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View Full Version : The joys of online purchasing.

04-29-2014, 08:27 AM
This last weekend was a big holiday here in N.Z. (Anzac day) and one of the times of the year when retailers have big sales. I had been planning to upgrade my HTPC for awhile and took advantage of the sales to purchase the parts for quite a decent discount. So far so good.....

I actually purchased from two different online stores since one did not have the case I wanted and they also had a better motherboard for my purposes for a massive 95c more than the one on special with the other retailer. Since the items were listed as being in stock I did an online purchase. After they have taken my money I then get a message through my account that the case is on back order and won't be available till at least May 16 :angry:

You could have listed that on your website :angry:

I would have gone somewhere else.

So the thread about a new HTPC build has turned into a whinge.....

It still pisses me off though :angry:

04-30-2014, 08:20 AM
But the other parts are all turning up :yay:

04-30-2014, 10:05 AM
All I read was your second post, Art. From that one, it seems you "forgot" to pay some mafioso types.

Went back and read first post. Makes less of a macabre story...

04-30-2014, 11:49 AM
It was more that I was rather underwhelmed that the online store took my money, said thanks very much but you can't have your gear yet, it's on back order. TBH if I had bought off of Amazon and had it shipped here it would have taken less time and cost about the same....

04-30-2014, 12:49 PM
E-shops work in mysterious ways.


05-18-2014, 08:58 PM
yea that sucks dont know why ur parts were not listed as back order--if im right u were getting comp parts.but thats why i always say speak to a rep for best results---in my case i would have ordered a uzi bolt at the begining of 2013 and would still be waiting ---but by talking to the owner of d and d sales im now on a waiting list and will get a discount for waiting all this time.i know clicking buy now sounds great but always always speak with a person just cause its online doesnt mean its ready to ship.im hard core into guns and the gun industry over the last 4 years has been so bogged down that if u didnt make a voice order 2 years ago ur kinda fucked for wait times.

05-21-2014, 05:05 AM
It's only six days shy of a month since I ordered the case, but just as I was about to be less than subtle on the subject I finally got a notification that it is on it's way. :yay:

Hopefully the next fred I start will be one on the build....

06-06-2014, 06:41 AM
Yep, been in the same situation, only they held all the other stuff as well so that it didn't cost them two lots of postage. Some people just don't do online selling well...