View Full Version : Nzbeez-New Ownership?

09-12-2013, 10:09 PM
It looks like Nzbeez is about to be sold or shut down. From a member's E Mail:

>"Considering recent events and my personnel circumstances I have decided that I can no longer help run nor maintain the NZBeez website.
I hope everyone understands my reasons and the fact that I need to concentrate on my family and work, so it is with great regret I am standing down.
However it is not about me or any individual it is about our site community and it is with that in mind that I have been busy over the last few weeks securing new owners in a deal where they intend to carry the website foward as is.
I will still be around sorting out the transfer change over etc and then helping out.
What does this mean to everyone here, well hopefully you shouldn't notice any difference but it will entail a different url which will happen shortly I guesss and maybe slight other change although the format will remain the same as agreed.

To me though it's a big sacrifice but was required for the good of both myself and the site.

Best Regards

There new URL is: www.the-hive.be

Does anybody care about a site that has no movies or Television related Nzbs?

09-12-2013, 10:43 PM
Does anybody care about a site that has no movies or Television related Nzbs?

I guess it depends on how well the other stuff will be.

It could great for gamers.

But it does limit a lot of stuff they could do.

How ever tho, maybe with a new owner and new domain (maybe servers too). They could start back up those areas too.

09-12-2013, 11:18 PM
URL is wrong.

09-12-2013, 11:21 PM
This is it. the-hive.be