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View Full Version : HELP REQ: Best source for eBooks ?

01-03-2014, 08:06 PM
Hey everyone at FST,

I have a request for a little help here. Some of you may be a lot more familiar with this than I am: I'm looking for a good source for eBooks (formats aren't really a concern, from what I've been able to find so far, file sizes are so small that they'll usually come with versions for ePub, mobi, and most of the other major formats). I'm mainly a Usenet user, some of you might recognize my name from the NZB -> DVDR section, I try to keep up with all the current scene releases in that category.

EDIT: Duh! I should have mentioned that I'm looking more-so for things like novels rather than magazines, tech manuals, how-to's etc. Stuff by popular fiction writers, "NY Times Best Seller List" things (which, as far as i can tell, means next to nothing, as the cover of every fiction novel seems to advertise that it's on that list :lol: )

I'm kind of stuck here, I haven't used torrents since.... gosh I can't even remember, I'll put it this way - last time I was into torrents Demonoid was just getting started and there was this great little site for older PC games called Underground-Gamer that seems to be no more now, which is a shame because that one was freakin' amazing. So I don't have any accounts or anything at any big tracker sites, and honestly I don't know which are good and which are not anymore (the tracker list here on this site has been a big help so far).

Any advice or recommendations would be welcome, as I am so far behind in the torrent scene that I might as well be a n00b :whistling

So far my results in searching Usenet have yielded little results, it's hard to wade through the myriad of all that is on there when you're not looking at a categorized list (such as how FST lists things, among other NZB sites). There is an alt.binaries.ebooks - but go ahead and download all those headers... good luck. There's a billion posts of spam/virus/password protected junk.

I got my Dad a Kindle for Christmas, and he's an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction, so I've been trying to load up his brand spankin' new tablet with as much as I can find. Thanks in advance for any help!

01-07-2014, 11:46 PM
Stay where you are at in NewGroups. Find groups by using the groups search tool and use it to find groups with the word "book" in them as not all audio-book groups have "audio" in their title. For e-books use you fav. browser and search "Calibre". That is a free e-book database manager. Using it you can convert e-book file extensions, do author/title/genre searches, download covers, plot, ratings, etc. Calibre is the universal e-book mgt. tool and it is free.

01-08-2014, 12:46 AM
If you are interested in a torrent site, My Anonomouse is pretty good & has tons of ebooks in pretty much all formats + many audio books. I could possibly be persuaded to part with an invite if you want to check it out ;)

If you're into IRC at all, you can find loads of them there too There's a decent guide on how to do it Here (http://mireille.it/how-to-download-ebooks-for-free-within-seconds-no-spam-and-no-torrent-searches/#win)

01-08-2014, 02:24 AM
This place has lots of stuff. http://libgen.org/

01-08-2014, 07:15 PM
If you are interested in a torrent site, My Anonomouse is pretty good & has tons of ebooks in pretty much all formats + many audio books. I could possibly be persuaded to part with an invite if you want to check it out ;)

If you're into IRC at all, you can find loads of them there too There's a decent guide on how to do it Here (http://mireille.it/how-to-download-ebooks-for-free-within-seconds-no-spam-and-no-torrent-searches/#win)

Thanks for the reply.


Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out!

01-13-2014, 10:44 AM
Sorry to hijack your thread, but I can't seem to find this one ebook I'm currently looking for - "Finding Your Element" by Ken Robinson.
I've tried every possible way known to me (torrents, irc, ddl) with no luck and that makes me a sad panda. I would be very grateful if anyone could find a way to download this book and share it with me.

01-13-2014, 11:21 AM
Usenet has a daily fix, search for:

new ebook January 2014 (change month & year (eg December 2013) for more hits, that way you limit your hit results)

The rub is they are random numerical filenames,you have to either:

download the whole days worth (about 198mb in most cases, sometimes double that) then run the par2 - this converts the numbers into book titles, over time you will build up a huge collection

alternative is to grab the _translation.txt file for that day, or any day, and see what is included, if you only want 1 book - then only grab the number which corresponds to the ebook that you need, which will unrar into the book you are looking for.

hth :)

01-19-2014, 06:52 AM
Good info. Thanks

01-19-2014, 01:39 PM
I've used elbitz.net before. private torrent tracker specifically for books/learning.

01-20-2014, 05:53 AM
Very good info, thanks sharing

01-20-2014, 11:26 PM
Usenet has a daily fix, search for:

new ebook January 2014 (change month & year (eg December 2013) for more hits, that way you limit your hit results)

The rub is they are random numerical filenames,you have to either:

download the whole days worth (about 198mb in most cases, sometimes double that) then run the par2 - this converts the numbers into book titles, over time you will build up a huge collection

alternative is to grab the _translation.txt file for that day, or any day, and see what is included, if you only want 1 book - then only grab the number which corresponds to the ebook that you need, which will unrar into the book you are looking for.

hth :)

I just had a try of that using NewsDemon/NewsRover, but no success. Would I be better to cancel my NewsDemon account and start using UseNet instead? I find NewsRover a bit clunky anyway so I might switch anyway.

01-22-2014, 02:39 AM
I use cheapnews/Pan. Works fine for these ebooks, though I don't often find much that's interesting.

01-22-2014, 01:49 PM
What about mangas? Looking some to use on my reader kobo touch but can only get some jpg files?

02-01-2014, 10:08 PM
thanks alot... hopefully i can find some textbooks on here for school!

02-18-2014, 10:18 PM
I get a lot of books for my wife at mobilism.org