View Full Version : TLeech Account is disabled

04-25-2014, 02:54 AM
[B]Hello everyone, I'm posting here because I have a problem with TLeech, my account was deactivated

04-25-2014, 02:47 PM
The reason is as follows: Error: Your Account is disabled! Reason:ratio cheat who got caught...

More seriously, go on their irc if you want to argue it.

Just out of interest, what torrent client and version were you using?

04-25-2014, 10:26 PM
The reason is as follows: Error: Your Account is disabled! Reason:ratio cheat who got caught...

More seriously, go on their irc if you want to argue it.

Just out of interest, what torrent client and version were you using?

Version 3.4.1 for Windows

04-26-2014, 01:46 AM
Yeah, coming here won't help. Their official irc server + channel will help you. You get put into a que system then you get to speak with a site admin directly, I've done it before and they are very helpful

04-26-2014, 03:01 PM
id go to 1.85 are im using 2.21 works well with most sites the builds above 3.0 are banned alot places

04-27-2014, 03:19 AM
Yeah, coming here won't help. Their official irc server + channel will help you. You get put into a que system then you get to speak with a site admin directly, I've done it before and they are very helpful

thanks, but what is "irc server + channel" sorry i am new in torrent :)

04-29-2014, 03:12 PM
Yeah, coming here won't help. Their official irc server + channel will help you. You get put into a que system then you get to speak with a site admin directly, I've done it before and they are very helpful

thanks, but what is "irc server + channel" sorry i am new in torrent :)

Then how come you know about utorrent?

04-29-2014, 04:31 PM
thanks, but what is "irc server + channel" sorry i am new in torrent :)

Then how come you know about utorrent?

i got an invite from a friend , any way i got MIRC and chatted with admin and he refused to get my account back :(
thanks for your help

sheriff 01
04-30-2014, 01:03 PM
The thing that i would have most like to have seen is the stats that got him disabled. Sometimes they are so ridiculous you just have to laugh :P

05-02-2014, 09:51 PM
The thing that i would have most like to have seen is the stats that got him disabled. Sometimes they are so ridiculous you just have to laugh :P

I would have loved to have seen the stats too and I agree, many genuine ratio cheaters who are banned have stats that are utterly ridiculous and/or impossible. Some members who cheat however don't have such obviously flawed stats and may even get away with it for a while, but most still get caught eventually. I won't disclose full details of the different ways private trackers staff can identify ratio cheaters as this could help potential cheaters attempt to avoid being caught in future, but if you have a superfast seedbox or if your upload speed is suddenly upgraded dramatically then it's certainly best to let the staff know to be on the safe side, some private trackers expect you to inform them of seedboxes anyway.

I have caught various ratio cheaters in my relatively short time as a member of staff on a well known private tracker, but I will personally only ban them when I'm 100% certain, if I'm only 95% I will keep an eye and collect more data until I am 100%. Even then I will still give the member the opportunity to explain the anomalies on their stats just in case I have overlooked something, but there are various ways to catch out liars. Once such a member once tried to argue that he had an absolutely amazing seedbox, but after quizzing him and then asking him to submit proof of this superfast seedbox purchase he finally gave up and said, "alright, I admit that I cheated" and "I know what's coming next", promptly accepting his ban.

What worries me however is that some private trackers maybe banning people when they're not quite 100% sure or even on just suspicion alone. I understand that they want to ban as many cheaters as possible, but this will unfortunately lead to a few innocent members also being banned amongst the real cheaters who deserve it. If you really are such an innocent person then I fully sympathise with you, unfortunately however since I'm not a member of staff at Tleech there's nothing I can do as otherwise I would personally take a closer look at the evidence against you myself.

If anyone is incorrectly banned and has a fast seedbox then it's worth getting the evidence of your specific seedbox plan together and then offer this to the member of staff on the IRC when you discuss your ban. When talking to staff I strongly advise you stay polite at all times no matter how you feel as otherwise it will totally jeopardise any chance of getting your account back. Always be honest as the chances are the staff will know if you are lying to catch you out which will obviously make things much worse.

05-05-2014, 05:30 AM
The thing that i would have most like to have seen is the stats that got him disabled. Sometimes they are so ridiculous you just have to laugh :P

Funniest I have seen in a while...not just messing up the upload with download but choosing an amount so stupid you cant fail to see it. :P

UL speed


DL speed



02.08 MB

0.38 B/s
2.665 PB

500.65 MB/s
2 months, 5 days ago

05-05-2014, 08:14 PM
What a knobhead. Any bets on hammoudx ever posting here again.

05-05-2014, 09:08 PM
I'm fairly certain that after the requisite two post minimum the odds are fairly long on anyone ever posting again so I'm missing your post.

05-06-2014, 03:37 PM
Thanks smcewa11 for sharing the stat summary. 2.665 PB (or 2665 TB), that's close to the most ridiculous stats I've ever seen on anyone's account and why put it all on download, doesn't exactly take a lot of investigation to realise this is impossible. You never know in 25 years time download amounts like this might be common, lol! I'd like hammoudx to reply and admit what really happened and what went wrong, this would earn him/her some respect back. I hope he/she has learnt his lesson and won't attempt to cheat again. These days it's quite easy to maintain an acceptable ratio legitimately on most sites with bonus / seed points on many trackers along with freeleech torrents + events too, there really is no reason to cheat, all you normally have to do is seed back for a reasonable time.

05-07-2014, 02:03 AM
To be fair I am not a hundred percent sure if this was the OP's stats (he could have been the two day old account with 220tb uploaded?), I copied it from another thread where it was said to be. Even if it is not his stats it is still funny. :P

With how easy it appears to be to use these cheats you have to wonder if it really is messing up cheating or is just uTorrent 3.3+ being so badly broken.