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05-05-2014, 02:12 PM
Recent research seems to suggest that by giving old mice the blood of young mice the old mice improve and various functions become younger.


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05-05-2014, 03:33 PM

Me first!

08-27-2014, 06:52 AM
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08-27-2014, 07:57 AM
Recent research seems to suggest that by giving old mice the blood of young mice the old mice improve and various functions become younger.


Volunteers form an orderly line


And what happens to the young mice if you inject them with the blood of old mice?

If this catches on in humans, you can imagine all those rich people having young nubile teanagers kidnapped and killed for their blood, preserving the crinkly class at the expense of the new generation.

Oh hell, rap is bad enough when practiced by young Black Americans, or Eminem, but imagine some 97 year old rapper, with the flesh of his jouls hanging there as he splurges?

On a more serious note, it is entirely possible that the scientists identify why young blood can revitalise, and create a pill or medication that artificially rejuvenates old blood. The implication is that while we may not live forever, it will extend our ages beyond what we currently average today, meaning there will be more generations trying to populate the Earth.

A battery has a defined lifespan, as do all animals and plants. If we start messing with nature in this regard, it could cause all sorts of social issues.

What of cancer and other illnesses? Could they be lessened, reversed, or stopped completely, by injecting fresh young blood into the stream, replacing the older blood that carries the damaged genes?

There is the possibility of blood cleansing, where someone is hooked up to a machine that will remove impurities and freshen the blood flow before introducing it back into the blood system.

Of course, we still have the issue of the world being run by 150 year old crinklies who are clinging on to life at whatever cost to the rest of us. After all, David Cameron has had so much plastic surgery that his face actually looks plastic now.

While this report has been released now, I would imagine that research has been going on for years, or even decades, and that some very privileged people have already had the treatment. We will never know, because they will never tell us.

Take Dolly the sheep. When they released the news that they had cloned a sheep, my first thought was that they had already done this with a human. After all, the Russians had been conducting secret experiments for many years, and I would imagine the American government had been doing the same. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors, and what abominations they have created, and destroyed.

We only see what they want us to see. I would imagine that there are secret labs dotted all over the globe, conducting illegal research on nameless individuals who won't be missed by family and friends. We when watch SciFi and Horror, how much of that is pure imagination, and how much has some connection to reality.

Imagine being able to produce a super soldier, who has more endurance than a normal human being, and a much higher pain threshold for when they are injured? Universal Soldier?

We are on the cusp of miraculous discoveries, but we are also on the cusp of something far more sinister. What government wouldn't give their right arm to be able to master and control a willing population that doesn't question their loyalties, and who does the bidding without question. Equalibrium?

Yes, this research could mean hope for various aging illnesses, but it could also spell the start of a new era of human control and farming.

08-29-2014, 05:33 AM

09-02-2014, 03:47 AM

You've been visited by the Spooky Skeleton! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by a Spooky Skeleton tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become skeleton.....