View Full Version : Simple Nzb Joiner

10-06-2013, 09:37 AM
Disclaimer: This software is still under testing so please check and recheck every time you use it so i can iron out any bugs.
So if you don't like the idea of it still being in development don't use it


Simple Nzb Joiner is a program for joining together multiple nzb's and making a single new one that downloads all the included ones.

For example if you had a TV series set of nzb's it would make them into one nzb to make a multi download set for that series.

It has other uses besides TV but you can figure that out

How to use:
Make a folder and copy your series of nzbs into that folder
Copy the Joiner in there as well like the image below


Run the program, choose the name you want for the new nzb ( you can copy and paste )

Then press the join button.



Download Link:

Virustotal check for those that need it

10-07-2013, 03:58 PM
Several years ago there was a program called nzbedit (I still have it) but for some reason the 'newer' downloaders (like SABnzbd as an example) tend to 'choke' on it's output for some unknown reason, so it's utility is somewhat limited (my olde News Rover does not for some reason).

What would be nice is if this program would allow, or had, some editing capability, not just 'adding a bunch of nzb's together' functionality. One 'biggie' is to be able to 'strip off' some (or all) of the pars from an nzb, so that one could cut down the transfer time (when/if, of course, the posting and transmission lack of errors allowed it).

I haven't taken a look at it yet (will in the next day or so when I have the time).