View Full Version : Quickpar Not Renaming All Files

09-28-2013, 02:56 PM
I downlaoded a full blueray iso movie 42gb, quickpar only renames half the files, the rest of the files are left with some long name of random numbers and letters. I tried multipar too but no joy. Any siggestions on how to fix this and then i can extract it? Cheers

09-28-2013, 07:56 PM
The possibilities on something like this are rather endless.

How large are the rar parts of those that got renamed, and how large are those that didn't? Some 'folks' have simply too much bandwidth, and use that to flood the newsgroup with 'crap' files in an effort to 'hide' their primary upload.

Or, they 'messed up' in their 'package' and you're left with tons of 'crap'.

Or something else. Who knows.

This last year I've seen just about every kind of (wacko) scheme, most of which (to me) make little if any sense.

Many folks continue to post completely in the 'clear' without any real attempt to hide, others are cleverly hidden with or without encryption (that is either 'open' or 'closed'), or go to the extremes you have run into (encrypted or not?).

Through it all, I've continued to post without any (and I mean ANY) removals from any of the servers I monitor. But as I've said throughout, no p0rn, no pro-wrestling, no (crap) of any kind.

One doesn't know how closely the uploader 'checked, re-checked' his 'scheme'. They may have simply 'messed up'.

09-29-2013, 08:21 AM
The file has been randomized after it was archived hence the numbers and letters, usually quickpar will rename this and sort it out back to the original names for extraction.

But in this case for it to fail half way through there maybe something more seriously wrong with the archive which is hidden by the renaming

09-29-2013, 09:43 AM
The possibilities on something like this are rather endless.

Through it all, I've continued to post without any (and I mean ANY) removals from any of the servers I monitor. But as I've said throughout, no p0rn, no pro-wrestling, no (crap) of any kind.

One doesn't know how closely the uploader 'checked, re-checked' his 'scheme'. They may have simply 'messed up'.

I think you are being disingenuous. If you are posting obscure old movies and unpopular TV shows, there might not be any need to obfuscate anything. Show us you can do this with "Game of Thrones." I'm no fan of "rassling" or Jerry Springer type shows either. Just because a HBO show has good ratings does not mean it's "crap." You keep telling us of your method and criticizing other methods but you have offered NO proof that your method would work with anything mainstream.

09-29-2013, 01:06 PM
Thanks for all the replies guys, the files are all the same size, the renamed ones and the original ones are 488,282kb. If i try to open the original files with winrar it throws an error 'unknown format or damaged file'. Could it be the files are just incomplete and quickpar cant rename them?

09-29-2013, 03:13 PM
I think you are being disingenuous. If you are posting obscure old movies and unpopular TV shows, there might not be any need to obfuscate anything. Show us you can do this with "Game of Thrones."

I'll respond. Tons of 'new' stuff (including HBO series) is completely available without disappearing acts whatsoever; 'Game of Thrones' is 'All My Children' dressed up in 'Gladiator' costumes.

Since your 'join' date is so new (around the time folks were first going crazy), I'll simply have to assume that you haven't caught on to how things work (or sometime not). A good percentage of stuff recently posted was originally 'wacked' but with minimal obfuscation is still 'alive'.

Now, back to the OP problem, it's beginning to sound like a messed up posting; has there been any clear-text messages in the news-group(s) where it was posted reporting problems? Kinda grasping at straws...

09-29-2013, 03:42 PM
Beck38, where do i look for these messages, i got the nzb file from gingadaddy just 2 people said 'one block missing' and 'uncomplete' nothing about the renaming.

09-29-2013, 04:36 PM
>Since your 'join' date is so new (around the time folks were first going crazy), I'll simply have to assume that you haven't caught on to how things work (or sometime not). A good percentage of stuff recently posted was originally 'wacked' but with minimal obfuscation is still 'alive'. <

My "join date" on Usenet was the dialup era. I am well aware that only about 5-10% of (mostly new stuff) was actually removed from usenet. I'm still waiting for you to show us how _popular_ HBO shows can be posted mainly in the clear.

Edited to add: People started going crazy after the matrix closed. That was months before my "join date" on filesharingtalk.

09-30-2013, 01:50 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys, the files are all the same size, the renamed ones and the original ones are 488,282kb. If i try to open the original files with winrar it throws an error 'unknown format or damaged file'. Could it be the files are just incomplete and quickpar cant rename them?

Mate, stock answer, so bare with me.

Run Quickpar (or Multipar) again.
Once it's done its business, click the Add button.
Select ANY file (it doesn't matter which), then CTRL + A to select ALL files.
Click Okay.

That was your best dollars-to-donuts chance of getting everything your parity archiver needs to party hard. Assuming that does the job (but your previous comment of other people mentioning "one block missing" & "uncomplete" suggests to me you may be fighting DMCA and all might be lost, regardless), you obviously need to extract.

Choose the first file in the series (it really doesn't matter, but make me happy and choose the first one anyway lolololol ), and extract it the way you normally would.
The 'unknown format or damaged file' indicates to me that either the file wasn't repaired properly (which hopefully, I just helped you fix), or WinRAR just won't play ball, which happens. It happens rarely, but it does happen.
Download and install another archiver. I personally run with a mix of PowerArchiver, WinRAR, and 7-zip. PowerArchiver because it's fast, but buggy as hell, so WinRAR for when PowerArchiver chucks a sad. I keep 7-zip in reserve because it so often extracts stuff that WinRAR politely told me off for. :)

If you still can't extract it, try opening it and seeing what's inside the little beasty. You can attempt to drop and drag the files inside the archiver directly in to a folder.
If that doesn't work, try reducing the total name length of the extraction location (256 character name length that's being misreported, is my assumption for that).

Hopefully, some of that might work for you.

10-01-2013, 09:04 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys, the files are all the same size, the renamed ones and the original ones are 488,282kb. If i try to open the original files with winrar it throws an error 'unknown format or damaged file'. Could it be the files are just incomplete and quickpar cant rename them?

Mate, stock answer, so bare with me.

Run Quickpar (or Multipar) again.
Once it's done its business, click the Add button.
Select ANY file (it doesn't matter which), then CTRL + A to select ALL files.
Click Okay.

That was your best dollars-to-donuts chance of getting everything your parity archiver needs to party hard. Assuming that does the job (but your previous comment of other people mentioning "one block missing" & "uncomplete" suggests to me you may be fighting DMCA and all might be lost, regardless), you obviously need to extract.

Choose the first file in the series (it really doesn't matter, but make me happy and choose the first one anyway lolololol ), and extract it the way you normally would.
The 'unknown format or damaged file' indicates to me that either the file wasn't repaired properly (which hopefully, I just helped you fix), or WinRAR just won't play ball, which happens. It happens rarely, but it does happen.
Download and install another archiver. I personally run with a mix of PowerArchiver, WinRAR, and 7-zip. PowerArchiver because it's fast, but buggy as hell, so WinRAR for when PowerArchiver chucks a sad. I keep 7-zip in reserve because it so often extracts stuff that WinRAR politely told me off for. :)

If you still can't extract it, try opening it and seeing what's inside the little beasty. You can attempt to drop and drag the files inside the archiver directly in to a folder.
If that doesn't work, try reducing the total name length of the extraction location (256 character name length that's being misreported, is my assumption for that).

Hopefully, some of that might work for you.

many thanks for the good advice, good for future reference, however i cant get quickpar or multipar to rename the files following your method, i have downloaded the files from 2 differenct groups, same problem, looks like im gonna have to give up. cheers anyway dude.

10-01-2013, 11:57 AM
Is it working for other people? If other people on different news servers are having no problems, it means your server did not get all the files. If it's not working for anybody, it means that some files did not make it to Usenet.

10-01-2013, 12:49 PM
Is it working for other people? If other people on different news servers are having no problems, it means your server did not get all the files. If it's not working for anybody, it means that some files did not make it to Usenet.

I have no idea if its working for other people, how do i check. It may be its a problem with my news server. :dry:

10-01-2013, 03:15 PM
PM me the header/archive name. I wanna check it out.


10-08-2013, 10:46 AM
I have also come across this same scenario of quickpar leaving the random numbers and letters in quite a lot of the extracted files, but it does change the files to the proper rxx extension that the file is supposed to have. I have handled it this way. I right click one of the correctly renamed files and choose rename. The file name and not the extension highlights. I then copy that name. I then use the Ctrl button to select all of the misnamed files and right click them all. I then choose rename and then paste. Now all of the files are properly named. I then unrar them. This works for me with W7.

10-08-2013, 08:02 PM
i deleted all my files but i had already tried renaming the files and it did not work, none of the sequence numbers seem to match it .r10 could be renamed to .r35 etc, so i have no idea what is the correct files names for each file.

10-19-2013, 11:37 AM
I'd Like to say a big thanks to MysticRiffs for the above help, I'd just rejoined usenet after a 2 year break and wondered why the files weren't the usual rar, quickpar didn't fix them but multipar did :)

10-20-2013, 02:19 AM
quickpar seems to work fine for me.. I had to use it to rename all the files for man of steel earlier... not sure .. I use grabit.. but quickpar in it wont rename the files either.. so I just open up quickpar and do it myself. pm me the file header as well I want to see what wont rename!

01-29-2014, 01:50 PM
My first download of a set of rar files named with random letters and numbers resulted in a large number of them being incomplete. I was using Forte Agent.

Apparently, any incomplete rar would not be renamed using QuickPar or MultiPar, and was listed as missing.
And with all these "missing" files, I did not have near enough par files to repair the archive.
I did the following to repair and extract successfully:

I first had QuickPar rename what it could (using the appropriately named "rename" button); it renamed all the complete rars. I then had about 30 (out of around 100) files that were incomplete, labeled as missing, and therefore not renamed.

I took the first still cryptically named incomplete file and manually gave it the name of the first missing "named" file (could be the name of any missing file by the way...just did it this way to avoid confusion).
example: I renamed adffgid75ffdfd.032 to marypoppins.003 since I had .001, .002, and .004.

I then ran QuickPar, and looked to see what actual file marypoppins.003 was. QuickPar would pair up the .003
file with the actual file, such as marypoppins.022 (p.s. thank you QuickPar).

I then manually renamed marypoppins.003 to what it really was, which was marypoppins.022.
Did this for all the files, had QuickPar repair them, and extracted the archive with WinRar.

Very tedious, but it worked.


01-29-2014, 02:06 PM
Most of the time, just drag ALL the files (and ALL the par2 files) downloaded into the quickpar/multipar window (presuming you are on a windows PC) and it will manually check all the files you have added to see what can be used for repair.

01-30-2014, 12:35 AM
I downlaoded a full blueray iso movie 42gb, quickpar only renames half the files, the rest of the files are left with some long name of random numbers and letters. I tried multipar too but no joy. Any siggestions on how to fix this and then i can extract it? CheersJust Press ADD in Quickpar and point to all the Files it will sort them out

05-31-2014, 02:26 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys, the files are all the same size, the renamed ones and the original ones are 488,282kb. If i try to open the original files with winrar it throws an error 'unknown format or damaged file'. Could it be the files are just incomplete and quickpar cant rename them?

Mate, stock answer, so bare with me.

Run Quickpar (or Multipar) again.
Once it's done its business, click the Add button.
Select ANY file (it doesn't matter which), then CTRL + A to select ALL files.
Click Okay.

That was your best dollars-to-donuts chance of getting everything your parity archiver needs to party hard. Assuming that does the job (but your previous comment of other people mentioning "one block missing" & "uncomplete" suggests to me you may be fighting DMCA and all might be lost, regardless), you obviously need to extract.

Choose the first file in the series (it really doesn't matter, but make me happy and choose the first one anyway lolololol ), and extract it the way you normally would.
The 'unknown format or damaged file' indicates to me that either the file wasn't repaired properly (which hopefully, I just helped you fix), or WinRAR just won't play ball, which happens. It happens rarely, but it does happen.
Download and install another archiver. I personally run with a mix of PowerArchiver, WinRAR, and 7-zip. PowerArchiver because it's fast, but buggy as hell, so WinRAR for when PowerArchiver chucks a sad. I keep 7-zip in reserve because it so often extracts stuff that WinRAR politely told me off for. :)

If you still can't extract it, try opening it and seeing what's inside the little beasty. You can attempt to drop and drag the files inside the archiver directly in to a folder.
If that doesn't work, try reducing the total name length of the extraction location (256 character name length that's being misreported, is my assumption for that).

Hopefully, some of that might work for you.

Thank you for this advice. It solved the issue that I was having.