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View Full Version : Dual WAN Router on Trackers

02-05-2014, 01:29 AM
I just want to verify whether anyone here has 2 internet connection and uses them together and downloads from private tracker would it work on private tracker ? I guess the router would send only one I.P or something would happen since tracert could give different results

02-08-2014, 01:51 AM
I would assume (big assumption here based on my tech knowledge) that you would want to specify which WAN interface traffic for torrenting should use which would avoid any issues with the site.
This would not benefit you bandwidth wise on one site, but if you route site A out WAN A and site B out WAN B you could potentially utilize more of your available bandwidth without risking weird reporting to the tracker from multiple IP's...

02-08-2014, 06:12 AM
But can't both connection be combined together to create a bigger bandwidth ?

02-08-2014, 08:05 PM
I just want to verify whether anyone here has 2 internet connection and uses them together and downloads from private tracker would it work on private tracker ? I guess the router would send only one I.P or something would happen since tracert could give different results

If I understand what you are trying to ask correctly, the answer is no. Each WAN interface would have to be connected to a different DSL/cable modem to connect to different ISP's. Each of these modems would require a separate IP address provided by the ISP when that a/c is verified.

The router IP address in this scenario is going to be an internal masquerade address, the external IP addresses would belong to the modems, and being from different providers would be in completely different ranges.

There are alot of other reasons why your concept would not work, but in terms of reference of the question itself, this is why you would not be able to have only one IP.

02-09-2014, 06:31 PM
Which brings us back to directing traffic for specific sites out specific routes, avoiding the issue but still utilizing the bandwidth (assuming you have enough separate sites, would not work with just one site...)

02-10-2014, 01:28 AM
I'm gonna ask the staff of some trackers whether they allow it or not

02-12-2014, 11:42 AM
I'm gonna ask the staff of some trackers whether they allow it or not

So how did that go? :naughty:

The answer incidentally is in the rules (that nobody reads) when you agree to be a member of a private tracker. You can only leech/seed from one IP address, otherwise they tend to get slightly upset.....

02-18-2014, 10:49 PM
You'll be logged out every 10 seconds or so from some private trackers as your public IP will keep changing, accessing your online banking will be a nightmare as well.

02-19-2014, 01:27 AM
I still haven't spoken , maybe I'll ask by ISP to give me 2 connections as its cheaper that way not sure whether they will provide or not in that case i assume the IP would be only one.