View Full Version : Not all clients connectable

01-16-2014, 04:45 AM
This is something which i witnessed on BCG that when using qbittorrent it was not able to connect to a fast seeder but as soon as i switched to rtorrent it was able to connect to it same un-connectivity was for utorrent wonder what could be the issue ?

01-16-2014, 02:28 PM
port forwarding?

01-17-2014, 03:00 AM
No it was done on both clients

01-21-2014, 10:54 PM
Interesting, I've seen this happen before too and am not sure why it happens. Did you happen to see what client the fast seeder was using? Perhaps the fast seeder only allows specific clients to download from him?

01-22-2014, 01:08 AM
Yes the fast seeder was using rtorrent but the problem was that one of seeder was using utorrent and I was getting half of its speed on qqbittorrent but maxing out in rtorrent