View Full Version : "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

07-19-2012, 12:25 PM
"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Let that sink in for a minute.

If we had a serious candidate, instead of wishy washy Romney, the battle for the White House would be over right now.

Obama, in essence, said to every entrepreneur, every small business owner, every self-employed person, and really every business owner in general: DROP DEAD! I HATE YOU! I HAVE NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

But where in the world would he come up with this sort of hatred for the very people who built the United States into perhaps the greatest country in the world, and for many years the world's largest economy?

From his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

We'll talk more about him later.

But let's just think about this for a moment. Is it any wonder that our economy is not getting any better? This man hates private enterprise. He hate businesses. He is actively waging a war with congress to raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or more. Besides some small time self-employed people, what sort of business is going to make less than $250,000 per year? And if it does, how many people can it hire? Is there any wonder that businesses are holding their breath and waiting to see what happens next?

From the family discussions I've had, and conversations I've listened to over the past few years, most business owners are starting to realize who Obama really is and what is all about. The problem is, Romney can't win the election with just our votes. We need the employees of private businesses to vote him out of office. I don't expect government employees or government aid recipients to vote against him because they "know which side of one's bread is buttered." But anyone in the private sector needs to get out there and vote against this man.

Once again, a leftist bias in the media is rearing its ugly head. But people are smart enough to catch it. In one article by Jake Tapper, he insinuates that Obama didn't really say that, or didn't mean to say that. Sort of like when Obama was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos, and Obama said "My Muslim faith." George quickly corrected the Freudian slip by saying, "Your Christian faith." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMUgNg7aD8M
The media bends over backwards to kiss this man's ass. They just love him so much because they finally have a fellow traveler in the White House. Anyways, there are some hilarious comments on Jake Tapper's article, http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/did-obama-say-if-youve-got-a-business-you-didnt-build-that/

Here are some of the comments:
Yes – read the speech – “If you got a business, you didn’t build it. Somebody else made it happen.”
So yes he did say it.

So the answer is Yes He Did. So instead of answering your question in the headline, you try to so call “put it in context” I don’t recall any other time you did this for out of context quotes from republicans. And you wonder why people come to the conclusion abc and others are rooting for President Obama.

Where does he think all the money comes from he spends so freely everyday? Hard working taxpayers. Money WE made working long hours and many days, not him. You can tell he has no clue how the economy works. Maybe he and Gore should get together.

WOW WOW, Obama has gone off the deep end. As a small business owner i find his comments really disturbing and very anti business. I save for years to be able to start my business and the govt. was in my way and not helping me at all. This guy really is that clueless, thats the scary part.

First off what does roads and bridges have to do with business??? Why would you even equate the two??? As far a building roads and bridges my taxes and many peoples taxes payed for them so what is the point??? Is this the help he gave me??? Letting me pay taxes so someone could build roads and bridges to help me??? This argument doesnt even meke sense but of course that may be why he was a community organizer instead od a businessman.

The roads and highways come from the taxpayers’ money. The taxpayers are American citizens who run and work at small business (unless they are government employees). Golly, Americans have been building businesses long before there were roads. Americans forged west without the help of roads and government help. Americans built small businesses along the way across this great land without government help. Obama is a commie that wants the government to give us everything. We are becoming nothing but serfs.

Where does this arrogant, obnoxious twerp think HE gets the trillions he has frittered away over the last 3.5 years? I honestly can’t believe I voted for this greedy imbecile last time. Fool me once, shame on you. It won’t happen again. I’m lukewarm at best for Romney, but he’s got my vote if Obama is the alternative.

President Obama you are so right. I really owe you and the feds everything. Now I realize the futility of those endless hours I have worked building my business. All the time I scraped away at my retirement to keep it afloat. The money I gave you for taxes, gov’t programs, and regulations. What was I thinking? I am going to take your advice Mr. President. I’m going to close up shop, let go of all my employees, and go work for you. Because I really owe it to you anyway. And I think every business owner should do the same. With no businesses, “evil capitalism” will be defeated. Eventually, there will be no innovation, private sector, or tax base, so the government will just be recycling their own money. But what the heck? We will all have a steady paycheck, paid vacation time, and no stress. The best part is I will have more time to spend thanking the people who really made a difference while I was building my business. Strangely enough, none of them work for you or the government.

This is what both Obama and Warren don’t understand: Yes the government paid to have the roads built, they paid to have bridges built and traffic lights and such, but where did they get the money from? They sure didn’t create it from thin air, they got it from the businesses they say owes them.
The Constitution demands that the government promote the general welfare, which means that roads are apart of that welfare, because everyone, not just the business benefits from those roads. The way they’re saying it is that if it weren’t for the businesses in this country there would be no roads. Now that is true, but not because the government wouldn’t do it because the business wasn’t there, but because they couldn’t. Without the business providing jobs, there would have been no tax dollars to go to the government, which means that the government wouldn’t have had the money to build those roads in the first place.
What this government, Republic and Democrat alike, need to realize is that without the people, without our support, they have nothing. They can continue to tax us to death if they like, but once our unemployment becomes unsustainable, and we’ve borrowed to the max from every country we can find, they will run out of funds and be left with nothing. Then they’ll realize exactly what the ‘rich’, the ‘middle class’, and the ‘poor’ owe them… absolutely nothing.


No surprise here.
Barry doesn’t get it.
The Free Enterprise System built this great nation and the roads and the electric grid and the internet and everything else.
The government works for us.
If you have an opportunity to build a new business it’s because of the business people that came before you."

Okay, I think you get the idea from those comments. People saw right through it.

I would like to add that the only people he seems to admire in his speech are once again, government employees: teachers, etc.

And this quote from Obama tells us what he thinks of rugged individualism: "There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me, because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life."

I've known some people who fought and struggled for everything in their life. They overcame obstacles and hurdles placed in front of them. They kept trying and finally made it. They did it themselves.

Now let's get back to Obama's mentor and see why he thinks the way he does...

The Communist

“I admire Russia for wiping out an economic system which permitted a handful of rich to exploit and beat gold from the millions of plain people. . . . As one who believes in freedom and democracy for all, I honor the Red nation.” —FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS, 1947

In his memoir, Barack Obama omits the full name of his mentor, simply calling him “Frank.” Now, the truth is out: Never has a figure as deeply troubling and controversial as Frank Marshall Davis had such an impact on the development of an American president.

Although other radical influences on Obama, from Jeremiah Wright to Bill Ayers, have been scrutinized, the public knows little about Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, cited by the Associated Press as an “important influence” on Obama, one whom he “looked to” not merely for “advice on living” but as a “father” figure.

While the Left has willingly dismissed Davis (with good reason), here are the indisputable, eye-opening facts: Frank Marshall Davis was a pro-Soviet, pro–Red China communist. His Communist Party USA card number, revealed in FBI files, was CP #47544. He was a prototype of the loyal Soviet patriot, so radical that the FBI placed him on the federal government’s Security Index. In the early 1950s, Davis opposed U.S. attempts to slow Stalin and Mao. He favored Red Army takeovers of Central and Eastern Europe, and communist control in Korea and Vietnam. Dutifully serving the cause, he edited and wrote for communist newspapers in both Chicago and Honolulu, courting contributors who were Soviet agents. In the 1970s, amid this dangerous political theater, Frank Marshall Davis came into Barack Obama’s life.

Aided by access to explosive declassified FBI files, Soviet archives, and Davis’s original newspaper columns, Paul Kengor explores how Obama sought out Davis and how Davis found in Obama an impressionable young man, one susceptible to Davis’s worldview that opposed American policy and traditional values while praising communist regimes. Kengor sees remnants of this worldview in Obama’s early life and even, ultimately, his presidency.

Kengor charts with definitive accuracy the progression of Davis’s communist ideas from Chicago to Hawaii. He explores how certain elements of the Obama administration’s agenda reflect Davis’s columns advocating wealth redistribution, government stimulus for “public works projects,” taxpayer-funding of universal health care, and nationalizing General Motors. Davis’s writings excoriated the “tentacles of big business,” blasted Wall Street and “greedy” millionaires, lambasted GOP tax cuts that “spare the rich,” attacked “excess profits” and oil companies, and perceived the Catholic Church as an obstacle to his vision for the state—all the while echoing Davis’s often repeated mantra for transformational and fundamental “change.”

And yet, The Communist is not unsympathetic to Davis, revealing him as something of a victim, an African- American who suffered devastating racial persecution in the Jim Crow era, steering this justly angered young man on a misguided political track. That Davis supported violent and heartless communist regimes over his own country is impossible to defend. That he was a source of inspiration to President Barack Obama is impossible to ignore.

Is Obama working to fulfill the dreams of Frank Marshall Davis? That question has been impossible to answer, since Davis’s writings and relationship with Obama have either been deliberately obscured or dismissed as irrelevant. With Paul Kengor’s The Communist, Americans can finally weigh the evidence and decide for themselves.


There were hundreds of thousands of American communists like Frank who agitated throughout the twentieth century. They chose the wrong side of history, a horrendously bloody side that left a wake of more than 100 million corpses from the streets of the Bolshevik Revolution to the base of the Berlin Wall—double the combined dead of the century’s two world wars. And they never apologized. Quite the contrary, they cursed their accusers for daring to charge (correctly) that they were communists whose ideology threatened the American way and the greater world and all of humanity. They took their denials to the grave, and still today their liberal/progressive dupes continue to conceal their crimes and curse their accusers for them. We need hundreds and thousands of more books on American communists like Frank, so we can finally start to get this history right— and, more so, learn its vital lessons. To fail to do so is a great historical injustice.

We especially need to flesh out these lessons, which are morality tales in the truest sense of the word, when we find the rarest case of a man like “Frank” managing to influence someone as influential as the current president of the United States of America—the leader of the free world and driver of the mightiest political/economic engine in history. Such figures cannot be ignored.

The people who influence our presidents matter.

—from The Communist: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor

How many people have wondered about the true identity of the Wizard of Oz that is feeding Obama's teleprompter while hidden from view behind a curtain?
Finally, a possible answer to that riddle has been discovered and documented by Paul Kengor in his new biography of Frank Marshall Davis. Who the heck is Frank Marshall Davis and why hasn't his identity and importance to Barack Obama been reported and analyzed by the media?
Obama mentions his mentor only briefly in his own autobiographies and wisely refers to that most important influence on him as "Frank." Why was that?
Frank Marshall Davis was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA. His card number was #47544. He was a lifetime pro-Soviet, pro-Red China Communist. "He edited and wrote for communist newspapers in both Chicago and Honolulu" and published the writings of noted Soviet Agents.
"Davis came into Barack Obama's life in the 1970s.... Frank Marshall Davis had a distinct influence on Obama during their years together in the 1970s. The exact extent of that influence will be one of the subjects analyzed in detail through this book."
To know some of Davis's hard-core Communist's beliefs, one only has to listen to the words of Barack Obama. Many of the phrases peppering his political speeches are almost direct quotes of the radical writings of Davis.
"Frank Marshall Davis is the closest thing that the adolescent Obama had to a mentor. The only competitor was Obamas's maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham. Actually, 'competitor' is not a good word, give that Dunham introduced Frank to Obama for the purpose of mentoring."
In 21 chapters of meticulously detailed information, Kengor paints a picture of the man who may have had the single most influence on Barack Obama. The portrait he so carefully paints of the self-admitted COMMUNIST FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS is going to open the eyes of many American voters. This information was deliberately buried by the media for fear it would doom Obama's historic campaign for President. If it wasn't buried, then the media simply wasn't interested in digging the information up and doing its First Amendment job of protecting the American people by keeping them informed.
However, now that Obama is indeed President, it is evident that Frank Davis's beliefs and teachings are being beamed into the two always-present Teleprompters when he gives speeches. Alas, Obama's Wizard of Oz was a Marxist Communist through and through and those beliefs are those that Obama is using to instigate his changes on America. There isn't much hope, just economic disaster and the downfall of America's freedoms and Marx and Lenin's final victory over the West. The reader can almost hear their ghosts hammering their shoes on one of the tables in Hell and vowing to bury America and what it stands for.
This book allows even the most naďve of Americans to grasp what Obama is doing to the United States of America. This Wizard of Oz has created the perfect "Manchurian Candidate" to pull off the greatest hoax by a snake oil salesman in the history of the world.

07-19-2012, 12:55 PM
You are an intellectually lazy moron.
I don't suppose you've read the entirety of the speech to grasp the context from which that snippet was lifted because if you had you'd realize how asinine all that vitriol is.

07-20-2012, 01:13 PM
It amazes me how liberals are trying to spin this.

You can read the entire speech (go ahead, click on the abc news link in the first post) and it still shows his contempt for private business owners.

If we had Ron Paul as our candidate right now, he could run with this and back Obama into a corner with his own statements, and easily win this election.

But no, we have perhaps the worst candidate ever, and he is still coming close to beating Obama. What does that say about how the average Americans feel about him and how he has handled this economy?

Just read their comments which I quoted above. They can see right through all of this. For some reason, you can't. Or you choose not to see through it. I don't know why.

If I was in charge of the Republican super PAC, I would ignore Romney from this point forward, and unleash a flury of extremely negative attack ads against Obama, and yes, I would use this quote over and over, until the general public was aware of how he felt about the idea of people starting their own businesses.

I am fairly certain the average American would not be too pleased with Obama's entire speech.

07-30-2012, 08:04 AM
What Obama said fits EXACTLY with your situation, 9's. Anything you do in your future (assuming anything) will be because YOUR GRANDPARENTS PAID YOUR WAY.


07-30-2012, 09:10 PM
You are an intellectually lazy moron.
I don't suppose you've read the entirety of the speech to grasp the context from which that snippet was lifted because if you had you'd realize how asinine all that vitriol is.

C'mon... that speech was horrible. The part right after the above remark he says "Government research created the internet so that all the companies could make money off the internet".

Really? That's why? lol

07-31-2012, 12:15 AM
Yes, the writing is horrible but the deliberate misunderstanding of the content is worse.

Why Obama doesn't just hire Aaron Sorkin to write his speeches is beyond me.