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08-10-2012, 07:39 PM
I'd like if at all possible to obtain an invite to FSC I know that the chances are pretty slim but hear my plea. I'm an awesome sharer, community person, and also contributor by doing my part via donations, seeding, and uploading. I'm currently a member of FTN, x264, Bitmetv, TL, BS and ffffound. I have recently lost my membership at BCG that I've had for years because of not downloading. Even though I was seeding about twenty five of their files at the time. I'm not a site collector, I just want to be a contributing member to a few great community's. If you'd like proof, by pm via one of these sites or any other way please let me know. I can and will be a valuable member to FSC if only given an opportunity. Thank you.

08-10-2012, 08:13 PM
I'd like if at all possible to obtain an invite to FSC I know that the chances are pretty slim but hear my plea. I'm an awesome ....community person

You mean discounting this one obviously.
I'm not a site collector.Your post history says otherwise.

Please feel free to correct (and swear) at me if either of my above statements aren't true.

08-10-2012, 09:17 PM
I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. I have even possibly traded invites. When I first hit the torrent scene I was arrogant and thought I needed all the A list sites. Now as a seasoned veteran I've gotten over such petty epenis ideas. I'm not denying my past. I've just grown up. If anyone here hasn't done something foolish that they regret they can throw the first stone. I will answer for my wrong doing. I haven't tried to hide my past by creating another account or etc. I'm facing it. I expected someone to look at my past posts. Some of them I was even drunk and stoned out of my mind when I posted. I regret those also. I'm sure we can all agree that we can do some dumb stuff while under the influence. I've been a member here for the last six years not so active at sometimes due to real life circumstances. During this time I have learned and matured greatly. Should you judge a person by their past? Certainly. But if that person has admitted their wrong doings, isn't trying to hide from them, and has changed; does that person deserve another chance?

08-10-2012, 09:34 PM
I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. I have even possibly traded invites. When I first hit the torrent scene I was arrogant and thought I needed all the A list sites. Now as a seasoned veteran I've gotten over such petty epenis ideas. I'm not denying my past. I've just grown up. If anyone here hasn't done something foolish that they regret they can throw the first stone. I will answer for my wrong doing. I haven't tried to hide my past by creating another account or etc. I'm facing it. I expected someone to look at my past posts. Some of them I was even drunk and stoned out of my mind when I posted. I regret those also. I'm sure we can all agree that we can do some dumb stuff while under the influence. I've been a member here for the last six years not so active at sometimes due to real life circumstances. During this time I have learned and matured greatly. Should you judge a person by their past? Certainly. But if that person has admitted their wrong doings, isn't trying to hide from them, and has changed; does that person deserve another chance?
Sorry but "owning up " doesn't include prefacing statements with "possibly".

As for 'growing up" seriously you've apparently been doing this bt thing even longer than I have and you're still spouting the "community" bullshit?

As a member of some of the great sites of which you no doubt speak I can honestly say that few if any people associated with them give a flying fuck if I live or die if they see it of being no direct benefit to themselves so good luck with that community thing. :mellow:

Anyway, whatever and hopefully you find your way into FSC so you can join the great "Rate that Ass" community debate like the ongoing one at FTN.

Btw on a totally off topic sidenote I like to keep track of the new putz's people at FTN and one recent one actually crowed about running 8 concurrent seedboxes ,like it was good thing or something.
Me I'd have banned him on the spot just out of principle.:mellow:

08-10-2012, 11:25 PM
community is important to me if it wasn't I'd just join the newsgroups. I've received most of my best invites due to this "community thing".

Also in no direct statement to you but if anyone feels like they're a member of a site that could care less about them, that person would have to ask themselves why they feel that way. Likely because that person already knows that what they contribute to the site is worthless. Just like with any relationship if you don't do your part in it your worthless to the other individual. It's the basic life principal you scratch my back I'll scratch yours.

I'd like to know why you have such a hate for the community, aren't you part of "community" bullshit here?

08-11-2012, 12:40 AM
Not directed at you or anything but some of us hope to wed for love and some of us are apparently content with marriages of convenience.

Also as to my continuing involvement here ,if you had any idea as to what I was trying to get at in my previous post ,you would see that what I like about certain people at FST is that they aren't looking to get anything out of anyone by participating here.