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View Full Version : Never Fails, Programmers/Network People 'Out To Lunch' Even With Advance Warnings

07-08-2012, 09:16 PM
For several days/weeks, I've been getting warnings (email and from various articles on major sites) about a DNS attack that was supposed to be launched today (8 July 2012).

So one would think :w00t: that everyone out there in Internet land operations would be well 'on their toes' today.

Fat Chance.

Although it appears that my wired ISP (Comcast) seems to be ahead of the curve (haven't seen any problems yet except for a couple of very intermittent DNS lookup errors/failures), my three wireless providers (Sprint, Verizon, and Clearwire) not so much.

Typical I guess these days. Most everything is run by folks who couldn't troubleshoot their way out of a web paper bag.

07-08-2012, 10:24 PM
Wasn't this to do with infected DNS servers that would be taken offline along with the backup servers by the FBI? The result being some would lose connectivity? But then doesn't everybody use another public dns system?

07-09-2012, 03:28 PM
It was malware that changed people's DNS settings on their computers to DNS servers that were control by cyber criminals. Those servers are supposed to be taken offline today.


07-10-2012, 06:33 AM
The thing of it is, is that most/all of the 'web sites' these days are an 'amalgam' of bits and pieces from all over hell and begone that are 'stitched together' to present you with a 'rich' screen of ... ads and whatnot, mostly.

Just one of those links gets out of wack, one way or another, and things grind to a halt. Things stated getting better about 8 hours after I noticed things going bonkers, then by some 12 hours later it was all running pretty smoothly again.

Although 'apparently', few folks were 'affected' by the turn-down, but I don't think that counted the websites 'links' and such. MLB.com was really affected, probably some of the adverts the link to on all of their pages were 'acting up' and it meant that all the other data on those pages were in essence, irretrievable. Then I notices that lots of other sites were acting weird as well.

07-10-2012, 03:19 PM
I don't think that was related.