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View Full Version : Linux Screw Linux, you're always a beta tester on that shit. Use Windows.

07-16-2012, 04:51 AM

Spent my entire Sunday trying to get Backtrack on my laptop to work, dual booting with my Windows 7 installation.

Tried several "recommended" software to install the .ISO to a USB key and kept on getting stuck on the bootloader. Eventually I found out the only working solution so far is using Linux Live USB Creator.
Then, the damn thing wouldn't start the GUI because someone messed the kernel and it no longer likes the Intel GFX cards. All you get is a black screen... After hours researching for a solution, found it buried deep in a thread.

Then, I went on to the installation wizard, created my partitions manually as I always do, but didn't want GRUB to be my bootloader. Windows NTLDR is what I want to keep, as I tend to mess my linux installations a lot more, I'm pretty good at fucking up.
So, when I get to install grub to my specified partition instead to the MBR (god forbid), all I get is a greyed out button. So the fucking thing wants to push me to use GRUB as a bootloader instead NTLDR? Who da fuck they think they are?

I got to a fix where I was supposed to install the damn thing without a bootloader and then manually add grub2 to the partition. How da hell is that a reasonable solution? :huh:

But the donkey here went on and did it anyways. The thing eventually worked, taking me over 7 hours in the process... 7 HOURS TO INSTALL AN OS ?!?

1 pack of cigarettes later and lots of hair pulling, I got to start reaver. You know, so I can use my neighbour's pilot and remotely control their TVs and so forth.
Ran it with my usual settings and forgot to check his router's model so I could adequate them. Long story short, 10 hours wasted on a WPS attack that locked me down from the first minute, because I forgot to add one flag to the command line.

I'm going to bed now. Long live Windows. Thanks Bill Gates, you're the man.

Darth Sushi
07-16-2012, 11:35 AM
... Thanks Bill Gates, you're the man.

Although I'm a Windows/Hackintosh user, I wouldn't go that far. Of course I just might have billionaire penis envy. :unsure:

07-16-2012, 06:56 PM
We no longer appreciate stuff like DX, wizards and all the simplicity Windows provides us. Without it, computing wouldn't be so attractive to the masses as it is.

Something Else
07-17-2012, 10:57 AM
I realise the economy in Latvia is slow, but why are you beta testing excrement. :blink:

07-17-2012, 12:10 PM
I'm not going to even bother speculating, but which flavor of Linux was this?