View Full Version : ..."build my own" open VPN + VPS...

06-23-2012, 06:31 AM
At the moment, I am using hidemyass as VPN...
I read that it's not that difficult to "build your own" Open VPN + VSP...

Q1: Any flaws on using hidemyass?
Q2: Any good sites to "build my own" VPN? Which VSP is good?
Q3: How about the speed of "build my own" VPN?

...I found out that "hide my ass", did not actually hide anything (instead they keep a log - defeat the purpose of using VPN) ... I made a mistake, I reside in UK, and hidemyass is a UK company (which I should use a VPN company outside UK/Europe to preserve anonymous...

I found IPredator, BT Guard, Anonine etc... any user experience.

Question: I guess speed the main issue when using VPN (it become like 6-10 times slower than "without VPN"? any solution?

06-23-2012, 03:28 PM
1) Yeah, it's a lame service. BTguard or IPredator are much better services.
2) sites ? Just install OpenVPN and get it over with.
3) Depends on available bandwidth of your VPS slot, your home bandwidth and the peering between both.

06-23-2012, 03:39 PM
If you want to do your own VPN for things like safe browsing or banking from a unsecured/untrusted network then you could do something like I did with a SSH server which acts like a VPN, http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/438696-RDP-through-SSH-tunnel-from-Android-phone. You can use the port forwarding feature of the SSH server and route the traffic through your home server using strong encryption.

06-23-2012, 05:59 PM
If you want to do your own VPN for things like safe browsing or banking from a unsecured/untrusted network then you could do something like I did with a SSH server which acts like a VPN, http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/438696-RDP-through-SSH-tunnel-from-Android-phone. You can use the port forwarding feature of the SSH server and route the traffic through your home server using strong encryption.

A squid proxy reached via stunnel is also an option. You get to choose which apps go through it (using an HTTPS proxy on localhost) or just tunnel the entire system via Proxifier. No port forwarding on that one though, which makes it a bad idea for P2P.

I found IPredator, BT Guard, Anonine etc... any user experience.

TF made a good article reviewing the privacy policies of many VPN providers, which is oft-mentioned in these discussions. Have a look here (http://torrentfreak.com/which-vpn-providers-really-take-anonymity-seriously-111007/).

Question: I guess speed the main issue when using VPN (it become like 6-10 times slower than "without VPN"? any solution?

Speed depends on the server's location, connection, hardware, how many people are on the same line, and the routing to you. There will always be some speed reduction since your traffic goes to and from the VPN server before reaching the "real" Internet, but getting 10% of your real speed is excessively low.

By the way, what's the exact relation of this to newsgroups? :unsure:

06-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Anon, thanks for your advice. You are right, I guess my thread is a bit "off topic" to newsgroup.