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View Full Version : [Trade] [HAVE] Scenetime, Revolutiontt and Tophos [WANT] Waffles, GFT

07-21-2014, 01:06 PM
In exchange for an invite too Waffles [WANT] GFT or any music site that is as great as oink was.

07-21-2014, 06:31 PM
I was actually thought about giving you an invite.

So I read that waffles was created from the ashes of OiNK. In any event I have excellent ratio in other torrent sites if they need proof so I may get an invite. What I don't have is a music site anymore and now that I am back to listening to music that would be a plus to have a excellent music site again. Thank You!!!

Guess I really dodged a bullet there huh?

Also to ensure that this is yet another philosophical type post of mine to be deleted,I should add that stuff like this is why I basically don't give out invites to anyone anymore.
I guess that sort of makes you part of the problem,problem.:)

07-21-2014, 07:18 PM
IdolEyes787 I only asked for a trade so I don't know why you gave a comment like you did.

And I quote:

"Guess I really dodged a bullet there huh? " I guess that sort of makes you part of the problem,problem :) "

what is this supposed to mean!!!

If I caused you a problem indirectly I am sorry but I don't know what I did too cause you any problem. Please have a nice day!!

07-21-2014, 07:25 PM
Thank you for your response

Clearly honesty is not your strong suit.

07-21-2014, 07:37 PM
Have a nice day!!!! I don't know you and I have no clue why you are chatting this way with me.