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View Full Version : Trying to Get Into File Sharing, and on a Limited Budget

04-02-2014, 08:17 PM
Howdy--I've got me a Philips GoGear Vibe 8GB MP3 Player which I bought a couple years back, but am still unsure of how to use, and decided to talk to folks who do. Call me Don Quixote, but so be it.

I know there are cheap music stores to subscribe to, and other which are free, but me, I don't know what I'm doing, and am thus looking for suggestions, and directions. I have laptop, but I also use free college library terminals because I don't like lugging the extra weight around, to say the least.

I also love talking books, and would like to learn how to download them, but download selection from my local library system has many drawbacks, and am looking for alternatives.

So, there you have it; suggestions, anyone?

04-02-2014, 11:21 PM

04-03-2014, 01:39 AM
One option would be joining a private tracker which has what you're looking for. MyAnonamouse, ABTorrents and Demonoid are good for this, according what I've read here.

If you don't like torrents or cannot keep share ratios, I'm sure there are other alternatives (I wouldn't know any, as I've never downloaded audiobooks).

By any means, you don't have to pay anything to get them, that's the attractive :P

04-04-2014, 12:11 AM
Both warez-bb.org and tehparadox.com and numerous other websites index file hosting sites (also called cyberlockers). Usually these file hosting sites offer free downloading at slow speeds as well as fast downloading when you pay a premium. Join those two sites and do some browsing and searching.

04-05-2014, 10:36 PM
Warez-bb.org and tehparadox.com...would I be able to use them on a library terminal, or would I need to use my laptop?

04-06-2014, 12:31 AM
They may be blocked if the library has an Internet filter. You'll have to try them yourself to know.

04-06-2014, 03:44 PM
Is anyone here familiar with library terminals in general and what you can do with them? What you would need to be able to do is put a USB flash drive into the USB slot of the computer and download your files into it. My impression is that library terminals tend to be restrictive in what you can do with them. And some libraries tend to have short time limits on usage.


04-08-2014, 08:01 PM
Well I've now signed up to Warez-bb.org and tehparadox.com...I'll see how it goes from there.

04-09-2014, 02:38 AM
At warez-bb.org go to the Off Topic forum. There is a thread pinned at the top "File Host Discussion Thread". Likewise Helpdesk at Tehparadox has a thread pinned on "Which File Host is Best for You". Read this threads (well the last few hundred entries for File Host Discussion Thread as it is several thousand posts). This will give you an idea as to the better file hosts; quality (particularly for free downloaders) varies considerably.

While there is some discussion of file hosting sites here at FST, this site is more oriented toward torrents and newsgroups.