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View Full Version : Par2 files failing to repair

03-24-2014, 03:26 PM

I have downloaded the.holy.mountain.1973.1080p.bluray.x264-amiable using Astraweb.
The download has missing articles but quickpar says it has enough Par2 files to recover the archives.
After trying to repair it with Quickpar, Multipar and par2cmdline 0.4 i gave up as all of the after the repair process was completed reported repair failed.
Never had problems repairing usenet downloads before with Sabnzb or manually with Quickpar/Multipar before.

From what i gather around the web it could be a problem with the par2 files being created by some obscure client and thus being bad but i would like a second opinion.

In case your usenet provider has complete files on this you can remove one archive and try to repair and see how it goes.

Thank you.


03-25-2014, 02:04 AM
Okay, I took a quick look at this, and here's the lowdown.

1. The posting is around 1070+ days old, no problem there; NZBcc reported (on Astra/US) that 96.7% of the files were complete.

2. HOWEVER, the original poster included only some 455MB of par2 files (out of the 9.2GB total), which is a 'yield' of less than 6%, which is a bit less than what is needed to do a total repair

3. Even by going by the basic tenets today of percentage of pars (and certainly NOT enough by what was generally added 'back in the day', i.e., 20% for an archive of around 8GB+) so really, it was destined to be 'wacked' right out of the gate.

4. The O.P. used some linux machine to process/post this archive, so they probably didn't get any error messages when they generated such a small par set.

Final Analysis: For a posting as old as 1000+ days, and not utilizing an automatic checking posting program, losing only some 5% isn't bad. If they had simply added the proper amount of pars to begin with, you wouldn't be in a 'fix'.

This should be a lesson to every poster out there today; don't SKIMP on your pars, in no circumstance should you post less than 10%, and as the archive gets SMALLER the need for pars becomes LARGER.

Now, if quickpar (or whatever) said it had enough to repair, yet it still won't actually, there is a good possibility (especially since the OP was using non-standard tools to pack up and post) that they didn't re-run a par check on their work. I run into that all the time with folks, which is why I set quickpar/multipar to re-run a final check (actually with multipar I do it manually) to make 'absolutely positively sure' that things are done properly.

Since I didn't quite get enough pars to repair the damaged archive, I didn't quite get to that point. But it still doesn't help that the percentage of pars was WAY too low.

03-25-2014, 02:23 AM
jondak, you know the release's directory name, I bet if you searched you could find a newer post. You might even be able to use newer par source on your existing files. Assuming everything is original scene rars, which it should be considering the posters.

03-26-2014, 05:00 AM
After seeing this post I gave it a try and managed to download it with Astraweb are you still having issues?

03-30-2014, 10:53 PM
Sorry about the late response, i managed to get additional files that were corrupted in Astraweb and it repaired eventually. ( i got the good files with Getnzb)

03-31-2014, 12:41 AM
Yep, if you really hammer and hammer at it, most the time you do get a good final outcome. Good work!