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View Full Version : Nero Burning Problem

11-20-2003, 04:35 PM
Hey, i have recently tried to burn a data disk after burning succesfully a few days before. And the burning takes a few minutes more than usual, and aty the start it makes a waered scanning noise that has never been heared before. And once its finished burning my pc dosnt pic up on the cd, and cant read it, and my dvd player can read theres a file on there(film) but stalls when i pres play to play it, the cd has been burnt onto as you can see a clear buring colour change from the rest of the cd. Im using nero 5. Can anyone help please?

11-20-2003, 04:43 PM
it could be your cd burner (assuming that is what you are using)

Are you making avideo CD??? i have done that with nero, and it can sometimes be unstable, i have had my comp crash before, trying to burn a damned vid cd...

Anyway i would suggest restarting the system and trying again, and remeber you can ONLY be running nero at the same time, don't leave kazaa on etc... it requires all the cpu it can get, and it chould take a while to encode/decode...

hope that helps

11-20-2003, 04:47 PM
Nah, i did say i was burning a datadisk, and i have tried it with just nero going. And have reinstalled nero. If i reboot my pc, i will loose all my stuff i have which is unacceptable :angry: . Thanks for your help, could it be the burners laser by any chance?

11-20-2003, 04:51 PM
oops sry bout that :P

umm what kind of burner ya got (brand etc...)

some burners are crappy etc... umm data cds well if those don't burn then i would assume that the burner has something wrong with it, although restarting would probably show better results in any case... ( i understand that you don't want to restart your comp)...

11-20-2003, 04:55 PM
i have no clue what ake it is, but on the from it says 32x10x40x

11-20-2003, 05:22 PM
hmm probably a lain lie or however it is spelled, that is not a bd burner, what are you trying to burn as in (what file types) and what OS do you have?

11-20-2003, 05:26 PM
Im just trying to burn a mpg file onto disk as a data disk, and im not up on computer knowledge so i havent got a clue about the os.

11-20-2003, 08:25 PM
what do you mean by os? if you mean windows, i have win xp pro

11-20-2003, 08:53 PM
Now you said a data disc well the dvd won't pick it up unless it is a (s)vcd ie your mpg file should be burnt as a (s)vcd now I take it you mean your PC dvd.

11-20-2003, 10:03 PM
no my dvd player does pic it up and plays it with ease, its just all of a sudden ifi burn onto a disk nothing it picked up on the disks by the pc or my dvd player(not pc dvd player).