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05-20-2013, 07:52 PM
Hi all! :)

I always wanted to be a member there so I'm hoping someone who has an extra invite can help me out. I really wanna check out their music section especially...

Please PM me if you can spare an invite.

Thanks in advance!! :)

05-24-2013, 08:50 PM

No luck at all so far...been 4 days now too :(

Still waiting for an invite... someone please help out! I just need ONE generous person to help me out here. Surprisingly (and very unfortunately), the site I always use to get what I want hasn't been uploading the 0day AT ALL lately (which I collect) and I am not sure if/when they will ever resume, BUT I know SCC has what I need so now would be a REALLY good time for me to join (especially before the seeders disappear on some of the older torrents). I truly hope someone understands and can empathize with my situation.

Thread will be closed for now but I will update it as soon as my request is fulfilled (hopefully very soon). I have great speed and am very experienced with torrenting. Any questions or proof requests, feel free to PM me.

Frankly I'm just hoping someone will be nice enough to invite me without too much jumping through hoops. I've been a member here for a long time and never had problems nor have I created problems for any of my fellow members here in any way (and never will!). I have also always followed the rules on all trackers I ever used and never had any problems (and am in good standing on ALL trackers I use) and I promise that I will have good ratio, follow the rules, and will not cause ANY problems for you, if you are kind enough to decide to invite me. I would also VERY HIGHLY appreciate it!!

Hope to hear from someone soon...

If you don't have an invite to spare or any intention of inviting or helping me, please do not PM me. Thank you.

I wish everyone a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!! :)

Bless you all!! ♥

05-24-2013, 11:45 PM
Thread will be closed for now but I will update it as soon as my request is fulfilled

If you don't have an invite to spare or any intention of inviting or helping me, please do not PM me.

Statements like these make it sound like you believe you're doing your potential inviter a favor, by allowing them to invite you, and not the other way around. I hope you realize that.

05-29-2013, 04:19 PM
Hi anon,

Frankly, no, I did not realize that and in fact still do not see how you a reach such conclusion from those statements. Do others feel this way too? (Let's leave this question a rhetorical one, for now at least). I don't really know but I do know that I closed thread due to past experience here with people derailing my threads by making offensive off-topic comments and attacking me personally (for no reason) and doing their best to try to make me look bad (and I'm not the only one who is treated like this, but that's another topic). I prefer to avoid that kinda stuff and the only way I could think of to do that is to close the thread and keep everyone updated manually. Thank you for your input, anon; I appreciate it, though frankly I hope you are the only one who feels I come across that way. I do not know why you choose to isolate those lines and give them your own "spin" on what they sounded like but I'm glad you did and that I have the opportunity to clarify such severe misperceptions.

I can only hope that it's only you who perceives my post in such manner. Obviously anyone inviting me is doing me a HUGE favor and I don't know how THAT doesn't come across in my posts (for some reason you totally left out my thankfulness to my potential inviter and the rest of my post and focused only on the "negative"). I am NOT doing anyone a favor. I am ASKING for a favor (a rather big one, at that). I don't think I can say it any simpler and frankly did not expect I would have to. I thought the "request" part of the subject would be enough to make it clear I am requesting something and not providing a favor to anyone by editing the status of the thread or by asking people who cant help me not to bother me. I don't see how either of those comes off as me doing anyone a favor.

Here is further clarification, since I "sounded" (to anon, at least) so different from what I was trying to communicate:

The first quote says that I will update thread so that people don't waste their time contacting me to share an invite I don't have a need for (or to try to trade with me or to harass me or spam me, etc). I thought it was the courteous thing to do, helping people avoid wasting their time writing messages when there is no need. It's not really a favor, it's merely a promise to update thread. You can call it favor if you like but it's NOTHING compared to the favor I'd get by getting an invite so I wouldn't call me updating the thread as a favor to anyone nor did I mean to come off that way. If you didn't open my thread and mention it, perhaps people wouldn't even get such an idea in their head at all (and I wouldn't need to be writing these long and probably unnecessary explanations), or perhaps you are right and everyone perceives me like you do, I honestly don't know. All I know is I was doing my best to avoid problems and arguments and baseless attacks on me. If anything, I was doing MYSELF a favor. Nobody else. Hopefully that's clear to you (and everyone else) now.

The second quote is just stating what should be obvious but I have learned is not. Both quotes in fact were only stated due to my personal experience on this forum and I said those things to prevent people from bothering or harassing me (as has happened in the past). Again, a favor that is to myself and NOBODY else. So whatever my quoted statements "sounded" like to you, hopefully by now they sound the way they were intended to sound as I just provided an explanation for them both and I hope you can understand my reasoning.

Thanks again for your comment and concern.

Apparently the site has been down a bit lately and I don't know if that is the reason or if everyone thinks like anon that I am coming across as if I'm here to do the potential inviter a favor but I did not get an invite yet and am still hopeful someone can help me out.

BTW, here's some quotes you seemed to have not noticed (or purposefully ignored for some reason?), anon:

"if you are kind enough to decide to invite me" I sound like I'm doing favor here?

"I always wanted to be a member there so I'm hoping someone who has an extra invite can help me out." I'm doing a favor here too?

"Thanks in advance!!" Another "favor" I'm doing?

"someone please help out!" I'm doing the potential inviter a favor?

"I just need ONE generous person to help me out here" Again, I'm doing someone a favor here?

"I truly hope someone understands and can empathize with my situation." Am I still coming across as doing inviter a favor?

"Frankly I'm just hoping someone will be nice enough to invite me without too much jumping through hoops." Again...I'm doing a favor? REALLY?

I can go on but obviously you were extremely selective with what you chose to quote and decided to fully focus only on what could potentially make me look bad. I managed to find many more quotes that sound like I'M the one getting a huge favor and am very THANKFUL to the potential inviter. I'm very sorry if you missed those parts. I listed some so that anon (and anyone else who misunderstood my post) can see and perhaps re-evaluate your judgement regarding what I "sounded" like in my previous post.

I'm optimistic there IS someone out there who DID understand me correctly (especially after this long explanation) and is able to help me out and I am really looking forward to hearing from that individual. I still did not get an invite so I am hoping that someone compassionate to my situation will see this message and PM me. Thank you!! :)

And to anon: While I greatly appreciate your input, I would appreciate it even more if you respected my choice to leave my thread closed without making comments on it; and if a similar situation ever arises where you feel the need to tell me something (and I closed the thread), please PM me. I hope you can respect my wishes. Your input is always appreciated but when a thread is closed, I humbly ask that you please PM me instead of re-opening it. Maybe I'm wrong but I think that would be the more appropriate thing to do in such situations. Thank you very much! :)

Have a great day everyone!! :)

UPDATE: Still no invite; waiting for my hero to PM me... ;)

05-29-2013, 04:44 PM
"Thread will be closed for now but I will update it as soon as my request is fulfilled" = "I'm not bothering with this thread anymore. You will have to go out of your way and message me if you have an invite."
"If you don't have an invite to spare or any intention of inviting or helping me, please do not PM me." = "If you don't have what I want, you can fuck off."

Based on your response, I would think that was not your reasoning, but that's how those words might come off as for some. Maybe it's not obvious, but closing a request thread in general is mostly a faux pas, don't you want to hear back from the very community you're requesting help from?

I cannot see your other threads right now due to a forum hiccup, but from experience, this "derailing" and "offensive off-topic comments" are usually made when the thread starter fails to mention some facts relevant to a potential inviter, or just non-ill-intended conversation taking in what is, well, a thread in a discussion forum.

05-29-2013, 06:17 PM
"""Thread will be closed for now but I will update it as soon as my request is fulfilled" = "I'm not bothering with this thread anymore. You will have to go out of your way and message me if you have an invite."""

No it = I have had horrible experiences here before (similar to the one you're making me endure now) and do not wish to repeat them & remember, NO MATTER WHAT, if someone wanted to help me, they would HAVE to PM me anyways. Your logic is HIGHLY flawed and you are making this personal for some odd reason. Does the fact that I closed this thread really bother you that much or what? Why are you trying so hard to make me look bad? Let members make their own judgements instead of telling them what to think and "translating" me. I can speak for myself. My English is no worse than yours, I assure you; so there is no need for your "generous" "translations."

"""If you don't have an invite to spare or any intention of inviting or helping me, please do not PM me." = "If you don't have what I want, you can fuck off."""

Thanks again for unneeded and hostile translation, but wrong again. It = "If you don't have what I requested, please do not bother or harass me. I have had very bad experiences here before and do not wish to repeat them." But I'm really glad you put it in the nicest way possible. I can see how hard you are trying to "help" me get an invite. Very generous of you! Much appreciated! I feel so lucky to have a moderator help out with my request. That's exactly how it should be: members helping members; and in this case, even moderators helping members! Awesome!!

"""Based on your response, I would think that was not your reasoning, but that's how those words might come off as for some. Maybe it's not obvious, but closing a request thread in general is mostly a faux pas, don't you want to hear back from the very community you're requesting help from?"""

Closing a request thread is done ALL THE TIME and you know that. Why give users the option if you'll just override it (FOR NO GOOD REASON)? No, I don't need to hear back anything; it was an INVITE REQUEST and nothing more. I don't want to hear anything in this context, only PM is needed for my situation and I have a feeling you already know that. It's not an "give me your opinion" request or "give me your opinion on what my request sounds like to YOU" request. Sorry for the confusion. Such discussion is what the other forum sections are for. What do I need to hear? "yes I have invite" in which case, they should PM me directly instead; or "no I don't" in which case, why even waste time writing that you do NOT have an invite? It makes NO SENSE! This forum is to request or giveaway invites. I made request for invite and ask for PM. That is very normal and reasonable. Why do I need to leave thread open? NO REASON. Why cant you leave me alone? I use my right to close topic and you unleash on me doing your best to ensure I do NOT get invite. Pretty sad. People close threads all the time for various reasons; why do I get attacked by a moderator for doing so? "Faux pas" (your opinion) or not, that shouldn't be happening. I did NOTHING wrong and if I was a moderator, I surely would never be doing to ANYONE what you've done and are doing to me, EVER! If you have a personal issue with me, PM me. I closed this thread to avoid exactly these types of pointless discussions. We are both wasting time and I at least have a motivation to get an invite. What is YOUR motivation? To ruin my chances? Obviously. What else can be deduced from your actions and statements? Very sad.

"""I cannot see your other threads right now due to a forum hiccup, but from experience, this "derailing" and "offensive off-topic comments" are usually made when the thread starter fails to mention some facts relevant to a potential inviter, or just non-ill-intended conversation taking in what is, well, a thread in a discussion forum."""

What "usually" happens is irrelevant here and now. There is also, IMHO, no need whatsoever for "discussion" when a person asks for an invite (and provides enough details) in the Invite section of the forum. To me, there is nothing to discuss in this section unless the OP makes some kind of error or wants to discuss something about their invite request. In my case, I just made the request knowing there is no need for discussion like the one we are having. The reader either chooses to help, if they can, or they move on. Simple as that. But you want to make this as hard as possible for me.

I don't think I'll ever understand why you are so against me getting an invite. I never gave anyone a reason to act hostile towards me but I've learned over the years that people see what they want to see and not what is written or is truly being said.

I AM ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT I WRITE, NOT WHAT YOU READ/SEE/HEAR/THINK. In your case, you only see what you wanna see and are abusing your power to ruin my reputation. Is it because I've been a member longer than you or what? Why do you act with so much hostility towards me?? I am very puzzled why a moderator especially would act like this. Disappointed as well.

I hope you find some peace in your heart, anon. I wish you nothing but the best, and will disregard and forgive you for your inappropriate behavior.

That's all I really have to say to you, so unless other mods want to act like anon and continue attacking me on a CLOSED thread, I will just let anon have the last word in our exchange (as I am sure he will continue disrespecting my wishes and attacking me) and I will just focus on the topic at hand: my invite request. Nothing more.
Sorry, I just don't have time for these ridiculous "discussions" (aka personal attacks on me that I have to defend against because a moderator wants to pick on me for no reason) that waste everyone's time. The ONLY good thing about what you've done is exposing yourself. Well done too!

Now go ahead and continue doing your best to make me look bad; it only says things about you and most members are smart enough to know/see that. It doesn't really take a genius to see it. Anyway, I hope you feel better as something is clearly bothering you and unfortunately, you have chosen to take it out on me. I have no doubt that I am NOT the cause of your problems so please deal with your problems directly instead of blaming/focusing on me. Thanks in advance! :)

All I ask is for my original request, an invite to SCC. Anyone who is able and willing, please PM me if you can help me out. That is all. Maybe anon's plan will backfire and a compassionate and perceptive member will see what's going on here and will be MORE inclined to help me out after seeing how I was treated by a moderator. I know that's what I would do if I saw someone being mistreated...

Thanks again to all NON ill-willed people reading this and for your consideration. Still waiting for PM...

05-29-2013, 06:50 PM
Please, don't play the victim here. Making this personal? Attempting to make you look bad? That's ridiculous. I only brought to your attention, in good faith, certain parts of your post which were prone to being misinterpreted. I did state I believed you had no actual bad intentions behind those words. It now seems clear that I was wrong.

Closing requests which have yet to be fulfilled is actually done very, very rarely. People do seem to realize that attitudes like yours don't do them any favors. Funnily enough, I can assure you I'm neither on a power trip, don't intend to prevent you from getting invited anywhere, nor could care less if you joined the forum before I did or any other "status" symbols. But if it's not "I have an invite for you", you needn't hear anything, right?

05-29-2013, 11:56 PM
Please, don't play the victim here. Making this personal? Attempting to make you look bad? That's ridiculous. I only brought to your attention, in good faith, certain parts of your post which were prone to being misinterpreted. I did state I believed you had no actual bad intentions behind those words. It now seems clear that I was wrong.

Closing requests which have yet to be fulfilled is actually done very, very rarely. People do seem to realize that attitudes like yours don't do them any favors. Funnily enough, I can assure you I'm neither on a power trip, don't intend to prevent you from getting invited anywhere, nor could care less if you joined the forum before I did or any other "status" symbols. But if it's not "I have an invite for you", you needn't hear anything, right?

I'm merely stating it how it is, that's all. I don't play games. Certainly never pretend to be a victim of anything. But if stating truth means "playing victim" to you, then by all means you can call it that. Whatever makes you feel better.

Let's let the members decide how "ridiculous" it is. Hopefully we can agree to allow that at least. Other than the ass kissers, I have little doubt most people capable of analyzing and comprehending our exchange here would come to the same conclusion as I have.

I politely told you I appreciate your input and it was fine (other than the topic being opened by you, which is IMO much more of a "faux pas" than anything I did) until your second response here. That's when your intentions became very clear. You stating that you said those things "in good faith" is what is truly ridiculous. Read your second reply here yourself and if you consider that "good faith" I honestly don't know what to tell ya...I can only laugh. Bad intentions? Yeah, take a look in the mirror and you'll find them. How can someone even have bad intentions by merely making a request? That's just silly. You're the one who twisted my words and attacked me and messed with my thread. You did your best and you probably succeeded. Congrats. Do you feel better about yourself now? If I don't get an invite would you feel really good? Would you interfere with me getting an invite by abusing your power even further? Hmm.... Don't worry--just rhetorical questions. :)

Speaking of misinterpretations, YOU were the one who misinterpreted what I said and if you just kept the topic locked as it SHOULD have been NONE of this BS would be happening. There were no misinterpretations until you decided to abuse your power and post here and CREATE THEM YOURSELF! And thanks so much for "clarifying" that I had no bad intentions. Doing so IMMEDIATELY after shitting on what I said with your blatantly offensive "translations." You are very transparent. I hope you realize that. Do you really think you're fooling anyone? Maybe someone...but not me. Sorry.

Do you really expect me to take your "assurances" seriously? Funny enough indeed. Your last line is exactly the point. This specific forum is either for requests or giveaways. I explained already that requests do NOT always require discussion. It's a yes or no in my case. If yes, PM me. That is the ONLY thing that THIS particular thread was made for. VERY simple!

You can try to make it look or sound selfish like your buddy IdolEyes is desperately trying to do, but that can be said about nearly anyone requesting invites. I simply do it in a more efficient manner and that is apparently a HUGE NO-NO. We all must conform and do everything the way YOU think is best or we get punished (as I have been). I understand. No power trip at all, of course not. You're right. Very humble guy. No abuse of power. Not trying to ruin my chances at all. Not trying to ruin my reputation. None of that. Of course not! A moderator would NEVER do such a thing! Especially not you! Very GOOD FAITH!! :rolleyes:

What is the difference if the request was filled or not when closing a topic? Makes no difference to me and I dunno why you care so much. I made a request, that's it. Why leave it open? For trolls? Surely not for an ON-topic discussion as there is NOTHING to discuss. It is something to react to, either help me or ignore me, that's all. No need to talk about the weather or how selfish and horrible I am. In fact you demonstrated quite nicely why I closed the topic. To avoid BS such as can be seen ever since you opened this topic and interfered, then proceeded to shit all over me to practically ensure I never have my request fulfilled. Great job!

Forums have different topics and different purposes. The way I understand it, this particular part of the forum is for something very specific and my request does not warrant any discussion. Feel free to disagree. It is a matter of opinion and you probably already know what they say about opinions.

Hopefully you were sincere about your intentions. I wish it was true. It's just "kinda" hard for me to believe at this point, to be honest.


"But if it's not "I have an invite for you", you needn't hear anything, right?"

Almost. As always, you try to make it sound/make me look as bad as possible. Not surprised anymore. Here is some clarity: I didn't want to "hear" ANYTHING in THIS specific topic, PERIOD. That's exactly why I closed it! My post is NOT a subject to discuss but a request for someone to PM me to help me out with something. I'm pretty sure PMing random members for invites is not allowed and even if it was I consider that very inappropriate and wouldn't want to bother anyone. So I obviously had to make a post and I posted in the right section (but you STILL have a problem). I had no other option to make a request; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (or actually REALLY help me for a change? It would be a first for you. NO, of course not! Now THAT is truly ridiculous, I admit it!). What is there to discuss here?

Other than the "people" (trolls) with too much time on their hands and tens of thousands of posts who read through every post every OP ever made (they especially like to do it in this section since people ask for favors here, making themselves vulnerable, and some demented/mentally ill members here LOVE to take advantage of that and enjoy harming others any way they can) and attack them to somehow make them look bad (people like IdolEyes). I feel very sorry for such folks. Spending all day getting off on harming others to try to look witty and smart in front of their internet "friends" and worse, getting pleasure from offending and harming people instead of living a productive life or if anything, make a POSITIVE contribution. It's very sad. Pathetic too. The lowest of the low.

I'm sorry if you feel ME closing MY post/topic was in poor taste, or whatever you claim to think about it. I wasn't aware I had to get your approval (or anyone else's) before closing a topic, whether it be "official" approval or not. Clearly you do not approve so I apologize for bothering you so greatly with my post.
I requested someone to help me out via PM, not the forum. Anyway I have no problem with you and only wish you would of left my topic alone and avoided all this.

Thanks for all you've done for me and your "good faith" effort to "help" me. I truly hope you are done "helping" me. If not, I humbly request that you please do so now. You've done WAY more than enough already, I assure you.
And I really hope you feel better about whatever ails you as I can tell you are clearly very deeply disturbed by something. Not my fault, please remember that. I sincerely hope it's nothing serious. Wish you all the best.

Take care and God bless.

05-30-2013, 01:02 AM
Let's let the members decide how "ridiculous" it is.

Let us. Open the thread and see how many others think I am merely tormenting you for my own pleasure.

Perhaps it'll be the majority :ermm:

05-30-2013, 02:45 AM
Let's let the members decide how "ridiculous" it is.

Let us. Open the thread and see how many others think I am merely tormenting you for my own pleasure.

Perhaps it'll be the majority :ermm:

I never claimed you were tormenting me for your own pleasure (merely your own? I have no doubt others are getting pleasure too). But seriously, you really gotta stop that persistent habit of yours, putting words in my mouth. I know it's much easier to argue with a straw man but let's stick to reality please.

I am really sorry you missed the whole point of our discussion. I created this thread for ONE purpose. Do you even remember what it is???? Probably not...

Not everything is about YOU; sorry if that bursts your bubble.

YOU can start a new topic in the appropriate forum to discuss this if you are so deeply in need of an ego boost. I am not interested in competing with you or in any other ego games. I'll let members decide but I frankly do not care about their reactions mainly due to the fact that nearly all would be totally biased (publicly-in private would be another story completely). It would take a VERY brave member to take my side and is just SO much easier/safer to kiss your ass so you would have a good chance (I'd say a guarantee) of "winning" no matter how right I am. Truth is, most people are cowards and would be afraid to go against you, especially publicly (and you know it-so why propose such an unfair thing in the first place?). Probably because you know I'm right. There is nothing to win anyway.

If there was a truly neutral, fair way of doing it, you would lose 100% and either you know it or your ego is blinding you from that reality. The ego is a powerful thing. It seems you may not be in control of yours.

I wish NONE of this happened and surely do not wish it to continue. It is kinda sad that you do not feel the same way.

You are clearly enjoying this and like to play such games. Probably is what attracted you to become a moderator here. But if you recall from my post earlier, I already said I do NOT play games. Sorry to disappoint! I wasn't just saying that.

If you were a regular member MAYBE I'd take you up on your challenge just to prove the point (I'd EASILY win, 100%) but unless you can think of an unbiased/fair way of doing it, there is no point as the results are VERY predictable. Why play a game that's already fixed? To continue trying to make me look bad or to boost your ego some more? Or both? Or other reasons?? All I know is what you proposed is the furthest thing from fair.

"Perhaps it'll be the majority :ermm:"

Yeah, I'm sure that's VERY likely... Do you really think I am THAT stupid???

How about you step down from being a mod and we revisit this topic in a few months? Yeah that's what I thought. That would be WAY too fair! And fairness is NOT in your interest as you must already know.

Frankly I don't know why you don't just open the thread yourself. You obviously don't respect my rights as a member to close my own topics so why don't YOU open it and keep abusing your power? At least you'd be consistent...

I will stick to what I've been saying the whole time and will stay on topic. I'm trying very hard to do that but you are making it nearly impossible. I wonder if that is on purpose or not...

Will you just stop this game already? I don't even care what people think. Do whatever the hell you want with this topic. You shit all over it and me so badly, you might as well fuck it up all the way. I thought you had enough fun at my expense (at least for one day) and harming me but I guess not?

In any case, like I said your proposition is not even remotely fair and you know it; which I suspect is the only reason you even proposed it. Do what you want, you've already been opening and closing my topic at your whim. Feel like abusing power more? Go ahead! I won't stop you. Feel free to do whatever the hell you want. :)

ALL that I want is for my request to be filled. People can PM me for that. Again, NO REASON to keep topic open.

Well no reason other than for you, by boosting your massive ego and having members proverbially lick your ass but if it really makes you feel better go ahead. Just know, I am against ANY moderator opening or closing my threads against my will when I've done nothing wrong, that's all. This thread is shit now thanks to you.

It was a nice, short, clean request until you decided to abuse your power and use it to fuck me over. Now you want ME to open the thread so that people can kiss YOUR ass? Seriously???

Man up and do it yourself or leave me alone. I really don't care. You obviously have problems and if doing that will help you recover from your problems, you can keep shitting on me all you like as to me your health is more important to me than a stupid invite.

I don't expect you to believe me, but that is only because you don't know me. But I really mean it. Go ahead, if it truly helps you with your situation, do whatever the hell you want to this thread. I just hope you feel better after.

So to clarify, IF AND ONLY IF it helps you feel better and recover from whatever it is that is bothering you that caused you to attack me the way you did, go ahead and open the thread. I won't be participating in the discussion but go ahead. Hell, might as well change the topic or move this to another section of the forum. You've done an amazing job at attacking me and ruining the whole purpose of this thread. So might as well just make a "shit on james99" thread and do all your shit talking there. I am a bit too old and mature for such nonsense so as I said, I will not be reading it or participating in any way.

It's just very puzzling why you suddenly are asking me. You didn't ask ANY of the other times. Why ask now? Doesn't make sense.


The ONLY way I'll agree to open this thread for YOUR amusement is once it has finished serving its original purpose. Once I get my invite, I'll open the thread for all the trolls, regulars, (and yourself, if you are still suffering from whatever ails you--though I hope you'll recover by then) so everyone can shit on me (I truly don't care). Until then, you'll either have to abuse your power even more, or wait until I open it myself (which might take longer than it normally would thanks to your "generous" contributions to my thread and the "translations" you "helped" make. Thanks so much!!).

So if you really want, I will open the thread after my request is filled. That's the best I can offer you. Now you can take my offer or just disrespect me some more by abusing your power.

Your choice, as always. :)

Best of all, you also have the option of forgetting this thread exists and leaving me alone since you obviously only want to harm my reputation. For some reason I have a feeling you won't be choosing that option. Call it a hunch. ;)

05-30-2013, 01:08 PM
This is FST. People speak their mind freely. If others think I should fuck off and leave you alone, they'll say that no matter my position here, and there wouldn't be any retribution from me for what amounts to hearing something I don't like. That's part of the attractive of this forum, but you might know that if you visited more often than whenever you want to get something.

As for opening a separate thread, why, when we already have this one? To boot, I find it funny that you complain this section is only for one particular purpose and not discussion, then you proceed to request information on someone else's giveaway thread, which sounds like something "the other forum sections are for" according yourself.

I don't intend to harm your so-called reputation, you're doing that very well by yourself. :rolleyes: