View Full Version : nzbx shutting down

07-05-2013, 05:57 PM
So, things are going to be changing around here. How and why? Well, let's start with the how...


nzbX as an index will be closing down, and instead - will become an open source software package that lets people easily run their own indexing software, whilst allowing for the option to sync releases, ratings and community metadata with other installations. Neat, right? The index will cease to exist as of 6PM GMT tomorrow, at which point a countdown will appear on the site, when the countdown expires - super shiny sexy software release! As I can't really do anything at the moment, making code tweaks from a machine not designed for it is my plan (when I'm awake).


Well, first and foremost - I (Lemon) am recovering from a heart attack (at the ripe old age of 26) which I sustained a few weeks ago. My health complications from last year have made a comeback, and they've done it with a vengeance. I do not have the time or energy to maintain running an index or fight any legal battles which could arise from doing so (as per below).

Today, whilst I was half comatose - I received a visit from a member of FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft) who attempted to pressure, threaten and harass me (and failed) to hand over control of the domains (presumably so they could use it as a honeypot), as well as making references to the criminal prosecution of the administrator of a video streaming site. That's good, I'll keep that in mind if I ever set one up in Antigua. After this, whilst I felt relatively calm - I experienced crippling chest pains and my heart rate was surging fairly high in comparison to what it should be.

The couple I was intending to hand over control of nzbX to backed out, and I decided to enact my alternative plan (as per the "how" section) in order to protect the state of my health and the confidentiality of my users. At 6PM tomorrow, every trace of the user database will be wiped out - don't worry, the location of the origin server is a big secret and there's no way anybody could have got your information.


Feel free to email [email protected] for a chat, though responses may be extremely slow due to the fact the bulk of my time is dedicating to sleeping and attempting to recover. I do like emails though!

Anyway, so long - and thanks for all the fish!

07-06-2013, 07:14 PM
FACT seems to be on a roll this week…

Hope the guy gets better, though. Also good of him to release the site as an open source project.

07-07-2013, 05:07 AM
The only facts are that when somebody wants to take the money and run they always site "legal hassles." Anybody can photoshop a letter and make it look official and send it to Torrentfreak. FACT loves to blow its own horn when they take down a site. Furthermore, they demand control of the site. This guy started as a paysite. Then he used it to promote a product called Nu-Play. Stop taking these site owners at face value. 90% of them are crooks.


07-07-2013, 05:40 AM
The only facts are that when somebody wants to take the money and run they always site "legal hassles." Anybody can photoshop a letter and make it look official and send it to Torrentfreak. FACT loves to blow its own horn when they take down a site. Furthermore, they demand control of the site. This guy started as a paysite. Then he used it to promote a product called Nu-Play. Stop taking these site owners at face value. 90% of them are crooks.

I don't wish any ill will on the guy, hope for a speedy recovery. Having said that, the indexer was mediocre at best. The fact he's being visited or served at home speaks to his acumen (presuming he's honest). Form an LLC, get a 3rd party registered agent to handle that shit for you. Especially when money gets involved. At least provide some insulation and show you're not the lowest hanging fruit. You also don't taunt said entities on reddit.

Edit: I believe the UK equivalent is actually an LLP.

07-07-2013, 07:50 AM
The guy has a long history of forming LLCs, raising money from gullible investors and then shutting down. His past history was posted on reddit. He got it deleted by a mod. Here is one of his many stupid remarks


Lemon would personally like to invite the MPAA and RIAA to try going after him. Their dick isn't big enough to get in to a pissing contest with me.


Just a forewarning, had FACT show up at my door this morning attempting the usual scare tactics (and falsely claiming that Scopelight was a usenet indexer), as well as other things.

I'm in the midst of passing over control of the site, but I don't think the people I'm passing control to, will stand up very well in the face of potential legal threats - so I am personally tempted to say "fuck it" and be done with it. The indexing ecosystem has exploded with new indexes and grown dramatically since my little tech project got out there, either way :-).

Edit: To clarify, my "fuck it" has nothing to do with legal threats. More to do with health complications and an alternative plan for the domain that I think people will like :-)

Notice how he adds an edit after being called out!

This is not the first time he's used alleged "health problems" to walk away from a failed business venture. I don't believe a word he says. Even a Dr's letter about a heart attack can be easily forged.