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03-16-2014, 07:40 PM
Registration for Dog Nzb is open as of now.


03-16-2014, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the news . :yahoo:

Edit : Trial Account for 10 Days :

To continue using DOGnzb after your evaluation period is over you need to make a one time payment of US$10 .

it is not unlimited account instead of 10 days . :shit:

03-17-2014, 08:46 AM
Thanks for the news . :yahoo:

Edit : Trial Account for 10 Days :

To continue using DOGnzb after your evaluation period is over you need to make a one time payment of US$10 .

it is not unlimited account instead of 10 days . :shit:

The $10 lifetime is more than worth it for a very great indexer like DOGnzb. Especially considering how hard it is to even get in. I love it.

03-17-2014, 10:27 AM
Yes I must agree the trial period is to allow you to check out Dog, check out the watch list etc. Support is fairly quick. Not normally one to pay for something like this, however I have found it to be a great indexer and with the watch list that auto pushes your quality etc to your client for download with notifications to your phone etc. Well worth the once off $10 payment. There are quite a few people on here that don't like Dog, however I have never had any issues & found it to be a good service for a once off payment.

03-17-2014, 06:32 PM
"There are quite a few people on here that don't like Dog"

I like the Dog's indexer. I don't understand his weird way of opening and closing his index or the way he gives invites and then removes invites. There are a lot of people who don't understand why he operates that way. As of now, nobody has invites. I guess the biggest problem is mentioning you have the Dog and then getting requests for invites you don't have.

It is well worth the $10.00 for the lifetime membership.

03-18-2014, 07:28 AM
I can understand him trying to make it difficult for people to get or agencies etc. Also creates a demand of people wanting to get in and creates much needed hype to make the site popular.

03-23-2014, 04:55 PM
Seems top be closed again now

03-30-2014, 04:56 PM
My trial is over and now they want money for access to site . :P
i never pay for it because i have some other nzb sites and almost all sites are same .

04-01-2014, 11:03 PM
What's so great about dognzb? I mean, what is different about it compared to other indexes?

04-02-2014, 12:00 PM
The watch list is the main one, most that do the trial don't actually try it so they miss out on seeing how easy it is. Instead of having to run sickbeard or rss with keywords etc.

04-02-2014, 06:44 PM
An awful lot of Dog members prefer Sickbeard. With Dog (his push feature), you are entirely dependent on his site being up. Lately, his site has been slow. I suspect He will have to upgrade servers because of all the new signups since last May. A year ago Dog was still a small group.

Nzbgeek.info now has "Geek-Seek" that acts as a watch list and pushes files into SAB. Geek-Seek is not newznab but is compatible with all the newznab apps. It will be interesting to see what indexers are going to improve and which ones stay pretty much the same. There is plenty of competition for consumer dollars. I think Nzbgeek, Dog and Nzb.su are probably the three best right now. At least there are choices for people who want automated indexes.

04-23-2014, 11:21 PM
For those who still want the Dog, you can sign up for an E Mail alert here:


Text message alert here:


05-02-2014, 02:42 AM
What do you know...? It's open again.
These numerous openings and closing sessions, I think doesn't bode well for the index.
Somebody is getting greedy. :whistling

05-02-2014, 05:29 AM
The Dog decided to go with "lifetime" memberships. This means that if you close the index, there will be no way of getting cash flow. Had he made it an annual membership, he could have gotten his money from renewals.

He closed it down in late 2012 and took away all invites. There was a lot of "panic buying" when he reopened in 2013, May. The sense of urgency is no longer there. There are plenty of good indexers out there.

I don't think He is going to shut down anytime soon. I suspect that his new signups are mostly curiosity seekers. Most of these indexes are lucky to get 5-10% of new signups to convert to paying customers.

The Dog and any other profit making index that wants to keep the cash flow going with lifetime memberships might as well just stay open as the Matrix used to.

05-02-2014, 01:20 PM
To some degree I see your point, but don't quite agree. I don't see nothing wrong
closing down the indexer, will have an effect on the cash flow. The continuous
cash flow issue can be resolved very quickly if the community/user base bond is strong.

Every time the doors open I can't help but think of this comment (from Reddit)

how to make money running an indexer:
step 1) new free, public indexer! woo! you need only register for unlimited access!
step 2) free users now only get limited access. upgrade to vip for unlimited access!
step 3) go private
step 3.5) warn people if they dont upgrade you're going to delete their account
step 4) purge non-vip accounts
step 5) limited time sign up! OMG GO GOGOG $10 ONLY TO GET IN THE DOOR!
step 6) close indexer

05-04-2014, 02:15 AM
He also makes money off of referrals to UNS and other providers which he pushes a lot. He deleted a post I had going about free Usenet servers and infinite free signups. Gave me some moral BS speech in a pm. No we couldnt have my thread cutting into his money machine. Have no qualms with that but don't give me some sanctimonious bs diatribe.

05-04-2014, 03:31 AM
The Dog decided to go with "lifetime" memberships. This means that if you close the index, there will be no way of getting cash flow. Had he made it an annual membership, he could have gotten his money from renewals.

He closed it down in late 2012 and took away all invites. There was a lot of "panic buying" when he reopened in 2013, May. The sense of urgency is no longer there. There are plenty of good indexers out there.

I don't think He is going to shut down anytime soon. I suspect that his new signups are mostly curiosity seekers. Most of these indexes are lucky to get 5-10% of new signups to convert to paying customers.

The Dog and any other profit making index that wants to keep the cash flow going with lifetime memberships might as well just stay open as the Matrix used to.

umm im not getting something ---why is everyone so willing to pay for a indexer such as this when u already pay for usenet---also i would think the dmca would be more interested in the profiteering of said materials as opposed to a open dex.u see the downfall of usenet is not the dmca but the .nzb its self--the nzb is where all tracking and tracing comes from.hell its how i used to search--why else does "3aaba599768ce9452cbdbe81d2732ec3 - "0dd8e39e894710434512d0a55dd6edf3.55" get dmca'ed it says nothing about the post but the word hercules in the original nzb is what has killed it.and to paying do we all remember nzb4u---i did not pay but new paying was a bad idea especially there.

05-06-2014, 09:08 PM
umm im not getting something ---why is everyone so willing to pay for a indexer such as this when u already pay for usenet
People want content, and can't be assed getting it? They're too lazy or not savvy enough. Meanwhile, Hollywood is so busy chasing their own tails they're missing the mountains of cash that are in need of raking.

05-07-2014, 01:01 AM
People want content, and can't be assed getting it? They're too lazy or not savvy enough.
People have lifes so they automate things, they pay for the reliability.

Meanwhile, Hollywood is so busy chasing their own tails they're missing the mountains of cash that are in need of raking.

10 bucks a month and one time 10$ payment, what a gold mine right there.

05-07-2014, 01:39 AM
10 bucks a month and one time 10$ payment, what a gold mine right there.
I'm sure Time Warner/HBO has zero interest in monetizing the 1M+ users in those weekly Game of Thrones swarms. In addition to however many thousands of users grab their content off of usenet.

If reddit is any indication, half the people looking to get into those sites do so because they don't know any better. That's not meant to be a slight against the indexers. Rather, a commentary on low-information users.

05-07-2014, 07:14 PM
If reddit is any indication, half the people looking to get into those sites do so because they don't know any better. That's not meant to be a slight against the indexers. Rather, a commentary on low-information users.

People think that if they get into (pick your invite only indexer), that it will be the "Magic Kingdom Indexer." They think that there is some indexer that will have every movie going back to 1917, every CD going back to 1983 and every TV show going back to 1952. Not to mention every book ever printed since 1880.

The better automated indexers have pretty much the same selection depending on backfill. This means that people are setting themselves up for disappointment by trying to get into every indexer that is considered cool.

05-09-2014, 10:18 AM
10 bucks a month and one time 10$ payment, what a gold mine right there.
I'm sure Time Warner/HBO has zero interest in monetizing the 1M+ users in those weekly Game of Thrones swarms. In addition to however many thousands of users grab their content off of usenet.

I have not seen a movie in the theaters since 8 Mile (2002) first came out. I imagine Hollywood might prefer to see $120 per year for the last 12 years ($1440) than nothing. I'm far from alone in my lack of financial support for first-run shows. While not the "gold mine" the film industry would like, ignoring MASSIVE amounts of lost potential revenue is foolhardy to say the least.

Kodak once totally dominated its market, but failed to pursue digital cameras because it felt this would hurt its film sales. Where are they now? Same place Hollywood could end up if it follows the same marketing decisions.

05-16-2014, 10:06 PM
He just opened it again. lol

05-19-2014, 11:54 AM
Damn, I keep missing the openings for dognzb. Can you be invited to join by another member or do you just need to be in the right place at the right time to be able to register?

05-19-2014, 06:13 PM
going to keep a eye on this one.

05-20-2014, 12:03 AM
Damn, I keep missing the openings for dognzb. Can you be invited to join by another member or do you just need to be in the right place at the right time to be able to register?

Your best bet is try the IFTT links mentioned earlier in the thread.

05-20-2014, 08:26 AM
Ahh, I did see them links and wondered what they were, but didn't have time to check. I have now tho, thanks for the nudge piercerseth. :)

05-20-2014, 12:33 PM
i did get in the other day, finally! thanks user3240.

honestly its not a whole lot better then other newsnab indexers in terms of content, it does look alot nicer and cleaner and easy to use and has a 'few' more of the encrypted postings then say usenet-crawler.

i think its worth the one time $10usd asking price. helps to consolidate indexers :)

05-20-2014, 09:12 PM
The only feature they have that is different than places like nzb.su or Nzbgeek.info is a push/pull index. It's for those who don't want to use Sickbeard/ Couch etc.

The Geek now has Geekseek for movies and will expand it to TV shows, comic books etc. Geek also has a request section so if it is not on their index, there is a good chance somebody will upload the nzb you are looking for. I think Nzbgeek.info is the best right now. It has 24/7 support in the chat room and a thriving community. You can try them for $6 for six months.

You are going to find that these newsnab and other automated indexers all pretty much do the same thing. I do agree that Dog is better than Usenet-Crawler.

05-23-2014, 10:52 AM
Thanks for the info guys, I'll go take a quick look at Geekseek.

06-06-2014, 04:38 PM
Anyone know how frequently they re-open?