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View Full Version : Everything you wanted to know about XBMC, but were afraid to ask....

04-16-2014, 12:34 AM
One of the important things to know about XBMC is the back-end of the application is an XML database. What this means is that it can update itself using scrapers to update information as new items are added to the database, for instance a movie. The important trick is to name files to be scraped according to the convention that the scrapers will recognise when searching online databases. An example would be the movie Scarface. Now there are actually two versions of this movie so in order to correctly scrape the information for the correct title the format is 'name' '[year]' which in this case for the Al Pacino version would be: Scarface [1983] . You can also optionally put an imdb title if the movie is still not found, but any other extraneous information i.e. a group name if it was a torrent file or whether it is HD, SD or a screener etc, in the title will only serve to confuse the scrapers.

Of course the other way to use XBMC is as a streaming service ala Netflix et al, and there are some very powerful addons which can stream just about any content your little heart desires. The easiest way to do this is to install fusion into XBMC. This link: http://www.xbmchub.com/blog/fusion-easy-addon-installation-for-xbmc/ gives a step by step walk through for installing fusion.

04-16-2014, 12:47 AM
Speaking of Netflix- what is the current state of success with that one? Looked into it, but what I came across sounded more like heartbreak than ease. Maybe the info I read was old(-ish).

04-16-2014, 08:56 AM
You can install and configure Netflix within XBMC if you have an account and really really want to, it is a little bit t more protracted than using fusion. It can still be done and like any other addon that is not supported directly by XBMC or the fusion installer the NetfliXBMC addon is configured by installing it (plus a couple of other addon's) from the zipfile option. Once you understand how to manually install addon programs into XBMC it is relatively easy, it just seems scary at first.

04-16-2014, 10:59 AM
Will do some basics first, then try Netflix. We use it a lot, and the kids (yes, I said both of 'em :O ) are pretty good at navigating it.

04-17-2014, 03:28 AM
Interface is pretty dated on the plugin. Much better on almost everything else. And plugin not as smart with inconsistent bandwidth (stalls out).

I wish that xmbc or plex would start to make this shit happen so it can go through a supported development. Especially plex since they're making money from their plex pass members. I doubt netflix would care.

04-17-2014, 04:43 AM
Ok so I could go through the steps, but lifehacker oh so helpfully have an article on their site which explains (with pretty pictures) the steps to configure Netflix for XBMC:


04-25-2014, 08:00 AM
NetfliXBMC is pretty slick. I just wish there was a way to have the video play back within XBMC itself instead of it opening a browser directly to the video like it does now. It does work better than any other add-on solution I've tried though, so I guess I can't complain.

04-29-2014, 08:14 AM
NetfliXBMC is pretty slick. I just wish there was a way to have the video play back within XBMC itself instead of it opening a browser directly to the video like it does now. It does work better than any other add-on solution I've tried though, so I guess I can't complain.

The other choice is to buy a Chromecast dongle and use that standalone, separate to XBMC, but once again the Chromecast uses the chrome browser to run content on a PC (or a Mac).
It is more convenient to control the Chromecast from a tablet or phone though.

05-02-2014, 09:38 PM
So what are the "must haves" of xbmc?

05-03-2014, 01:26 AM
So what are the "must haves" of xbmc?

Hardware or addons?

I was actually thinking of making a separate fred to discuss hardware recommendations.

05-03-2014, 04:06 AM
Unless there are some specific hardware goodies that should be on every machine, I feel my box is up to specs.

What would benefit me most is a list from an evolved, do-everything-well unit. Not so much of the "me too" items, but all usable the cool stuff it can do. :O

05-05-2014, 06:57 PM
So what are the "must haves" of xbmc?

I would say USTV VoD by BlueCop. Free streaming of most network shows along with quite a bit of cable shows. And the Yatse remote app if you have an Android phone.

05-14-2014, 11:04 AM
Unless there are some specific hardware goodies that should be on every machine, I feel my box is up to specs.

What would benefit me most is a list from an evolved, do-everything-well unit. Not so much of the "me too" items, but all usable the cool stuff it can do. :O

I've actually thought about a response to this question for awhile, but have not had the time to put into a serious answer. There are several home theater applications/solutions ranging from the exceedingly overpriced Kaleidescape which is like a Mac for home theater, a solution for those who just wish the content served to the venerable home theater apps like Mediaportal and XBMC. There is also J-River a paid for app that is more about high end audio codecs than home theater, since it is a paid for application yet does not have support for codecs that have royalties like blu-ray playback, you must install an external app, then J-River will use the codec.

The main argument for XBMC or Mediaportal is that they are extensible, there are far more third party addons available for XBMC than Mediaportal, but Mediaportal has more extensive PVR support, since this is a relatively recent feature in XBMC. Another argument is that XBMC is the faster application and has a more active development cycle, it is also compatible with a wide range of operating systems and devices, with it's XML database being completely portable between different O/S and devices. One of the most popular hardware platforms for XBMC currently is the Ouya android game console.

This itself is the 'coolest' thing XBMC can do, as for the extensions themselves there is a very long list from both XBMC's and third party developers, along with many more third party addons at XBMCHub. Probably the most important addon is 1Channel (now called PrimeWire) an addon from XBMCHub, but the addons you select are really up to your own taste and locality, since many are country specific.

The fact that once properly configured XBMC can be run completely from a standard RC 6 remote control (the Microsoft E-home blaster is the default input device) yet is an extendable app, unlike the prebuilt media players, puts it ahead of the other devices out there.

05-14-2014, 11:53 AM
Probably the most important addon is 1Channel (now called PrimeWire) an addon from XBMCHub, but the addons you select are really up to your own taste and locality, since many are country specific.

That was the main intent of my question. It really had not occurred to me that the addons would be country specific. I suppose I'll have to keep playing around with XBMC for a while. Recently purchased the dongle which will allow me to use the keyboard from my Logitech Revue with the HTPC, which is a really handy feature.

05-14-2014, 09:05 PM
Recently purchased the dongle which will allow me to use the keyboard from my Logitech Revue with the HTPC, which is a really handy feature.

The intent of my earlier post regarding hardware was more aimed at peripherals than the computer to run XBMC since you can run XBMC on a Raspberry Pi. Personally I use the Logitech Di Novo mini, plus the aforementioned RC 6 remote for control of my HTPC.

06-05-2014, 12:07 AM
Recently purchased the dongle which will allow me to use the keyboard from my Logitech Revue with the HTPC, which is a really handy feature.

The intent of my earlier post regarding hardware was more aimed at peripherals than the computer to run XBMC since you can run XBMC on a Raspberry Pi. Personally I use the Logitech Di Novo mini, plus the aforementioned RC 6 remote for control of my HTPC.

I use an older media center remote and Logitech 880 to controll my XBMC boxes. Also use a wireless keyboard similar to the Di Novo to enter text.

08-07-2014, 02:44 PM
xbmc lags on my appletv. i want to know whats the most power friendly device to run xmbc on?

08-07-2014, 05:26 PM
xbmc lags on my appletv. i want to know whats the most power friendly device to run xmbc on?

I am VERY tempted to put XBMC for Ouja on the Amazon Fire TV. I am currently using the Logitech Revue, but Amazon support is now iffy due to site changes, and XBMC does not work with it.

The Fire TV has a decent set of specs, costs $99, runs a lot natively, sideloads, and has been hacked open. There is quite a bit of support for installing XBMC on the device. It will only get better, IMO.


08-10-2014, 11:34 AM
I would second the Yatse app...great little addition to the XBMC tools, runs great with my two OpenElec Raspberry Pi's

Might have to try the Netflix plugin again and see how that goes.
Anyone got OpenVPN running on OpenElec ?

04-12-2015, 10:46 PM
(sorry to be a post digger)
It's possible to install and run xbmc on an old pc or do I need to have a dedicated media center?

05-11-2015, 10:37 AM
(sorry to be a post digger)
It's possible to install and run xbmc on an old pc or do I need to have a dedicated media center?

Splash out £27 on a Pi2 then install OpenElec 5.0.8 You`ll NOT be disappointed.... and thanks to CEC you`ll be able to use your standard remote to control it too (assuming your TV isn`t ancient)

Various free controller app for both IOS and Andriod if your TV doesn`t support CEC (control over something acronym.... HDMI control channel blah....)

05-11-2015, 05:33 PM
CEC (control over something acronym)

That gave me a chuckle. :happy:

05-19-2015, 10:34 PM
(sorry to be a post digger)
It's possible to install and run xbmc on an old pc or do I need to have a dedicated media center?

Splash out £27 on a Pi2 then install OpenElec 5.0.8 You`ll NOT be disappointed.... and thanks to CEC you`ll be able to use your standard remote to control it too (assuming your TV isn`t ancient)

Various free controller app for both IOS and Andriod if your TV doesn`t support CEC (control over something acronym.... HDMI control channel blah....)

Ok. I'll try that!