View Full Version : What major sporting events do you always watch

07-04-2013, 07:09 PM
Some people find it funny that I always watch the Tour De France every year. And yes, to those of you wondering, we did start off watching it because of Lance Armstrong but now we just watch it because we enjoy it on it's own merits.

What sporting events do you insist on watching every year?

07-04-2013, 08:16 PM
I'd find it funny if you didn't watch the Tour every year. Anyway do you watch the raw feed or the edited and packaged garbage?
Not for nothing but I bet no one ever suggested that they pretape the World Cup.
To fully understand and so appreciate something you need a level of immersion that a highlight reel simply can't give.

Also there are far better announcers than Phil Leggat and Paul Sherwen or God help me, Bob Roll:sick: namely Dave Harmon and Sean Kelly.

07-05-2013, 04:59 PM
I'd find it funny if you didn't watch the Tour every year. Anyway do you watch the raw feed or the edited and packaged garbage?
Not for nothing but I bet no one ever suggested that they pretape the World Cup.
To fully understand and so appreciate something you need a level of immersion that a highlight reel simply can't give.

Also there are far better announcers than Phil Leggat and Paul Sherwen or God help me, Bob Roll:sick: namely Dave Harmon and Sean Kelly.

Unfortunately, I didn't find out about the live feed until Monday and it won't be until next pay day that I could get it. The problem with live feeds of anything "over there" for us is the time difference. Talking to friends in the UK on Skype needs to be carefully planned out because of that. And I agree about immersing yourself in something to better understand it but I do get the effort and training that goes into being a professional cyclist. I certainly couldn't do it.

or God help me, Bob Roll:sick:

Aw, come on! Bobke is a lovable goofball. I've always had a soft spot for guys like that, one of the reasons I married Himself (the husband.)