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View Full Version : Google to begin punishing pirate sites in search results

08-11-2012, 04:17 AM
"Google constantly tweaks how its search engine delivers results to people, but it's rolling out a major new change next week: it'll start generally downranking sites that receive a high volume of copyright infringement notices from copyright holders. Google says the move is designed to "help users find legitimate, quality sources of content more easily" — meaning that it's trying to direct people who search for movies, TV shows, and music to sites like Hulu and Spotify, not torrent sites or data lockers like the infamous MegaUpload." http://www.theverge.com/2012/8/10/3233625/google-search-ranking-copyright-dmca

One of the sites I see a huge amount of copyright infringement is a video site called Youtube. Do you think they will cut that site down to size?

05-26-2013, 06:03 PM
good point

06-01-2013, 04:19 PM
yeah, good point! may anyone suggest an alternative to google for this kind of search ?

06-01-2013, 05:16 PM
yeah, good point! may anyone suggest an alternative to google for this kind of search ?

What about link sharing forums?

06-01-2013, 09:58 PM
Youtube has so much shyt... they will never cut down its rating.

07-15-2013, 05:57 PM
Just because they "downrank" a site doesnt mean google wont still host the link... so everythings all good right?

08-17-2013, 08:44 AM
https://duckduckgo.com works decently if you are seeking alternate search engines