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05-05-2013, 03:45 PM
“Winter is coming.”

05-05-2013, 04:50 PM
A Song of Fire and Ice:The Extremely Condensed Version.

Honestly either say something pertinent ,offer an opinion, whistle a merry tune or shut the fucking fuck up.
I seriously hate you pseudo intellectual types,especially the ones who are Newt fans.

05-05-2013, 05:07 PM
A Song of Fire and Ice:The Extremely Condensed Version.

Honestly either say something pertinent ,offer an opinion, whistle a merry tune or shut the fucking fuck up.
I seriously hate you pseudo intellectual types,especially the ones who are Newt fans.

Nice... right here goes...

I could not find the original thread so I thought I would start a new one... “Winter is coming.”
speaks volumes... I was looking for like-minded participants who perhaps might have read the book... of course I could/should/may have included that... and yet... surely I would have commented further once the thread began to take shape... Your contribution as always is truly inspired and I am certain it has wrought such profound enlightenment that only mortals like myself only dare to perceive...

05-05-2013, 05:17 PM
Newt's gay,not that I'm judging.

Less seriously though,has it struck you that there are very few true villains in GoTs and characters are merely trying to move forward by means of whatever talents have been afforded them?

05-05-2013, 06:19 PM
Newt's gay,not that I'm judging.

Less seriously though,has it struck you that there are very few true villains in GoTs and characters are merely trying to move forward by means of whatever talents have been afforded them?

I agree...I think what G.R.R.M had in mind was not so much good vs evil but flawed human characters with potential for doing the right thing at the wrong time, the wrong thing at the right time, and rarely what we would expect of the hero/anti-hero archetype.
The one uniting enemy for Westeros presumably will be the the White Walkers. And anyone who goes against Daenerys Targaryen will be despised at some point... I guess the question should go out... who should rightfully claim the throne? The wrong answer t'wood make villains of us all.

06-03-2013, 10:23 PM

I find the fact that so many people actually feel some weird need to record videos of everything they do and then post it on the internet at least six times as disturbing as any piece of TV fiction.:mellow:

06-04-2013, 12:22 AM
In before hole69 says he masterbated to it. :mellow:

And posts the vid. :ermm:

06-04-2013, 01:18 AM
In before hole69 says he masterbated to it. :mellow:

And posts the vid. :ermm: hole69 says he found the scene shocking mainly because they missed the perfect opportunity of showing some good dead pregnant queen rape.

He says if he were a director that's what he would have done and another good reason why under no circumstances should hole69 ever be allowed anywhere near a movie camera.:mellow:

06-04-2013, 05:10 AM
A partial list of things hole69 should also be kept from:

-subatomic particles

I do, however, suspect he's spent some time in and around black holes. :mellow:

06-04-2013, 05:40 AM
The Red Wedding scene was, I am sure, quite shocking to many and it no doubt disappointed most GoT fans... The elimination of a worthy contender for the Iron Throne aside, regicide, fetalcide, (there is no word for it so I made it up) and what would seem to be an abrupt ending to one of the main story threads, was... is... hard to comprehend right away... Although it did seem odd/interesting when it ended and the black screen came up with the credits.... I could not help but recall the Sopranos' ten seconds of black screen in the series finale.

When I read it in the book I was surprised that GRRM would/could wipe out what had so much potential for... I guess some kind of fulfilment/resolution perhaps with Arya finally seeing her mom again and a Casterly Rock battle and so on... Does it make sense later? Well... I can say it will serve to drive a plot twist of its own.

It was a powerful moment on film... even while I knew it was coming I was... overwhelmed by its delivery.

... and the reactions it garnered re: Idols post, had me laughing in a somewhat disturbing context... hard to explain...
There is bound to be another as the season finale will have a most interesting/satisfying conclusion.

06-05-2013, 12:42 AM
The Red Wedding scene was...
... and the reactions it garnered re: Idols post, had me laughing in a somewhat disturbing context... hard to explain...
There is bound to be another as the season finale will have a most interesting/satisfying conclusion.

Say what you like, but I watched my copy of the wedding scene last night... an went to bed after soooooooo frak'en depressed. :(

('nuff said.) :alien:

06-05-2013, 01:29 AM
The Red Wedding scene was...
... and the reactions it garnered re: Idols post, had me laughing in a somewhat disturbing context... hard to explain...
There is bound to be another as the season finale will have a most interesting/satisfying conclusion.

Say what you like, but I watched my copy of the wedding scene last night... an went to bed after soooooooo frak'en depressed. :(

('nuff said.) :alien:

I was too, believe me! ... but we have to trust that George knows what he's doing.... :unsure:

06-06-2013, 04:45 PM
Finally caught this. I didn't care so much about the family dying as I did about the wolf.

06-06-2013, 04:45 PM
I've been feeling like there's a wolf shortage since the 3rd episode of the 1st season.

06-06-2013, 04:57 PM
I've been feeling like there's a wolf shortage since the 3rd episode of the 1st season.

In the book

Just before the Red Wedding, Grey Wind sensed the Freys' impending betrayal. He growled at Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers upon Robb's arrival at the Twins. Catelyn urged Robb to trust Grey Wind's instincts, but Robb had him tethered in the stables during the wedding. While the butchery of the Stark forces took place, Frey men would kill Grey Wind, but not before he was released by Raynald Westerling, allegedly killing four Frey wolfhounds and tearing the arm off of a man, even while being shot by crossbows. His head was sewn onto Robb's corpse as a final insult to the Starks.

I bet the guy playing the direwolf was really upset when the producers told him that since they already blew the budget on the previous direwolf attack they unfortunately were going to have to write his big moment out of the episode.

Anyway if I had written the books a large portion would be devoted to the animals walking around and growling and occasional howling mournfully and maybe killing some tofu for dinner.

06-09-2013, 08:27 PM
In anticipation of tonights season finale... I found this article interesting...


06-10-2013, 11:30 PM
Not sure if the finale lived up to the previous episode or soothed the pains of the 'Red Wedding' at all.

06-11-2013, 12:58 AM
Not sure if the finale lived up to the previous episode or soothed the pains of the 'Red Wedding' at all.

Obviously it didn't live up to it and obviously the producers are beginning to suspect that they might need to slow plot progression down as Mr Martin probably won't finish the book series until 2023.

Anyway I had some really cool and interesting things to add but sadly they require links and currently this fucking site will have none of that sort of crazy nonsense.

06-11-2013, 02:48 AM
[QUOTE=DngrMs;3702979]Not sure if the finale lived up to the previous episode or soothed the pains of the 'Red Wedding' at all.

I forgot that BOOK 3 was being broken up into Season's 3 and 4... The finale was definitely a yawner compared to the penultimate episode. Why the producers didn't use the The Rains of Castamere as the season finale seems curious... An obviously perfect way to leave us wanting more...

I will watch Mhysa again though.... sometimes it's better the second time around.

06-11-2013, 10:26 AM
I will watch Mhysa again though.... sometimes it's better the second time around.

Yes, agreed - I need to do this as well.

06-17-2013, 08:20 AM
Obviously it didn't live up to it and obviously the producers are beginning to suspect that they might need to slow plot progression down as Mr Martin probably won't finish the book series until 2023.

I just want you to know that you, at this very moment, sound like an anime fan discussing an anime series. I figured it would be appropriate to introduce some contextual terms for you to use in the future.


I'll continue the list another time.

06-23-2013, 01:35 AM

I forgot that BOOK 3 was being broken up into Season's 3 and 4... The finale was definitely a yawner compared to the penultimate episode. Why the producers didn't use the The Rains of Castamere as the season finale seems curious... An obviously perfect way to leave us wanting more...

I will watch Mhysa again though.... sometimes it's better the second time around.

as it would have been too controversial to leave it with that. i did like the end where the white queen was the salvation to years of suffering for the blacks/ethnics. pretty sure the books had a mix of ethnicity.

all in all good season- and significantly better than season 2 in spite of it only covering the first half of book 3

08-24-2013, 03:17 PM
I realize the show is out of season right now, but thought the comparison between GoT and Star Wars to be deeper than I first expected.


02-24-2014, 03:44 AM
hahaha that was awesome! my favorite is "we've fallen into a crafty entrapment"