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01-03-2014, 10:05 PM
So, I get back to see my family in Eagar, and I'm watching the evening news about these idiots who got their ship stuck in the ice in Antarctica, and as it turns out they were global warming enthusiasts (yes, some of them were there not as scientists nor crew, but on a joyride of sorts) and climate change "scientists" (I used quotes because they are bought and paid for by people who have an agenda, and if they dared to publish anything contrary to the party line about climate change, they would lose their funding). They went there during the southern hemisphere's summer solstice in hopes of seeing the ice melting, for some good photo-ops for the media, and in an ironic twist of fate, the slushy water around their ship froze solid trapping them in ice.

What a laugh I had about it.

The disturbing part about this is how much of the mainstream media has been bought off and controlled by the people who have an agenda behind this man-made climate change mythology.

"Frozen Out: 98% of Stories Ignore That Ice-bound Ship Was On Global Warming Mission

A group of climate change scientists were rescued by helicopter Jan. 2, after being stranded in the ice since Christmas morning. But the majority of the broadcast networks’ reports about the ice-locked climate researchers never mentioned climate change.

The Russian ship, Akademic Shokalskiy, was stranded in the ice while on a climate change research expedition, yet nearly 98 percent of network news reports about the stranded researchers failed to mention their mission at all. Forty out of 41 stories (97.5 percent) on the network morning and evening news shows since Dec. 25 failed to mention climate change had anything to do with the expedition.

In fact, rather than point out the mission was to find evidence of climate change, the networks often referred to the stranded people as “passengers,” “trackers” and even “tourists,” without a word about climate change or global warming.

Chris Turney, the expedition’s leader, is a professor of climate change at the University of New South Wales. According to Turney’s personal website, the purpose of the expedition is to “discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south.”

Twenty-two crew members stayed with the ship for the time being, as the scientists and researchers were rescued. According to CNN, the ship has enough supplies for “a very long time.”

Three rescue attempts had been thwarted by growing levels of sea ice and weather conditions.

"Outside, blizzard conditions packing an abnormal amount of ice in to the area for this time of the year, summer in the Antarctic," ABC News Correspondent Gio Benitez reported on “Good Morning America” Dec. 31.

On Jan. 2, all 52 passengers were airlifted to a nearby Australian icebreaker ship which had tried, and failed, to plow through the ice and free the Akademic Shokalskiy, on Dec. 30. “Good Morning America” said on Dec. 30, that “the ice could be as thick as 13 feet.”

According to Fox News, Turney admitted “we’re stuck in our own experiment.” They reported on Dec. 30, that a statement from the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said, “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change, but here ice is building up.”

There was only one news story out of 41 that mentioned climate change. That was CBS “This Morning” Dec. 30. “Despite being frozen at a standstill, the team’s research on climate change and Antarctic wildlife is moving forward,” CBS News Correspondent Don Dahler said. That night, all three evening news programs still failed to make any mention of the group’s climate change research.

The MRC’s Business and Media Institute was unable to view a copy of CBS “Sunday Morning” for Dec. 29, so that broadcast had to be excluded from the tally.

Before their ship got stuck in ice, the researchers were following the trail of the explorer Douglas Mawson, who was stranded in Antarctica for more than a year, beginning in December 1912, according to the website about the expedition.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mike-ciandella/2014/01/02/frozen-out-98-stories-ignore-ice-bound-ship-was-global-warming-missi#ixzz2pNJTRtmr


01-04-2014, 04:02 AM
It's a little late to play the, "ha global warming, pshhh" card to be of any real effect. You would be far too marginalized.

Perhaps you should go on about how ER visits should be the primary mode of medical care in the US and Medicare/Medicaid should be abolished. If you came back a couple of weeks ago, you could have ranted about Santa's guaranteed whiteness.

01-04-2014, 05:52 AM
and if they dared to publish anything contrary to the party line about climate change, they would lose their funding. They went there during the southern hemisphere's summer solstice in hopes of seeing the ice melting, for some good photo-ops for the media, and in an ironic twist of fate, the slushy water around their ship froze solid trapping them in ice.

Turney admitted “we’re stuck in our own experiment.”

They reported on Dec. 30, that a statement from the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said, “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change, but here ice is building up.”

Do you even read/think before doing a c&p, 9's? :unsure:

01-05-2014, 12:48 AM
Do you even read/think before doing a c&p, 9's? :unsure:

Understanding isn't exactly part of his MO or purpose.

01-05-2014, 08:15 PM

news about these idiots who got their ship stuck in the ice in Antarctica[...] They went there during the southern hemisphere's summer solstice[...] the slushy water around their ship froze solid trapping them in ice.

If I were trying to get a ship to ANTARCTICA, I would attempt it during the longest day of summer. When do "smart" people do this sort of thing? :unsure:

Twenty-two crew members stayed with the ship for the time being, as the scientists and researchers were rescued. According to CNN, the ship has enough supplies for “a very long time.”

If I were to study the effects of "changes taking place in the south", I'd plan to spend some time there. Not:

hopes of seeing the ice melting, for some good photo-ops for the media

Thanks for demonstrating grandpa's money is going to complete waste good use on you, 9's. :mellow:

01-05-2014, 10:38 PM
So, tell me why you think the liberal media went out of their way to not mention that the fools were part of a global warming scientific expedition?

If they had found what they were hoping to find, the media would have been crowing about it, and would have made that the main focus of their news story.

The bias and the leftist agenda of the media has become a bit too obvious.

And let's see you try to spin this one to the left:

"MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Residents of the Midwestern United States on Sunday braced for the coldest weather in two decades, temperatures that forecasters warned would be life-threatening.

Icy conditions snarled travel across the region and thousands of flights were canceled or delayed, some officials preemptively closed schools, and at a New York City airport a plane skidded off a runway into snow days after the Northeast was hammered by the first winter storm of the season.

"The coldest temperatures in almost two decades will spread into the northern and central U.S. today behind an arctic cold front," the National Weather Service said in an advisory posted on its website on Sunday. "Combined with gusty winds, these temperatures will result in life-threatening wind chill values as low as 60 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit/ -51 Celsius)."

01-05-2014, 11:00 PM
Being on the receiving end of said 'coldest weather,' I've read it's being attributed to a phenomena known as Pacific decadal oscillation. Totally cyclical, and right when and how they said it would occur. I'd bitch about shoveling 16" snow in the last 24hrs with a -19F ambient, but the Canadian posters would just say, "Seth stop being a pussy" while laughing me outta the forum. Probably with a mouthful of Tim Hortons or whatever they eat. Poutine. I digress.

EDIT: I guess there's an arctic oscillation at play as well. I get why they model this shit with super computers. But hey, you could always just blame HAARP. or contrails.

01-05-2014, 11:47 PM
So, tell me why you think the liberal media went out of their way to not mention that the fools were part of a global warming scientific expedition?

If you aren't trying to be a comedian, it isn't that instrumental to the story. The fact that the scientists in charge were being interviewed may indicate that it wasn't covered up too much. :idunno:

And let's see you try to spin this one to the left:

"MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Residents of the Midwestern United States on Sunday braced for the coldest weather in two decades

It is called winter. The same statement also indicates that it has been WARMER for the past two decades. Again... :mellow:

Also, what science allows you to pick and chose which numbers (locations) you wish to emphasize in your "research", 9's?

01-06-2014, 12:04 AM
I'd bitch about shoveling 16" snow in the last 24hrs with a -19F ambient, but the Canadian posters would just say, "Seth stop being a pussy" while laughing me outta the forum. Probably with a mouthful of Tim Hortons or whatever they eat. Poutine. I digress.

No we would be more likely to laugh at you for clinging to an antiquated system of measurement and then profusely apologize for being so insensitive.

Probably also wonder why the U.S. still produces an overabundance of right wing extremist wackjobs who seemingly need to blame someone for their real or imagined problems and seeing that convenient ones like Jews,Blacks and Gays are now verboten, lay the blame on "The Left".

01-06-2014, 01:11 AM
No we would be more likely to laugh at you for clinging to an antiquated system of measurement and then profusely apologize for being so insensitive. Probably also wonder why the U.S. still produces an overabundance of right wing extremist wackjobs who seemingly need to blame someone for their real or imagined problems and seeing that convenient ones like Jews,Blacks and Gays are now verboten, lay the blame on "The Left". To be fair to us, we do conduct most of our drug transactions in metric. Baby steps. I lay no claim to the wackjobs and I don't get why he's so angry.

01-06-2014, 05:32 AM
So, tell me why you think the liberal media went out of their way to not mention that the fools were part of a global warming scientific expedition?

Maybe they did not assume their audience stupid enough to think reporting it in such a way would be productive/beneficial. I personally think it naive, for all audiences are dumb enough.

01-07-2014, 02:20 PM
As this article from 1922 points out, the global warming hysteria is nothing new.

"That article in turn was based on information relayed by the American consul in Norway to the U.S. State Department in October 1922 and published in the Monthly Weather Review:

The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fisherman, seal hunters, and explorers who sail the seas about Spitzbergen and the eastern Arctic, all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, and hitherto underheard-of high temperatures in that part of the earth's surface.

In August, 1922, the Norwegian Department of Commerce sent an expedition to Spitzbergen and Bear Island under the leadership of Dr. Adolf Hoel, lecturer on geology at the University of Christiania. Its purpose was to survey and chart the lands adjacent to the Norwegian mines on those islands, take soundings of the adjacent waters, and make other oceanographic investigations.

Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never before been noted. The expedition all but established a record, sailing as

far north as 81° 29' in ice-free water. This is the farthest north ever reached with modern oceanographic apparatus.

The character of the waters of the great polar basic has heretofore been practically unknown. Dr. Hoel reports that he made a section of the Gulf Stream at 81° north latitude and took soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters. These show the Gulf Stream very warm, and it could be traced as a surface current till beyond the 81st parallel. The warmth of the waters makes it probable that the favorable ice conditions will continue for some time.

In connection with Dr. Hoel's report, it is of interest to note the unusually warm summer in Arctic Norway and the observations of Capt. Martin Ingebrigsten, who has sailed the eastern Arctic for 54 years past. He says that he first noted warmer conditions in 1918, that since that time it has steadily gotten warmer, and that to-day the Arctic of that region is not recognizable as the same region of 1868 to 1917.

Many old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable. Where formerly great masses of ice were found, there are now often moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended far into the sea they have entirely disappeared."

01-07-2014, 02:31 PM
Thanks for demonstrating grandpa's money is going to complete waste good use on you, 9's. :mellow:

No, it wasn't a waste. By getting out of Arizona and living in Oregon I learned that I never want to live in Arizona again. Arizona is so boring compared to Oregon. And I will soon have a degree in Accounting from the University of Oregon, and once I get that, I have job waiting for me in Portland, Oregon, at my uncle's company.

And yeah, I admit I have only taken a few science related classes at the U of O, most of my classes have been in business and accounting related areas. And what I can tell you is that if the leftist global warming agenda is allowed to move forward, our economy will crash. A country this large, which is so dependent on cheap and reliable transportation and energy, cannot withstand a huge increase in the cost of either of those.

I noticed that Canada pulled out of Kyoto because they said it would bankrupt them and it wasn't fair because third world nations were still allowed to spew out carbon with few if any restrictions.

01-07-2014, 02:34 PM
It is called winter.

Yes, that's all it is. Winter.

But the leftist media is already trying to spin it into some other aspect of climate change.

And this summer, when it gets really, really hot, it would be nice if people like you and the leftist media would say, "It's just summer."

01-07-2014, 02:37 PM
I'd bitch about shoveling 16" snow in the last 24hrs with a -19F ambient, but the Canadian posters would just say, "Seth stop being a pussy" while laughing me outta the forum. Probably with a mouthful of Tim Hortons or whatever they eat. Poutine. I digress.

No we would be more likely to laugh at you for clinging to an antiquated system of measurement and then profusely apologize for being so insensitive.

Probably also wonder why the U.S. still produces an overabundance of right wing extremist wackjobs who seemingly need to blame someone for their real or imagined problems and seeing that convenient ones like Jews,Blacks and Gays are now verboten, lay the blame on "The Left".

I'll admit I was wrong about gays. My new best friend in Oregon is gay and he is cool.

01-07-2014, 02:47 PM
I lay no claim to the wackjobs and I don't get why he's so angry.

People like me realize that we have been royally screwed over by the older generations of Americans in terms of almost everything from trade deficits, government debt, energy policies, and overwhelming immigration from the third world (both legal and illegal).

It will be people like me who will have to deal with all these issues for the next 60 years or so, when the shit will really hit the fan.

And I act much more angry on here than I am in real life. I mean if you were one of my classmates at the University of Oregon, you would never hear me talk about any of this stuff in public. I appear mainly apathetic about political matters on campus. I know how unpopular it would otherwise make me.

01-07-2014, 03:05 PM
Now let's hear what your favorite talk show host has to say about it...

And because I know you aren't going to read all of this because you don't want to hear any opinions from the right, I will break out a few quotes from this which I found interesting...

"The simplest way to explain to people who want to believe it's true -- and you know who they are. Those are people looking for ways to make themselves matter. They run around and they hear that they're to blame for the world getting warm, or that the country is, America is to blame, our prosperity, our high standard of living and the fact that we've stolen all these resources from around the world, that we're using more oil than we have any right to, and all of that.

When they're hit with a solution, then they can be big people. They can do something about it. Everybody wants to matter. And that's the sales pitch. So all you have to do is go out and, you know, buy some new kind of newfangled hybrid car or agree to raise taxes [on energy] or, if you go to the store, buy everything and anything with a 'green' label on it and [then] you are saving the planet. I understand it's seductive for people who want to believe it. But it is a hoax in the sense that it's nothing more than another of the never-ending issues, political issues by the left, by the Democrat Party, to advance their ultimate agenda of bigger and bigger government and more and more control."

"RUSH LIMBAUGH: The global warming crew, this is so classic. I just love it. They're going down to Antarctica -- the South Pole, for those of you in Rio Linda -- and they're gonna prove that there's so much global warming that there isn't any ice, or very little ice, that it's melting. It's a cruise. And they get stuck in the ice far, far away from their intended destination. So icebreakers are called in. The icebreakers get stuck!

There was a ChiCom icebreaker that got stuck. They needed all these fossil fuel, gigantic ships to rescue them after a week. And every news story -- every one of them! Let me put it this way: Not one news story makes the connection that these are a bunch of hypocrites. Not one notes the irony. They just talk about a brave bunch of scientists needed to be rescued in Antarctica. Meanwhile, we have more record lows last year than record highs -- and in Green Bay for football this Sunday? Oh-ho!

So, ladies and gentlemen, we are having a record-breaking cold snap in many parts of the country. And right on schedule the media have to come up with a way to make it sound like it's completely unprecedented. Because they've got to find a way to attach this to the global warming agenda, and they have. It's called the "polar vortex." The dreaded polar vortex.

Do you know what the polar vortex is? Have you ever heard of it? Well, they just created it for this week. Actually, there is a piece. I've got a piece in the Stack that actually makes the case that all of this frigid, chilling cold is due to global warming, strange as it may sound, it says. Other wackos are saying it's a great example of climate change, but regardless, the agenda is that we're responsible, we're causing it, we have to pay the price. And so any weather extreme now is said to be man-made, and therefore it fulfills the leftist agenda on this.

Now, in their attempt, the left, the media, everybody, to come up with a way to make this sound like it's something new and completely unprecedented, they've come up with this phrase called the "polar vortex." If you've been watching television, they've created a graphic, all the networks have, and it basically consists of a view of the planet if you are right above the North Pole. They put this big purple blob, or blue blob, or red blob, depending on the network you're looking at, over the entire North Pole, and they call that the polar vortex. It actually sounds like a crappy science fiction movie to me, but anyway, that's what they're calling it. It makes it sound like the jet stream is being forced lower across the United States.

See, normally the polar vortex stays up there in the polar region, but something is causing it to dip down like it's never happened before. We've never had arctic air blasts before. And remember, now, the key to all this is you have to understand one of the fundamental concepts of man-made global warming is ice melting at the poles. One of the ways they have always sought to convince you that the world is warming is not the climate where you live, but rather where you aren't, where you can't see what is really happening. So they tell you the ice is melting at the North Pole and the South Pole. And then they publish pictures, which are fraudulent pictures of poor little polar bears stranded on three square feet of ice that you are told used to be the North Pole.

That's how fast it's melting. The polar bears are in deep trouble. Algore participated in it. It's an abject, total fraud. Well, obviously there is no melting of ice going on at the North Pole. If they're gonna tell us the polar vortex is responsible for this cold, that means record cold is also happening in the North Pole, which means there isn't any ice melting, and we know about the global warming expedition that went down to the South Pole, Antarctica, to prove that the ice is melting, and they got stuck, and then the rescuers got stuck, and then the people rescuing the rescuers got stuck, but never mind that. In none of the stories about the global warming expedition going to the South Pole needing to be rescued, not once did you see any reference to their mission.

They were just exploring the Antarctic, the news said. No; what they were doing was going down to prove the ice was melting, and they got stuck in it because they ran into ice where they didn't expect to find any. So no matter how they go at this, they're losing. They're in the middle of a hoax, they're perpetrating a hoax, but they're relying on their total dominance of the media to lie to you each and every day about climate change and global warming. So they created the polar vortex, and the polar vortex, something's happened, and that cold air which normally stays is in the North Pole, something's happening, something deeply mysterious and perhaps tragic is happening.

Whatever it is that keeps the polar vortex vortexed in the Arctic Circle is vanishing, and that cold air is coming to us. Normally it stays up there. But now it's down here. How did it get here? That's the deepening mystery. That is the crisis. That is what is man-made. Man is destroying the invisible boundaries that keeps that air up there. How did it get cold in previous winters? Well, it got cold in previous winters, but, see, as far as most people are concerned, this is as cold as it's ever been in their lives. Well, but, Snerdley, I'm just telling you their technique. Forget truth. The truth and the Democrat Party, the truth and the American left never intersect.

You take a 30-year-old. To him, history began the day he was born. He doesn't know how cold it was 70 years ago unless he's told. He doesn't care. He thinks what's happening now is either the best or the worst, whatever it is, ever. Everybody thinks that. Everybody's historical perspective begins with the day they were born, unless they learn history, which is what we're about here, is teaching it. So my point is you have a lot of people who are believing that this is as cold as it's ever been. You might think that flies in the face of global warming. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Global warming's not climate change, and we, folks, are causing all of this, you must understand. The hoax continues.

So now we got the polar vortex complete with graphics of a giant blue, red, whatever, blob up there. It's escaped. Whatever keeps it there isn't working anymore. Oh, no! That's why we have this record cold, and man is doing that. This is how it works. In truth, folks, this is why it gets cold every winter. Arctic air finds its way down to us, and some winters the arctic air comes further south sooner than other winters, but it always happens. That's why it gets cold. Where does the cold air come from? It always comes from the North Pole.

It always goes to Canada first, then comes to us, and it happens via the jet stream. Now, the jet stream is part of this, too. The jet stream is dipping down lower across the United States. That's also said to be new and unique. In reality, this happens every winter as well, to a greater or lesser extent. But if they can make it sound new... This is the point. If they can make it sound new and unprecedented, then they can blame it all on man (particularly Republicans). They can blame it all on progress. They can blame it all on success, which leads to excess.

Success means people use more than their share of things like oil and fossil fuels, and they destroy the planet when they do this. You may think this ridiculous, folks. I'm telling you, some low-information people eat this up when they are told this. There's an article. I referenced this a moment ago. It's in The Daily Beast, which is a Tina Brown website. The leftists love this site. "Global Warming is Freezing You," is the headline. It's journalistic malpractice. I'm telling you, the truth and the left never intersect anymore.

It's just stunning how everything their entire agenda is based on one lie after another. "Global Warming is Freezing You," and the article claims that man-made global warming is slowing down the jet stream, and that's why the cold air is coming down. Global warming is slowing down the jet stream! They don't explain how. They just say, "It must be," because, see, they've bought it. They have bought -- hook, line, and sinker -- man-made global warming. They believe it. I've told you; I read the tech blogs. Stunning, folks. They believe it.

There's no questioning it, in a lot of sectors, particularly Millennials. Young people, those who think they're experts in science, there's no doubt. They just believe it, and so there has to be an explanation -- and whatever man is doing has caused the jet stream to slow down, and that is permitting the polar vortex. Cold arctic air. Now, let's say that President Obama called his science advisor. What is his science advisor's name, Clapper? No, that's the national security guy.

Oh, the science guy's John Holdren. John Holdren was and is tight with Paul Ehrlich, the fraud behind The Population Bomb. No, no. I kid you not. John Holdren participated with Ehrlich in the bet that Julian Simon made with Ehrlich and Ehrlich lost it. Holdren is as wacko leftist as Ehrlich is. Holdren's a science advisor. So let's say this. Let's say that Obama, because it's really hot -- say it's August and it's 95 degrees. Obama says, "We need to cool off Washington!"

So he calls up Holdren and he says, "Mr. Holdren, John, I want you to take action now to slow down the jet stream so that whatever that arctic air mass is comes down now. I want the autumnal blast now. I don't want to wait 'til November for it. So, John, do what you have to do to get the jet stream slowed down so that arctic air comes south sooner, to cool everybody off in August." Could Holdren or anybody do it? No. It isn't possible. There's not one thing you could do, while leaving civilization untouched. It's absurd.

But they're out there promulgating this stuff and taking advantage of every weather event. What they don't know is -- this is either Gallup or Pew -- they've gone to the well too many times. On the long list of issues in a poll people were asked to rank in terms of importance, global warming is third from the bottom. I mean, they've really shot their wad on this. They've overdone it, and the reason that this has happened is, you can't go to this well all these times. You can't talk about warming and heating and melting and rising sea levels while people are freezing their rear ends off.

But they're not giving up. I mean, the left never does. It is part of their agenda to grow government, raise taxes, limit freedom, and control people. It's part of the agenda. It's never gonna go away. They're never going to admit that they're wrong about this. They're gonna continue to promulgate this hoax as long as they can. In fact, this Daily Beast story -- which, again, is headlined, "Global Warming is Freezing You" -- ends by saying, "Isn't science neat?" I guess it is if you can rewrite the laws of physics.

If you can rewrite the laws of atmospherics to suit your political agenda, I guess science is neat, or if you can rewrite the terms of your religion to fit your agenda. Gosh, religion would be neat, too. But then it wouldn't be science. Man-made global warming has nothing to do with science anyway. By the way, speaking of all this, US Coast Guard icebreaker on its way to rescue the crews on the Russian and ChiComs ships that are now stuck in the ice in Antarctica.

There are two rescue ships stuck in the ice in Antarctica. Why don't they ever try to get the jet stream to come from the South Pole? You know, it's summer down there now. Why not get the jet stream down there to counter the jet stream from the North Pole. I mean, if we're doing something to cause the jet stream to slow down, let's speed the one up from Antarctica."

And this one is very enlightening:

"RUSH: I have a bunch of global warming news in the Stack that I did not get to yesterday. It's about the IPCC, the United Nations unit, I guess, that is the repository for the hoax. You know the University of East Anglia in Britain. Well, the hoaxers are there, but they reported to the UN, this guy at Penn State with his fake hockey stick graph. These guys all reported to the IPCC.

All of these models that they constructed over the years predicted calamity by now, and the calamity never happened. I was still living in California 1985, and I'm watching This Week with David Brinkley on Sunday morning, and there's this guy named Oppenheimer, and he's a global warming guy. He's saying, "We've got 20 years!" This is 1985, and he says, "We've got 20 years! I don't know if we're right, we're not sure if we're right, but we can't take the chance!

"If we don't get started now on reducing greenhouse gases," and all that same BS, "then we're not gonna have any chance to stop this." That was 1985. So those 20 years ended in 2005. The bottom line is, there isn't any warming. Their models have been all wrong. UK Daily Mail: "A leaked copy of the world's most authoritative climate study reveals scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong."

This is not news to you. Because you listen here, you're on the cutting edge. But it's just added information to put in your back pocket and have on file. The UK Daily "Mail on Sunday has obtained the final draft of a report to be published later this month by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)," which is the holding company, if you will, for all the hoax data.

"[T]he final draft of a report to be published later this month by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the ultimate watchdog whose massive, six-yearly 'assessments' are accepted by environmentalist [wackos], politicians and experts as the gospel of climate science. They are cited worldwide to justify [increasing] fossil fuel taxes and subsidies for 'renewable' energy.

"Yet the leaked report makes the extraordinary concession that the world has been warming at only just over half the rate claimed by the IPCC in its last assessment, published in 2007," despite the fact that there is bunch more CO2 in the atmosphere. The so-called greenhouse gas has just been expanding by geometric proportions, and yet the temperature increase is negligible.

Back in 2007, the UN "said that the planet was warming at a rate of 0.2C every decade -- a figure it claimed was in line with the forecasts made by [their precious] computer climate models. But the new report says the true figure since 1951 has been only 0.12C per decade -- a rate far below even the lowest computer prediction. The 31-page 'summary for policymakers' is based on a more technical 2,000-page analysis which will be issued at the same time.

"It also surprisingly reveals: IPCC scientists accept their forecast computers may have exaggerated the effect of increased carbon emissions on world temperatures -- and not taken enough notice of natural variability." Natural variability! They didn't account for nature! The left never does, when it projects anything -- taxes, rates of increase or decrease. Anyway, the hoax continues.

Stick with the global warming here for just a second, because, again, you in this audience, because you here are fully aware of the facts about it, you're fully aware that I call it a hoax, and that might be off-putting to some. The simplest way to explain to people who want to believe it's true -- and you know who they are. Those are people looking for ways to make themselves matter. They run around and they hear that they're to blame for the world getting warm, or that the country is, America is to blame, our prosperity, our high standard of living and the fact that we've stolen all these resources from around the world, that we're using more oil than we have any right to, and all of that.

When they're hit with a solution, then they can be big people. They can do something about it. Everybody wants to matter. And that's the sales pitch. So all you have to do is go out and, you know, buy some new kind of newfangled hybrid car or agree to raise taxes or, if you go to the store, buy everything and anything with a green label on it and you are saving the planet. I understand it's seductive for people who want to believe it. But it is a hoax in the sense that it's nothing more than another of the never-ending issues, political issues by the left, by the Democrat Party, to advance their ultimate agenda of bigger and bigger government and more and more control.

That's all global warming ever was. For the scientists involved in it, it was a living. You go out and promote what the leftists wanted to hear, and you got grant money. And if you run around and really sound like you believe it, then they're gonna make you a star. And if you're Algore and you realize you can capitalize on your vice presidency, you can become a multimillionaire spreading this hoax, which he has done. But Algore, 2007 prediction, that summer in the North Pole could be ice free by 2013. Algore made this prediction. He cited it in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.

There's another totally fraudulent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Gore hadn't done anything but make a movie that itself was filled with misrepresentations about the amount of ice the poor polar bears have to live on, doctored photos. He said in his acceptance speech in 2007, getting a Nobel Peace Prize, that the North Pole would be ice free by 2013. If that was the case, New York City would be underwater by this year. "In his Dec. 10, 2007 'Earth has a Fever' speech, Gore referred to a prediction by US climate scientist Wieslaw Maslowski that the Arctic’s summer ice could 'completely disappear' by 2013 due to global warming caused by carbon emissions."

Now, if you haven't heard this, the ice at the North Pole, arctic ice, is at a record amount this early in the post-summer season. Algore said six years ago there wouldn't be any arctic ice. Today the truth is, there is a record amount of arctic ice for this time of year. He couldn't have been more wrong."

01-07-2014, 05:26 PM
And I act much more angry on here than I am in real life. I mean if you were one of my classmates at the University of Oregon, you would never hear me talk about any of this stuff in public. I appear mainly apathetic about political matters on campus. I know how unpopular it would otherwise make me.

Yeah,people are unfairly prejudiced against insane individuals.

01-07-2014, 05:28 PM
I'll admit I was wrong about gays. My new best friend in Oregon is gay and he is cool.

Obviously then he's not really Gay and is just gong through an experimental phase or something.

Did you check to see if he has horns because real Gays have a hard time hiding those.

01-07-2014, 05:30 PM
Sorry,I missed the part about him being your "new best friend" so best also check yourself,queer.

01-07-2014, 05:32 PM
Btw apparently you aren't none too bright but you do realize that Rush Limbaugh doesn't even himself believe what he is spouting and just plays to extremists such as yourself in order to make a lot of money.

01-07-2014, 05:35 PM
All that chatter, and not a single quote. It's called rhetoric. The "right" (often those with companies which create various forms of waste/pollution) is looking for anything/anyone who will offer counter-points. You say the "left" is filled with pseudo-scientists, it is actually the "right" who is willing to pay lobbyists, lawyers, pundits for "disputing" these claims. And they do so with the rhetoric you buy into and post as "fact".

Maybe by the time you actually have to write a thesis you'll have a clue as to what is usable as evidence and what will get you laughed at. Certainly, you are racking up experience in that area.

01-07-2014, 05:35 PM
Also I know this is highly inappropriate for me to mention but I'm afraid I simply can't take anything seriously from someone who thinks leather pants on a man is a good look.

01-07-2014, 05:49 PM
I noticed that Canada pulled out of Kyoto because they said it would bankrupt them and it wasn't fair because third world nations were still allowed to spew out carbon with few if any restrictions.

And the fact that our present leader is a second generation (ex) oil company employee who is totally subservient to that industry has absolutely nothing to do with it.

01-07-2014, 05:58 PM
I lay no claim to the wackjobs and I don't get why he's so angry.

People like me realize that we have been royally screwed over by the older generations of Americans in terms of almost everything from trade deficits, government debt, energy policies, and overwhelming immigration from the third world (both legal and illegal).

It will be people like me who will have to deal with all these issues for the next 60 years or so, when the shit will really hit the fan.

And I act much more angry on here than I am in real life. I mean if you were one of my classmates at the University of Oregon, you would never hear me talk about any of this stuff in public. I appear mainly apathetic about political matters on campus. I know how unpopular it would otherwise make me.

I get you're fervent about your beliefs, but you'd do well to take a course or three in logic & rhetoric. Or join some kind of debate club.
There are so many fallacies in that Rush copypasta it makes my head hurt.

One advantage to a warmer climate: strawmen are easier to light.

01-07-2014, 06:14 PM
I'll admit I was wrong about gays. My new best friend in Oregon is gay and he is cool.

I suppose that explains your pants. Undoubtedly, he's rubbing off on you.

01-07-2014, 06:33 PM
It is called winter.

Yes, that's all it is. Winter.

But the leftist media is already trying to spin it into some other aspect of climate change.

And this summer, when it gets really, really hot, it would be nice if people like you and the leftist media would say, "It's just summer."

Again, you are attempting to take single, hand-picked, short-term observation as an indication of the whole. You cannot do that when the subject, especially, is called global warming. :frusty:

People bitch in the winter because it is cold; bitch in the summer because it is hot. Scientists gather measured, repeatable data, and make conclusions based on that data. A LOT of independent scientists have gathered A LOT of data and almost all of it indicates that the earth, as a whole, is warming. Even IF pollution is not the culprit, how long do you expect current waste stockpiling to be "OK" before we have other SERIOUS problems from it?

There are many large corporations which have also "bought in" to the need to reduce, reuse, recycle and are now QUITE please with their part to make things better. They are also able to do so while competing with the outdated, waste-producing, wasteful companies that will evaporate due to inefficiency (yes, this is ALL a discussion of efficiency).

01-07-2014, 10:17 PM
Oh fuck your high falutin scientific rigor meg. With insights like this:

You know how many Jovians a '14 Escalade seats comfortably?

01-07-2014, 11:15 PM
I noticed that Canada pulled out of Kyoto because they said it would bankrupt them and it wasn't fair because third world nations were still allowed to spew out carbon with few if any restrictions.

And the fact that our present leader is a second generation (ex) oil company employee who is totally subservient to that industry has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The simple fact that overrules all others is consumption of oil (per country) and the winner by a massive margin at 20 million barrels per annum is the U.S. with a population of 430 million, it's nearest competitor in terms of consumption is mainland China at 6.5 million barrels with a population of 1.2 billion. With this basic math it does not take too much effort to figure out who actually is spewing out all the carbon....

01-08-2014, 08:04 AM
And the fact that our present leader is a second generation (ex) oil company employee who is totally subservient to that industry has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The simple fact that overrules all others is consumption of oil (per country) and the winner by a massive margin at 20 million barrels per annum is the U.S. with a population of 430 million, it's nearest competitor in terms of consumption is mainland China at 6.5 million barrels with a population of 1.2 billion. With this basic math it does not take too much effort to figure out who actually is spewing out all the carbon....

I'm not sure those stats are current. I think in the 2010s, China is sitting at about half of US gross consumption of crude oil, and they are slated to surpass the US within the next 5-10 years unless changes are implemented. To address the per capita issue, 70% of Chinese still live in rural areas working in agriculture, but my statistic there could also be a little dated.

Let us compare notes and talk about Chinese people we know.

01-08-2014, 12:01 PM
You know how many Jovians a '14 Escalade seats comfortably?

I'm still working on "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin". I'll get on this one next...

01-22-2014, 05:41 AM
Ship of fools indeed. Seems to me "9s" is more frustrated than angry- and I think its fair to give him that because I am- and if you're not then I have to wonder if you've been paying attention. But our problem isn't Obama or Libs or Cons or oil or global warming or run-on sentences. It's us (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World-Population-1800-2100.svg)

And while the 24hr news stations have ppl at each others throats over bridges and blow-jobs, there are secret underground societies (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/a-hidden-world-growing-beyond-control/) forming and an unprecedented accumulation of wealth (http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/30/inequality-is-most-extreme-in-wealth-not-income/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0)...

But really all this about the boat and climate change- Good stuff there 9s.

01-26-2014, 04:39 PM
(I used quotes because they are bought and paid for by people who have an agenda, and if they dared to publish anything contrary to the party line about climate change, they would lose their funding)
How much are you paying for these quotes 69? I would ask for my money back if I was you.