View Full Version : kere

06-25-2013, 06:38 PM
Anyone knows what happened with kere?
Is it down for good?

06-25-2013, 06:40 PM

looks like they ran out of monies

06-26-2013, 04:33 AM
kere uploads scene contents and the pretime is pretty awosome,it's teriible no usenet index site uploads scene contents after kere dies.... :cry:

its really bad to lose backup of kere,all the nzbs fade away...:cry: with some other index site we might get some scene rlzs uploaded by kere aotobot back but we lost most of the rlzs...

06-27-2013, 05:55 PM
Unfortunately, best usenet (indexer) site with own uploads and really best pre-times is down for good :(
RIP Kere.. :(

06-28-2013, 10:27 AM
Received this today:

As some of you have noticed, the indexer hasn't been available for some
time. This is due to the cloud host I was using had a small disaster,
and my website, along with many others, have been down. I'm currently in
the process of restoring the data from my personal backups, but it will
take me quite some time to complete. The largest downside is that the
index will now be a few weeks behind. I will try and backfill the groups
as I can, but going forward I will just have the newsgroup groups just
continue from what's available when I'm completely backup. Please reply
if you have an further questions.

KeaNewz Administrator

06-28-2013, 04:10 PM
What does this mean? Does it mean kere will continue??

06-28-2013, 05:07 PM
Hello Filesharingtalk im one of the Kere.ws Administrators. My name on IRC is "slapz" and on our board my nick was "kimy" (yoko should know me).

Our Tech/Admin #1 left us and there is no backup we can access. Kere will not continue !

The post from username is a fake. This guys tries to make money with our name. He tried that also on some german boards until his posts got deleted.
He has stolen our design and leeched in the beginning of kere a lot of nzbs until we banned his accounts.
He was telling two days ago every one he has own uploads bots, but that stuff was stolen from omgwtfnzbs. one of our users messaged the omgwtfnzb staff and they banned his serverip.

As you can see he now tries some crap again with our name. Why? Cause he wants money. Hes running serveral ftp servers which got filled per nzbautoleech and he sells axx on em, hes telling his users he has "scenescources" but he is only stealing stuff. he also ownes some nzbsite ( to get as much donations as possible ! dont trust him ! dont give him your money ! hes nothing !

I can verify myself on our irc channel #kere.ws on rizon.net and on other ways.


06-29-2013, 08:37 AM
I know kimy... one of best admin's on kere. I am very sorry to hear kere will not continue :(
Is there any possibility to access source from where kere got the releases or this is also tech's property? If something possible to help you please send me a PM or something.
Well, if no backup, is it possible to start from a beginning? As v4 maybe?
Thanx for you info!

06-29-2013, 03:18 PM
I know kimy... one of best admin's on kere. I am very sorry to hear kere will not continue :(
Is there any possibility to access source from where kere got the releases or this is also tech's property? If something possible to help you please send me a PM or something.

A good question, I can understand keeping a secret like that when the site was a going concern. But now it doesn't matter, why not share?

06-29-2013, 08:48 PM
Sorry, but the Sources aren't accessible. And we wont start from the beginning. It was to much work for nothing.

06-30-2013, 07:52 AM
Well, that's really sad to hear it.. :( Kimy, thanx for your information, apreciate it!
Anyway, it will be nice to hear from you if there's some similar alternative?

06-30-2013, 09:31 AM
Yeah, we need good alternative :/

07-01-2013, 02:10 PM
Sorry, but the Sources aren't accessible. And we wont start from the beginning. It was to much work for nothing.

Could you at least give us a way to decode all the stuff that's already been posted to usenet? It's all still there, shame to see all that work go to waste...

07-01-2013, 07:32 PM
Was a decent site shame.

07-04-2013, 07:44 PM
My reaction - Insert a certain scene from a recent block buster movie (MOS).