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View Full Version : How many of you can't wait to see the new adventures of Jack Bauer?

07-05-2012, 06:33 PM
We haven't seen Jack Bauer since season 8 of "24" ended. However, I miss him a lot. Hopefully, many of you miss him too. And Tony Almeida... the last time we saw him, he was arrested by the FBI. It doesn't make sense that he became a villain in season 7. Yes, he was devastated when Michelle died, but I am sure that if she watches him from heaven, she wouldn't want him to kill innocent people...
...Anyway, according to the latest news, Jack Bauer will be back on a big screen or a small screen in 2013. How many of you can't wait for his return?

07-05-2012, 07:17 PM
I'll be the one to say it... 24 was shite. Full of bad acting and over dramatic plots.

07-05-2012, 07:33 PM
If there were 8 seasons ( I dunno I largely gave up on it around 4) then only 7 were shite as the first one was OK and sort of original.
After that it seemed largely that the whole thing was written on the fly and moronically repetitive with only an occasional good new character turning up to make it approach being bearable at all.

07-05-2012, 07:39 PM
I think I watched one episode (or maybe a part of an episode) during the latter portion of season one and decided that if it was still around for a second season, I'd give it a shot, despite my dislike for Keifer Sutherland. I watched the entire second season as it aired and really struggled to get through the second half of it, if I even finished it. I can remember it being just terrible though.

07-05-2012, 07:47 PM
Yes, it often felt that the writers of the show exhausted their ability to come up with something new and original; however, most seasons of "24" ended on a high note. Jack Bauer and Chloe O'Brian were a great team.

07-05-2012, 10:40 PM
I liked 24 even with the multiple similar implausibles.

I mean there was always some fuckhead mole in CTU, some villain who wasn't the real villain behind the real villain, and multiple "ticking bomb" situtations where torture was authorized.

I think Jack died in every episode with "no one believed him moments" as well. I still liked it tho'. :happy:

07-05-2012, 10:48 PM
Yeah, I found it difficult to suspend disbelief for this show and as a result gave up sometime during season three.
I bet clocker positively loathes it.

07-05-2012, 11:26 PM
I "pre-loathed" it and never watched a single episode.
I believe the purity of my ignorance lends a great deal of credibility to my disdain.

07-05-2012, 11:28 PM
I never ventured into the show because I was certain after 16 hours/shows, everyone would get tired and I'd have to watch 8 hours/shows of people sleeping. I just didn't think that would interest me. :idunno:

07-06-2012, 03:12 AM
24 is the best cliffhanger type show I've ever seen. The biggest mark against it is probably how long it lasted.

It's hard to believe some here didn't even watch the first season.:O

07-06-2012, 03:19 AM
24 is the best cliffhanger type show I've ever seen. The biggest mark against it is probably how long it lasted.

It's hard to believe some here didn't even watch the first season.:O

I'm going to hold my hand up and say that based on the previews alone, the word overhype leaped out at me in LARGE RED WARNING LETTERS, and warned me to stay very far away from this show for sanity's sake. Over the years most of the people who I have found like minded have confirmed that my inner voice was right on the money, and that I am quite safe in not having watched a single episode....... so you can add me to your list too Busyman. :idunno:

07-06-2012, 10:19 AM
24 is the best cliffhanger type show I've ever seen. The biggest mark against it is probably how long it lasted.

It's hard to believe some here didn't even watch the first season.:O

I'm going to hold my hand up and say that based on the previews alone, the word overhype leaped out at me in LARGE RED WARNING LETTERS, and warned me to stay very far away from this show for sanity's sake. Over the years most of the people who I have found like minded have confirmed that my inner voice was right on the money, and that I am quite safe in not having watched a single episode....... so you can add me to your list too Busyman. :idunno:

Well....you missed out. The show was a nailbiter. It had it's flaws but was overall good.

It had the action, espionage, cliffhanging, treachery, and then some.

I loved this...


Awww Clowiiiiieeee

I think many of you are a stuffy lot.

07-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Agreed, Busy.
It wouldn't be fair to single anyone out, but clocker didn't even like Taken.

There isn't a smilie emotive enough to depict my disbelief.

07-06-2012, 11:29 AM
All the important dramatic highlights of eight seasons of 24 in 5 minutes.


07-06-2012, 12:13 PM
It wouldn't be fair to single anyone out, but clocker didn't even like Taken.

There isn't a smilie emotive enough to depict my disbelief.
A valid data set requires outliers.
My exception validates you(r) rule.

All that disbelief you so willingly suspend, where do you think it goes?
It falls on me, that's where it goes...I am a credulity magnet.
The release of a Michael Bay movie can cripple me for months as I struggle to again believe in the basic laws of physics.
Avatar put me down for nearly a year (have narrowed that one down to either the "floating mountains" or "Unobtanium"...both are unbearable) but the worst of all was Taken.
Taken cost me a kidney.

07-06-2012, 12:27 PM
It wouldn't be fair to single anyone out, but clocker didn't even like Taken.

There isn't a smilie emotive enough to depict my disbelief.
A valid data set requires outliers.
My exception validates you(r) rule.

All that disbelief you so willingly suspend, where do you think it goes?
It falls on me, that's where it goes...I am a credulity magnet.
The release of a Michael Bay movie can cripple me for months as I struggle to again believe in the basic laws of physics.
Avatar put me down for nearly a year (have narrowed that one down to either the "floating mountains" or "Unobtanium"...both are unbearable) but the worst of all was Taken.
Taken cost me a kidney.I actually lol'd
My problem is that I've never encountered a credulity magnet before. All the discussions I've ever had regarding Taken have been guttural and comprise almost exclusively of affirmations and expletives:

Dude, see Taken. Fuck.
Taken? fuck, yeah. Taken. Fucking hell, yes. Wow.
You saw it? Fuck.
Yeah, awesome as fuck.

In case you're wondering, yes, all of my friends are Californian 13 year olds from 1989.

07-06-2012, 12:42 PM
All the discussions I've ever had regarding Taken have been guttural and comprise almost exclusively of affirmations and expletives:

Dude, see Taken. Fuck.
Taken? fuck, yeah. Taken. Fucking hell, yes. Wow.
You saw it? Fuck.
Yeah, awesome as fuck.
Ah, the Tim Allen school of film reviewing.

In case you're wondering, yes, all of my friends are Californian 13 year olds from 1989.
The upkeep (hell, the vet bills alone) must be staggering.

07-06-2012, 02:43 PM
I know you keep throwing your toys out of the cot about Taken clocker, but that steely glare and massive amount of bed rest hasn't been pointed at far more worthy recent highliners like Wanted (come on a curving bullet, didn't that make your toenails curl?) or Hitman. If those two movies didn't actually suspend belief then force time to go backwards, I'm not sure what does. :blink:

07-06-2012, 02:55 PM
Except Wanted included mysticism as a story point (you didn't mention the yogurt bath for some reason?) and I don't know what Hitman is.
There was a backstory-inane as it may be- that attempted to explain how Wanted worked whereas in Taken, the only explanation is that none of the weapons in Europe work worth shit
unless operated by Liam Neeson.
At which time they become instantly lethal.
Give the man a Pez dispenser and entire nations are at risk.

07-06-2012, 03:21 PM
But then Bruce Willis made a career out of going up against heavily armed baddies with extremely poor depth perception, no peripheral vision and early stage motor-neuron disease from the total lack of coordination they exhibited. It seems to me that the studios are hiring the henchmen from brain disorder outpatient programs, and getting them cheap in bulk lots to cut down on costs. :idunno:

07-06-2012, 04:36 PM
.....and I don't know what Hitman is.

It stars Timothy Olyphant so it's physically impossible for it not to be awesome.

Also Rocky some number or other.


When Tarantino starts writing dialogue half that good then maybe I will start respecting him as an artist.

07-06-2012, 04:44 PM
I was going to say it doesn't really matter about the quality of the dialogue in Rocky films so shut your face, h8r ... but then I realised how important that line is in Rocky IV and didn't bother.

07-06-2012, 04:50 PM
After that movie came out I spent the next eight months literally saying nothing but "I must break you".

I got some weird looks especially anytime I was around windows but it was well worth it.

07-06-2012, 04:57 PM
You must be my age or had a mental age of about eight when that film hit the video shops because I did too.

Also, going back to that thread you started; Rocky is an example of a franchise which actually got better as it went on instead of being a cash cow.
Its peak was IV

Rocky V with that aids guy and the one after that were terrible but I'd prefer to believe that I dreamed them and that the whole thing ended with the demise of Drago.

07-06-2012, 05:22 PM
I too thought Taken was bad. I looked forward to that movie for a couple of months. It is one of only three films I've bothered to see on opening night. The second Matrix movie and The Hunger Games being the others. When the second Matrix movie ended, I think my exact words were "That was awful. Let's get the fuck outta here." I don't know what I said after Taken was over but I bet it wasn't much different.

Taken was a mediocre movie turned horrible at the end with the fat sheik on the boat.

07-07-2012, 01:06 AM
Oh, what a shame...just had to get all racist and play the "fat sheik" card, there are so many other, completely valid reasons to shower Taken with contempt.
For instance, that scene where Neeson confronts the bad guys, fixes them with a steely gaze and declaims, "Release the Taken!"...I mean, really.

07-07-2012, 01:11 AM
If Zeus was real like Jesus then you'd be getting hit with lightning bolts right about now.

07-07-2012, 01:26 AM
You prove my point.

"You prove my point" is my new go-to comeback when nothing more appropriate comes to mind.
It's perfect because it forces everyone to consider if I really ever had a point to begin with and if so, did you really prove it for me or have I fallen prey to a fallacy?
By the time those mental gymnastics are over, I'm long gone.


07-07-2012, 01:31 AM
I'm hedging toward them both being secret members of the Loyalist Paramilitary because bad guys not being able to shoot straight and plot holes the size of Lough Neagh never stopped anyone liking Willis pirouette through a holy hail of ham-fisted henchmen.

07-07-2012, 01:44 AM
But Willis was self-deprecating and nearly broke the fourth wall and Neeson is so unbearably grim.
He's just a priss really, a big preying mantis like prissy priss.
Like he never looked at his daughter and wondered....

07-07-2012, 04:55 AM
I only watched enough "24" to find the following clip funny, and that's all the show was worth in my opinion:


07-07-2012, 11:57 AM
I only watched enough "24" to find the following clip funny, and that's all the show was worth in my opinion:


Almost anything can be parodied. That was funny as hell, btw. :glag:

24 didn't really become open for parody until the later seasons. That's why I found it odd folks didn't even watch the first season. In the beginning, the show was new, different, and full o' action.

Your loss. Hey I still haven't watched one Harry Potter movie and I have them all on Blu. I do want to watch them tho'.

You must be my age or had a mental age of about eight when that film hit the video shops because I did too.

Also, going back to that thread you started; Rocky is an example of a franchise which actually got better as it went on instead of being a cash cow.
Its peak was IV

Rocky V with that aids guy and the one after that were terrible but I'd prefer to believe that I dreamed them and that the whole thing ended with the demise of Drago.

I liked all the Rocky movies save for Tommy Morrison's movie.

07-07-2012, 11:01 PM
But Willis was self-deprecating and nearly broke the fourth wall and Neeson is so unbearably grim.
He's just a priss really, a big preying mantis like prissy priss.
Like he never looked at his daughter and wondered....

Now you do have a point there, I can't actually see a Neeson character saying 'Yippee kiyay motherfucker', but if you want a grim unsmiling performance you should watch Bruce Willis in Last Man Standing. He makes Liam Neeson seem positively jovial by comparison.
I quite liked Neeson's character in Rob Roy though, given that he was an Irish highlander and the usual rather hilarious hollywood twisting of the facts, at least it was better than Braveheart with the battle of Sterling bridge with no fucking bridge!!!!!!!

07-07-2012, 11:15 PM
It was a Suspension Bridge of Disbelief and if the audience wouldn't help, it wouldn't appear.
Like Tinkerbell but more ox tracks.