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View Full Version : Which new shows are you most anxiously waiting for?

06-15-2012, 05:26 PM
Which new shows are you most anxiously waiting for? Here's the list:

1. CW's Arrow. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?
2. NBC's Revolution. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?
3. ABC's 666 Park Avenue. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?
4. Fox's The Following. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?
5. CW's Cairie Diaries. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?
6. CW's Cult. Are you anxiously waiting for the premiere of the show?

If I forgot to mention any other new shows, please forgive me. But

1. Terry O'Quinn will star in 666 Park Avenue, so it's possible the show will be good.
2. Giancarlo Esposito will star in Revolution, so it's possible the show will be good.
3. Kevin Williamson is the creator of The Following, so it's possible the show will be good.

Be hopeful all those upcoming shows will be good.

06-16-2012, 02:01 AM
Kevin Williamson shows are normally too teenie bopper for me. I don't care about "coming of age" shows much. However, The Following does not "follow" this formula at all.
A serial killer that creates more serial killers and stars Kevin Bacon? Count me in.:happy:

Revolution reminds me of Jeremiah, Jericho, and The Postman. Cool beans.

Arrow? I'm cautious. I never got into Smallville and comic book shows haven't been great.

Cult and 666 Park Avenue? Count me in. I'm always interested enough in any sci-fi and supernatural shows to give them a chance.

06-18-2012, 07:23 AM
Definitely, Charlie Sheen's new "Anger Management" on FX.

06-18-2012, 07:50 AM
Definitely, Charlie Sheen's new "Anger Management" on FX.

Oleg might even pick up some tips from that one. :naughty:

06-21-2012, 03:26 PM
quantum leap : resurrection

06-21-2012, 09:18 PM
Really, a new Quantum Leap?

06-21-2012, 10:12 PM
Really, a new Quantum Leap?

Yes and it stars River Phoenix.

06-21-2012, 11:56 PM
Really, a new Quantum Leap?

Yeah, Richard Pryor is the new "Al". I'm really looking forward to it but it's not my most anticipated show coming up. I wasn't much of a QL fan.

Oh and I'm curious about Last Resort. I like C-O-N..spiracies.

06-22-2012, 12:06 AM
Oh and I'm curious about Last Resort. I like C-O-N..spiracies.

Thing with a show like that though is it's got to have a substantial production budget, so middling success probably wouldn't be enough to keep it on the air.
Hopefully I'm wrong and CGI and people willing to work cheap allow it a chance as it's an obvious risk and you have to respect that.

06-22-2012, 03:42 AM
So I guess the answer is no, there is not a new Quantum Leap series in production. Though, I'm not making sense of the dead references, there must have been a story I'm either forgetting or missed completely.

06-22-2012, 09:25 AM
Not really sure how you could have missed the time travel premise of the Quantum Leap series.

06-22-2012, 11:59 AM
I liked the ending to Quantum Leap.I know a lot of people didn't but then a lot of people have no taste.

06-22-2012, 12:03 PM
Not really sure how you could have missed the time travel premise of the Quantum Leap series.

It's Idol's fault, he not only uses obscure references, but he also tends to follow what happens behind the scenes. It could be a case of me reading too deeply into it, but I'm not convinced there isn't a missing story here.

06-22-2012, 03:28 PM
Im waiting for CW's Arrow.

06-27-2012, 12:10 AM
There are a lot of shows continuing (some wrapping up) to look forward to.

Sons Of Anarchy has at least 2 more seasons. Season 5 returns in September.

Breaking Bad has one more extended season. Season 5 returns July 15 for 8 episodes. The last 8 return next summer.

The Closer has the extended part of season 7 left (6 eps). It returns on July 9 with spin-off, Major Crimes starting Aug. 13 right after The Closer's last episode.

06-28-2012, 11:36 PM
All's Well, Ends Well 2012
I am waiting to watch this tv show.It's a comedy tv show that it i know about that show.if some one else know about that show please share with me .

06-29-2012, 11:49 AM
All's Well, Ends Well 2012
I am waiting to watch this tv show.It's a comedy tv show that it i know about that show.if some one else know about that show please share with me .

It isn't a TV show it's
a 2012 Hong Kong romantic comedy film directed by Chan Hing-ka and Janet Chun. It is the seventh installment in the All's Well, Ends Well film series.

Donnie Yen is in it so hopefully people will die in specular kung-fu sort of ways.

06-29-2012, 01:12 PM
Definitely, Charlie Sheen's new "Anger Management" on FX.

Aaaaand it's out. Seen the 2 first episodes, it's worth watching. I actually enjoyed the show.

06-29-2012, 01:35 PM
Charlie Sheen is a screaming dickhead and the only show of his I'd consider watching would be his execution.

06-29-2012, 04:30 PM
Charlie Sheen is a screaming dickhead and the only show of his I'd consider watching would be his execution.

Thank you God.

Unfortunately the worm is still laughing all the way to the bank.
Also if shit on the scale of Two and a Half Men can succeed there is still hope for this turd.

06-29-2012, 05:01 PM
This. (http://www.pajiba.com/trade_news/people-really-want-charlie-sheen-to-succeed-in-other-news-what-the-f-is-wrong-with-people-.php)

06-29-2012, 05:28 PM
What does his personal life have to do with his acting career ? If you're asking me you're the dickheads for supporting the ideas of a man that says nothing about his performance in front of the camera and rather hangs on the overly-discussed ideas in the media about his personal life.
I don't support him or what he does but I don't support this kind of attitude either. I think you're the people that he aimed at with “Come on, everyone deserves a 24th chance.” ,obvious irony that was spot on in this case.

06-29-2012, 06:24 PM
Charlie Sheen is a a screaming dickhead and I don't need any other reason to not watch his show or support his enablers.

You think the media "overly-discussed" his personal life, eh?
The asshole went on a goddammed public tour to celebrate his dickheadedness, charged for tickets and sold t-shirts.

But let's set that aside for the moment and just critically evaluate his "talent" for a moment.
Shall we start with 2.5 Men?

There, all done.
It's complete drivel, made for morons, inexplicably popular- even more so after that towering genius Sheen was replaced by the human cipher, Ashton K.

Got anything else, vision...I'm on a roll.

06-29-2012, 07:10 PM
What does his personal life have to do with his acting career ? If you're asking me you're the dickheads for supporting the ideas of a man that says nothing about his performance in front of the camera and rather hangs on the overly-discussed ideas in the media about his personal life.
I don't support him or what he does but I don't support this kind of attitude either. I think you're the people that he aimed at with “Come on, everyone deserves a 24th chance.” ,obvious irony that was spot on in this case.

I think the salient point here is that it's not his 2nd or 3rd or 10th deviation from propriety. If way back in '80 someone had not decided to start giving him passes because his father was rich and respected then maybe he wouldn't have gone on to live a life of such self-involved depravity.

Note at no point in the below quoted "crime spree" was he actually motivated by "need' ,only inherent douchebaggery.

“I had a four day crime spree before I got arrested,” Sheen told me. “We got credit card receipts from the trash of the Beverly Hills Hotel. I told the manager I left a term paper in the lobby and he let me look through the trash. I got all these receipts and we’d call up stores in Westwood and ask if they took phone orders. Then we’d order things like televisions, Walkmans, jewelry, watches, and say ‘I’ll send my son in to pick it up.’ So we’d go in and collect the loot and have the option of having it gift wrapped. Very blue collar crime, when you look somebody in the eye and they say, ‘You want your shit gift wrapped?’”When one of his best friends got caught at a photo store, Sheen was implicated. “I’m standing in front of my art class, second period, senior year, when two cops came walking down the hallway,” he recalled. “They said, ‘You are under arrest for credit card forgery.’ I was 17. I had to find an angle. I got to the station and indicted my friend and gave them all the receipts and told them everything. It was totally despicable and highly illegal but hell, we gave it a shot.”He wasn’t thrown out of school then, but he managed to screw up by failing English. “I needed a C- to pass the course and if I didn’t get it I’d be off the baseball team. There was a lot of shit riding on this test. And because I didn’t have a note from my parents because of my absence the day before, she wouldn’t let me take the test. So I pretty much melted down in front of the whole class. I took the test, which was pretty thick, rolled it up into a ball and fired a strike in the middle of her forehead. It knocked her glasses off. She stood there staring at me and in the middle of my rage I said to her that she was lucky I hadn’t killed her yet. Then I ran out of shit to say, it was really an embarrassing moment, so I just started walking out, and there was that infamous trash can. I grabbed it and threw it about thirty feet into the chalkboard and said, ‘Here’s your f***g trash!’ That was my exit.”High school behind, Sheen became a movie star, got involved with women, and guns.“With [actress] Rebecca Schaeffer being murdered at her own door one night by a lunatic, with John Lennon, with the continual threat of crazy people towards celebrity, I’ve been carrying a weapon for quite some time because I felt that if shit ever went down I’d want to return some fire. And that even if I was taken out I would want to take the sonofabitch with me. So I used to carry a little .22 Mag and five-shot revolver.”This was where Sheen paused and asked me to turn off my tape recorder. “Here’s my problem,” he said to me, “I don’t know how to talk about the incident with my girlfriend.” His girlfriend at the time was Kelly Preston, who would go on to marry John Travolta. I had no idea what incident he was even talking about, but all my instincts shouted, Just keep him talking! So I said, “Charlie, in my experience, the best way to talk about an incident is to tell it truly, so that the media can’t distort it. This is your chance to lay it out. I’ll just turn back on the recorder and ask you, simply, what happened. You take it from there.”This is what he told me:“I had the revolver in my back pocket where it lived for a number of years. I was downstairs in the bathroom one morning and my girlfriend Kelly was upstairs. She went to move my pants off the weighing scale and the gun fell out of the back pocket and hit the linoleum floor and discharged a round that, thank God, didn’t hit her directly, but it hit the toilet that she was standing next to. She got hit with the porcelain shrapnel and lead from the bullet itself. I heard the shot and I’ve been around enough weapons to know that it wasn’t the shampoo bottle falling in the shower. I knew immediately it was gunfire. I rushed upstairs and there was Kelly in her underwear, holding her wrist and bleeding from several places. I was panicked. I picked up the phone and didn’t know whether to call 411 or 911. It was a terrifying moment. The paramedics came and the police had to come because it was a shooting incident. The police didn’t haul me away for shooting her, but she was taken to the hospital and then released the same day with four stitches, two in her wrist and two in her calf. I felt that if it should have happened to anybody it should have happened to me. We were very fortunate that the bullet itself didn’t hit her directly. I took that particular weapon, after claiming it from the police station where they held it for seventy-two hours, and I threw it in the ocean because it had a vibe about it that was not healthy.

Btw if anyone knows anything about criminals you can be sure that what he was willing to fess up to ( or was caught at) is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Also exactly at what point does someone's "personal life" become so unacceptable that you start to pass blanket judgment on everything that person does because of it?
Geez Hitler might not have been a bad dancer for all we know.

06-29-2012, 09:16 PM
Men at Work is pretty good, though. And the Arrival is all right. That parachute movie isn't completely shit, either.

That's like three whole movies, man.

06-29-2012, 09:55 PM
Men at Work is pretty good, though. And the Arrival is all right. That parachute movie isn't completely shit, either.

That's like three whole movies, man.Most people probably would have gone with Platoon and Wall Street Major League and Top Shots.

Me I'd go with Navy Seals and Free Money.
Maybe The Wraith because it rawks.



06-29-2012, 10:05 PM
So you are blaming him for being himself, why would you care for that ? Never said he is or if he's not a dickhead cause I simply don't care about that. Yes, the shit about him in the media is rather a fact but still.. so what ?

Comedy shows are not meant to be brilliant, maybe smart, but in order to be funny a somewhat level of silliness is needed, I mean come on people it's common sense. As an actor he's bound by a script after all, can't blame him directly for how stupid/funny/brilliant the show is because behind a tv show there's a team, not only one man. Yes, I understand if people don't like it, after all not everyone likes the same things but try to be objective.

Since we came up to this discussion, can't say I'm a fan of comedy show actually, I liked Prison Break, Lie to me, Flash Forward (too bad it lasted only 1 season) just to name a few quick ones. Comedy shows are meant for chill out and that's why people watch them.

06-29-2012, 10:15 PM
Hot shots*

back of the net - i own movie world now, idol :01:

06-29-2012, 10:19 PM
Hot shots*

back of the net - i own movie world now, idol :01:

Yeah I was confusing it with something else that requires mouth breathing to properly enjoy.

Please tell me that you watched the "Where's the Fire " video though.

Best music video relating to fire since Stand in the Fire from Youngblood and Hearts on Fire from Rocky 3 although I can't be entirely sure that they aren't the same song .

06-29-2012, 10:43 PM
Men at Work is pretty good, though. And the Arrival is all right. That parachute movie isn't completely shit, either.

That's like three whole movies, man.Most people probably would have gone with Platoon and Wall Street Major League and Top Shots.

Me I'd go with Navy Seals and Free Money.
Maybe The Wraith because it rawks.



Yeah, all right, four movies, then. Wraith is fantastic. I saw it earlier this year. I didn't spend most of the movie wondering wtf the police was doing instead of sorting those gang tards out, or anything.

06-29-2012, 10:54 PM
I'm sorry, mate, I didn't. I do have a valid excuse, however.
Have you any idea how long it takes to go through basically every post on this board, pedantically pick up on erroneous points and subsequently post about them in an overbearing manner.

I just don't have 5 minutes to spend watching someone sing about something.
And also you usually post shite vids :mellow:

07-04-2012, 04:05 PM
I am waiting for new show's of (Chuck).
I am excited to watch these show's....!!

07-08-2012, 12:29 AM
Men at Work is pretty good, though. And the Arrival is all right. That parachute movie isn't completely shit, either.

That's like three whole movies, man.Most people probably would have gone with Platoon and Wall Street Major League and Top Shots.

Me I'd go with Navy Seals and Free Money.
Maybe The Wraith because it rawks.



The parachute movie was Terminal Velocity which I liked quite alot, and Natassja Kinski always gave me a boner, anyone remember Cat People? (schwing). The best scene from Terminal Velocity was Charlie parachuting in early on with fake nude butt cheeks peeking out of chaps and the line:
" Do you always have to to act like a walking penis?"
" I'm so much more than a walking penis, I'm a flying penis!"

As for Navy Seals though, meh he only ran around acting angry all the time often at idiotically random moments. It was acting 101 straight out of drama school, the movie was goodish, the rest of the cast was good to great with Michael Biehn standing out, but Charlie Sheen was ass in that one.

Trust Idol to remember The Wraith though... now that was a cool movie.

07-08-2012, 01:30 AM
The parachute movie was Terminal Velocity which I liked quite alot, and Natassja Kinski always gave me a boner, anyone remember Cat People? (schwing). The best scene from Terminal Velocity was Charlie parachuting in early on with fake nude butt cheeks peeking out of chaps and the line:
" Do you always have to to act like a walking penis?"
" I'm so much more than a walking penis, I'm a flying penis!"

As for Navy Seals though, meh he only ran around acting angry all the time often at idiotically random moments. It was acting 101 straight out of drama school, the movie was goodish, the rest of the cast was good to great with Michael Biehn standing out, but Charlie Sheen was ass in that one.

Trust Idol to remember The Wraith though... now that was a cool movie.

About Navy Seals I was being ubiquitous or fastidious or one of those fancy "ous" words that might apply here.

It's actually currently in rotation on one of the movie channels I subscribe to and I can honestly say that it's even worse than I remember. The whole thing is a horrible mishmash of American jingoism and bad '80's movie cliches.

The only thing remotely interesting about it was seeing Dennis Haysbert long before he was President Palmer or Jonas(The Unit) Blane.