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View Full Version : Program Kazaa Corruption Fixer 1.0b

11-23-2003, 07:04 PM
Descarga las partes corruptas de ficheros bajados con Kazaa
Pongámonos en situación: acabas de descargas un fichero con Kazaa, pero desafortunadamente no puedes ejecutarlo porque está corrupto, no está completo y el sistema no lo reconoce.

Kazaa Corruption Fixer te permite descargar sólo aquellas partes corruptas de un fichero que hayas bajado con Kazaa. Funciona convirtiendo un fichero completo en un DAT de manera que Kazaa crea que hay secciones que faltan por bajar. El programa entonces volverá a bajar estas secciones, completando y arreglando el fichero.

Es muy fácil de usar y te permite además realizar copias de seguridad de los ficheros antes de modificarlos con las nuevas secciones descargadas.
Is there some one that can help me to download the free and useful application
named: "Kazaa Corruption Fixer 1.0b"
Sunday, 23 Noviember 2003 (GMT -3 00 - 15:00pm

11-23-2003, 07:06 PM
if its spanish

It unloads the corrupt parts of ficheros descended with Kazaa Pongámonos in situation: you have just discharges a fichero with Kazaa, but unfortunately cannot execute it because is corrupt, does not be complete and the system does not recognize it. 

Kazaa Corruption Fixer permits you to discharge only those you split corrupt of a fichero that have descended with Kazaa.  It functions converting a fichero complete in a DAT so that Kazaa creates that there are sections that lack for descending.  The program then will return to descend these sections, completing and fixing the fichero. 

It is very easy to use and permits you besides to carry out copies of security of the ficheros before modifying them with the new sections dischargeed.  Is there some one that can help me to download the free and useful application named: "Kazaa Corruption Fixer 1.0b" Regards, Sunday, 23 Noviember 2003 (GMT -3 00 - 15:00pm

11-23-2003, 07:24 PM
Is there some one that can help me to download the free and useful application
named: "Kazaa Corruption Fixer 1.0b"

i just read this part

i believe it was DrSpud that developed the corruption fixer, look at the link in his sig here

DrSpud (http://klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showuser=13540)

acabo de leer esta parte

creo era DrSpud que desarrolló al apañador de la corrupción, mira la conexión en su sig aquí

DrSpud (http://klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showuser=13540)

11-23-2003, 07:32 PM
i believe it was DrSpud that developed the corruption fixer, look at the link in his sig here
KCF: http://www.geocities.com/drspud11/ ;)

11-23-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Benno@23 November 2003 - 19:32

i believe it was DrSpud that developed the corruption fixer, look at the link in his sig here
KCF: http://www.geocities.com/drspud11/ ;)
yep - its the same link and its exceeded its b/w :D

11-23-2003, 08:19 PM
corruption fixe - interresting...