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07-25-2013, 02:54 PM

07-25-2013, 02:55 PM
Where did my avatar go?!!?

Darth Sushi
07-25-2013, 04:08 PM
Where did my avatar go?!!?

The old FST retirement home.

07-25-2013, 05:39 PM
Where did my avatar go?!!?

We lost about 6 months worth of...everything, a while back. Prob had something to do with that. :idunno:

07-26-2013, 04:45 AM
OMGZ 6 FST months worth of fuck all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

07-26-2013, 01:05 PM
I miss all those scintillating pointless conversations where we would discuss nothing more worthless than OlegL's sex life (what little he has), OlegL's education (he mastered at Failure), or OlegL's personality (or total lack of it).

I find it ironic that we spend millions on aid for those unfortunates living on the continent of Africa when there is someone closer to home who has a life that even a starving Ethiopian would spurn.

07-26-2013, 05:14 PM
Where did my avatar go?!!?

We lost about 6 months worth of...everything, a while back. Prob had something to do with that. :idunno:

That incident even moved you back to Texas. :happy:

I miss all those scintillating pointless conversations where we would discuss nothing more worthless than OlegL's sex life (what little he has), OlegL's education (he mastered at Failure), or OlegL's personality (or total lack of it).

Some of those inspiring conversations might or might not survive in my hard drive.


07-26-2013, 05:16 PM
We lost about 6 months worth of...everything, a while back. Prob had something to do with that. :idunno:

That incident even moved you back to Texas. :happy:


We'll be up here for a few years, then the missus wants to head back. I love Texas, but the weather summer weather up here is the tits. :smilie4:

07-31-2013, 05:39 PM
That incident even moved you back to Texas. :happy:


We'll be up here for a few years, then the missus wants to head back. I love Texas, but the weather summer weather up here is the tits. :smilie4:

Where you at these post-Texas days?

08-01-2013, 11:06 AM
taiapkfree seems to be literacy free as well....

08-01-2013, 10:40 PM

We'll be up here for a few years, then the missus wants to head back. I love Texas, but the weather summer weather up here is the tits. :smilie4:

Where you at these post-Texas days?

Wahey, stranger! I'm in clockers neck o the woods, Denver.

08-01-2013, 10:41 PM
Không có ai quan tâm d?n v?n d? nÃ*y Ã*

Great point. Well represented.

08-02-2013, 01:57 AM
Where you at these post-Texas days?

Wahey, stranger! I'm in clockers neck o the woods, Denver.

Heya Hun! Nice, I was trying to get out there for my friends birthday this month but I just can't get the time off from work. Which place you like better?

08-02-2013, 06:23 AM
Chúc b?n ngÃ*y m?i vui v? !!!

08-02-2013, 11:46 AM
Chúc b?n ngÃ*y m?i vui v? !!!

Không có ai quan tâm d?n v?n d? nÃ*y Ã*

08-02-2013, 12:03 PM
Chúc b?n ngÃ*y m?i vui v? !!!

Still a better member than Darth Rings.:(

08-02-2013, 09:31 PM
Chúc b?n ngÃ*y m?i vui v? !!!

Không có ai quan tâm d?n v?n d? nÃ*y Ã*

I always find Redneck a tough language to follow.

08-03-2013, 03:34 AM
Không có ai quan tâm d?n v?n d? nÃ*y Ã*

I always find Redneck a tough language to follow.

I always found it a pussy language.

08-03-2013, 05:59 PM
Wahey, stranger! I'm in clockers neck o the woods, Denver.

Heya Hun! Nice, I was trying to get out there for my friends birthday this month but I just can't get the time off from work. Which place you like better?

That's a tough one but I have to go with Texas. Specifically, Austin. While the summer weather is great here, I'm not sold on the winter. But at least there are actually things to do here in the winter. I don't mind it too much but the missus moans about it so much that I just want the summer to hurry up and get here so we can have some peace. The hiking and accessibility to other states and the beauty of the Western US is it's largest draw for us since we're big road-trippers and campers. We can be in another state in as little as 90 minutes and at most a few hours. That may seem normal to most people but for me, I'm used to it taking 8-10 hours just to get out of Texas. The downsides of being in Colorado is that it's full of Coloradans. Plus, the food here is without a doubt the blandest of anywhere I've traveled. On the other hand, Austin fucking rocks. It may be hot as hell in the summer but there are loads of lakes, and cold springs, and cold rivers so it's easy to cool off. Plus, there is tons of hiking in that part of the state, the city is known for it's food, music, and entertainment, and it's a quarter the size of Denver. Anyone can have a great time in Austin. Not to mention, it's home. :happy:

08-04-2013, 03:42 PM
Cool. Never been, but I have a number of friends that spend a lot of time in Austin. You ever been to New Orleans? My little brother lives there so I've visited, LOVED it... Talk about food and entertainment!

08-04-2013, 07:59 PM
Cool. Never been, but I have a number of friends that spend a lot of time in Austin. You ever been to New Orleans? My little brother lives there so I've visited, LOVED it... Talk about food and entertainment!

Yessum I have. I don't know what it is, but that city has a stench to it doesn't it? Maybe it's just the swamps and mold or something. Grew up in a small town in East Texas so it was only a few hours away. Went a time or two with the folks when I was a kid and I've been twice as an adult. Once for Mardi-Gras in the late 90's and that was absolute mayhem; my friends and I could tell stories about that trip for quite a while. Don't think I could ever do it again. The crowds were like nothing I'd ever seen before or since. I was getting squeezed so hard on Bourbon that I could literally lift my feet off the ground and not fall or sink. I went again for the half marathon in early 2012 and we spent the weekend. I sufficiently stuffed my face with cajun cooking all weekend. :happy:

You in the city? I don't remember. :unsure:

08-05-2013, 03:18 AM
Ah, I left before mardi gras, no loss as I had already stopped drinking and showing my boobs to strangers by then XD

No to the city, I'm 1 1/2 hrs north... Woodstock area (think small town that only thrives cuz of citidiots)

08-05-2013, 07:14 PM
Ah, I left before mardi gras, no loss as I had already stopped drinking and showing my boobs to strangers by then XD

FFS. You mean you used to do that? I like tits, and I'm almost a stranger.

Now there's liek no point in coming to visit :(

08-06-2013, 12:37 AM
Ah, I left before mardi gras, no loss as I had already stopped drinking and showing my boobs to strangers by then XD

FFS. You mean you used to do that? I like tits, and I'm almost a stranger.

Now there's liek no point in coming to visit :(

You my dear would be an exception to the rule.

08-06-2013, 12:40 AM
Wait a sec, I'm pretty sure manker posted a pic of them on the board once upon a time. Would save u air fare n me a hangover lol

08-06-2013, 02:30 AM

Now that's full of interesting stuff :smilie4:

08-06-2013, 03:39 AM
Yup that's the pic lol. I don't remember how it came about, but there it is.

08-06-2013, 03:42 AM
And fuck you barb for putting them under hall of shame, I've never had a complaint ;)

08-06-2013, 03:44 AM
Lol is that Dan under the tp?

08-06-2013, 04:50 PM
Wait a sec, I'm pretty sure manker posted a pic of them on the board once upon a time. Would save u air fare n me a hangover lol

Welp, those might just be enough to make me come.

Maybe even across the ocean.

08-11-2013, 07:16 PM

11-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Then I'll have to find an new avatar :(


11-11-2013, 12:47 PM
Then I'll have to find an new avatar :(


I wish this was a TV series so it didn't play out in real time.

11-18-2013, 05:49 AM
Then I'll have to find an new avatar :(


I wish this was a TV series so it didn't play out in real time.

You think this is *real* time :glag: