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View Full Version : RiP SuperTorrents !!!

07-08-2013, 08:25 PM

So.. where to begin?

I created SuperTorrents over 9 years ago when I was 16 and still in high school with the help of some people that are no longer affiliated with the site. Roughly 3-4 years ago I stopped working on it and moved on to other, more legitimate things and I've been looking to distance myself from SuperTorrents for some time now.

This, coupled with PRQ (our server host) recently having their PayPal account shut down and only taking payments via Swedish bank transfer, and the fact that this site has been costing quite a bit of money (roughly $1000/month) out of my own pocket since we stopped accepting donations a year ago has led me to the decision that I no longer want to be affiliated with or pay for the site any longer.

As I have not been running it for 3-4 years, I've given the team currently running the site access to the database and allowed them to make a new website using it that does not bear any affiliation to me, or the SuperTorrents/ST brand in general. I believe they intend to keep all accounts and ratios/ranks as they were, but that is subject to change.

As far as I know, they are still deciding on what to name the new site and setting it up. This should be completed in a matter of days and the link will be available on this page when it is complete.

In the mean time they have asked me to post a link to the IRC channel - irc.supertorrents.org/#supertorrents (http://widget.mibbit.com/?server=irc.supertorrents.org&channel=%23supertorrents)

Also, my SeedBox company, Seed.ST (https://seed.st), is not affected by SuperTorrents closing, it will continue to run and be updated and maintained and we have big plans for it in the near future.

Thanks for sticking with us all these years, and I wish the current team good luck on their endeavour.

SuperTorrents.org .......

07-08-2013, 08:54 PM
Good Luck in the future OG!

07-08-2013, 09:01 PM
It says that the site will be back soon. Accounts and ratios should be transfered. But the name of the tracker will be different.

07-10-2013, 06:06 AM
Site is down, tracker is working!

07-10-2013, 07:25 AM
My first Private TrACKER that I was invited to,I was soo.excited, just brought back Memories.......so sad. RIP ST

07-10-2013, 05:12 PM
this site has been costing quite a bit of money (roughly $1000/month) out of my own pocket

Where do these costs come from? Since the site is closing, I give his numbers a bit more credibility than those looking to rake in and pocket large amounts of donation money, but it still seems quite high since files are never hosted on a torrent site, no one advertises a torrent site (duh) and bandwidth is cheap.

Where do these numbers come from? The sites which have actually posted receipts of their costs are almost always less than 1/10th of this amount.

07-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Most of the better torrent trackers do 'host' files in the sense that they have their own seedboxes to help improve speeds and retention. If I'm not totally mistaken, SuperTorrents was such a site - they had their own seedboxes and scripts to seed older torrents 'automatically'.

This and the fact that trackers can't just pick the cheapest hoster available, as security concerns tend to increase prices, not to mention the rather high performance requirements of the bigger sites, is the reason for the relatively high costs.

07-10-2013, 06:33 PM
I can see how seedboxes and blind-eyed hosts could increase monthly costs. I have gotten more than a bit cynical regarding the 'costs' often touted by donation drivers. Good points.

07-10-2013, 06:44 PM
This and the fact that trackers can't just pick the cheapest hoster available, as security concerns tend to increase prices, not to mention the rather high performance requirements of the bigger sites, is the reason for the relatively high costs.

Plus the staff salaries obviously.

Anyway this Ersan person is very sneaky astute as he had the foresight to create a tracker to generate artificial demand for his wank seedbox business before jumping ship.:)
I respect that sort of unbridled greed so much that I'm not even going to mention how classless it was to promote said wank business in his farewell message.:)

07-10-2013, 07:06 PM
This and the fact that trackers can't just pick the cheapest hoster available, as security concerns tend to increase prices, not to mention the rather high performance requirements of the bigger sites, is the reason for the relatively high costs.

Plus the staff salaries obviously.

Anyway this Ersan person is very sneaky astute as he had the foresight to create a tracker to generate artificial demand for his wank seedbox business before jumping ship.:)
I respect that sort of unbridled greed so much that I'm not even going to mention how classless it was to promote said wank business in his farewell message.:)

:lol: Didn't read the fare-ne'er-do-well message. I take it we can subtract the seedbox cost from the monthly "out-of-pocket".

07-12-2013, 11:49 PM
My first Private TrACKER that I was invited to,I was soo.excited, just brought back Memories.......so sad. RIP ST

07-17-2013, 05:45 PM
RiP SuperTorrents, Welcome to StellarWinds!

All account info neatly moved to the new site. Looks pretty decent, too, from my first impressions. May it last long. :)

08-13-2013, 02:27 AM