.

You've gone and spoiled the brief moment of manliness this thread had going.
If I had a Glock and a glass of single malt I'd be tempted to send you straight to Hell.

06-22-2012, 09:37 PM
If this is some kind of Canadian men-only gym where everyone wears crotchless lycra, then nope and stop coming on to me.

You've gone and spoiled the brief moment of manliness this thread had going.
If I had a Glock and a glass of single malt I'd be tempted to send you straight to Hell.You can be so confusing sometimes.
I had assumed that your reference to sucking ass at the movies was an invitation to homoerotic banter.

06-23-2012, 12:18 AM
I had the very same question upon seeing Taken 2 as I did when I heard about Hangover 2. "How did they manage to work themselves into that position again". I've already learned to not take a keen interest in sequels that are just milking it, not after the first few times.

06-23-2012, 12:31 AM
I had the very same question upon seeing Taken 2 as I did when I heard about Hangover 2. "How did they manage to work themselves into that position again". I've already learned to not take a keen interest in sequels that are just milking it, not after the first few times.

Obviously you don't understand the lives of international men of action or you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.

06-23-2012, 01:01 AM
Obviously you don't understand the lives of international men of action or you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.

Did you know I'm part of a club called the international men of inaction? Well, it's not technically a club since we haven't quite formed it yet.

06-23-2012, 01:10 AM
Obviously you don't understand the lives of international men of action or you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.

Did you know I'm part of a club called the international men of inaction? Well, it's not technically a club since we haven't quite formed it yet.

If you ever do consider using the motto "First you don't get the money,then you don't get the power ,then you don't get the woman".

06-23-2012, 01:28 AM
I had the very same question upon seeing Taken 2 as I did when I heard about Hangover 2. "How did they manage to work themselves into that position again". I've already learned to not take a keen interest in sequels that are just milking it, not after the first few times.So, like, the sequel to your keen interest is inexorable disinterest.
I sense a life theme, here.

And also, it's absolutely obvious in both cases how they worked themselves into that scenario again; another stag party and the mates of the people he killed in the first one aren't happy and take advantage of his family holiday to a muslim country and kidnap his wife while he tries to protect his daughter.

06-23-2012, 02:03 AM
Did you know I'm part of a club called the international men of inaction? Well, it's not technically a club since we haven't quite formed it yet.

If you ever do consider using the motto "First you don't get the money,then you don't get the power ,then you don't get the woman".

If you make up the cards then sure, currently the idea floating around is just "TBD". It's been so long that we forgot what it even means, I can't remember who was supposed to go to the library to look it up.

I had the very same question upon seeing Taken 2 as I did when I heard about Hangover 2. "How did they manage to work themselves into that position again". I've already learned to not take a keen interest in sequels that are just milking it, not after the first few times.So, like, the sequel to your keen interest is inexorable disinterest.
I sense a life theme, here.

It is, isn't it? Does it ever get better? :emo:

06-23-2012, 11:41 AM
^ fuck yes.
who didn't like Taken, honestly. girls and homosexuals, that's who. and even some girls probably liked it.

I didn't like it.
In fact, I actively loathed it and am appalled that a sequel is being made.

Appalled but not surprised, stupidity is very lucrative these days.

06-23-2012, 12:44 PM
^ fuck yes.
who didn't like Taken, honestly. girls and homosexuals, that's who. and even some girls probably liked it.

I didn't like it.
In fact, I actively loathed it and am appalled that a sequel is being made.

Appalled but not surprised, stupidity is very lucrative these days.I shouldn't be surprised.
You mentioned Brick in a different thread and even though I tried hard to like that film, I absolutely could not. It wasn't entertaining in the slightest and preferred, instead, to pander to the highbrow art aficionado who looks for exposition of certain facets of a film before he allows himself to be immersed in the overall experience.

Now I'm not saying that you're a highbrow art aficionado but, basically, if you weren't entertained by Taken, then you're a highbrow art aficionado who looks for exposition of certain facets of a film before he allows himself to be immersed in the overall experience.

Taken was the best action film of the last, idk, five years. Provided, of course, you allow yourself the luxury of the suspension of disbelief.
Which I think is what watching a film is all about.

06-23-2012, 04:16 PM
Taken was the best action film of the last, idk, five years. Provided, of course, you allow yourself the luxury of the suspension of disbelief.
Which I think is what watching a film is all about.
I'm more than willing to suspend disbelief but maintaining total incredulity for two hours is beyond my capabilities.

I would point to the scene in Taken where Neeson is driving a Range Rover around in a construction site while dozens of bad guys with automatic weapons fail to even hit the car.
For fuck's sake, it's a British car, all they needed was a few Super Soakers to completely disable the electrical system.

06-23-2012, 04:24 PM
If bad guys shot straight in action movies it would make for some very short films.
Sort of like if no one ever did anything stupid in horror movies or if opposites in romantic comedy relationships worked out like they do in real life.

06-23-2012, 04:28 PM
If bad guys shot straight in action movies it would make for some very short films.
Sort of like if no one ever did anything stupid in horror movies or if opposites in romantic comedy relationships worked out like they do in real life.
Be that as it may, how can someone be considered a badass if their opponents are simply heavily armed Helen Kellers?

Also, I would consider that Predator and Die Hard somewhat disprove your point.

06-23-2012, 04:44 PM
Taken was the best action film of the last, idk, five years. Provided, of course, you allow yourself the luxury of the suspension of disbelief.
Which I think is what watching a film is all about.
I'm more than willing to suspend disbelief but maintaining total incredulity for two hours is beyond my capabilities.

What an odd thing to say. Rather than being unable, wasn't maintaining total incredulity for two hours exactly what you did.
Which is my point. Don't. Suspend it.

What about Kickass, clockster. Surely you must have loved that - and it was even less realistic. Only homosexuals and ... yeah, that's pretty much the only demographic that didn't like Kickass.

06-23-2012, 06:20 PM
Surely you must have loved that - and it was even less realistic. Only homosexuals and ... yeah, that's pretty much the only demographic that didn't like Kickass.

It was a pedophile's predilection for spunk wet dream.

06-23-2012, 06:21 PM
Be that as it may, how can someone be considered a badass if their opponents are simply heavily armed Helen Kellers?


06-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Only homosexuals and ... yeah, that's pretty much the only demographic that didn't like Kickass.

Incredibly buff, lantern-jawed heterosexual Canadians who have the look of eagles but the souls of poets found it pretty underwhelming.

06-23-2012, 07:22 PM
What about Kickass, clockster. Surely you must have loved that - and it was even less realistic. Only homosexuals and ... yeah, that's pretty much the only demographic that didn't like Kickass.
I did like the parts of Kickass that featured Hit Girl, the rest, not so much.

Semantics aside, I had no problem enjoying Iron Sky and Troll Hunter and found both to be far more believable than Taken.

06-24-2012, 12:07 PM
Seeing it spelled out like that, I suspect you're right. It was pretty mundane except for Hit Girl.
But the parts with her in definitely made up for all that.

06-24-2012, 01:09 PM
You know what was pathetic though?
The best Hit Girl scenes- the hallway fight and the training sequence where Daddy shoots her- were given away in the trailers for the movie.
I fully expected there to be much more awesomeness in the movie and was greatly disappointed to realize I could have saved the admission and missed nothing.

Stupid movie marketers.

06-24-2012, 01:57 PM
They seem to be doing that in trailers more and more. Or perhaps they always did.

Mind you, I bet her opening line of 'okay, cunts, let's see what you got' wasn't in the trailer.
That and the ensuing fight was my favourite part because, unless you're Scottish, you just don't get to see 13 year old girls behaving that way.

06-24-2012, 02:39 PM
They seem to be doing that in trailers more and more. Or perhaps they always did.

Yup. In the Prometheus trailer you gather that the antagonists are about to fly to Earth and fuck it up and that the protagonists in the Prometheus ram the ship to stop it thus making it crash.

Spoilers above and....in the friggin' Prometheus trailer. :ermm:

06-24-2012, 02:55 PM
Didn't read your post because I haven't seen Prometheus yet - but I'm glad you posted because I wanted to say something about Iron Sky and I don't like that auto-merge thing. So cheers.

I watched the first 15 minutes of Iron Sky last night. To be fair, it didn't really hook me but the missus decided it was the worst thing she'd ever seen and put Supernatural on instead. I meekly accepted the situation and got some Chablis out of the fridge.

I guess I'll watch it on my own sometime.
Iron Sky - it's not for girls :smilie4:

06-24-2012, 05:57 PM
Didn't read your post because I haven't seen Prometheus yet - but I'm glad you posted because I wanted to say something about Iron Sky and I don't like that auto-merge thing. So cheers.

I watched the first 15 minutes of Iron Sky last night. To be fair, it didn't really hook me but the missus decided it was the worst thing she'd ever seen and put Supernatural on instead. I meekly accepted the situation and got some Chablis out of the fridge.

I guess I'll watch it on my own sometime.
Iron Sky - it's not for girls :smilie4:

Not to worry, mank. What I described is from the trailer to the movie. Nothing more.

I will have to get Iron Sky. I usually grab everything that looks halfway decent but haven't bothered to pick that one up. Two cheers, kind sir.

Btw, I deliberately do something similar. I save movies for me and the missus and everything else I watch alone. One a side note, I save stuff that I don't need surround sound and HD for the tablet at work. Shows like Unforgettable and Revenge are somewhat decent but I wouldn't want spend time watching them at home.

Speaking of which....I need to get the last ep of Continuum. I likes mah syfibetakappa...

06-24-2012, 09:23 PM
I'm with Manker on the Retaken/Taken Again/More Took/Moor Taken/Missus Taken filum...bring it on!

Although, I do think the family vacation to the land of revenge-seeking terrorists was not such a good idea. :no:

And I almost forgot Taken 2- Revenge of the Moops.

06-25-2012, 04:37 PM
Didn't read your post because I haven't seen Prometheus yet - but I'm glad you posted because I wanted to say something about Iron Sky and I don't like that auto-merge thing. So cheers.

I watched the first 15 minutes of Iron Sky last night. To be fair, it didn't really hook me but the missus decided it was the worst thing she'd ever seen and put Supernatural on instead. I meekly accepted the situation and got some Chablis out of the fridge.

I guess I'll watch it on my own sometime.
Iron Sky - it's not for girls :smilie4:

And Meg gave me shit over the bbq, it's friggin winter & I see the point, we needed the money,and it was FREE! but man are you pussy whipped. The only time a movie gets summarily stopped is if there is disemboweling or gratuitous phucking in front of my daughter. Girls don't like Iron Sky .... you wuss, my girl loved it, it's like Dr. Strangelove with nazis and Sarah Palin, it's all a magnificent farce.

06-25-2012, 08:52 PM
And Meg gave me shit over the bbq, it's friggin winter & I see the point, we needed the money,and it was FREE! but man are you pussy whipped. The only time a movie gets summarily stopped is if there is disemboweling or gratuitous phucking in front of my daughter. Girls don't like Iron Sky .... you wuss, my girl loved it, it's like Dr. Strangelove with nazis and Sarah Palin, it's all a magnificent farce.


06-25-2012, 11:28 PM
Yeah. I've never been boss of the big telly.
I'm not entirely sure how the deal works but it seems I'm allowed to go to my wankpit or the pub when there's something on that I don't want to watch.

I had assumed this to be the thick end of the wedge but I just don't know any more after you called me a wuss :emo:

06-26-2012, 05:40 AM
Yeah. I've never been boss of the big telly.
I'm not entirely sure how the deal works but it seems I'm allowed to go to my wankpit or the pub when there's something on that I don't want to watch.

I had assumed this to be the thick end of the wedge but I just don't know any more after you called me a wuss :emo:

Big telly + projector (not that I'm rubbing it in or anything :whistling ), and in actual fact I have already cashed in my coupon for giving up the barbie to the cause for an approval for an even bigger TV :blink: and my son gets the current one to game on which will upset him so. Now in actual fact I'm truly devastated by the turn of events, since I am sure I will enjoy a 50" TV far more than the bbq which I plan to replace with a slightly smaller one anyway come summer.....

06-26-2012, 04:50 PM
Big telly + projector (not that I'm rubbing it in or anything :whistling ), and in actual fact I have already cashed in my coupon for giving up the barbie to the cause for an approval for an even bigger TV :blink: and my son gets the current one to game on which will upset him so. Now in actual fact I'm truly devastated by the turn of events, since I am sure I will enjoy a 50" TV far more than the bbq which I plan to replace with a slightly smaller one anyway come summer.....

Alright, Art seems to have regained his manhood. Now if only manker ...

06-26-2012, 09:41 PM
I made the missus watch two episodes of Person of Interest not twenty minutes ago.
On the big telly. And Big Brother was on :smilie4:

06-26-2012, 11:49 PM
I made the missus watch two episodes of Person of Interest not twenty minutes ago.
On the big telly. And Big Brother was on :smilie4:

I still have to watch Ep 16. Stupid tablet all of a sudden couldn't play just that episode after an update. :dry:

I'm glad you brought it up. I will watch that one old episode tonight.

06-27-2012, 12:03 AM
Hey, what's Continuum like?
I remember you said about it but I hadn't realised it had just started to air.

06-27-2012, 12:54 AM
Hey, what's Continuum like?
I remember you said about it but I hadn't realised it had just started to air.

I like it....then again, I'm a scifi buff.

The star, Rachel Nichols, can't act for shit but I like the story. Hell, she never was a great actor. She was in Criminal Minds, The Inside, and Alias and couldn't act then.

06-27-2012, 01:04 AM
Hey, what's Continuum like?
I remember you said about it but I hadn't realised it had just started to air.

I like it....then again, I'm a scifi buff.

The star, Rachel Nichols, can't act for shit but I like the story. Hell, she never was a great actor. She was in Criminal Minds, The Inside, and Alias and couldn't act then.I like sci-fi, but I also think some of it is terrible. With tv shows it's all about the characters for me rather than the genre.

I think I'll give it a try if the story is good and makes up for the acting.
I mean, I still watch Supernatural but cringe in every single episode because of Sam's mono-expression.

06-27-2012, 01:36 AM
Hey, what's Continuum like?

Because you watch girl shows, I wouldn't recommend Continuum.

Even though you watch girl shows, I still wouldn't recommend Continuum.
It just seemed shite. I rarely try to judge a show off of 1 episode, but for the ones that I do, they must have had that much suck built in.

06-27-2012, 01:37 AM
I like it....then again, I'm a scifi buff.

The star, Rachel Nichols, can't act for shit but I like the story. Hell, she never was a great actor. She was in Criminal Minds, The Inside, and Alias and couldn't act then.I like sci-fi, but I also think some of it is terrible. With tv shows it's all about the characters for me rather than the genre.

I think I'll give it a try if the story is good and makes up for the acting.
I mean, I still watch Supernatural but cringe in every single episode because of Sam's mono-expression.

Yeah with Supernatural it's all about vested interest in the story and the bros' relationship.

Continuum is about story right now. I wanna see where the time traveling stuff will lead. Who was behind it and such....

06-27-2012, 03:26 AM
I made the missus watch two episodes of Person of Interest not twenty minutes ago.
On the big telly. And Big Brother was on :smilie4:

Sure you act all tough here, but we know who holds the remote in that relationship. :no:

06-27-2012, 10:22 AM
Fuck. I don't want to hold the remote. It's all I can do to hide my gigantic erection when we watch The Vampire Diaries.
Multi-tasking isn't a strong point.

07-03-2012, 10:01 AM
So I've watched the first ten or eleven of Person of Interest.
I'm really enjoying it but teh missus isn't. Which isn't a surprise because Reese hasn't yet got together with Carter and she'll just refuse to get invested in something unless there's a tangible love interest.

I find the whole concept about the machine intriguing and love the gradual uncovering of plot developments. The pace isn't frenetic, and I'm quite glad about that because too many dramas try to do too much too soon. The story arcs are just kicking in, which is great because as good as the stand-alone episodes are; that format would have got stale pretty quickly. The episode where we discovered who the new crime boss is was absolutely fantastic. Even though I said to teh missus that I thought it was the history teacher, it was written so well that it was only a guess.

The only real negative point I have is the intonation which both main protagonists seem to favour. I guess that Michael Emerson did the same thing as Ben in Lost, so it's annoying that he's taking the same distant and aloof approach to diction in this series, too. What's worse, though, is that for some reason I don't quite understand, Caviezel seems to be emulating him.
It's one of those things that once you've noticed, you can't stop noticing.

07-04-2012, 06:48 AM
So I've watched the first ten or eleven of Person of Interest.
I'm really enjoying it but teh missus isn't. Which isn't a surprise because Reese hasn't yet got together with Carter and she'll just refuse to get invested in something unless there's a tangible love interest.

I find the whole concept about the machine intriguing and love the gradual uncovering of plot developments. The pace isn't frenetic, and I'm quite glad about that because too many dramas try to do too much too soon. The story arcs are just kicking in, which is great because as good as the stand-alone episodes are; that format would have got stale pretty quickly. The episode where we discovered who the new crime boss is was absolutely fantastic. Even though I said to teh missus that I thought it was the history teacher, it was written so well that it was only a guess.

The only real negative point I have is the intonation which both main protagonists seem to favour. I guess that Michael Emerson did the same thing as Ben in Lost, so it's annoying that he's taking the same distant and aloof approach to diction in this series, too. What's worse, though, is that for some reason I don't quite understand, Caviezel seems to be emulating him.
It's one of those things that once you've noticed, you can't stop noticing.

I think you are right on with the Finch/Ben link in acting. However, Reese sounds nothing like him in any way. He's more Harry Callahan.

On a side note, I like how bad ass Reese is. The music when he busts in with night vision shooting everyone is very satisfying.:happy:

07-04-2012, 11:10 AM
You don't think the intonation is similar?
The way they both kinda hang onto the last word in a sentence. I can only describe the rest of their parlance as duotone with a kind of melancholic staccato.

Emerson did it in Lost and he's doing it now, it's quirky, and I can't help but notice that Caviezel is also doing it - although mostly in conversation with Emerson.

07-04-2012, 05:29 PM


Reacher is 6' 5" tall (1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg)

Best casting evar.The World has need for a great tiny ,gay hero.

Until this clip overpowered me with dumbness the last time I found Cruise believable in a fight or even vaguely threatening was in Taps.

07-04-2012, 07:22 PM
Best casting evar.The World has need for a great tiny ,gay hero.
Hey now, every clique deserves an icon.

Until this clip overpowered me with dumbness the last time I found Cruise believable in a fight or even vaguely threatening was in Taps.
Which is going to be a problem because in the books- yes, I've read all of them- about 90% of the time, Reacher just flat out bare knuckle whomps on his adversaries.
Mostly while absurdly outnumbered.
Basically, Reacher doesn't think even knives are personal enough, if he isn't groping your speen, he's phoning it in.
Also, he has no car and hitchhikes everywhere...doesn't even carry clothes, preferring to shop as necessary in hardware and farm supply stores.

Reacher is possessed of the ability to instantly analyze entire communities, identify the bad guys and eliminate them without qualm or backup.
Essentially he is deus ex machina personified in nondescript clothing.

It'd be easy to think of say, Timothy Olyphant in this role.
He has the projected confidence and intelligence to make the character believable but lacks the physical stature as described in the books.
Also, it would be absolutely unbelievable that every female character didn't jump his bones and that never happens in the books.
Reacher is too Zen and driven (although driven by what is always conveniently left unexplained) to attach to any of them girl-things, he has highways to hike and evil to face.
You know, man stuffs.

If Olyphant is out- and I've automatically disenfranchised anyone connected to professional wrestling- I'm not sure who works.
The Statham might except he's also pretty short and doesn't exactly sound like America personified (although I can't think of anything more intrinsically American than the willingness to attach electrodes to your nipples).

Erm, maybe Tom Cruise?


See, this is what's wrong when stars pick projects instead of the other way around.
Tom may drift off at night thinking he's Jack Reacher and wake up with sticky Underoos but not a single other person anywhere shares his vision.
I'll grant his action star credits, he's just not this action star, it's not personal.

It will be interesting to see what this ends up being.

07-04-2012, 07:32 PM
I certainly don't want to watch this film. Tom Cruise in that clip reminded me of any given vampire hero hamming it up while pounding several werewolves or whatever.
That's a good thing in some contexts, but certainly not this one.

I do, however, quite fancy reading those Jack Reacher books. I'd not heard of them before. I shall steal them forthwith.
Thanks, clockster.

07-04-2012, 07:49 PM
Besides abject illiteracy I would like to know why I have never heard of these books either. Clearly Jack and I think a lot alike about justice and the proper length of time to wear the same pair of underwear.

I think Statham or whatever his fucking name is(get a pronounceable name like Jones , Communist ) would work if he stood on Alan Ladd.
Other than that Thomas Jane played the same role in The Punisher so why not him as he wouldn't have to be re-trained or even paid probably.

Sadly in terms of under 60 white Americans (I agree no WWE cunts) that's basically all I got.

07-04-2012, 09:01 PM
I do, however, quite fancy reading those Jack Reacher books. I'd not heard of them before. I shall steal them forthwith.

Also get Redshirts by John Acalzi.
You'll enjoy the conceit.

07-05-2012, 12:02 AM
I searched for it and the only hit was this thread. I wondered what kind of obscure deep-net literature it was that you were reading nowadays.
Anyway I persevered for the couple of seconds it took for Google to re-jig his surname to Scalzi and, to my surprise and delight, it's sci-fi.

Noice :happy:

07-05-2012, 01:12 AM
It's a federal holiday over here and my proofreader has the day off.

She will pay however, oh yes, tomorrow she will pay.

07-05-2012, 02:15 PM
I searched for it and the only hit was this thread. I wondered what kind of obscure deep-net literature it was that you were reading nowadays.
Anyway I persevered for the couple of seconds it took for Google to re-jig his surname to Scalzi and, to my surprise and delight, it's sci-fi.

Noice :happy:

If you are after specific results, google is not always the best search engine I have found, sadly in the middle of all the 'paid for' results researching literature in particular or obscure media, be it music or movies, the results are often obscured or buried several pages back. For these searches amongst others I use another engine with the truly outlandish name of Duck Duck Go. Since this engine doesn't accept advertising from companies on it's website, it at the moment isn't a corporate mouthpiece. I've always been a fan of the little guy that gives the giant conglomerates the finger and says 'no' I can actually offer the same service at a fraction of the price without all the addon shit that you have piled into the deal: with no advertising, no scanning of your mail, no directed marketing, just the results you were after fast and efficiently without any padding to the results from paid for advertising.

07-05-2012, 04:04 PM
I searched for it and the only hit was this thread. I wondered what kind of obscure deep-net literature it was that you were reading nowadays.
Anyway I persevered for the couple of seconds it took for Google to re-jig his surname to Scalzi and, to my surprise and delight, it's sci-fi.

Noice :happy:

If you are after specific results, google is not always the best search engine I have found, sadly in the middle of all the 'paid for' results researching literature in particular or obscure media, be it music or movies, the results are often obscured or buried several pages back. For these searches amongst others I use another engine with the truly outlandish name of Duck Duck Go. Since this engine doesn't accept advertising from companies on it's website, it at the moment isn't a corporate mouthpiece. I've always been a fan of the little guy that gives the giant conglomerates the finger and says 'no' I can actually offer the same service at a fraction of the price without all the addon shit that you have piled into the deal: with no advertising, no scanning of your mail, no directed marketing, just the results you were after fast and efficiently without any padding to the results from paid for advertising.

It's communists like you that ruin things for the rest of us.

If people do not support giant corporations then how is money expected to tickle down from the super rich enough so that I can afford to eat?

07-05-2012, 05:08 PM
Quit being such a ninny and stop that eating business forthwith.

07-05-2012, 10:19 PM
Hey now, every clique deserves an icon.

Until this clip overpowered me with dumbness the last time I found Cruise believable in a fight or even vaguely threatening was in Taps.
Which is going to be a problem because in the books- yes, I've read all of them- about 90% of the time, Reacher just flat out bare knuckle whomps on his adversaries.
Mostly while absurdly outnumbered.
Basically, Reacher doesn't think even knives are personal enough, if he isn't groping your speen, he's phoning it in.
Also, he has no car and hitchhikes everywhere...doesn't even carry clothes, preferring to shop as necessary in hardware and farm supply stores.

Reacher is possessed of the ability to instantly analyze entire communities, identify the bad guys and eliminate them without qualm or backup.
Essentially he is deus ex machina personified in nondescript clothing.

It'd be easy to think of say, Timothy Olyphant in this role.
He has the projected confidence and intelligence to make the character believable but lacks the physical stature as described in the books.
Also, it would be absolutely unbelievable that every female character didn't jump his bones and that never happens in the books.
Reacher is too Zen and driven (although driven by what is always conveniently left unexplained) to attach to any of them girl-things, he has highways to hike and evil to face.
You know, man stuffs.

If Olyphant is out- and I've automatically disenfranchised anyone connected to professional wrestling- I'm not sure who works.
The Statham might except he's also pretty short and doesn't exactly sound like America personified (although I can't think of anything more intrinsically American than the willingness to attach electrodes to your nipples).

Erm, maybe Tom Cruise?


See, this is what's wrong when stars pick projects instead of the other way around.
Tom may drift off at night thinking he's Jack Reacher and wake up with sticky Underoos but not a single other person anywhere shares his vision.
I'll grant his action star credits, he's just not this action star, it's not personal.

It will be interesting to see what this ends up being.

I never read the books so I wouldn't care about any of that while watching the film. I'm probably not going to the movies to see it so it'll probably be a good romp to watch on the PS3.

Plus, there's always the movie hop after I've finished a movie I paid to see.

The last movie hop film for me was.....Battleship. It was worth the money I didn't pay for it.

07-05-2012, 11:36 PM
I never read the books so I wouldn't care about any of that while watching the film.
I understand, you're signing up for generic Tom Cruise action film #7, the source material is irrelevant.
That's fair I suppose but forces the question as to why the producers wanted to tap a franchise yet ignore great heaping chunks of the canon (as it were).

Like casting Peter Dinklage as a rebooted Superman.

07-06-2012, 03:09 AM
I never read the books so I wouldn't care about any of that while watching the film.
I understand, you're signing up for generic Tom Cruise action film #7, the source material is irrelevant.
That's fair I suppose but forces the question as to why the producers wanted to tap a franchise yet ignore great heaping chunks of the canon (as it were).

Like casting Peter Dinklage as a rebooted Superman.

Hell it's generic action film #7. Tom Cruise is just there for some sort of draw.

The source material is far more interesting. You think the dopes would've kept to that to garner more fanfare.

07-07-2012, 01:18 AM
I never read the books so I wouldn't care about any of that while watching the film.

The source material is far more interesting. You think the dopes would've kept to that to garner more fanfare.
Perhaps you can see why I might be confused....have you read any of these or not?
I'm not judging at all, being illiterate is nothing to be ashamed of.
Why, I once visited Georgia and couldn't read for weeks afterwards.
Had to eat exclusively at Waffle House because they have pictures on the menu so it's basically point and poop.

Life was much simpler then.

07-07-2012, 04:34 AM
Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher
It's like casting Rick Moranis as Darth Vader, so clearly this is supposed to be a spoof film about The Punisher. All commentary preceding this has been invalidated. I don't care for Tom Cruise in any kind of movie, so I'm disappointingly out of watching this spoof.

07-07-2012, 11:23 AM
The source material is far more interesting. You think the dopes would've kept to that to garner more fanfare.
Perhaps you can see why I might be confused....have you read any of these or not?
I'm not judging at all, being illiterate is nothing to be ashamed of.
Why, I once visited Georgia and couldn't read for weeks afterwards.
Had to eat exclusively at Waffle House because they have pictures on the menu so it's basically point and poop.

Life was much simpler then.

Egad, you've been on this forum a long time.:ermm:

I'm not judging at all? Being illiterate is nothing to be ashamed of? Got mighty twunty 'round deese parts... :lol: I read your post and smacked a bre-ish accent on it.

Anyway, maybe the inclusion of sounds and the exclusion of is would have not scrambled your brain. I mean, you did describe the the books ffs, plus, I clearly said, I have never read the books. Neva hoid uv em, actually, until someone describe them to me at work fairly recently.

To sum it up, the movie looks decent enough for home movie watching and it's not beholden to any expectations of the source material for me since I never read the source material. The source material sounds (dingdingding) great from what you described.

07-07-2012, 06:04 PM
I'm not judging at all? Being illiterate is nothing to be ashamed of? Got mighty twunty 'round deese parts... :lol: I read your post and smacked a bre-ish accent on it.Hoi. Being British doesn't mean that a person is completely intolerant of semi-illiterate fuckspastics who write a rather different thing from what they actually intended to convey.
It just means that should such intolerance manifest itself, we're rather better at expressing it.

07-07-2012, 06:16 PM
I'm not judging at all? Being illiterate is nothing to be ashamed of? Got mighty twunty 'round deese parts... :lol: I read your post and smacked a bre-ish accent on it.Hoi. Being British doesn't mean that a person is completely intolerant of semi-illiterate fuckspastics who write a rather different thing from what they actually intended to convey.
It just means that should such intolerance manifest itself, we're rather better at expressing it.

Agreed....or just comically twunty about it.

Frankly, I'm sure in most instances, one knows what is meant but an opening is seized to be comical. I mean one would have to be an idiot to really be confused.

07-07-2012, 06:54 PM
I mean one would have to be an idiot to really be confused.
I think that in many cases the reverse is truerer.
Yossarian can speak for me..

07-07-2012, 07:30 PM
I mean one would have to be an idiot to really be confused.
I think that in many cases the reverse is truerer.
Yossarian can speak for me..

Some can be so smart they are dumb....

On another note, I'm finally making it through Game Of Thrones and I can't wait till Joffrey chokes and dies....the little shit. Almost through episode 9. I'd love to see the show run 6 more seasons. I guess 1 for each book. The Winds Of Winter should be finished in time to be filmed.

07-07-2012, 10:39 PM
I think that in many cases the reverse is truerer.
Yossarian can speak for me..

Some can be so smart they are dumb....

I know, it's the two periods ending the last sentence isn't it?
One too many for a properly terminated declarative statement, yet one too few for the commonly accepted "three dot" ellipsis.
It's sloppy, there is no other explanation or excuse to be offered.

It's rare I make an error so egregious that it offends even the illiterate.

07-07-2012, 11:28 PM
Savages isn’t a perfect film; far from it. But it’s nice to see someone stand up and say, “Let’s make a goddamn movie about adults. For adults.” Not for the prized 18-24 demo, and not for grown-ass men trying to recapture their childhood. Let’s make a movie with a hard R, stick a stake through the R’s neck and fuck him to death. Get a goddamn babysitter and leave the kids at home, Grandaddy Olly wants to show you a movie. There are no white knights, no justice-seekers, and no last-second heroes. But there is Blake Lively’s sideboob, Taylor Kitsch’s ass, and a lot of people missing their heads. Literally. It feels pure and empowering, like I’m being talked to like a goddamn grown-up instead of a man-child who wants to see his toys explode on the screen, and while there’s nothing wrong with exploding toys, it’s nice to be reminded that not every movie is being made to sell a Happy Meal.

Anyway American version of adult as I've heard that it's very hard R but only for the Natural Born Killers type violence as Stone always gets conveniently puritanical when it comes to sex.

07-08-2012, 12:27 AM
Some can be so smart they are dumb....

I've often been accused of the very thing.

07-08-2012, 12:30 AM
From one of my favorite sites, that is, I get lots of recommendations from Pajiba.

07-08-2012, 03:12 AM
Some can be so smart they are dumb....

I know, it's the two periods ending the last sentence isn't it?
One too many for a properly terminated declarative statement, yet one too few for the commonly accepted "three dot" ellipsis.
It's sloppy, there is no other explanation or excuse to be offered.

It's rare I make an error so egregious that it offends even the illiterate.

Yeah not funny this time, dude. You're trying too hard.

My you have changed. It's like indoctrination has been in full force.

Describing grammar and punctuation is about as funny as a fart in a spacesuit. Grammar policeman should be shot on sight a la Blitz.

Your political and common sense views are still redeeming, thank goodness.

Some can be so smart they are dumb....

I've often been accused of the very thing.

A blend of common sense and book knowledge is best.

From one of my favorite sites, that is, I get lots of recommendations from Pajiba.


Thank you, sir.

07-08-2012, 09:00 AM
A blend of common sense and book knowledge is best.

It was a commentary about how I look for something intellectually deeper when it doesn't really exist. I tend to lose people on my journey, and it comes across as me not being able to get the point when I've long since dismissed it as a former thought. Much like what happened here.

I watched Ted in a theater, it was OK I guess. I didn't obtain much more amusement from it than I would have taken from 2 episodes of Family Guy in my living room. But hey, they were free tickets and I didn't waste any increment of currency at the overpriced concession area.

They recreated an abbreviated version of the Saturday Night Fever spoof in Airplane. That was pretty cool.

07-08-2012, 10:58 AM
What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.

07-08-2012, 11:12 AM
What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.

If someone was making claims that I couldn't pull off any type of guy, you wouldn't find me arguing.

07-08-2012, 12:10 PM
What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.
I was having a bit of a go, taking the piss as we never say, but Busy just wouldn't uphold his end of the jape.
We could have spun this into comedy gold but alas, 'twasn't meant to be.

As always, I'm proud to say that no animals were hurt in the creation of this thread.

And just to be clear...I was trying for Welsh, not generic "British".

07-08-2012, 12:12 PM
We could have spun this into comedy gold but alas, 'twasn't meant to be.

'Twasn't, wasn't it?

07-08-2012, 02:27 PM
A blend of common sense and book knowledge is best.

It was a commentary about how I look for something intellectually deeper when it doesn't really exist.

I've noticed this many times about many people. Not very versatile in their humo(u)r or understanding.

Oh well.

As far as Ted, I had some tell me that it was so good that they want to see it again. I still haven't.

My last stint here, a number of folk cursed Family Guy. I thought it was a hoot but I do get that if you aren't from here and get the references, you might not find it funny. A bre-ish show with local references would have me a bit lost too.

Inside jokes, if you will.

What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.
I was having a bit of a go, taking the piss as we never say, but Busy just wouldn't uphold his end of the jape.
We could have spun this into comedy gold but alas, 'twasn't meant to be.

As always, I'm proud to say that no animals were hurt in the creation of this thread.

And just to be clear...I was trying for Welsh, not generic "British".

Ahhhh....mmk. You are still doing it ya know.

Take your post above and use the imp, Tyrion Lannister's voice, as a template. :glag: Twasn't....who says that?

07-08-2012, 08:24 PM
And just to be clear...I was trying for Welsh, not generic "British".It says much about your dedication to this forum that you'd aim so high for the entertainment of its denizens.

What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.

If someone was making claims that I couldn't pull off any type of guy, you wouldn't find me arguing.118395

07-08-2012, 10:44 PM
Twasn't....who says that?
It's oft used in secret but few have the courage to use a double contraction in print.
I'm working on a triple which I hope to debut at the X Games.

07-09-2012, 02:39 AM
It was a commentary about how I look for something intellectually deeper when it doesn't really exist.

I've noticed this many times about many people. Not very versatile in their humo(u)r or understanding.

Oh well.

You should surround yourself with brighter people.

07-09-2012, 11:23 AM
What I'm taking from this thread is that Busy doesn't think that clocker can properly pull off a British guy.

High hopes; dashed.
I was having a bit of a go, taking the piss as we never say, but Busy just wouldn't uphold his end of the jape.
We could have spun this into comedy gold but alas, 'twasn't meant to be.

As always, I'm proud to say that no animals were hurt in the creation of this thread.

And just to be clear...I was trying for Welsh, not generic "British".

Just occurred to me that Manker's voice is 'Merkin in my head. :O

07-09-2012, 11:34 AM
Eh, I'm alright with that.
At least it wasn't English, like.

07-09-2012, 02:38 PM
Just occurred to me that Manker's voice is 'Merkin in my head. :O

How does that work? You people don't have voices, let alone accents.

07-09-2012, 03:37 PM
Just occurred to me that Manker's voice is 'Merkin in my head. :O

How does that work? You people don't have voices, let alone accents.:eyebrows:
We've danced this dance in the before time when Busy posted in the lounge and clocker could only use the internet when his fourth wife was sedated.

It was basically decided that everyone reads posts out in their mind when they look at them. These voices are heard within the mind's ear, if you will. Some people attach accents or mannerisms to the voice - but the one constant, common to all of us, is that there is always a voice.

JP disagreed but to be brutal about it, he resides in Glasgow and was most likely out of his mind on aids and heroin at the time of the post.

07-09-2012, 03:53 PM
Could be that you all are just used to having voices in your head, this is a principle that's still unfamiliar to me.

07-09-2012, 03:57 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

07-09-2012, 04:04 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.That's a bit presumptuous of you, mate.
I'm not even sure if that Busy is homosexual rumour was even substantiated.

07-09-2012, 04:11 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.That's a bit presumptuous of you, mate.
I'm not even sure if that Busy is homosexual rumour was even substantiated.

Come on, it's pretty concrete at this stage. All those explosions and strong male leads? He loves that shit. Gay as Andy Murray. Fact.

07-09-2012, 04:12 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

I don't get it, what would that change necessarily?

07-09-2012, 04:13 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

You give me far too little credit as I already gathered that much by his general uppitiness.

07-09-2012, 04:20 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

I don't get it, what would that change necessarily?

If you weren't galavanting around the internets like Louis Pasture on a viagra, you'd appreciate the context of my post. But you're not, so you don't.

07-09-2012, 04:35 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

You give me far too little credit as I already gathered that much by his general uppitiness.
:lol: :earl:

07-09-2012, 04:37 PM
If you weren't galavanting around the internets like Louis Pasture on a viagra, you'd appreciate the context of my post. But you're not, so you don't.

Actually I should disclose that I haven't been really reading his posts. I got really behind lately and didn't allot any time this week for appending my member personality index.

07-09-2012, 07:12 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

I'm atingle with anticipation my own self, when do you think this might happen?

07-09-2012, 07:45 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

I'm atingle with anticipation my own self, when do you think this might happen?

9th December 2012 between 09:15 and 09:18. I'd be more precise, but my nanometremeter is broked. By then it'll be too late. You'll be poor, the apocalypse will've occurred behind your back, and Busy will be high on crack bought with your dough, albeit briefly, like.

07-09-2012, 07:59 PM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

First you say "honest" and "goodness", then you say "black". Please quit contradicting yourself before you lose all credibility. :dry:

07-10-2012, 01:46 AM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.


I'm atingle with anticipation my own self, when do you think this might happen?

9th December 2012 between 09:15 and 09:18. I'd be more precise, but my nanometremeter is broked. By then it'll be too late. You'll be poor, the apocalypse will've occurred behind your back, and Busy will be high on crack bought with your dough, albeit briefly, like.

You are off a bit. It would be a little closer to Xmas. :ermm:

I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

First you say "honest" and "goodness", then you say "black". Please quit contradicting yourself before you lose all credibility. :dry:


07-10-2012, 08:37 AM
I can't wait until Idol and Clocker realise that Busy is actually an honest to goodness black fellow of the non-caucasian variety.

By that time their wallets will be in the breeze, not to mention their rims.

First you say "honest" and "goodness", then you say "black". Please quit contradicting yourself before you lose all credibility. :dry:


Now that it has been confirmed that we have a black man among us, I have to advise everyone to log into this site with HTTPS. We can't have him invading our homes via unsecured Windows... :fear:

07-10-2012, 09:29 AM
Hide your kids, hide your wife.

07-10-2012, 10:44 PM
Given the paucity of summer fare, I decided to catch up on a series highly recommended on some other sites.
The show is The Good Wife, starring Julianna Margulies who plays the wife of a Chicago prosecutor brought low in a sex/influence peddling scandal.
She returns to the practice of law to support her family as her husband fights his case after being convicted.

Half of the show is pure soap as the wife struggles to accept/forgive/move past what her husband has done, the other half is legal porn as her newly minted junior partner persona is involved in juicy high profile cases that in real life a lawyer might see once in a career. If that.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through season one and only one thing keeps me going...Margulies herself.
She's just one of the most watchable/relatable actors on TV, elevating the show above it's rote origins.

Plus, she's got a world class wardrobe designer and the most amazing Kabuki-level makeup artist outside of Game of Thrones.

Faced with another summer evening of nothing to watch, The Good Wife is a perfect time killer.
I like it.

07-10-2012, 10:52 PM
Given the paucity of summer fare, I decided to catch up on a series highly recommended on some other sites.
The show is The Good Wife, starring Julianna Margulies who plays the wife of a Chicago prosecutor brought low in a sex/influence peddling scandal.
She returns to the practice of law to support her family as her husband fights his case after being convicted.

Half of the show is pure soap as the wife struggles to accept/forgive/move past what her husband has done, the other half is legal porn as her newly minted junior partner persona is involved in juicy high profile cases that in real life a lawyer might see once in a career. If that.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through season one and only one thing keeps me going...Margulies herself.
She's just one of the most watchable/relatable actors on TV, elevating the show above it's rote origins.

Plus, she's got a world class wardrobe designer and the most amazing Kabuki-level makeup artist outside of Game of Thrones.

Faced with another summer evening of nothing to watch, The Good Wife is a perfect time killer.
I like it.

The main TV critic for the Toronto Star, the largest if not the best Canadian newspaper has been singing the praises of The Good Wife for some time now.

Contains spoilers after about the fourth paragraph but you get the gist before that.


07-11-2012, 01:08 AM
Plus, she's got a world class wardrobe designer and the most amazing Kabuki-level makeup artist outside of Game of Thrones.


07-11-2012, 01:00 PM
Plus, she's got a world class wardrobe designer and the most amazing Kabuki-level makeup artist outside of Game of Thrones.


07-16-2012, 06:14 PM
Christ ,True Blood has now degenerated to full-blown self parody.

07-17-2012, 07:00 PM
Art you're from New Zealand or some other place that has possums and dirt .Is The Almighty Johnsons any good?

A cable network (Space) is going to start airing it here and I don't want to waste space on my PVR that could be better used to record American Ninja Warrior and Big Brother and other good stuff like that.

07-19-2012, 07:20 PM
Emmy nominees and the list with a few obvious wtf's almost makes sense for a change.

Best Drama
“Boardwalk Empire”
“Breaking Bad”
“Downton Abbey”
“Mad Men”
“Game of Thrones”
Best Actor — Drama
Steve Buscemi, “Boardwalk Empire”
Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad”
Michael C. Hall, “Dexter”
Damien Lewis, “Homeland”
Jon Hamm, “Mad Men”
Timothy Olyphant, “Justified”
Hugh Bonneville, “Downton Abbey”
Best Supporting Actor — Drama
Peter Dinklage — “Game of Thrones”
Giancarlo Esposito — “Breaking Bad”
Jared Harris — “Mad Men”
Brendan Coye, “Downton Abbey”
Jim Carter, “Downton Abbey”
Aaron Paul — “Breaking Bad”
Best Supporting Actress — Drama
Archie Punjabi, “The Good Wife”
Anna Gunn, “Breaking Bad”
Maggie Smith, “Downton Abbey”
Joanne Froggat, “Downton Abbey”
Christina Hendrix, “Mad Men”
Christine Baranski, “Good Wife”
Best Actress — Drama
Claire Danes — “Homeland”
Julianna Margulies — “The Good Wife”
Elisabeth Moss — “Mad Men”
Kathy Bates, “Harry’s Law”
Glenn Close, “Damages”
Michelle Dockery, “Downton Abby”
Best Comedy
“Modern Family,”
“30 Rock,”
“The Big Bang Theory”
“Curb Your Enthusiasm”
Best Actress — Comedy
Tina Fey — “30 Rock”
Lena Dunham — “Girls”
Zooey Deschanel, “New Girl”
Julia Louis Dreyfus — “Veep”
Amy Poehler — “Parks and Recreation”
Melissa McCarthy, “Mike and Molly”
Edie Falco, “Nurse Jackie”
Best Actor — Comedy
Don Cheadle — “House of Lies”
Louis C.K. — “Louie”
Jon Cryer, “Two and a Half Men”
Larry David, “Curb Your Enthusiasm”
Jim Parsons, “Big Bang Theory”
Alec Baldwin, “30 Rock”
Best Supporting Actress — Comedy
Miayim Balik, “Big Bang Theory”
Meritt Weaver, “Nurse Jackie”
Julie Bowen, “Modern Family”
Kristen Wiig, “Saturday Night Live”
Sofia Vergara, “Modern Family”
Kathryn Joosten, “Desperate Housewives”
Best Supporting Actor — Comedy
Max Greenfield, “New Girl”
Bill Hader, “Saturday NIght Live”
Ed O’Neill, “Modern Family”
Ty Burrell, “Modern Family”
Eric Stonestreet, “Modern Family”
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, “Modern Family”
Best Television Movie or Miniseries
“Heminway and Gelhorn”
“American Horror Story”
“Hatfields and McCoys”
“Game Change”
Lead Actress — TV Movie or Miniseries
Julianne Moore, “Game Change”
Nicole Kidman, “Hemingway and Gelhorn”
Connie Britton, “American Horror Story”
Ashley Judd, “Missing”
Emma Thompson, “The Song of Lunch”
Lead Actor — TV Movie or Miniseries
Woody Harrelson, “Game Change”
Clive Owen, “Hemingway and Gelhorn”
Benedict Cumberbatch, “Sherlock”
Idris Elba, “Luther”
Kevin Costner, “Hatfields & McCoys”
Bill Paxton, “Hatfields & McCoys”
Supporting Actress — TV Movie or Miniseries”
Sarah Paulson, “Game Change”
Francis Conroy, “American Horror Story”
Jessica Lange, “American Horror Story”
Judy Davis, “Page Eight”
Mare Winningham, “Hatfields & McCoys”
Supporting Actor — TV Movie or Miniseries”
Ed Harris, “Game Change”
Dennis O’Hare, “American Horror Story”
David Straitharn, “Hemingway and Gelhorn”
Martin Freeman, “Sherlock”
Tom Berenger, “Hatfields & McCoys”
Variety Show
“The Daily Show”
“The Colbert Report”
“Real Time with Bill Maher”
“Saturday Night Live”
“Jimmy Kimmel Live”
“Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”
Reality Competition
“So You Think You Can Dance”
“The Amazing Race”
“Dancing with the Stars”
“Top Chef”
“Project Runway”
“The Voice”
Reality Competition — Host
Cat Deely, “So You Think You Can Dance”
Phil Keoghan, “The Amazing Race”
Ryan Seacrest, “American Idol”
Betty White, “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers”
Tom Berengon, “Dancing with the Stars”
Best Animated Series
“The Simpsons”
“American Dad”
“Bob’s Burgers”
“The Penguins of Madagascar”

Or I'm assuming that it makes sense since frankly I don't watch any of this shit.

07-19-2012, 09:15 PM
I really don't get why merkins are so into Downton Abbey.

To me it could basically be any one out of a dozen british costume dramas I saw random episodes out of, growing up.

I tried a few episodes, and yes, the acting is good, but the stories are just blah. It goes nowhere. About as fun as watching some dodgy japanese slice of life thing with no humour, ie Aria.

I was slightly high (or should that be low?) on painkillers at the time, which should have made it more accessible, as well.

07-19-2012, 09:25 PM
Everything under the catagory; 'Best Actress — Drama' was like white noise.
Clare Danes should be a stick on for that, I reckon.

I also agree with most of the nominations, although I'd never heard of Downtown Abbey before, is it good?

Edit: Snee's post wasn't there when I opened the thread. Weird how I asked about the very thing he posted. And colour me shocked that it's British.

07-20-2012, 03:06 AM
Christ ,True Blood has now degenerated to full-blown self parody.

Gave up on it after 1 1/2 episodes into the season. Thought about asking if anyone else thought it had pulled itself together, but your post (in absence of a valuable, credible, or wanted opinion) answers my question well enough.

07-20-2012, 08:59 AM
Christ ,True Blood has now degenerated to full-blown self parody.

Gave up on it after 1 1/2 episodes into the season. Thought about asking if anyone else thought it had pulled itself together, but your post (in absence of a valuable, credible, or wanted opinion) answers my question well enough.I just downloaded the (weirdly huge first 5 or six instalments of this season, why are the HD eps for this always on average around half a gig or more larger than usual HD episodes?) and plan on watching them soon. I'll report back.

Bit gutted to see that it's apparently gone to shite. I like True Blood.

07-20-2012, 09:16 AM
Gave up on it after 1 1/2 episodes into the season. Thought about asking if anyone else thought it had pulled itself together, but your post (in absence of a valuable, credible, or wanted opinion) answers my question well enough.I just downloaded the (weirdly huge first 5 or six instalments of this season, why are the HD eps for this always on average around half a gig or more larger than usual HD episodes?) and plan on watching them soon. I'll report back.

Bit gutted to see that it's apparently gone to shite. I like True Blood.

You probably got a download from a person that compresses for shit. I'll go with those 1GB or more episodes only if they are the only thing available.

Many times those large files are the first ones put out. Someone else takes the same one, compresses it better, puts it out, then slaps their name on it.

Christ ,True Blood has now degenerated to full-blown self parody.

Gave up on it after 1 1/2 episodes into the season. Thought about asking if anyone else thought it had pulled itself together, but your post (in absence of a valuable, credible, or wanted opinion) answers my question well enough.

I don't give up that fast. However, if it does start to look shit (I have only watched episode 1 this season) then it'll be a show I watch on my Blackberry at work. Currently I am watching The Listener season 2 on it cuz I certainly wouldn't take time out at home for that show.

Hell I didn't like True Blood at first. It was too romantic and mushy but by episode 3 I was all good. It started to get medieval.:shifty:

07-20-2012, 09:28 AM
I just downloaded the (weirdly huge first 5 or six instalments of this season, why are the HD eps for this always on average around half a gig or more larger than usual HD episodes?) and plan on watching them soon. I'll report back.

Bit gutted to see that it's apparently gone to shite. I like True Blood.

You probably got a download from a person that compresses for shit. I'll go with those 1GB or more episodes only if they are the only thing available.

Many times those large files are the first ones put out. Someone else takes the same one, compresses it better, puts it out, then slaps their name on it.

It's not that.
I don't download shitty encodes.

From the very first series, True Blood episodes have consistently been larger encodes than other episodes or a similar length. Often from the same release group (IMMERSE). For example Dexter and other stuff that's on for circa 58 minutes instead of 43 will be way smaller.

07-20-2012, 09:34 AM
You probably got a download from a person that compresses for shit. I'll go with those 1GB or more episodes only if they are the only thing available.

Many times those large files are the first ones put out. Someone else takes the same one, compresses it better, puts it out, then slaps their name on it.

It's not that.
I don't download shitty encodes.

From the very first series, True Blood episodes have consistently been larger encodes than other episodes or a similar length. Often from the same release group (IMMERSE). For example Dexter and other stuff that's on for circa 58 minutes instead of 43 will be way smaller.

IMMERSE encodes run approx 2 GB.
Everyone else approx 500MB.


07-20-2012, 09:36 AM
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

07-20-2012, 09:45 AM
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

I see the same stuff you do, mank.

07-20-2012, 09:48 AM
Well obviously a 500MB rip isn't going to be HD.

07-20-2012, 01:08 PM
You guys are technosnobs.

07-20-2012, 01:53 PM
It's Busy's fault.
I didn't know HD existed before he embarked upon his crusade regarding how he'd rather be blind than watch SD stuff. Or something. Circa 2004, I believe.

Anyway. That's me now.

07-20-2012, 04:23 PM
I thought it was decided that all talk of encodes be restricted to sections where the people breathe through their mouths?

07-20-2012, 09:02 PM
It's Busy's fault.
I didn't know HD existed before he embarked upon his crusade regarding how he'd rather be blind than watch SD stuff. Or something. Circa 2004, I believe.

Anyway. That's me now.


Every one o' youz shunned me back then and I didn't deserve such a shunning. Weird, that was in 2004. Damn time has passed. Shame that even back then, I still wasn't in my 20's.


Well obviously a 500MB rip isn't going to be HD.

Sure it would be. I doubt you'd see the difference besides minute details.

You guys are technosnobs.

Say the one who builds PCs....Sprocket....

I thought it was decided that all talk of encodes be restricted to sections where the people breathe through their mouths?

Hey, no gill breather discrimination, itchbay. :angry:

07-20-2012, 10:12 PM
Weird, that was in 2004. Damn time has passed. Shame that even back then, I still wasn't in my 20's.:eyebrows:
There's no way you're younger than I am.
I assumed you were in your late 30s or early 40s then and pushing 50 now.

Well obviously a 500MB rip isn't going to be HD.
Sure it would be. I doubt you'd see the difference besides minute details.I'm talking about 720p files. I just assumed that would come through with my initial post.
Clearly you're not going to get a 720p file at 500MB. They're the SD files.

What I mean is that most of the 720p files of True Blood are rather larger than that of a 720p file of a different program of a similar length.
Circa 2GB c.f. circa 1.5GB.

It's just a curiousity. That is all.

07-21-2012, 03:05 AM
There's no way you're younger than I am.
I assumed you were in your late 30s or early 40s then and pushing 50 now.

Well obviously a 500MB rip isn't going to be HD.
Sure it would be. I doubt you'd see the difference besides minute details.I'm talking about 720p files. I just assumed that would come through with my initial post.
Clearly you're not going to get a 720p file at 500MB. They're the SD files.

What I mean is that most of the 720p files of True Blood are rather larger than that of a 720p file of a different program of a similar length.
Circa 2GB c.f. circa 1.5GB.

It's just a curiousity. That is all.

I agree. No way I'm younger than you.

I gotcha on the files. I have noticed that some of the bloated files don't have much PQ difference. Plus I can be bit less discerning if I'm watching some shows on the go.
MKVs don't play well with everything also.
Mainly, I just need the source to be HD and I'm good.
Really good movies I want in 720p. IMMERSE needs to compress better for their 720p files.

07-21-2012, 12:41 PM
Please stop.I'm not asking for myself but tiny orphans and puppies become quite upset by this encoding talk when it's not in the appropriate technical sections.

07-21-2012, 02:08 PM
Please stop.I'm not asking for myself but tiny orphans and puppies become quite upset by this encoding talk when it's not in the appropriate technical sections.Like there's a codec section. It's not as if this forum was internets famous for making codec packs or anything.
Stop dreaming, seal-boi.

@ Busy - Oh I see, I think. I did wonder why you said 'shame'. I thought you were saying you were an angsty teenager in 2004.
Which would have kinda made and lot of things make sense :P

07-22-2012, 01:01 AM
Please stop.I'm not asking for myself but tiny orphans and puppies become quite upset by this encoding talk when it's not in the appropriate technical sections.Like there's a codec section. It's not as if this forum was internets famous for making codec packs or anything.
Stop dreaming, seal-boi.

@ Busy - Oh I see, I think. I did wonder why you said 'shame'. I thought you were saying you were an angsty teenager in 2004.
Which would have kinda made and lot of things make sense :P

I'm just in tune with my own mortality moar. Every year goes by fast since I hit 30. :pinch:

07-25-2012, 01:16 PM
As part of my "Catching Up on Cultural Touchstones Summer Tour" I just watched all three seasons of OZ.
It was weird but I enjoyed it.

Set in a high security prison, OZ is a claustrophobic, intense yet highly stylized look at prison life, focusing primarily on the inmate's perspective.
It can be quite brutal.

There is some standout acting, my particular favorite was JK Simmons who plays a psychopathic Aryan Nation leader...he pulls a real Bryan Cranston switch from lightweight normal to relentless evil.
Edie Falco is also noteworthy.

There are only eight eps per season, so it's not a mammoth time suck and I'd recommend it.

07-25-2012, 03:12 PM
There were six season of Oz. Each had 8 episodes, with the fourth being 16 episodes.

07-25-2012, 09:33 PM
How much of it featured anal rape?

07-25-2012, 10:37 PM
There were six season of Oz. Each had 8 episodes, with the fourth being 16 episodes.
Do tell.

How much of it featured anal rape?
Pretty much every episode.
Turns out that your orifice options list is pretty limited whilst in prison.

07-26-2012, 12:28 AM
Overall, i think I must have seen about 15 randomly timed eps out of its run. Interesting drama, especially for me, it seemed ahead of its time being that I didn't know of any other HBO style-productions (they may have existed, but I didn't have cable- hence the randomness of my viewing). I've meant to return to it starting from the beginning, just haven't placed it on the top of my full-series list yet.

The one thing that did kinda drive me away was the constant anal usage for non-fecal matters. Apparently, on the "inside", no one has jeans pockets for storing things, and there's always someone interested in raping, or negotiating their position through bartering of said back pocket.

Funny how no one I've ever spoken to who's done time ever mentions the constant use of their ass. :idunno:

07-26-2012, 05:34 PM
I watched it as it aired. Which was late night and sporadic where I'm from. It was kinda mesmerising as it occurred, not having watched TV of such intensity at that point. Overall, it was pretty compelling, if not altogether plausible.

After the third season it kinda descended into surreal, satirical farce.

Still, I see quite a lot of the peripheral actors figuring large in recent TV and film, so it's a good marker in that respect.

07-31-2012, 02:32 PM
As part of my "Catching Up on Cultural Touchstones Summer Tour" I just watched all three seasons of OZ.
It was weird but I enjoyed it.

Set in a high security prison, OZ is a claustrophobic, intense yet highly stylized look at prison life, focusing primarily on the inmate's perspective.
It can be quite brutal.

There is some standout acting, my particular favorite was JK Simmons who plays a psychopathic Aryan Nation leader...he pulls a real Bryan Cranston switch from lightweight normal to relentless evil.
Edie Falco is also noteworthy.

There are only eight eps per season, so it's not a mammoth time suck and I'd recommend it.

You have much more Oz to see....

08-01-2012, 08:47 PM
I'm now about 2/3 through the longer season 4 (why is that?).

Chalice's use of the word "surreal" was apt...I'm still stunned by the "aging pill" experiment and can't wait to see if it makes a return or just disappears in shame.

08-02-2012, 03:03 PM
I'm now about 2/3 through the longer season 4 (why is that?).

Chalice's use of the word "surreal" was apt...I'm still stunned by the "aging pill" experiment and can't wait to see if it makes a return or just disappears in shame.

Without being bothered to check, I'd posit that it got picked up by an international audience and redistributed. Judging by what you've watched of the fourth season, wouldn't you agree that some angle of intensity was pushed by the networks? To the point where it lost all creditability (little as there was), and it just became a closed-spaced Sparticus with plenty of male rape and submission.

You have yet to witness the levels of crassness to which it sinks. There's a notable, mumbling IRA man in there somewhere with a questionable accent, who is a one man fucking Armageddon.

It was all I could do to watch it at some points.