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View Full Version : Switching to Skyrim Legendary Edition 360

Mr. Mulder
04-23-2014, 02:24 PM
Dear Gamesworld,

I have Skyrim for 360 – just the standard version. Instead of buying all the DLCs from XBL I’m tempted just to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition from a shop.

What I want to know is what happens to my Saved game if I switch to legendary edition? Do I need to uninstall the version of Skyrim I have now and then install the legendary edition? Would that wipe all my saves? Or are the DLCs all on one disc and I can just install them only leaving my current install untouched?

04-24-2014, 12:08 AM
When I got Oblivion GOTY the case had the original oblivion, and a DLC install disc.
According to the internets they did Fallout 3 the same way too.
And after googling it for a bit there's a lot of people saying skyrim is the same too, and haven't found a single post complaining that old saves don't work, so I'd assume that they do. :)

Mr. Mulder
05-02-2014, 01:49 PM
I can confirm your words were wise and true, all worked out well :smilie4: