View Full Version : Headphones

05-08-2013, 02:10 AM
anyone using this? I am trying to get it setup but can't. I don't recall having such a hard time with couch potato and sick beard/ any advise or clear tutorials?


05-15-2013, 02:26 PM
What are you having trouble setting up? Have you had a look at the Total HTPC (http://www.totalhtpc.com/headphones-sickbeard-for-music/) post?

I heard about Headphones a while ago, finally found some time to download it yesterday.

The Total HTPC looks straight forward, will (attempt?) to set it up tomorrow. So far I've only managed to open up the web interface. If you can't open the .py, check to see if you're using Python 3.0, if you are downgrade to 2.7.

05-17-2013, 01:34 PM
What are you having trouble setting up? Have you had a look at the Total HTPC (http://www.totalhtpc.com/headphones-sickbeard-for-music/) post?

I heard about Headphones a while ago, finally found some time to download it yesterday.

The Total HTPC looks straight forward, will (attempt?) to set it up tomorrow. So far I've only managed to open up the web interface. If you can't open the .py, check to see if you're using Python 3.0, if you are downgrade to 2.7.figured it out. it was the ver of python that was the problem/..
I still have yet to fully use headphones but so far it can be a useful took if you already have all your music perfectly organized, as mine is not.